1983 05 19
Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
May 19, 1983
Call to Order
Chairman Gullickson called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Gullickson, Horn, Bohn, and Russell.
Absent was Whitehill.
Also present was City Manager, Don Ashworth and Executive
Director Martin.
Approval of Minutes
Bohn moved, seconded by Russell, to approve the minutes of March
24, 1983 meeting, as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Review of Tax Increment Financing Plan/Status of Proposed Bond
Ashworth presented a brief overview of the status of the pro-
posed bond sale to refinance/restructure the 1981 Tax Increment
Bonds. As of this date, attempts to sell the bonds have been
unsuccessful. He also reviewed the Tax Increment Financing Plan
prepared by the City's Auditors in February, 1983. He suggested
that certain assumptions used in making revenue/expenditure fore-
casts be modified to reflect a more realistic scenario. No
action was taken on this item.
Extension of Purchase Option Agreements for Chanhassen Tire and
Auto and Riviera Supper Club Properties
Bohn moved, seconded by Russell, to extend the purchase option
agreements for the Chanhassen Tire and Auto (Havlik) and Riviera
Supper Club (Krueger) properties for a three (3) month period
(June 1, 1983 - September 1, 1983), in accordance with Section
3.l(a) of each agreement, and to direct staff to seek an addi-
tional option period of one year from both parties in order to
maintain the status quo with the Downtown Redevelopment Project
Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Resolution #83-3 Approving Assessment Agreement with Energy
Controls, Inc.
Russell moved, seconded by Bohn, to adopt Resolution #83-3
approving the Assessment Agreement with Energy Controls, Inc. for
their project located at 1401 Park Road. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Approval of Bills
Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills for April and
May, 1983, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion
HRA Minutes
May 19, 1983
Page 2
Review of Housing Needs Survey
The results of the recently completed Housing Survey were briefly
reviewed and discussed. Martin recommended that no specific
action be taken on this item until he had an opportunity to
analyze the responses. Martin added that he will be meeting with
representatives from HUD and Hennepin County to determine what
direction the City should be taking in regards to the establish-
ment of housing programs and the use of Community Development
Block Grant Funds.
Insurance Settlement for Repair of Old Instant Web Building
Martin reported on the status of the proposed insurance settle-
ment for repair of the area damaged by collapse of a section of
roof in the Old Instant Web Building. He explained that only
$8,600 would be saved if the interior were not fully restored,
since the insurance company applied a 50% depreciation factor to
this area if not restored under the HRA's Replacement Cost
Russell moved, seconded by Horn, to approve full restoration and
repair of all damaged areas in the building, since cost savings
for only partial restoration were minimal. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
HRA Legal Services
Martin reported on the recent change in HRA Legal Services preci-
pitated by the appointment of a new City Attorney. He explained
that City Attorney, Roger Knutson of the law firm of Grannis and
Grannis would be responsible in the future for providing legal
assistance to the HRA on routine matters. The law firm of Holmes
and Graven will continue to be used for more complex legal mat-
ters, since their office specializes in HRA and Tax Increment law.
Appointment to HRA
Martin reported that Councilwoman Pat Swenson was appointed by
the Mayor and Council to fill the expiring term of Chairman Bill
Gullickson, effective June 1, 1983.
The Commissioners expressed their thanks to Bill Gullickson for
his many years of service on the HRA and wished him the best of
luck in the future.
Request for Broker's Fee-Klingelhutz & Cravens Realtors
Earl Cravens was present to seek an agreement with the HRA that
would provide his firm with a brokerage fee if they were to pro-
duce a developer for the Downtown Redevelopment Project who would
ultimately construct all or a portion of the planned private
HRA Minutes
May 19, 1983
e P~e3
improvements in the Downtown Core Area in a manner acceptable to
the HRA and City Council. He submitted a letter (dated May 18,
1983) which outlined his proposal to be paid a fee by the HRA
equal to 5% of all of the land and buildings purchased by the
developer in downtown Chanhassen.
Gullickson felt that the proposed 5% fee was reasonable and that
such an arrangement would have minimal risk from the standpoint
of the HRA.
Martin recommended against the proposal because he believes that
the HRA, through the Executive Director's office, should be
seeking project developers, rather than paying a finder's fee for
such an effort. He felt that a well coordinated professional
marketing campaign developed by the HRA would be the most suc-
cessful approach. He expressed concerns about the amount of
staff time which might be consumed by a parade of unqualified
developers that might be brought to the HRA by a paid broker.
The Commissioners asked Mr. Cravens to present the Executive
Director with a proposed legal agreement that outlines this pro-
posal in a specific manner. No action was taken on this request
although the Commisssioners agreed with the general concept of
the proposal.
Russell moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve a preliminary
authorization for the expenditure of up to $10,000 for prepara-
tion of an HRA promotional campaign designed to market the
Downtown Redevelopment Project to selected developers. The
Executive Director should pursue this with a qualified consultant
and conduct a telephone poll of all Commissioners once a firm
budget is available for this project. The purpose of the
telephone poll is to formalize this preliminary authorization of
funds. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
New Business
Martin reminded the commissioners that the next regular meeting
will be the annual meeting, which will include the election of a
new Chairman, Vice-Chariman, and Secretary for the next year.
Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.