1980 05 20
May 20, 1980
The Chanhassen HRA meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Vice
Chairman Mike Niemeyer. Commissioners in attendance were Jim Bohn,
Tim Russell and Cliff Whitehill. Also present were Don Ashworth,
Ci ty Manager and Craig Mertz, City Attorney. Absent was Chairman Gullickson.
1. Vice Chairman Niemeyer called for approval and discussion of the
March 20 and April 24, 1980 minutes.
a. Vice Chairman Niemeyer made reference to page 2 paragraph 5
of the March 20th minutes: "... two dependable, honest
developers and if they go down the tube . . . . . the whole
U.S. should welsh on committments." The commission requested
that should be changed to read could. Commissioner Bohn
motioned for the change; seconded by Tim Russell, ayes all.
Motion carried.
b. Vice Chairman Niemeyer further brought the April 24 minutes
before the floor referencing page 1 paragraph 4 recommending
clarification necessary to the statement that correspondence
of concern to Mr. Beddor was "marked by shading". Further
on page 2 first paragraph referencing Mr. Beddor's concerns
for questions to be answered relative to overall plan process,
it was the concensus of the commission to respond as recommended
by Commissioner Whitehill as follows:
- The responsibility for the HRA to respond is at such time
as overall pOlicies are established for existing businesses
in the tax increment district; a list will be submitted.
Being there are no other additions, corrections or deletions, Com-
missioner Whitehill moved for approval of the changes and acceptance
of the March 20 and April 24, 1980 minutes. Commissioner Bohn seconded
the motion. Ayes all, motion carried.
2. Downtown Redevelopment Plan
Manager's Report to Council for April 21st Meeting
Tentative list of questions from Business Community
City Attorney's report dated April 16, 1980
Planning Commission Action re: Redevelopment Plan
Sample Relocation Policy - Von Klug
The list of reports and tentative questions were reviewed and discussed
including budgetary questions and financial portions. No action required
at this time. Information sent on to the City Council. The commission
unanimously agreed with more adjustments that all questions of the
business community were reviewed, explained and clarified at the HRA
meeting of May 20th. The HRA project is presently one-half construction
season behind; rather than a start-up of Phase I in Fall '80, a Spring
'81 First Phase construction is optimistic.
May 20, 1980
Page 2
The Planning Chart will be updated by Don Ashworth indicating dates,
schedules and target goals; reviewing alternatives, plans considered,
fixed cost, creation of the district, BRW, mandates under State law,
scope of the project, soliciting for proposals, all for presentation
to City Council. The May 27th City Council meeting will be presented
the concept building plans and developer agreements and "Plan"
document. (See "Flowchart - HRA and Chanhassen City Council Downtown
Redevelopment Plan".)
The City Manager stated that by approving the plan and authorizing the
HRA to negotiate, the City Council still has the veto power over the
bonding approval, public improvement for ring road and zoning changes.
3. Carver County Community Development Block Grant - Joint Powers
Commissioner Whitehill motioned that this item on the May 20th agenda
be tabled until the next scheduled meeting. The City Attorney will
look further into the Carver County BRA and the potential scope of
their involvement (if any) in the present Chanhassen Redevelopment
Program to determine if there is a possibility of conflict in this tax
increment district. Commissioner Bohn seconded the motion. Ayes
all, motion carried until the next scheduled meeting (June 5th).
5. City Attorney's Report - Appraisals
Craig Mertz discussed appraisals received for the "Riviera" and 'M:>bil
Station" properties. No action required.
6. General Information
Don Ashworth stated that with City Council approval of the plan documents,
we should be looking for part-time help for the staff enabling the City
Manager to work out of the active role he has thus taken in this project.
The next HRA meeting will be reviewing the budget for the remainder of
the year for:
a. BRW Consultive Services
b. Staff support for the BRA
c. Attorney fees and miscellaneous
The motion was approved by Commissioner Whitehill; seconded by Russell.
Receiving unanimous ayes, the motion carried.
May 20, 1980
Page 3
The next item the City Manager covered weretheHRA terms of office
expiration dates:
May 31, 1981
May 31, 1984
May 31, 1980
May 31, 1983
May 31, 1982
Mike Niemeyer
Jim Bohn
Clifford Whitehill
Bill Gullickson
Tim Russell
The motion to reappoint Cliff Whitehill was made by Commissioner Bohn.
Seconded by Commissioner Russell and unanimously approved by all. The
City Manager will prepare a letter to City Council. A further motion
by Commissioner Russell was made to prepare a letter under the Chairman's
signature to Cliff Whitehill recognizing his efforts, dedication,
experience, knowledge, etc. Seconded by Commissioner Bohn. Ayes all,
motion carried.
The tentative topics of discussion at the next scheduled HRA meeting
of Thursday, June 5, 1980, 7:30 p.m. will be:
- Review City Council Action - Downtown Redevelopment Plan
- Site Plan and Tax Increment Proposals:
- Carver County Community Development Block Grant
Joint Powers Agreement
- 1980 Budget - HRA
- New Business
The motion to adjourn was entertained by Commissioner Russell; seconded
by Commissioner Bohn. All ayes. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at
10:55 p.m.