1979 04 05
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Housing and Redevelopment Authority
AprilS, 1979
Chanhassen City Hall
A special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was
held at City Hall on the 5th day of April, 1979, at 8:00 p.m. The
following members were present: Clifford Whitehill, John Przymus
and Mike Niemeyer. Guests present included Larry Zamor, John Lee
and Don Ashworth, City Manager. Absent was Bill Gullickson.
1. Approval of Barch 8, 1979, minutes:
Commissioner Whitehill moved to consider approval of minutes following
the discussion regarding the Happy Chef/Holiday Station (Item 2).
Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes - All.
2. Concept Discussion, HRA Participation - Open Space Purchase/
Sale Option, Highway 5 and 101 - Happy Chef/Holiday Station:
The City Manager reviewed city council action in denial of this item.
Primary discussion from city council members was in reference to the
plan's concept in regards to open space for a soft entrance into the
city, the lack of space between the two proposed developments, the
lack of space between the Happy Chef proposal and the vacant lot to
the west, driveway entrances in close proximity to Great Plains Blvd.,
parking spaces within the green area, overall intensity of the develop-
ment, and the necessity for the city to allow for re-subdivision of
property to allow for the developments as proposed.
Larry Zamor and John Lee, representing the Happy Chef/Holiday Station
interests, presented the prior plans submitted to the city council
(which had been denied) in comparison to a proposal reflecting an
additional 40 feet of green area in the overall development. The plan
was being presented per the HRA previous discussion as to whether
the HRA could participate in the purchase of the green area adjacent
to Highway 5 and Great Plains Blvd. and thus assure such was a
green area. The city manager noted that he has discussed this
concept with Mr. Lee and Mr. Zamor and that it was imperative for
them to look at any means by which their proposal could be acceptable
to the city. Given city council comments, that the concept of the
city purchasing additional land adjacent to Great Plains Blvd., for
the green area, would allow the applicants to purchase additional
land to the west. Initial cost estimates reflected that the cost to
the city, following the same participation formula as approved for
the Roos professional building, would equal approximately $15,000.
Costs to the applicant would be approximately $5,000.
The City Manager noted that in discussions with Mr. Lee and Mr. Zamor
that additional benefits could be gaiJ.ned from cit.y involvement, i.e.
that through lIRA participation in preserving the green area that the
HRA would set additional conditions in regards to architectural
style, signing on the property and lighting. Under the C-3 zoning,
which exists on the property, conditions such as signing are specific
within the ordinance. However, as a inducement to development in
accordance with overall HRA plans, the HRA could establish additional
conditions on the property which would insure the soft entrance
After discussion Commissioner Whitehill moved that a public hearing
date of May 14, 1979, be established to consider a potential purchase/
resale of this property in line with the above comments. Further,
that the city attorney's office be requested to draft the necessary
public hearing notice as well as placing the HRA motion in a legal
form. The proposal should include purchase of the westerly 40 to
60 feet of the Holiday/Happy Chef property, abutting Great Plains
Blvd. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes - All.
1. Approval of Minutes (Tabled from earlier) :
Commissioner Niemeyer moved to approve the December 19th minutes
as amended. Commissioner Whitehill abstained. Motion carried.
Commission Niemeyer moved to approve the February 1st minutes as
presented. Commission Przymus seconded the motion. Ayes - All.
Commissioner Niemeyer moved to approve the February 15, 1979, minutes
as presented. Commission Przymus seconded the motion. Ayes - All.
3. Review Candidate Applications- HRA:
After discussion the Commissioners determined that all planning
commission candidates should be contactedi',to see if they desire
to serve on the HRA. Additionally, previous candidates should be
contacted. Commission members will additionally attempt to discuss
the open seat with existing business people to determine if this
seat could be filled by a businessman in Chanhassen.
4. Downtown Redevelopment Project, Current Status Report and Future
Meeting Schedule:
Commissioners reviewed the proposal submitted by Bloomberg Companies
for carrying out a major reconstruction project within the downtown
area and requesting that the HRA, as a part of such proposal, carry
out other necessary improvements as developed within the concept
plan. Commissioners generally discussed the proposal and expressed
their appreciation to the Bloomberg Companies for submitting a
proposal meeting the overall concepts of the downtown plan. General
concern arose in the area of the inability of the HRA to proceed
with necessary public actions based solely on this one proposal.
Commissioners generally agreed that if the HRA plan is to become
a reality that additional proposals will be required. The HRA reques',ted
that the city manager prepare a draft of a potential solicitation
to bidders for carrying out the entire concept plan. This draft is
to be presented to the HRA at their next meeting. Additionally, the
Manager should contact the Bloomberg Companies notifying them of
the potential action of the HRA and to express, again, the appreciation
of the HRA in the Bloomberg Companies proposal.
Adjournment: 9:45 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager
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