1979 05 10 .... ., . . D~ MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Authority May 10, 1979 - Chanhassen City Hall e A special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was held at City Hall on May 10, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Chairman Bill Gullickson, John Pryzmus, and Mike Niemeyer. Guests present included Larry Zamor, Jim Burdick, and Don Ashworth, City Manager. Absent was Clifford Whitehill. 1). Interview Candidates - The Commission interviewed Mr. James Bond. Two other candidates were noted as desiring to meet with the HRA but had a conflict in schedule. No decision was mad~with interviews to reoccur at the next meeting - May 22, 1979. 2). Approval of minutes - Commissioner Niemeyer moved to approve the April 5th minutes as presented. Commissioner Pryzmus seconded. Commissioner Gullickson abstained. Motion carried. e 3). HRA Plan Amendment, Final Approval, Holiday/Happy Chef proposal - The Manager reviewed documents previously considered by the ERA. Additional documents reviewed included the appraisals received for the purchase of the easterly 50 feet of Lot 1 (adjacent to Great Plains Blvd. and Highway 5). Manager noted that the terms of the purchase, Le. exercise of option agreement including price, specific terms of the resale, etc. could not be considered until after City Council approval of the plan amendment. These items were presented for information purposes. Also presented were actions of the Planning Commission wherein the Planning Commission had acted to recommend to the ERA that the proposed plan amendment not be approved and that such purchase/resale not occur through tax increment financing. Additionally, the Manager noted that copies of the staff report in regards to site plan review, signage, and landscaping were included together with actions of appro- priate commissions. After discussion, the HRA generally agreed that the order of business should be to act on the proposed plan amendment and to subsequently follow that with recommendations to the City Council regarding site plan review, landscaping, signage, etc. General discussion occurred in regards to the Planning Commission recommendation. HRA members believed that a joint meeting with the Planning Commission may be helpful to reaffirm the purpose of the tax increment district and overall goals and Objectives originally set by the HRA. In addition to those sections of state law relating to findings of the City in establishment of a tax increment district, additional local goals included: 1) establishing a means by which the commercial and industrial tax base of the community could be expanded to ensure that these elements, together with the existing residential element could create a true city where people could live, work, and shop; 2) establish- ing a means by which businesses could be encouraged to develop in areas which were more conducive to City/HRA planning efforts; 3) establishing a means to ensure that public indebtedness in municipal facilities could be provided and paid for; 4) establishing a means to carryout a e ~~ Minutes - May 10~79 -2- . e major redevelopment of the downtown area including establishment of retail business for the community, attractive municipal facilities including park and public improvement systems and associated uses; and 5) establishing means to ensure that the industrial area could be developed in accordance with plans for that area (anticipated in 1970, but no public means available to assure construction of necessary roads, sewers, water, etc. systems crossing numerous properties). After further discussion, Commissioner Pryzmus moved that the HRA approve the plan amendment to acquire an additional 50 feet along the easterly side of Lot 1 (adjacent to Great Plains Blvd.) and that such plan amendment would be accomplished through a) public acquisition of the traci, b) resale of the property at a discount, and c) by recouping discount costs through tax increment proceeds associated with the proposed Happy Chef/Holiday development. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes all. Site Plan Review - The Commission acted to recommend to the City Council that each of the following sections of the site plan be considered by the City Council in any positive action on the proposed development plan. The Commission reaffirmed that, as the HRA was recommending City participation in the purchase/resale of the easterly 50 feet of the . property, that the development that is proposed adjacent to this green area could significantly enhance the soft entrance concept or seriously detract from the soft entrance. As such, the Commission generally believes that the following site plan comments were critical to the HRA purchase/ resale concept of the westerly 50 feet. e 1). Planting and Landscaping Plan - After review, Commissioner Gullickson moved that the following amendments to the planting and landscaping plan (as prepared by Natural Green and as noted by Mr. Zamor as being the developer's proposed planting plan) be considered by the City Council and final consideration of such planting and landscaping plan; a). that the theme of the planting plan (general intensity and types of material) be continued along the westerly property line of the Happy Chef property; b) . that the plan be amended to include. the. houle'\ta,rd t;ree$' (no specific species recommended but suchsfiould be in accordance with the overall plan including size, i.e. lindens, hard maple,' etc..; c) . that plantings between the two buildings OlaPPY Chef/ttolidayI be continued southward; d) . that the berming in the back porti~onof the Holi~day bu:i:lding be extended so that the two berms would meet and conti'nueto the building line. The purpose of such would be to reduce th.e ov'erall visjj3Llity impact of the back portion of the Holiday Station andameni.ty of the green area. General extension of contour lines was shown on the planting plan presented to the HRA and as on fi.le in the HRA files'. e The above motion was seconded by Commissioner pryzmus, ayes all. 4 HRA .Minutes - May 10, 179 -3- . e 2). Signage - After general discussion two motions were presented, both dying for a lack of a second. General discussion occurred during which time Commissioners noted that affects of a freestanding sign both from an intensity of lighting standpoint as well as ~. _ aesthetic consider- ations, could significantly detract from the soft entrance theme desired. However, the HRA also noted that this was a business and if a building mounted sign would not be legible on Highway 5 that a freestanding sign should be considered. Additionally, members noted that prior to any final decision on this item representatives of Holiday should be present to state their views on any proposed signage. Commissioner Gullickson moved to recommend that the City Council not act on the sign request, either supporting the staff recommendation or the Sign Committee recommendation, but that, instead, that the City Council refer this issue to the liRA for final decision at their May 22nd meeting. This action only affecting the signage for the HOliday Station. Motion seconded by Commission Niemeyer, ayes all. Commissioner Niemeyer moved to accept the recommendation of the Sign Committee in regards to the Happy Chef signage. Seconded Commissioner Pryzmus. Ayes all. e 3). Architecture - After general discussion, Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the elevation plan submitted in regards to the Holiday Station be amended to require that the mansard roof, as proposed by the applicant, be continued on all four sides of the structure. Commissioner Pryzmus seconded, ayes all. e 4). Review Solicitation for Proposals - Downtown Redevelopment Plan - The City Manager presented the proposed letter which will request developers to present proposals for completing the downtown plan in accordance with the concept plan adopted by the HRA. Such letter includes responsibilities of the developer as well liRA and reflects potential methods of selection of bidders. The Manager noted that, as the HRA had not had significant time to review the proposed letter for solicitation of proposals, that amendments could be called into City Hall this next week. Additionally, that the proposed format requests one bid for the entire project. After further review, it is recommended that this portion of the proposal be modified to identify development sections. In doing such, potential bidders could bid one or more of the proposed development areas. After further review, it was moved by Commissioner Niemeyer that the above letter of solicitation, as proposed to be amended, be approved and that the Manager be authorized to prepare color photos of both the sectional development plan as well as color photos of the painting prepared by Bloomberg Companies (assumes their agreement to use such). Motion seconded by Commission Pryzmus. Ayes all. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the Manager determine the feasibility of the HRA hiring a shared (circuit rider) planner to be shared by other communities and that such feasibility be completed within the next two weeks. General discussion occurred in regards to the motion noting that additional staff support (consultive support, etc.) will be required in the future but that the liRA was not in a position to specify the exact amount of such support at this time. Motion died for lack of second. 5). 10:45 p.m. - Adjournment.