1979 09 27
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Minutes
September 27, 1979
Chanhassen City Hall
The following members were present: Jim Bohn, Clifford Whitehill,
John Przymus, Michael Niemeyer. Bill Gullickson came late. Also in
attendance were: Jerome Carlson, Instant Web; Harry Pauly, Pauly's, Inc.;
Bernie Schneider, State Bank of Chanhassen; Pat Swenson, Planning
Commission; Al Klingelhutz and Roman Roos. In the absence of Chairman
Gullickson, Mike Niemeyer presided as chairman, calling the meeting to
order at 7:40 p.m.
OLD BUSINESS: Clifford Whitehill moved and Jim Bohn seconded a
motion that the HRA issue letters as soon as possible to Kraus-
Anderson and Bloomberg Companies, generally stating as follows:
Gentlemen: The Chanhassen HRA accepts the Kraus Anderson
and Bloomberg Companies' proposals to proceed on your
initiative to jointly and cooperatively develop advanced
preliminary plans for the redevelopment of our downtown
area. This work is to follow the guidelines established
by our request for proposals, and is to be accomplished
within the next 60 days.
It is our intent that this work will establish sufficient
criteria and understandings to allow development contracts
to be prepared. You should schedule in advance a minimum
of two progress meetings with this commission and with
others as required to keep us informed of your general
progress and joint cooperation. Further, it is our intent
that Super Valu, with local management, be given reasonable
opportunity to participate in this venture. During this
60 days, the HRA will not entertain any competing proposals
and we will ask the City Council to reinstate our building
Aside from the goals and issues in our Request for Proposals,
there are several other points which we would appreciate
your plans addressing:
1. Development and construction time schedules
with appropriate assurances.
2. With the architect/engineers on your team, how
do you assure us of quality control?
3. Tenant selection and our review input.
4. Methods by which existing businesses will be
encouraged to participate.
5. If the north ring portion of the loop remains as
a part of the selected plans, develop a program
for a residential buffer zone.
6. Who will acquire what lands, how long will title
be held, and who will ultimately hold title?
7. Development of a full preliminary cost estimate for
the project including public improvements and
definition of who maintains various components.
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We look forward to working with your organizations and thank
you for your interest and enthusiasm.
William D. Gullickson
cc: Planning Commission
City Council
Planning Commission
Bloomberg Companies
Motion unanimously approved. As a result of this action, we direct
staff to advise the City Council and all other interested organized
groups of this action.
At 8:15 p.m. a motion was made by John Przymus and seconded by
Bill Gullickson that we adjourn. Motion unaniously approved.
Because of the dozen or so citizens in attendance, there was discussion
after the meeting, generally all supportive. Some signed the
enclosed attendance paper.
Because of the concern with this letter, it has been reviewed by
telephone with each of the commissioners and is consistent with their
In the discussion which ensued after the meeting, it was recommended
that staff prepare a letter on Monday to Roman Roos advising him of
our action with Kraus Anderson and Bloomberg Companies. It is intended
that he receive this letter by Tuesday morning and that he may use it
to demonstrate the reality of our plans for downtown Chanhassen.
Further, this letter should encourage him to proceed with dispatch
on his project. This item has been reviewed by telephone with each
commissioner, and was approved by all.