1983 10 20
Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meeting
October 20, 1983
Call to Order
Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Bohn, Horn, and Swenson. Whitehill
arrived shortly after the meeting had begun. No one was absent.
Executive Director Martin was also present.
Approval of Minutes
Bohn moved, seconded by Swenson, to approve the minutes of the
September 15, 1983 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Commissioner Whitehill arrived at this point in the meeting.
Downtown Project Market Study Proposals
John Worral, Vice-President of Brauer and Associates Ltd. and
Richard Sollie, Senior Associate of James B. McComb & Associate~
each presented their respective proposals to prepare a broad-
based Market Study for Downtown Chanhassen. Brauer and
Associates proposed to conduct the study for a fee not to exceed
$10,000; James B. McComb & Associates proposed a fee of $9,100;
and a third bidder, Bordner Consultants, proposed to complete the
study for a fee of $27,850. Martin advised the Board that
Bordner Consultants was not invited to present their proposal to
the Board because their proposed fee was nearly three times the
amount budgeted for the study.
Following the presentation and discussion by the Board of each
proposal, Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to select the con-
sulting firm of James B. McComb and Associates to prepare a
Downtown Redevelopment Project Retail/Office Market Study,
according to the specifications outlined in the project RFP and
the Consultant's Proposal dated October 10, 1983, and to
authorize the Executive Director to prepare and execute a
Professional Services Contract with James B. McComb and
Associates on behalf of the HRA.
Commissioner Swenson said that she preferred Brauer and
Associates because their proposed work program provided for more
involvement of the Board during the course of the Market Study
and because Brauer's approach to the study seemed to be more
Whitehill moved, seconded by Bohn, to amend his motion to include
a requirement that James B. McComb and Associates provide the
Board with two brief (one hour or less) status reports during the
course of the study (at no additional cost to the HRA) following
the completion of each of the first two elements of their work
HRA Minutes
October 20, 1983
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Voting in favor of the motio~ as amended, to contract with James
B. McComb and Associates at a cost not to exceed $9,100 was Horn,
Bohn, and Whitehill. Swenson voted nay. The motion carried.
Mortgage Revenue Bond Program - Set Public Hearing Date
Horn moved, seconded by Whitehill, adoption of Resolution #83-6
setting a public hearing date of November 17, 1983 on the pro-
posed Housing Plan and Program required for the Proposed 1984
Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. All voted in favor and the motion
Old Instant Web Building Leases: Minnetonka Tubs & Stoves/Dave
Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to approve two proposed leases
with Minnetonka Tubs & Stoves and Dave Halverson for rental of
storage space in the Old Instant Web Building, as presented, and
to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute said
leases on behalf of the HRA. All voted in favor and the motion
Purchase Offer for HRA Property Located at 7901 Great Plains
Blvd. (Parcel #8)
Martin advised the Board of an offer from Gary Brown, 1831
Koehnen Circle, Chanhassen, to purchase the HRA-owned property
located at 7901 Great Plains Boulevard for $22,000. Mr. Brown's
offer included a request for redevelopment assistance from the
HRA so that his proposal to construct a self-service car wash on
the property would be economically feasible.
The HRA reviewed a preliminary site development plan for the pro-
posed car wash project and the Statement of Estimated Development
Costs prepared by City Staff for the project.
Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to direct the Executive
Director to enter into negotiations with Mr. Brown for sale of
the subject property (Downtown Project Parcel #8) at the
appraised value of $22,000, less the value of any property
retained by the Authority for future roadway, utility and boule-
vard improvements along Great Plains Boulevard, and less seven
percent (7%) of the fair market value of all improvements
constructed on the property. Sale of the property is also con-
tingent upon the developer revising his development plan to pro-
vide for additional landscaping and berm screening within the
yard adjoining Great Plains Boulevard, and to provide for a brick
facade along the entire west wall of the building. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Whitehill recommended that the Planning Commission and Mr. Brown
consider a reverse traffic flow for the proposed project in order
HRA Minutes
October 20, 1983
Page 3
to reduce the potential for left-turn stacking problems on south-
bound Great Plains Boulevard and to provide for more direct
access to the car wash from the adjoining service station.
Old Business
Martin reported that the repair/restoration work in the old
Instant Web Building will be completed next week.
Martin also reported that the Mayor and City Council had not yet
appointed a new Commissioner to the Board to fill the vacancy
left following Tim Russell's resignation. He thought that the
appointment would probably be made prior to the HRA's November
17, 1983 meeting.
Approval of Bills
Swenson moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills for
October, 1983, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion
Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to adjourn the meeting at 10:50
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.