1982 03 18 MINUTES CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Meeting March 18, 1982 e Call to Order Acting Chairman Clark Horn called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Present were Commissioners Horn, Bohn, and Russell. Chairman Gullickson arrived at 8:00 p.m. Commissioner Whitehill was absent. Executive Director Martin and Assistant City Attorney Mertz were also in attendance. Carol Watson, Planning Commission Representative was also present. Approval of Minutes Bohn moved, seconded by Russell, to approve the minutes of the February 18, 1982 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Special Assessment Reduction Program Craig Mertz, Assistant City Attorney, presented an overview of the final revised legal documents which formally establish the Special Assessment Reduction Program for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park (Phase I) and all of Park Two. e Chairman Gullickson arrived at this point of the meeting. Martin highlighted specific elements of the proposed program and displayed a map of the affected lands on the overhead projector. Mertz distributed recommended alternative language for Sections 2.03, 2.04, and 3.05 of the proposed HRA Resolution approving plan modification No.5. He explained that Mayor Hamilton requested a change in Section 2.03 and 2.04 following the joint Council/HRA meeting of February 18, 1982, and that he (Mertz) was comfortable with the new language from a legal standpoint. The change to Section 3.05 was recommended to clarify the meaning and intent of that section. The Commissioners agreed to accept the suggested modifications to the Resolution; but decided not to revise the language in Section 6.2 of the Assessment agreement which provides for certain "Remedies on Default". e Representatives from Rauenhorst Corporation, including Robert Worthington, Director of Planning and Governmental Affairs, and David Sellergren, Legal Counsel, were present to speak in favor of the proposed special assessment reduction program. Worthington stated that the program would have a very positive impact on Rauenhorst's ability to develop Chanhassen Lakes Business Park during the next several years. He said that Rauenhorst is attempting to secure small businesses and high technology industries for the Business Park, and that the program will be the necessary triggering eg~~h;ssen HRA Minutes - March 18, 1982 e mechanism to induce new development into the Park. He added that the program would put the Business Park into a very competitive position compared to industrial parks in Eden Prairie, Chaska- Jonathan, and other nearby communities. Without the program, he continued, the costs per square foot for Business Park lands are not competitive with nearby parks due to above-normal assessments. Worthington requested a longer program period than the 5 year period under consideration by the HRA. He stated that having the program in effect for an 8-10 year period would provide for better flexibility for Rauenhorst, since they are currently projecting an 8-10 year period for a complete "build-out" of the entire Business Park (all phases). He added that Rauenhorst has been using the last six months to learn more about the Chanhassen Market Area in general, and more about Chanhassen in particular, and that Rauenhorst is now prepared to begin an agressive marketing compaign for development in the Business Park. Worthington concluded by saying that he felt that the partnership between Rauenhorst and the City of Chanhassen under this program would result in the high quality business development that Chanhassen is seeking. e Horn and Gullickson both expressed a preference for establishing the program for a five year period initially, but felt that an extension of the program would likely be fairly routine in the future if the program produces good results and is effective. Russell moved, seconded by Bohn, .to adopt Resolution #82-3 Approving Plan Modification No.5, with the recommended revisions to Sections 2.03, 2.04, and 3.05; and also to correct the typo- graphical error in Section 5.1 of the Assessment Agreement by eliminating the word "assessed" in the second to the last line of the first paragraph. All voted in favor of the motion and the Resolution was approved. Redevelopment Project Traffic Analysis Report David Warner, Traffic Engineer for BRW, Inc., presented the "Traffic Analysis Report for the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area", as authorized by the HRA in May, 1981. Following a discussion of the report's findings, conclusions, and recommendations, Horn moved, seconded by Russell, to formally accept the Traffic Analysis Report (dated March, 1982) as presented, with the addition of traffic comparisons between Chanhassen and Southdalej Opus II, and to authorize the Executive Director to distribute the report to the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Task Force and to other public and non-public groups for use in transportation planning. All voted in favor and the motion carried e e e e Page 3 Chanhassen HRA Minutes - March 18, 1982 HRA Accounting Services Joint Powers Agreement Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to adopt Resolution #82-2 approving the Joint Powers Agreement for Accounting Services between the HRA and the City of Chanhassen, and to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the Agreement on behal~ of the HRA. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Gateway Area Landscape Improvements Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to authorize the expenditure of up to $200 from HRA Account #604 (Ring-Road Improvement Project) for acquisition of plant materials and black dirt necessary to establish a flower garden around the base of the City Directional Sign located at the northwest corner of Highway 5 and Great Plains Blvd. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Approval of Bills Bohn moved, seconded by Russell, to approve the bills as listed on the HRA Accounts Payable listing dated March IS, 1982. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Revision to HRA By-Laws Horn moved, seconded by Russell, to amend the third paragraph of Section 5 of the Official By-Laws of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as recommended by the Assistant City Attorney by deleting the words "Secretary-Treasurer" and replacing them with the phrase "Treasurer for the Authority". All voted in favor and the motion carried. Downtown Project Status Report Martin reported that Kraus-Anderson is continuing their attempt to secure grocery and other tenants for their portion of the Downtown Project. Gullickson suggested that the Carver County Herald be contacted to run a news article clarifying the financial status of the Downtown Project. Adjournment Horn moved, seconded by Russell, to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.