1979 05 14 e e e . MINUTES . CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MAY 14, 1979 PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL MEETING Due to the lack of a quorum this public hearing and special meeting scheduled for this date was continued to 7:30 P.M., May 22, 1979, at Chanhassen City Hall. () ili,...../ ()/) ~ l)J~ p,A./ Don Ashworth Executive Director e e fv'lAQ 2.2, I (e(71 e MINUTES OF CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY A special meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Chanhassen, Minnesota was held at the Old Saint Huberts Church Rectory on the 22nd day of May, 1979. The following members were present, Mike Niemeyer, John Przymus, and Chairman Bill Gullickson. Commissioner Whitehill was absent. Guests present at the meeting included Larry Zamor and Jerome A. Jensen. Commissioner Gullickson called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. CONTINUATION OF MAY 14, 1979, PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED SALE OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN FRONTIER DEVELOPl1ENT PART HOLIDAY/HAPPY CHEF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL This public hearing is a continuation of the public hearing of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority scheduled for May 14, 1979. The May 14, 1979, public hearing was continued to this date because of lack of a quorum. Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz advised the chairman that while the call for the meeting had listed the meeting place as being Chanhassen City Hall, a notice of the change of meeting place to Old Saint Huberts Rectory had been posted earlier in the evening on the door of the City Hall. ~ Commissioner Gullickson called the public hearing to order at 7:45 p.m. with the following interested persons present, Larry Zamor, Jerome A. Jensen and assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz. The Assistant City Attorney read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald and explained that the purpose of the hearing was to consider the terms and conditions of the proposed sale of a portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Frontier Development Park to Lawrence N. Zamor, subject however, to a "no development" restriction across the easterly 12,000 square feet of the property. The Assistant City Attorney explained that mechanically the proposal consists of the purchase of the subject property from Lawrence N. Zamor for $19,800.00 and the resale of the same property to said Mr. Zamor subject to "no-development'! restrictions for a price of $4,800.00 and that in substance the transaction constitutes a write down of the $15,000.00 cost of transforming development property into open space property, which would then form the open space gateway area identified in the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Concept Plan for downtown Chanhassen. e The Assistant City Attorney entered into the hearing record a copy of the published notice of the public hearing, an appraisal report dated April 26, 1979, prepared by Dixon and Associates, Appraisers of Alexandria, Minnesota, and an appraisal report dated May 1, 1979, prepared by Klinglehutz-Craven, Inc., realtors of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a copy of the option agreement dated May 9, 1979, between Lawrence N. Zamor and the Authority and a copy of a letter agreement dated May 9, 1979, Lawrence N. Zamor and the Authority, being the parties to said letter agreement. -1- e e e The assistant City Attorney then explained that after the close of the public hearing, the Commissioner should take action as follows: a) To place an extimated market value on the subject property; b) To approve or disapprove option agreement as entered in the public hearing record; c) to approve or disapprove the terms of the proposed resale of the subject property; and d) to make appropriate amendments to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority plan for the downtown area. Commissioner Whitehill entered the meeting at 7:50 p.m.. Thereupon, Chairman Gullickson opened the public hearing to comment from the floor. The Assistant City Attorney responded to questions from the Commissioner and from the public concerning the history of the Holiday Happy Chef proposal for the development of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Frontier Development Park and concerning the manner in which the Authority would recoup the $15,000.00 development incentive. e Commissioner Przymus moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. The following voted in favor, Commissioners Niemeyer, Gullickson, Przymus, and Whitehill. No negative votes. Hearing closed at 8:30 p.m. HAPPY CHEF/HOLIDAY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: AMENDMENT OF HRA PLAN Commissioner Whitehill moved the adoption of a resolution (a) amending the HRA Plan for Downtown Chanhassen to provide for the public acquisition by the Authority of that portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Frontier Development Park, Carver County, Minnesota, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and (b) finding the estimated fair market value of said property to be not less than $19,800; and (c) providing for the resale of said property to Lawrence N. Zamor at a discount