1980 01 10
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Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Thursday, January 10, 1980
Chanhassen City Hall
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
(HRA) was called to order on January 10, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. The
following members were present: Bill Gullickson, Chairman; Commissioner
Jim Bohn, Commissioner Cliff Whitehill, Commissioner Mike Niemeyer.
ANDERSON/BLOOMBERG COMPANIES: The City Manager, Don Ashworth, noted
that the Chanhassen City Council had approved the budget amendment
allowing the HRA to proceed with the contract between the HRA and
BRW. The primary purpose of this meeting is to establish a work
schedule between the developers, planning consultants (BRW) and HRA.
Three distinct work objectives of the HRA have been identified:
1). Preparation of Plan - This element would include
completing a specific "plan" document as required under
amendments made by the State legislature during the
past session. This document must be specific in
nature including various tables, land descriptions,
proposed relocations, general description of project
in reference to maps, etc. The primary portion of the
plan document will be the analysis of financial data
associated with the project. Specifically, BRW must
outline all potential public expenditures including
costs of all acquisitions, land, buildings, and businesses;
costs of constructing the ring road and potential
construction costs of open areas such as courtyards and
the city park; all legal, engineering, etc. costs;
costs of relocations; etc., The above costs must then be
compared to potential revenues available to the HRA through
creation of new tax increments, resale of properties, etc.
Phasing will also be an important element of this section.
2). Review Developer's Proposal - This element will include
the review of proposed land uses, density, parking,
architectural style, functioning of open areas, relation
of construction to ring road construction and other
public facilities, etc. As the developer~ proposal
encompasses construction by two firms, Bloomberg Companies
and Kraus Anderson, it is imperative that the HRA maintain
overall development controlls to assure that the development
is compatible with other developments in the area,
presents the best balance between public costs versus
private incentive; carries out public area construction
in the most feasible manner; and assures that both proposals
are compatible in architectural style.
3). Developer's Agreement - This element includes preparation
of a specific development agreement outlining responsibilities
of both the developer and city. The agreement must be
signed by three parties: HRAiCity, Bloomberg Companies and
Kraus Anderson.
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It is proposed that the three work objectives, outlined above, will be
completed simultaneously during the next three meetings of the HRA.
Hopefully, the HRA will have completed this work schedule on or about
mid-February - an original goal !of the HRA. The building moratorium
expires February 12, 1980.
The above schedule does not assume that the HRA will have adopted the
plans or si~nedthe agreement. However, the HRA should have these
documents in a form which can be presented by the HRA, planning
commission, and city council at various hearings as required by state
law. A minimum 45 day period will be required for review and
comments by the Planning Commission, holding hearings by the HRA and
adoption of these documents, and submission to the city council for
their approval and adoption.
The above schedule reflects that it will be at least April 1st prior
to the time that the developers and city can enter into any agreement
or proceed with signing any documents, receive financial guarantees,
or carry out any construction/acquisition. Additionally, unless
phasing can be determined allowing construction to begin in one
portion of the project versus another, it will be a minimum of 12
months prior to the time construction can begin (assumes that one
or more acquisitions will proceed through condemnation).
The commissioners generally discussed the above points.
Bill McRostie, representing Bloomberg Companies, noted his belief
that a joint "developers agreement" will be received by the city in
time for their next meeting.
Dennis Spalla, representing Kraus Anderson, stated his desire to begin
construction as early as possible (Fall of 1980, if possible). He
additionally believes that phasing could allow for an earlier construc-
tion than shown in the manager1s report. Of utmost concern is the
fact that a work schedule be adopted so that all parties have set
goals and time tables to strive for.
Commissioner Whitehill moved that the HRA establish the following
meeting dates to complete the three elements outlined in the Manager1s
report .... : '.January 24th, February 7th and February 21st. Additionally,
that the HRA generally adopt a goal that on January 21st that the
above three work objectives shall have been placed in a form which
can be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council for their
review and action and in a form acceptable for public hearing purposes
as required by the HRA. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn. Ayes - All.
Commissioner Whitehill moved that the HRA request the Planning Commission
and City Council to extend the building moratorium, based on the above
work agenda, for a 45 day period following February 21st. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes - All.
The City Manager reviewed the status of items acted upon by the HRA
at their last meeting. ~ summary of such is included below:
1). Contract for Services - BRW: As noted above, the Council
did approve the contract. A subsidiary contract with the
Page 3
Minneapolis HRA and Coordinated Management Systems to
run the various financial analysis models for the planare executed
No cost will exist for usage of the Minneapolis program;
however, a service fee will be required to be paid to
Coordinated Management Systems for operation of the system.
A total expense of approximately $300 is expected during
the next 90 days.
2) .
Review Current Development Proposals: The Manager has
completed a letter to Dyna Graphics outlining the form
of application which that firm should submit in requesting
development incentives should they desire to proceed with
their development in Chanhassen.
3) .
Development Contract Amendment, Delete Happy Chef with
cannonball Restaurant, West 79th Street: This item was
approved by the City Council.
4) .
Grant Application - Pedestrian Walkway Culvert, New County 17:
The State has approved the application of the City of
Chanhassen and construction will be carried out by Carver
County's contractor as a part of New County 17 construction.
5) .
Public Works Facility - Chanhassen Lakes Business Park,
Land Acquisition: The city has completed acquisition of
this property.
6). Minutes: Workloads in the Manager's office during the last
3 months of the year prevent proper attention being given to
HRA affairs. Files are now up to date and, hopefully,
commission minutes will now be on a more timely basis.
INTERVIEW CANDIDATES: This item has been tabled for the past two
meetings to insure that all potential candidates could be notified.
The Manager noted that the vacancy, created by the resignation of
~mUssioner Przymus, has been published in the city newsletter and the
past several editions of the Carver County Herald.
Commissioners interviewed Tim Russell. As no other applications were
received, Commissioner Whitehill moved that the HRA recommend that the
city council appoint Tim Russell to the vacant seat on the HRA. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Gullickson. Ayes - All.
Adjournment: 9:45 p.m.
Don Ashworth, City Manager