1980 01 24
Housing and Redevel~ment Authority
Thursday, January 24, 1980
Chanhassen City Hall
A regular meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) was
called to order on January 24, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. The following members
were present: Commissioners Mike Niemeyer, Jim Bohn, and Cliff
Whitehill. Commissioner Bill Gullickson was absent.
the three elements which must be reviewed by the HRA prior to forwarding
such to the Planning Commission and City Council for potential public
hearings to consider adopting the redevelopment plan - Agreement of
Intent, building and site plans, and the HRA "plan" document (as
required by State law The following presentations/discussions
occurred in connection with each of these three elements:
1). Developers Agreement - Rough draft is anticipated to
be presented on February 7, 1980.
2) .
Building/Site Plans - Arjis pakalns
comments in regards to the building
Kraus Anderson/Bloomberg Companies.
represents salient points from such
reviewed staff
plans presented
The following
a). Open Courtyard - Should be expanded to insure
that the two development areas have a common
focal point and that there is a point of
community identification. The open courtyard
provides such a focal point and has proven
to be of significant benefit to both the
developers and city in similar type projects.
b). Enclosed Walkways - The developers should
consider the feasibility of enclosing the
walkway areas primarily to insure climate
control, maintenance, and aesthetic benefits
of the project. Staff is taking no definitive
position at this time as there may be benefits
to leaving such as open walkway areas.
c). Reorientation of Road - Removal of the bubble
in the northeast section of the road alignment
should be considered to provide the city with
marketable property on the north side of the road.
d). Reorientation of Hotel - If the road is reoriented,
per above recommendation, the hotel would be
required to be reoriented to the east and south.
This reorientation would have the benefit of
eliminating conflicts in parking (presenting existing)
and provide greater balancing of the entire project.
'January 24, 1980
Page 2
e). Parking Requirements - Meets current ordinances.
f). Access Points - This section requires further
study after review of specific uses.
g). Architectural Standards - ~raus Anderson/Bloomberg
Companies are in agreement that the overall
architectural style should be similar to the
existing Bloomberg Dinner Theatre/Hardware facility.
Staff is in agreement with this proposal and
such will continue to be reviewed as more
definitive plans are prp.pared.
Bill McRosties, of Bloomberg Companies, did not see significant
problems in meeting the changes suggested by BRW.
Dennis Spalla of Kraus Anderson additionally noted their
general agreement to BRW's statements.
Commissioner Niemeyer noted that one of the points originally
discussed in showing the bubble in the northeast section of
the road alignment was because of soil conditions in that
area. Staff concurred that the potential of shifting the
road southerly and/or determining whether marketable property
would remain on the north side of the ring road would be
dependent upon soil tests.
The Manager noted that phasing of the project could be a
critical factor. Specifically, if the owners of the Instant
Web, Mobil Station and Riviera properties were to agree to
negotiated settlements/relocation payments, it would be
possible to begin construction on the westerly portion of
the project in Fall of 1980.
schedule would additionally assume that the city would
carry out necessary feasibility studies for the southerly
portion of the road and that the right of way would have
been acquired from Bloomberg Companies for construction of
such section. Such additionally includes the recognition
that the home center construction would parallel the
southerly ring road construction as well as conversion
of the existing lumber facility to retail uses during this
same time frame. If negotiations failed with the four
owners noted above, construction could be significantly
delayed. Additionally, it is foreseen that construction on
the easterly portion of the project will be significantly
more difficult given the total number of owners potentially
effected and recognizing that agreements with all of these
owners will be difficult.
Bill McRostie noted their desire to have the hotel construction
included in any first phase construction.
Kraus Anderson noted their desire to begin construction as
soon as possible.
January 24, 1980
l?age 3
3). Development Plan Document - Arjis pakalns reviewed the
current status of BRW in regards to the preparation of
the "plan" as required by State law. The following represents
a synopsis of that report:
- Various alternatives regarding land uses within the
entire tax increment district were presented and
generally discussed. After consideration of options,
further discussion should occur on February 7th.
- The text portion of the plan is approximately 25%
The City has executed agreements for computer services
and background data has been gathered. A presentation
of the "first runs" of the financial data is anticipated
to be presented on February 7th.
MINUTES: No action was taken.
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: The Manager noted that a presentation of action
concerning the Cannon Ball development would be presented on February
Commission members questioned whether a letter had been sent to
business owners concerning the redevelopment project. The Manager
stated that such had not been completed, but was anticipated to be
completed prior to February 7th. The commission generally agreed
that Jerri Martin should be enga~ed to help the Manager in distribu-
tion of such a letter and that it may be feasible to use Bob Waibel
in answering questions from the downtown business people in regards
to the overall progress of the HRA.
11:00 p.m.
Don Ashworth, City Manager
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