1978 09 28
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
September 28, 1978
Chanhassen City Hall
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
was called to order on September 28, 1978, at 8:45 p.m. at City Hall.
The following members were present: Commissioners Niemeyer, Pryzmus
arid Whitehill. Absent were Commissioners Gullickson and K1inge1hutz.
City Manager, Don Ashworth was also present.
The City Manager gave Mr. ~"1hi tehi11 the "Oath of Office."
8:45 p.m. - Call to Order
Commissioner Whitehill moved that Mike Niemeyer be Acting Chairman
for this meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus. Ayes - All.
9:00 p.m. - Building 1-1oratorium Variance Request- Holiday/Happy Chef,
Review Planning commission Action: The following persons were present:
Richard Rice, Architect, Happy Chef; Robert L. Frederick, Vice President,
Happy Chef; and Jerry Jensen, Holiday. Summarization of discussion
was as follows:
* Commissioner Niemeyer presented action taken by the
Planning Comission in referring items back to the HRA
and previous HRA action.
* Representatives of Holiday/Happy Chef presented a revised
plan, considering landscape concepts.
* Commission members noted that, in regards to the moratorium
ordinance, that they could not speak to detail development
plan items or whether such was in accordance with planning
corrmission and city standards. Concern was reflected in regards
to the type of p1antings and parking area of Holiday
adjacent to Great Plains Blvd. The developers noted their
willingness to work with the commission on a specific
development plan if the moratorium variance were granted.
* Moved by Commissioner Whitehill to approve granting
a moratorium variance to Holiday and Happy Chef as presented.
Seconded by John Pryzmus. The following voted in favor:
Commissioners Whitehill and Pryzmus, Voting against:
Commissioner Niemeyer. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Pryzmus and seconded by Commissioner
Whitehill to approve the supplementary contract with BRW as per the
memo of September 25, 1978. Ayes - All.
Proposal to ThCreaseTax Increment District: The manager presented
his report dated September 5, 1978, recommending that the 'BRA consider
expanding the existing Tax Increment District to encompasses those
properties south of Highway 5 planned as business/commercial.
After discussion, the commission acted to request this item be placed
on the next agenda together with a report from the attorney's office
regarding legality of such. The manager will also discuss this with
representatives of BRW, if possible.
The commission acted to set their next meeting date as November 26, 1978.
Don Ashworth, City Manager