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3. Commissioner Recommendations for 2011-2015 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects
1 0 I CITY OF MEMORANDUM CHANHASSEN Park and Recreation Commission 7700 Market Boulevard FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director - t Box 147 l Chanhassen, MN 55317 DATE: July 27, 2010 Administration SUBJ: Commissioner Recommendations for 2011 through 2015 Park Phone: 952.227.1100 and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Fax: 952.227.1110 Program (CIP) Projects Building Inspections Annually the Park and Recreation Commission is responsible for making a Phone: 952.227.1180 recommendation to the City Council concerning the 5 Year Park and Trail Fax: 952.227.1190 Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Engineering Commission will have a month to work on this recommendation starting at the Phone: 952.227.1160 July meeting and concluding at the August meeting. At the August meeting, Fax: 952.227.1170 staff will provide a recommended 5 Year CIP for consideration based upon your input and discussion in July. Finance Phone: 952.227,1140 At the meeting, commissioners will be asked to review the current set of projects Fax: 952.2271110 in the CIP in addition to reviewing job sheets for a number of other potential Park & Recreation projects. Some of these potential future projects have been included in past CIP Phone: 952.2271120 programs, but were removed at some point in time. Others are new items being Fax: 952.227.1110 reviewed by the Commission for the first time. Recreation Center This initial review is intended to give the commission an opportunity to discuss 2310 Coulter Boulevard its goals surrounding capital improvements over the next five years, propose Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952227.1404 priorities, and seek additional information. Presumably, the commission will challenge and debate priorities, assign a ranking to the individual projects being Planning & proposed, and work towards forming a final recommendation to the city council. Natural Resources Projects that we are currently committed to are denoted. Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.2271110 The Park and Trail Acquisition and Development CIP program accounts for all Public Works major park and trail acquisitions and improvements. The park dedication fund is 1591 Park Road used to finance most of these activities. Park dedication funds are collected Phone: 952.227.1300 through the development of residential, commercial and industrial property. The Fax 952.227.1310 premise for these fees is that development of vacant properties results in increased needs for public park and trail amenities. In order to fulfill or meet Senior Center these new demands for services, park dedication fees are collected and Phone: 952227.1125 employed to acquire parkland, build parks and trails, purchase playgrounds, Fax: 952.227,1110 construct picnic shelters, build ball fields, plant trees, etc. The current fund Web Site balance at the end of 2009 was just under $3,000,000. www.oi.ohanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Park & Recreation Commission July 27, 2010 Page 2 General tax levy dollars are also used for some projects, primarily those that involve the replacement or refurbishment of old or outdated improvements. For example, in 2004 and 2005, $500,000 worth of new playgrounds were installed, replacing old and outdated equipment using general fund levy dollars. Annual park dedication fee receipts are well off from their historical high of $2,286,277 in 2006. Over the past nine years, park fee receipts have averaged $818,000 per year. We estimated that receipts in 2009 would total $100,000. Actual receipts came in at $83,536. We are again estimating receipts of $100,000 in 2010 and have lowered expectations in 2011 through 2014 from $300,000 annually to $200,000 annually. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission initiate a discussion concerning the 2011 — 2015 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and begin the process of assigning priority rankings to specific projects. In addition, it is recommended that annual expenses in the park dedication fund CIP average $500,000 or less per year over the next five years. ATTACHMENTS 1. CIP Project Sheets 2. Park Dedication Fund History 3. Park Dedication Fee Survey 2008 -2009 g: \park \th \cip \2011 -2015 commission report.doc 2011 -15 Park and Trail Acquisition & Development CIP Projects Projects Underway Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -069 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Hwy 41 Pedestrian Underpass/Trail Grant Match Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description I Total Project Cost: $400,000 Carver County has applied for a federal grant to provide these improvements. The City originally supported the application by pledging a $125,000 matching contribution. However, project engineering and increased project costs have resulted in the City share of the budget to be re- estimated at $400,000. * In Progress Justification I A pedestrian underpass to Minnewashta Regional Park is a highly sought after improvement. The project also completes a one mile section of trail adjacent to State Highway 41 identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 Budget Impact/Other I Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -104 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Highway 41 Pedestrian Stairway Category Park Account #1 410 - 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $100,000 Addition of a pedestrian stairway connector between the proposed Highway 41 trail /underpass to Highover Drive and the Highover and Highcrest Meadows neighborhoods. * In Progress Justification An outlot was acquired during the platting of Highcrest Meadows to accommodate this future improvement. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -078 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Pioneer Pass Park Acquisition Category Park Account #1 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $290,000 Acquisition of a neighborhood park in the 2005 MUSA area. * In Progress Justification This acquisition satisfies a significant void in the City's comprehensive park plan. It will serve neighborhood park needs for over 500 homes located within ''A mile of its' location. