1979 10 25 . e Housing and Redevelopment Authority October 25, 1979 Chanhassen City Hall e A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment was called to order on October 25, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Commissioners Gullickson, Niemeyer, Przymus, Whitehill. Also present were: City Manager, Don Ashworth and Jim Burdick. Absent was Commissioner Bohn. REVIEW DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS - JIM BURDICK: Mr. Burdick was present to review three development proposals: 1). Professional Office Building: This would be approximately the same size as the Roos Professional Building and would be located on Mr. Burdick's property directly to the west of the Burdick proposal. 2). Office/Warehouse Facility: This would be similar in nature to the Hansen and Klingelhutz facility. It would be located within Burdick Park and be directly east of the Hansen and Klingelhutz facility. 3). Restaurant Facility: This development is proposed for the intersection of Highway 5, County 17 and West 78th Street. e The City Manager reviewed functions of the HRA in regards to development proposals. Specifically, the city council has enacted a building moratorium to allow the HRA to complete redevelopment plans within the downtown area. Such moratorium would allow building to occur if the applicant can demonstrate the proposed development would not detract or in any other way limit the ability of the HRA to carry out redevelopment activities. Specifically, the purpose of the moratorium is to provide sufficient time for planning and redevelopment activities. As this is a planning period, it is often difficult to state that the city may construct a road in one manner or another, may rezone properties to one use or another, etc. As such, it is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that his proposal would not have a negative impact on the HRA's planning activities as a part of redevelopment activities. The specific process under which a variance is considered would be as follows: 1). The Housing and Redevelopment Authority would make recommendations to both the Planning Commission and City Council recommending that the variance to the moratorium be approved or denied. 2). The Planning Commission similarly reviews the moratorium request and recommends to the city council to approve or deny the variance request. e 3). After receiving recommendations from Planning Commission and Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the City Council approves or denies the variance request. . e October 25, 1979 Page 2 e The Commission generally discussed the three proposed land uses in comparison to the land use plan prepared by BRW. The Manager noted that, as a part of the redevelopment program, that a further definition of the general plan would be required - one of the reasons the mora- torium was established. It was the general belief of commission members that the professional building would not interfere with the HRA's ability to carry out road construction or redevelopment activities. Further, that land use controls could be established to insure that the office/warehouse facility would not have a negative impact on land uses in this area. Of primary concern is the fact that the restaurant facility has been shown in an area originally designated as a green entrance area into the community, that improvements to Highway 5 and County 17 have not been established through the plan process, and that the HRA has not specifically determined the feasibility and/or benefits of moving West 78th Street to the north as shown in the concept plan. e After discussion, Commissioner Whitehill moved that the professional building and office/warehouse facilities be found compatible with the HRA's overall development plan. The proposed restaurant use is found to be premature and should not be granted a variance. Further, approval as to compatibility with development plans of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority recognizes that the HRA has not reviewed deta~led site plans, development contract restrictions concerning use of building, outside storage, etc. and that such recommendations to approve/deny this request are in regards to the building moratorium variance only. If any or all of the proposed uses are granted a variance to the moratorium, detailed site plans, contract restrictions, etc. should be reviewed by the HRA prior to any final building approvals. Motion seconded by Commissioner Przymus. Ayes - All. PROGRESS REPORT, DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT: The City Manager reviewed various progress items including correspondence in regards to Super Valu, Kraus Anderson, Instant Web regarding to cooperative work being completed by those firms. Additionally, the Manager requested that interim monies be authorized for various work assignments needed to be completed as a part of the redevelopment project. The Manager noted a specific contract is being developed with BRW for presentation at their next meeting. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the Manager be authorized to expend up to $1,000 for professional services during the next 30 day period. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehill. Ayes - All. MINUTES: Commissioner Przymus moved acceptance of the minutes of August 4, 1979.0 Commissioner Niemeyer seconded. Commissioners Whitehill and Gullickson abstained. Motion carried. e Don Ashworth, City Manager