of $15,000 contingent upon said Lawrence N. Zamor, Holiday Stationstores, Inc., and Happy Chef Systems, Inc. entering into a development contract with the City of Chanhassen providing for the development of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Frontier Development Park, Carver County, Minnesota, in accor- dance with the development plans approved by the Chanhassen City Council on May 14, 1979 as planning cases No. P567 and P568, said development contract to specifically provide for a "no development" green space of approximately 12,000 square feet along the easterly boundary of the subject property; and further contingent upon Lawrence N. Zamor, Holiday Stationstores, Inc., and Happy Chef Systems, Inc. entering into a security agreement with the Authority so as to guarantee execution of said development plans. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. e -2- e e The following voted in favor: Commissioners Whitehill, Przymus, e Gullickson and Niemeyer. No negative votes. Motion carried. Commissioner Przymus moved the adoption of a resolution directing the Executive Director of the Authority to take all steps reasonably necessary to exercise, on behalf of the Authority, the May 9, 1979 option obtained by the Assistant City Attorney and to re-sell the subject property to Lawrence N. Zamor for $4,800 subject to a "no development" restriction. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whitehill. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Whitehill, Przymus, Gullickson, and Niemeyer. No negative votes. Motion carried. e e Commissioner Niemeyer moved that Chairman Gullickson and Executive Director Ashworth investigate the financing alternatives available to fund the $15,000 development discount, including contacting the Chanhassen State Bank regarding a short-term loan and upon completion of the investigation, that he report back to the Authority with a specific financing recommendation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Whitehill, Niemeyer, Przymus, and Gullickson. No negative votes. Motion adopted. Jerome Jensen of Holiday Stationstores asked for and received permission to address the Commissioners. Mr. Jensen stated that his firm wished to disavow the landscaping plan submitted by Mr. Zamor to the HRA on May 10, 1979 and to the Chanhassen City Council on May 14, 1979. Mr. Jensen stated that his firm would only consent to the planting of low-lying junipers. The Assistant City Attorney explained that Mr. Jensen was in effect asking for an amendment of the Authority's action of May 10, 1979, approving the landscaping plan presented on that date. Chairman Gullickson polled the commissioners and none was willing to make the necessary motion to amend the May 10, 1979 landscape plan approval. The Chairman invited Mr. Jensen to submit a specific landscape plan amendment for presentation at the next scheduled Authority meeting, provided that any such proposed amendment must be detailed, must be substantially similar to the landscape plan approved on May 10, 1979, and must be jointly submitted by both Holiday Stationstores, Inc. and Happy Chef Systems, Inc. Commissioner Niemeyer moved the adoption of a motion that the Authority would not entertain a landscape plan amendment proposal except upon the terms described by the Chairman. Motion seconded by Commissioner Przymus. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Gullickson, Przymus, Whitehill and Niemeyer. No negative votes. Motion adopted. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the HRA hold a special meeting on June 6, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall for the purpose of considering any landscape plan amendment proposal which might be submitted by the developers during the interim and for the further purpose of determining the specific method of financing to be used to fund the development discount being utilized in connection with the HOliday/Happy Chef development. Motion seconded by Commissioner Przymus. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Przymus, Niemeyer, Gullickson and Whitehill. No negative votes. Motion adopted. -3- e e e ~ e e The Commissioners directed the Assistant City Attorney to write a letter to Mr. Zamor's attorney, reminding him that the avail- ability of a $15,000 development incentive would be contingent upon the developers entering into a development contract which would provide, among other things, for the posting of securities sufficient to guarantee the execution of the development plan, the construction of the buildings entailed in said plan, and the full execution of the landscaping plan. INTERVIEW OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO VACANT HRA COMMISSIONER SEAT The Commissioners then interviewed applicants T. Schoenecker and Thomas Droegemueller. No decision was reached as ~o which candidate would be recommended to the Chanhassen Mayor for appointment. The consensus of the Commissioners was that additional interviews would be held on June 6, 1979 and that a recommended candidate would be selected at that time. Commissioner Niemeyer moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Commissioner Przymus. The following voted in favor: Commissioners Przymus, Niemeyer, Gullickson, and Whitehill. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. -4-