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Land Acquisition 290,000 290,000 Total 290,000 290,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 290,000 290,000 Total 290,000 290,000 Budget Impact/Other Maintenance and operations costs. Projects Programmed 2011 -2015 Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -042 Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Picnic Tables/Park Benches Category Park Account #1 410- 000 -4705 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description I Total Project Cost: $66,000 Purchase of picnic tables and park benches. Justification I New tables and benches are needed annually to replace old stock and meet new needs. Prior Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 26,000 J Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Total Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Prior Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total I 26,0001 Park Dedication Fund 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Total Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Budget Impact/Other I Capital Improvement � � 2011 thru 2015 Department Park &Trail Improvements 1V1 City of Chanhassen, 1V Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -079 Type Equipment Useful Life Project Name Recreation Center Fitness Equipment Category Park Account #1 400 - 4145 -4705 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description I Total Project Cost: $50,000 Purchase of new fitness room equipment for the Recreation Center over a five year period. Justification I The fitness room equipment has not been replaced since the opening of the Recreation Center in 1995. The equipment is now 14 years old with many pieces nearing or past their useful life expectancy. Prior Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 30,0001 Equipment 10,000 10,000 20,000 Total Total 10,000 10,000 20,000 Prior Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total I 30,0001 Capital Replacement Fund 10,000 10,000 20,000 'total Total 10,000 10,000 20,000 Budget Impact/Other I Maintenance costs will be reduced. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -043 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Trees Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4701 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $155,000 Annual tree planting program. This program is proposed to be accelerated to mitigate the affects of Emerald Ash Borer. Justification I Parklands and other City properties experience tree loss annually, due to storm damage, disease, stress, etc. Prior Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Future 1 40,0001 Land Improvement 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 105,000 1 10,0001 Total Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 105,000 Total Prior Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Future I 40,0001 Park Dedication Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 105,000 1 10,0001 Total Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 105,000 Total Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements 1Y1 City of Chanhassen, Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -107 Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Project Name City Center Park Band Shell/Poles/Fabric Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $45,000 Design, fabrication and installation of four permanent band shell poles and seasonal band shell fabrics at the City Center Park concert stage. Justification I City Center Park and our summer concert series are popular attractions. The construction of the fabric band shell will add color and a sense of architecture to the stage area. The shade provided for performances will create a more comfortable setting on hot and sunny days. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 45,000 45,000 Total 45,000 45,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 45,000 45,000 Total 45,000 45,000 Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Type Improvement Project # PK &T -083 Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Bluff Creek Drive Gap Trail Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4710 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $390,000 Construction of a 10 foot wide pedestrian trail along the east side of Bluff Creek Drive from south of Pioneer Trail to the Minnesota Valley LRT trail head. Justification I The Highway 212 improvement project included a pedestrian trail along the first 2,000 feet of Bluff Creek Drive. The resulting trail "gap" represents a missing link in the City's trail system. Bluff Creek Drive is a difficult stretch of road to negotiate as a pedestrian in the absence of a trail. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 390,000 390,000 Total 390,000 390,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 390,000 390,000 Total 390,000 390,000 Budget Impact/Other 1 Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -098 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Pedestrian Trail to Arboretum Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4710 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $500,000 A ten foot wide bituminous pedestrian trail located on the south side of State Highway 5, from Century Boulevard to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum entry road. The total project cost will exceed $500,000, requiring additional funding partners/sources to be identified for the project. Justification Completing a pedestrian/bicycle trail route to the Arboretum has been a long range goal for the City. The Arboretum will continue the trail from their entrance into the property. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -108 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name TI15 Pedestrian Underpass at Minnewashta Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description Total Project Cost: $1,000,000 If the City is successful in securing federal funds, this project will be included in MNDOT's resurfacing project for TH5 scheduled for 2011. The project includes the installation of a box culvert under TH5 from Minnewashta Parkway to the Landscape Arboretum. This project is consistent with the Landscape Arboretum's comprehensive plan and the City's trail master plan. Justification To increase safety to pedestrians wanting to access the Landscape Arboretum. