1980 06 05 .> e e 0/ foJ/ f/ ~~ t J1JI~ fjA" / u Minutes Housing and Redevelopment Authority June 5, 1980 e The June 5, 1980, Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m. by Chairman Bill Gullickson. The following members were present: Commissioners Gullickson, Bohn and Russell. Also present were Don Ashworth . , Clty Manager; and Craig Mertz, Assistant City Attorney. Absent were Commissioners Whitehill and Niemeyer. City Council Action on Downtown Redevelopment: Chairman Gullickson reviewed the City Council action taken on the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. No action was taken by the HRA, however, they noted conditions and reviewed the report. Site Plan and Tax Increment Proposals: - Fluoroware: The City Manager reviewed the history of the tax increment district. Basically, the district was created as a result of recognizing the deteriorating condition of the downtown area and the ability of tax increment financing to provide a means by which parcels could be accumulated, cleared, and resold for re- development closely paralleling planning concepts for a downtown area. Expansion of the district to include the business park area, south of Highway 5, occurred as a recognition of the association between planned business needs/opportunities in the community and recognizing that several businesses within the downtown area would require relocation to more appropriately zoned properties. In addition, the business park could not reasonably become a reality without the extension of public facilities, given the multiple ownerships of properties within the area and in recognition of the HRA's ability to carryout such public improvements as a part of the tax increment district. To assure that the business park did become a reality and that costs of public improvements are paid, an original concept of having the HRA pay public improvement costs had been con- sidered. This philosophy would be carried out on a business-by- business basis to assure that such incentives were being provided to businesses meeting City Standards. The accomplishment of these goals is now in jeopardy as, in the opinion of the Assistant City Attorney, the City did not properly have the Housing and Redevelopment Authority be the contracting agency for such public improvements and as ~ such was not completed as an HRA project, that the City may not be able to make incentives to new businesses via reduction in assessment. The Assistant City Attorney reviewed problems which may occur as a result of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority attempting to provide incentives within the business park. Major points presented included: 1). Direct Cash Dispursements - Such does not appear to be within the legal limits of the HRA. - 2). Purchase and Resale Write Down - Again, without the HRA being the contracting authority for public improvements, the HRA would be required to show that there is work being completed on the site or that the City was receiving e 3) . 4) . e e Page 2 some special conditions as a result of the proposed purchase and resale, i.e. the Holiday station proposal represented a restriction of land use and landscaping of an area which could have been otherwise developed. Resale Through a Specific Percentage of Building Value - Similar to 2)., above, this form of incentive would require findings of a definitive public purpose being served by providing this form of incentive. Similar to 1)., above, the use of this technique simply to lower the cost of building could not be found to be either allowed or disallowed under statute. Tentative discussions with bond counsel raise questions as to whether future bond sales of the HRA would be jeopardized if this form of incentive were considered. Under Assessing Project 78-3 - This option would be legal under the statute, but has the disadvantage of reducing all assessments by a specified amount without specific knowledge as to when, or if, parcels would develop. Another disadvantage would be in the fact that the HRA/ City Council would then provide equal benefit to all properties, regardless of whether the development proposal met City desires within the business park. The Manager presented a "Hypothetical Tax Impact Analysis" and reviewed such. e DynaGraphics: No action was taken. DynaGraphics are withdrawing their request for a period of one to two months. A motion was made by Tim Russell and seconded by Jim Bohn to approve the purchase of the Fluoroware lot site with the resale back to Fluoroware at the same amount with the HRA becoming responsible for public improvement assessments, contingent upon the City Attorney receiving a legal opinion from Bond Counsel that such would be found to be within the authority of the HRA (Question to be responded to by the City's Bond approving attorney). Vote - All Aye. Motion carried. Minutes: Chairman Gullickson requested a review of the May 20, 1980, minutes. As no additions or corrections were to be made, Commissioner Russell moved and Commissioner Bohn seconded amotion to approve the May 20th minutes. Vote - Ayes - All. Carver County Community Development Block Grant - Joint Powers Agreement: Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz covered the contract filed by the Carver HRA referring to the background and limitations of the agreement. Having detailed the authority and possible future conflicts with an already existing HRA in the Chanhassen community, the Commissioners unanimously agreed upon the motion as follows: A motion was made by Jim Bohn and seconded by Tim Russell that the Chanhassen HRA is not interested in turning over any of their authority to the Carver HRA. The application to do such was not agreeable for signature. Vote- All Aye. Motion Carried. The City Attorney will follow through in declining signature to the application submitted by the Carver HRA. - e e e e 1980 Budget: e PROPOSED HRA 1980 OPERATING BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES Salary & Wages, Reg. Benefits TOTAL PERSONAL SERVS. COMMODITIES Office Supplies CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BRW (1st Phase) BRN (2nd Phase) Appraisals Attorney Fees Computer Fees J:'ropoSed Exp's. thru Exp's. 4/30/8~. 4/30-~/31 -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,600 6,700 2,900 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 15,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY Land Purchases Option Agreements TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,500 7,500 3,000 500 3,500 300 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 16,000 10,000 10,000 Total 3,500 300 31,700 17,500 UNALLOCATED 4,000 Page 3 TOTAL PROPOSED o.PERATING .EXPENDITURES - H. R. A. 57 , 000 -~." .~.._... -'-"~"'-.,.. ---, SOURCES OF REVENUE - 1980 H.R.A. OPERATING BUDGET Current Receipts (Property tax collections tax increments) Transfers In/Out Beginning Cash Balance Total Resources TOTAL EXPENDITURES 57,000 -0- -0- 57,000 57,000 . . , e Page 4 e 1980 Budget, Continued: e Having reviewed and discussed the 1980 May through December Budget, a motion was made by Commissioner Russell and seconded by Commissioner Bohn to approve said May through December budget. Vote - All Aye. This item will be submitted to the City Council for their consideration. As noted in the City Manager's memorandum of June 6, 1980, concerning the 1980 HRA budget, further steps to be taken by the HRA (steps 3-9) will be discussed at the next scheduled HRA meeting. Correspondence/General Information: Correspondence relative to the Downtown Business District had been read by all Commissions. No questions or action was taken. Don Ashworth noted that the City Council approved Clifford Whitehill's continuation on Chanhassen's HRA. All commissioners concurred with appreciation for his contributions. A motion was made by Commissioner Bohn and seconded by Commissioner Russell to adjourn the meeting. Vote: Ayes - All. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. The next scheduled HRA meeting will be on Tuesday July I, 1980. Tentative items of consideration include: 1. 2. e 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. 9. Approve 1980 Budget. Forward to City Council for Approval. Authorize preparation of job description, i.e. HRA Executive Director; review and approve same after council action. Authorize advertisement of position. Negotiate Phase II Contract - BRW. Request City Council to initiate feasibility study for public improvement project including employment of BRW, in accordance with contract negotiated by HRA. Authorize Attorney/BRW/Attorney to prepare suggested relocation policies. Authorize Attorney to prepare developers contracts in terms of tentative agreements between City/Bloomberg Companies/Kraus Anderson. Authorize Attorney to prepare estimates for and complete appraisals. Respectfully Submitted, June Russell Secretary e