1978 12 18 e e e .' . . , MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Pursuant to mailed notice, a special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen, Minnesota, was held on December 18, 1978, at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. The members of the Authority were present as follows: williarn Gullickson, Calvin Niemeyer, and Thomas Klingelhutz. John Pryzmus and Clifford Whitehill were absent. There were also present by invitation the following: Craig M. Mertz, Assistant City Attorney. Mr. Mertz presented for the consideration of the Commissioners, a draft of a formal resolution intended to reflect action taken on November 14, 1978 by the Commissioners to amend the redevelopment plan for the Chanhassen Downtown area. A copy of that proposed resolution is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. After due discussion, Commissioner Klingelhutz moved that said resolution be finally adopted as submitted by the Assistant City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. The question being put upon the final adoption of said resolution, the roll was called with the following results: Yes - Commissioners Niemeyer, Klingelhutz and Gullickson; No - none. The Chairman declared such motion carried and the resolution finally adopted. Commissioner Niemeyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Klingelhutz. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Gullickson, Klingelhutz and Niemeyer. No negative votes. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.