1980 03 06
Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Thursday, March 6, 1980
Chanhassen City Hall
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment
Authority (HRA) was called to order on March 6, 1980 at J:45 p.m.
The following members were present: Bill Gullickson, Chairman;
Commissioner Jim Bohn, Commissioner Cliff Whitehill, Commissioner
Mike Niemeyer, Commissioner Tim Russell.
Public Informational Meeting: Downtown Redevelopment Project:
The HRA's planning consultant, Arjis Palkalns, made a presentation
to the public. The persons in attendance at the informational
meeting are as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto. Mr. palkalns
made a presentation describing the contents of the February 1980
draft amendment to the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project
plan. His presentation also covered the specific development plans
of Bloomberg Companies and Kraus-Anderson. The presentation also
included an explanation of the memo~andum of intent
previously drafted by the HRA and the two developers. Next the
Assistant City Attorney made a presentation concerning the pro-
cedural steps which would have to be accomplished before the
amendment became effective, specifically receipt of a formal
recommmendation by the Chanhassen Planning Commission, followed by
formal approval of the amendment plan by a majority of the members
of the HRA, followed by a public hearing before the Chanhassen
City Council, followed by the formal approval of the amendment by
a majority of the members of the Chanhassen City Council. The
Assistant City Attorney also explained that the plan amendment, if
adopted,would call for the construction of a ring road and, for
the acquisition of certain designated businesses and tracts of
land in conflict with the ring road and the land usage plan shown
in the draft booklet. Mr. Mertz further explained that if the
plan were approved, the City would attempt to acquire targeted
businesses and real estate by direct negotiation and purchase by
contract. Mr. Mertz also explained the condemnation procedures
which could be utilized to acquire those pieces of land or those
businesses which could not be acquired by contract.
Next a presentation was made by Bill Von Klug, the relocation
benefits consultant retained by the HRA. Mr. Von Klug briefly
explained the type of relocation assistance which would be
available to property owners and tenants of properties and to
business owners which would be acquired by the HRA if the plan
amendment were approved. Brief presentations were also made by
Bill McRostie of Bloomberg Companies and Dennis Spalla, of
Kraus-Anderson, concerning the specific development proposals being
sponsored by those two companies respectively.
At the completion of these presentations, Chairman Gullickson
4It opened the meeting to comments and questions from the floor
Bud Andrus expressed concern that the downtown project might
compete with his efforts to market properties in the Chanhassen
Lake Business Park.
Lue Ann Wallentine, expressed concern that the project would
negatively affect the homes bordering the proposed loop road on
the north. She asked the commissioners to specifically consider
the installation of a chain-link fence on the border between the
residential neighborhood and the ring road. At this potnt Mr. pal-
kalns made a brief explanation of the types of buffering structures
which were under consideration for usage along the northern
segment of the loop road.
John Havlik asked the commissioners to consider building the berm
along the north loop road prior to commencing other construction;
he also expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that the loop
road plan as developed to date results in his home being fronted
on three sides by streets. Don McCarville, of Country Clean,
asked the commissioners whether his building would be acquired.
Mr. palkalns explained that his building was on the aquisition
list shown in the February 1980 draft booklet. Al H. Klingelhutz,
of Klingelhutz-Cravens, realtors, and John Pryzmus, property
owner, asked follow-up questions concerning the relocation benefits
which would be available to affected land owners and business
At this point, the Chairman closed the question and answer portion
of the meeting and proceeded with the first business item.
Kitchen Expansion: Bloomberg Companies: Bill McRostie and Mr. Davis,
the Bloomberg Companies staff architect, made a presentation
concerning the Bloomberg Companies proposal to expand its present
kitchen facilities at the Dinner/Theatre. Mr. McRostie asked the
HRA to recommend the approval of a variance to Chanhassen ordinance
47-K,so as to allow the issuance of a building permit for the
kitchen expansion, notwithstanding the building permit moratorium.
Commissioner Niemeyer moved the adoption of a resolution recommending
the approval of the necessary variance to ordinace 47-K. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Bohn. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Mike Sorenson, Liquor Store: Arjis palkalns made a presentation
concerning the development application currently pending for the
Chanhassen Planning Commission whereby the Sorenson property,
located at the south easterly corner of the intersection state
Highway 101 and west 79th Street, would be developed as a retail
store site, specifically a liquor store. Mr. palkalns explained
his belief that the plans as submitted by Mr. Sorenson were in
conflict with the proposed traffic circulation pattern for the
proposed ring road and for Highway 101. Mr. palkalns recommended
the relocation of west 79th Street from its present location on the
north boundary of the Sorenson property to the south boundary of
the Sorenson property. Commissioner Russell moved the adoption
of a resolution recommending that the City Council deny a variance
to Mike Sorenson under ordinance 47-K because his plans were found
to be in conflict with the concept plan for the ring road. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Administrative Assistance: The Commissioners expressed dis-
satisfaction with the delays involved in the preparation of their
regular minutes. Commissioner Niemeyer moved that the HRA
Executive Director, Don Ashworth, be directed to report to the
HRA at its next regular meeting on the economic feasibility of
hiring a permanent minutes secretary for the HRA rather than
relying on Mr. Ashworth or on the Assistant City Attorney to
prepare the necessary minutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner
Bohn. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Commissioner Whitehill moved that the HRA adjourn. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Russell. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Adjournment: 10:15 p.m.
Don Ashworth, Executive Director.
HRA Meeting March 6, 1980 - 7:30 P.M.
Bernard F. Schneider
Al H. Klingelhutz
Edmund Adams
Brian Peterson
Harry Pauly
John B. Przymus
Jerri Martin
Bill McRostie
Pat Swenson
Norman Filkins
Neal Dalin
Don McCarville
Ed Wilch
Arnold W. Hed
Bud Andrus
Victor Schneider
Kenneth Wellens
Pat Kerber
Lue Ann Wallentine
Dean Wallentine
Arthur Kerber
Leander Kerber
Bernie Hanson
Dennis Spalla
Robert J. Davis
John Havlik
Loretta Havlik
Pat Rachl
Richard C. Rackl
Ronald Hill
June Russell
Julius C. Smith
Daryl P. Fortier
John T. Huber
John Hankinson
Herb Mason
Keith O'Daniel
Tom & Lou Krueger
Florence Hagedorn
Larry Ramsey
Bob Hendrickson
Rodney D. Hardy
State Bank of Chanhassen
Klingelhutz-Cravens, Realtor
Diversified Plating, Inc.
Marine Fiberglass, Inc.
Razor's Court
Chanhassen Secretarial
Bloomberg Companies
City Council Member
Filkins Excavating, Inc.
Dalin Designs
Country Clean
Street-Andrus Realtors
Chanhassen Cenex
Chanhassen Cenex
Homeowner & Taxpayer
Chanhassen Lawn and Sports
Kraus Anderson
Bloomberg Companies
Chanhassen Tire & Auto
Chan Tire & Auto & Homeowner
Chanhassen Electric, Inc.
Instant Web, Inc.
Instant Web, Inc.
Dunn & Curry
Colonial Shopping Center-owner
Chan Auto & Truck, Inc.
Riviera Club
Frontier Belle Beauty Salon
Chanhassen Auto & Truck, Inc.
Hendrickson Bros. Drywall
Dunn & Curry
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