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Other Agency Contribution 920,000 920,000 Park Dedication Fund 80,000 80,000 Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -099 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Chanhassen Native Preserve Trail, Final Phase Category Park Account #1 410 - 0000 -4710 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $90,000 A 900 foot section of eight foot wide bituminous trail, located at the perimeter of Lot 2, Block 1 Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition. Justification I This section of trail is the final phase of a two mile trail loop around the Chanhassen Native Preserve. The trail project was initiated in 1995. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 90,000 90,000 Total 90 ,E 90,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 90,000 90,000 Total 90 ,E 90,E Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -074 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Rice Marsh Lake Trail Category Park Account #1 410 - 0000 - 4710 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description Total Project Cost: $375,000 The Rice Marsh Lake Trail will travel south of Rice Marsh Lake connecting the cities of Chanhassen and Eden Prairie. Construction of new Highway 212 and an associated trail underpass near the border of the two cities will permit connection of this trail to the Lake Riley area. This section of trail will be 3,600 feet in length and when combined with trails in Eden Prairie will provide a complete trail loop around Rice Marsh Lake approximately 4 miles in length. Justification This important section of pedestrian trail will prove to be a favorite among residents. The entire trail corridor is situated in wooded and wetland areas. Connecting to Eden Prairie, the Highway 212 underpass and extensive trail systems to the east will provide significant benefits for trail users. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 375,000 375,000 Total 375,000 375,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 375,000 375,000 Total 375,000 375,000 Budget Impact/Other Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements MN City of Chanhassen, Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -075 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Liberty at Creekside Trail Category Park Account #1 410 - 0000 -4710 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description I Total Project Cost: $275,000 The Liberty at Creekside trail is a 2,600 foot pedestrian trail situated in the Bluff Creek preservation corridor traveling from Bluff Creek Blvd south to new Highway 212. Justification This section of trail is identified on the City's comprehensive trail plan. It is one of the last remaining links to be completed between Chanhassen and the Minnesota River Valley. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 275,000 275,000 Total 275,000 275,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 275,000 275,000 Total 275,000 275,000 Budget Impact/Other I Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements MN City of Chanhassen, Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -029 Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Hwy 101 North/Pleasant View Rd Trail Connections Category Park Account #1 410 - 0000 -4710 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description ( Total Project Cost: $400,000 Construction of a ten foot wide pedestrian trail along the west side of Highway 101 from Pleasant View Road to Townline Road and an eight foot wide pedestrian trail along the north side of Pleasant View Road from Highway 101 to the existing trail connection. Justification The first segment of this trail was constructed in 2001. These two important "connecting" trails were not included in the original project. This section of trail is identified in the City, County and Metropolitan Council Regional Trail Plan. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 Budget Impact/Other Overlay every 10 -12 years. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Type Improvement Project # PK &T -102 Useful Life Project Name Manchester Park, Phase 1 Development Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $100,000 Initial development of the neighborhood park that was acquired concurrent with the West Water Treatment Plant site. Justification 1 The West Water Treatment Plant is scheduled to be constructed during the same time period. Combining the construction of the new neighborhood park with the Water Treatment Plant will result in significant efficiencies. Construction of this park will satisfy the neighborhood park needs for an area of the City currently under serviced by public parks. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Budget Impact/Other 1 Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -105 Type Equipment Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Roundhouse Park Playground Phase II Category Park Account #1 410- 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description Total Project Cost: $25,000 Addition of a phase II playground for children ages 2 -5. Separation of play structures for ages 2 -5 and ages 6 -12 is recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Justification Phase I was completed in the 1980's and is intended for children ages 6 -12. Space is available within the existing playground container to accommodate the second structure. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Equipment 25,000 25,000 Total 25,000 25,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 25,000 25,000 Total 25,000 25,000 Budget Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -093 Type Equipment Useful Life 10 -15 years Project Name Skate Park Ramp Replacement Category Park Account #1 400 - 0000 -4705 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $50,000 Replacement of the original skate park equipment with new equipment. The original equipment at the park was purchased in 1999, 2000 and 2003. Justification The skate park is one of the most highly visited recreation areas in the City. The existing equipment has deteriorated to a level that makes repairs challenging. