1980 07 10 e e e Minutes Housing and Redevelopment Authority July 10, 1980 The Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order on July 10, 1980, at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Bill Gullickson. Members present were: Commissioners Gullickson, Whitehill, Niemeyer, Bohn and Russell. Also present were City Manager, Don Ashworth; Assistant City Attorney, Craig Mertz; Jerome Carlson, Instant Web; Ted Teglin and Judson Kenyon, Carver HRA; Don Ringrose and Peter Jarvis, BRW; and John Przymus. Cliff Whitehill Reappointment: It was unanimoulsy approved the reappointment to another term expiring May 31, 1980. Craig Mertz gave the Oath of Office to noted that the City Council of Commissioner Whitehill The Assistant City Attorney, Commissioner Whitehill. MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1980: The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as submitted. Carver County Community Development Block Grant - Joint Powers Agreement:Mr. Judson Kenyon and Ted Teglin representing the Carver County HRA explained the impact on the Chanhassen HRA should the Joint Powers Agreement be signed by the Chanhassen Authority, i.e. that the City of Chanhassen will not be jeopardizing their ability to carry out other Metropolitan/State/Federal activities by signing this agreement nor is the City transferring authority to Carver e County for other programs. Commissioner Whitehill moved to execute the Joint Powers Agreement subject to the following conditions: 1. That the authority being transferred be limited to the present project (Grant BSD92700100) . 2. That such authority is not transferred until we receive an opinion of the Attorney General that such is a limited transfer which completely lapses at the conclusion of that project. 3. That it is the opinion of the Attorney General that all aspects of the amended Joint Powers Agreement are noted and 4. That the Joint Powers Agreement be amended to delete the Hold Harmless Clause. e The motion was seconded by Commissioner Russell. Vote - 4 ayes, 1 negative vote by J. Bohn. Motion carried. Instant Web: Jerome Carlson appeared before the HRA in a continuing effort to keep the Authority informed of their wishes regarding Park I. It was the concensus of the Commission that development like the Park I project is in the best inter~st of the City and while the HRA's concern is primarily for the Tax Increment District, the commission looks favorably on other development within Chanhassen. . Minutes HRA -2- e e e Fluoroware Tax Increment Proposal - The Assistant city Attorney having reviewed the findings of Bonding Counsel (LeHever) summarized the requirements necessary for the HRA to secure the Tax Increment Proposal. After discussion, Clifford Whitehill motioned that the subject be tabled until all members have a chance to study the Plan Booklet Revised Criteria to be discussed at the next meeting with Staff. Motion seconded by Commissioner Niemeyer. Vote - ayes all. Downtown Redevelopment Plan: Peter Jarvis and Don Ringrose were present to discuss the Phase II BRN contract. All processes were outlined by the "Scheduling Timing Chart" as presented to the Commission by the City Manager. City Council scheduled to finalize the project mid to late November. Commissioner Niemeyer discussed with the BRW representatives the contract terminology, hourly rate billings, feasibility study, estimated costs to be maintained, bidding Phase I and estimating Phase IIi all in order to develop a mutually understandable contract. Amendments to the contract will entail: - 1. If the ultimate contract is timed for Phase I work as a result of the feasibility cost estimates being unreasonably inaccurate, that the engineers shall redesi'gn at no cost to the City. 2. That BRW will contact the City Manager in advance of incurring expenses out of the ordinary (see 9B of contract). 3. The consultant will maintain an insurance policy ($1,000,000 minimum) to cover errors and omissions during the life of the project. 4. The term "as builts" will be revised to read "records set". Having covered the contract thoroughly, Commissioner Bohn motioned to accept the contract as amended. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. Vote - 4 ayes, 1 negative vote by Commissioner Niemeyer. For record sake, Commissioner Niemeyer does not have any reservation about BRW as project engineers. His reservation is to the basic philosophy of not having adequate controls over the portion of the contract on "per hour" basis. He recognizes that this is a small percentage of the overall contract. -e HRA 1980 Budget: No action necessary - approved by City Council. HRA Execute Director: The job description was reviewed by all present members of the Commission. Commissioner Niemeyer moved to accept the description as presented by the City Manager as well as to proceed with the advertisementfor an appointment. Commissioner Bohn seconded the motion. Vote - ayes all. e e -- Minutes HRA ..,..30::-' e e Correspondence and New Business: Reviewed, no action necessary. At 11:18 p.m., Commissioner Niemeyer moved for adjournment. Commissioner Bohn seconded. Vote, ayes all. The Commission moved to reconvene the meeting at 11:23 p.m. to discuss the Dunn and Curry properties. The following action was taken by the Commission: "Recognizing the potential impact that the Lake Ann and Lake Susan (South and West) planned residential develop- ments could have on overall redevelopment activities of the HRA, the HRA hereby recommends that the City Council consider rezoning of the commercial area.s shown wl.tfdn the Lake Ann and Lake SUsan PRD's in the form of planned commercial zones wherein the Rousing and Redevelopment Authority, in conjunction with the Planning Commission, shall develop overlay land uses which will be harmonious, not competitive, and an extension of the downtown redevelop- ment plan". The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Niemeyer, seconded by Commissioner Bohn. Vote - Ayes -all. Motion carried. The next scheduled meeting will be held on August 7, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Niemeyer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:43 p.m. Commissioner Bohn seconded the motion. Vote - ayes all. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted June M. Russell