1979 11 15
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NOVEMBER 15, 1979
A meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was
held at Old St. Hubert's Church on November 15, 1979 at 7:30 P.M.
The following Commissioners were present: Bohn, Gullickson, and
Pryzmus. Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz, was also present.
Absent was Clifford Whitehill.
Mr. Mertz made a presentation reviewing the history of
the Holiday Stationstores, Inc. development proposal including
the Authority's actions of May 10 and 22, 1979, approving the
Holiday/Happy Chef project, including approval of $15,000
development discount to be recouped by means of tax increment
financing, and including the acquisition of a conservation
easement on a portion of the subject property.
Mr. Mertz informed the Commissioners of correspondence
received from Happy Chef Systems, Inc. electing to drop out of
the project. Mr. Mertz further explained that Holiday Station-
stores, Inc. had advised the City Council of Holiday's desire to
proceed with its portion of the project notwithstanding Happy
Chef's action. Mr. Mertz explained that Holiday must obtain
approval from the Authority if it wishes to proceed with the
project alone and that this approval would be in the nature of
an alteration of the Authority's redevelopment plan for downtown
Commissioner Bohn moved the adoption of the following
Whereas, the Authority hereby finds that there is a "necessity",
within the meaning of that term as set forth in ~462.525 (6)
of Minnesota Statutes, to alter the Authority's Chanhassen
Downtown Redevelopment Project plan as originally approved on
November 29, 1977; said necessity being occasioned by the Authority's
continuing desire to create a park-like gateway area at the
intersection of Highways 5 and 101, and by the declination of
Happy Chef Systems, Inc.'to participate in said project;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that said Chanhassen Downtown
Redevelopment Project plan is hereby amended as follows:
a. $7,550.00 of the $15,000.00 development
incentive shall be allocated to Lawrence Zamor
and Holiday Stationstores, Inc., as the developers
of Lot 1, Block 1, Zamor Addition, Carver
County, Minnesota
That said development incentive shall be paid
to said developers in the form of a partial
purchase of said Lot 1 from said Mr. Zamor
and a resale of said portion of Lot 1 to
Mr. Zamor at a discount of $7,550; provided
that said portion of Lot 1, upon resale, shall
be subject to a conservation easement running
in favor of either the Authority or the City
of Chanhassen,or both.
c. That the Executive Director and Chairman are
hereby directed to proceed with attempting to
locate a substitute "family style" restaurant
developer for Lot 2, Block 1, in said Zamor
Addition, who would be willing to participate
in the project on substantially the same terms
as had been offered to Happy Chef Systens, Inc.
d. That $7,450.00 of the $15,000.00 development
incentive is hereby allocated to said Lot 2
if a substitute developer is found and approved
by the Authority, and
e. That the Authority hereby finds that the foregoing
changes do not have the effect of altering the
exterior boundaries of said Downtown Redevelopment
Project area, nor do they substantially alter
the general land uses in said plan.
Motion seconded by Pryzmus, ayes all.
The Commission members then reviewed final drafts of the
following documents:
1. Development Contract between the City of Chanhassen
and Holiday Stationstores, Inc. (hereinafter Holiday),
2. Security Agreement between the Authority and Holiday,
3. Warranty Deed conveying the aforementioned portion
of said Lot 1 to the Authority,
4. Quit Claim Deed reconveying said portion of Lot 1
to Mr. Zamor,
5. Conservation Easement Deed running from Mr. Zamor
to the City ofChanhassen, and
6. Proposed promissory note running from the Authority,
as debtor, to the City of Chanhassen, as creditor.
Mr. Mertz indicated that the Developers were in agreement
with the terms of the proposed security agreement, however, they
wanted Section 5 reworded to clarify that their landscaping
obligation was limited to the landscaping described in the
developers' Development Contract with the City.
4It A Motion was made by Commissioner Bohn authorizing the
Chairman and the Executive Director to execute said Security
Agreement on behalf of the Authority, after Section 5 has
been reworded as requested by Holiday. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes all.
Commissioner Bohn moved the adoption of the following
Resolved, that the Authority hereby finds and determines
the estimated fair market value of the land described in the
aforementioned Quit Claim deed to be $9,950 based on the
appraisals received into the Authority's record on May 22, 1979.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Pryzmus, ayes all.
lcommissioner Pryzmus moved the adoption of the following
reso utlon: d h h .,. d.h h'
Reso~ve , t at t e Executlve Dlrector an t e C alrman are
hereby authorized (a) to take all actionpand execute all
documents which they deem necessary to acquire fee title to
that portion of the aforementioned Lot 1 which is more
specifically described in the aforementioned Warranty deed at a
price of $9,950 and, (b) to resell said portion of Lot 1 to
Lawrence Zamor by Quit Calim deed at a price of $2,400 provided
that: 1) Holiday and said Mr. Zamor fully execute the afore-
mentioned Security Agreement with the Authority and 2) execute
a development contract with the City of Chanhassen as to said
Lot 1, and 3) file with the Authority the performance bond
provided for in said security agreement. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Bohn, ayes all.
Commissioner Pryzmus moved the adoption of the following
Resolved, that the Executive Director and Chairman are
hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority a
promissory note in the amount of $7,500.00, bearing simple interest
at the rate of 7% per annum, due and payable on January 1, 1983
and running in favor of the City of Chanhassen for the purpose
of funding the Holiday development incentive. Motion seconded
by commissioner Bohn, ayes all.
Commissioner Pryzmus then informed the Commissioners of
his resignation from his seat effective immediately.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Donald Ashworth
Executive Director
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