1979 02 01 . . e Housing and Redevelopment Authority Hinutes February 1, 1979 City Hall A regular meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Gullickson. The following members were present: Bill Gullickson, Mike Niemeyer, John Przymus. Also present was city manager, Don Ashwort&. Absent was Commissioner Clifford Whi tehill. Commissioner Przymus discussed his meeting with Bill Moline, Kenny's Super Harket, concerning their potential relocation in the downtown redevelopment plan. Mr. Moline was positive towards the project, but felt that their operation may be better suited located adjacent to Highway 5. Mr. Moline noted that Mr. Riley, owner of the Kenny's building, had spoken favorably of the project and may be interested in retail space within the center itself. Mr. Holine will consider the project further. e Commissioner Gullickson has had several discussions with representatives of Super Value. A representative of Super Value, John Boyle, had been at City Hall to review the plan in detail with the City Manager, Don Ashworth. The Manager noted that Mr. Boyle's comments were positive towards the entire project and that, if Super Value were to become a participant in the project, they would definitely be interested in being located within the core area rather than having a Highway location. Hr. Boyle obtained various maps and statistical information from the city hall and it is anticipated that Super Value will conduct a market study to determine the feasibility of their participation. Commissioner Przymus noted that he had attended the council meeting wherein the city council acted to extend the moratorium for the downtown area through July 31, 1979. The council haS, asked for a monthly review of progress by the BRA. The manager noted that it was his belief that the city council's action was intended to provide the HRA with an opportunity to complete two basic functions: 1) to officially present the redevelopment plan to the business community, interested outside investors, organized groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, the residential community, etc. - all in an effort to gain their comments and input; and, 2) to provide a period of time during which specific commitments could be obtained from the business community to carry out the plan, as revised, through the various input meetings. Commissioner Niemeyer - Does this not mean that the city council is expecting that a redevelopment plan De completed by July 31, 1979? e Don Ashworth - I do not believe this is feasible. From a legal standpoint adoption of a specific plan means that the BRA has determined specific properties which are to be purchased, specific uses that will be built and the valuations of such, that detailed cost analysis of public improvements are completed, that land uses which are to be acquired or relocated are specifically shown together with the relocation plan for such businesses and the cost of such; that the public hearings presenting these findings have been completed, etc. Legally, completion of a redevelopment plan and acceptance of such, gives the BRA the authority to sell bonds and to proceed with the acquisition and construction necessary to carry out such plan. We are not at that point today, nor ,. . . . will we be at that point on July 31st. However, the HRA should be in a position to state that they have gained the comments of the community and are presenting a. plan which considers such input and, additionally, that the HRA has developed specific commitments to carry out the construction. Initially, commitments received from the business community may be no more than verbal statements or general letters of intent. However, by July 31, 1979, these commitments should be in a form similar to the present commitments being carried out for the Roos professional building. If such have been received and financial guarantees obtained assuring that the city will be reimbursed for any initial costs in developing specific feasibility studies, legal work, - the HRA will then be in a position to call for the official public hearings to carry out specific studies necessary for completion of the redevelopment plan and ordering of necessary feasibility studies. After general discussion the following general time tables were estab+._) lished: 1) . Tuesday, February 27th, Chamber HRA will officially present the to the Chamber of Commerce of the Chamber). of Commerce - The redevelopment plan (regular meeting e 2) . Thursday, February 22, Business Communi ty ~1eeting: A presentation will be made to business owners and renters within the project area to determine general support, outline future HRA activity and to gain input. It is anticipated that a general letter of intent from the Bloomberg companies will be avail- able for such meeting, such to generally describe a commitment by the Bloomberg companies to carry out various construction on properties presently owned by Bloomberg Companies should the HRA commit to redevelopment of the downtown area. 3). Thursday, March 8th, - Adjacent Business Properties and other affected owners: A presentation to the residential community abutting the proposed project area as well as other affected owners such as the Bank, Church, West 79th Street owners and business people, etc. is proposed. The purpose of such meeting and tentative schedule paralleling that of the Feb. 15th meeting. e The manager noted that he had met:with representatives of the League of Hinnesota Municipalites which have established a new division - Tax Increment District~. It is anticipated that general support can be obtained from this group prior to the time at which specific feasibility studies may be required to be developed by a firm such as BRW, etc. John Przymus moved that the H.R.A. amend the by-laws to include a general policy statement that commission members missing three consecutive meetings or missing four meetings per year would be requested to resign. Motion seconded by Mike Niemeyer, ayes all. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 p.m. Don Ashworth, City Manager