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Equipment 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capital Replacement Fund 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Budget Impact/Other 1 Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Type Equipment Project # PK &T -106 Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Sugarbush Park Playground Phase II Category Park Account #1 410 -0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description I Total Project Cost: $25,000 Addition of a phase II playground for children ages 2 -5. Separation of play structures for ages 2 -5 and ages 6 -12 is recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Justification I Phase I was completed in the 1980's and is intended for children ages 6 -12. Space is available within the existing playground container to accommodate the second structure. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Equipment 25,000 25,000 Total 25,000 25,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 25,000 25,000 Total 25,000 25,000 Budget Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -072 Type Improvement Useful Life 25 years Project Name Tennis Courts Category Park Account #1 400 - 0000 -4706 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 410 -0000 -4706 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $325,000 Re -build two courts at the Chanhassen Recreation Center, patch and resurface remainder of courts. Build new double tennis court at Roundhouse Park. Justification I We have deliberately limited the number of courts constructed within our system to lower overall maintenance costs associated with tennis courts. The courts we do offer are kept in playable condition through patching and resurfacing on a six to ten year cycle. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 125,000 125,000 Maintenance 125,000 75,000 200,000 Total 125,000 200,000 325,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Capital Replacement Fund 125,000 75,000 200,000 Park Dedication Fund 125,000 125,000 Total 125,000 200,000 325,000 Budget Impact/Other Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -090 Type Equipment Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lake Ann Park Boat Access Dock Category Park Account #1 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $10,000 Installation of a dock adjacent to the public boat access at Lake Ann. Justification 1 The addition of a dock will improve accessibility at the access. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Equipment 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 Budget Impact/Other 1 Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -091 Type Equipment Useful Life 20 years Project Name Lake Susan Park Boat Access Dock Category Park Account #1 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $10,000 Installation of a dock adjacent to the public boat access at Lake Susan. Justification 1 The addition of a dock will improve accessibility at the access. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Equipment 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 Budget Impact/Other 1 Projects Currently Not Programmed Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -109 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Pioneer Pass Neighborhood Park Development Category Park Account #1 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description I Total Project Cost: $350,000 Construction of an 8.7 acre neighborhood park in southern Chanhassen. This property is being acquired through a combination of dedication and fee purchase as a component of the Pioneer Pass housing development. Justification I This new park is being acquired and developed to fulfill the neighborhood park needs of a large portion of the 2005 MUSA area. This is the first new neighborhood park acquisition in the past 15 years. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 350,000 350,000 Total 350,000 350,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 350,000 350,000 Total 350,000 350,000 Budget Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program 2011 thru 2015 Department Park & Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Type Improvement Project # PK &T -110 Useful Life Project Name Hwy 41 Trail Extension to Highway 7 Category Park Account #1 Account #3 Priority n/a Account #2 Account #4 Description 1 Total Project Cost: $125,000 Extension of the Highway 41 trail from Minnetonka Middle School West to the intersection of Highway 7 and Highway 41. Justification I The current trail project being undertaken by Carver County in cooperation with the City terminates at Minnetonka Middle School West. Extending the trail to Highway 7 will allow for a signalized at grade pedestrian crossing. Expenditures 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Construction 125,000 125,000 Total 125,000 125,000 Funding Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Park Dedication Fund 125,000 125,000 Total 125,000 125,000 Budget Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program fillffirtiffilw VIP Contact 1 City of Chanhassen, 1111V Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -060 Type Improvement I Useful Life Project Name Bluff Creek Trail Plan (Lyman to Pioneer) Category Park Account # 1 410- 0000 -4701 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $20,000 Description I Consulting expenditure to design the Bluff Creek Trail from Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail. 1 1 Justification I This trail represents one of the last significant off - street trail corridors in the city. 1 Expenditures sow "SAA Planning/Design 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 1 1 Funding Sources 1 1 1 1. , i I Park Dedication Fund 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 1 I Operationallmpact/Other I 1 1 1 1 1 89 Capital Improvement Program Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -087 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Lake Ann Park Ballfield Safety Fencing - #4, #5 & #6 Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $100,000 Description 1 Installation of safety back stops and dug outs on fields #4, #5 and #6. Justification Spectators and players are getting hit by foul balls from adjoining fields at a higher than expected rate. Expenditures ■i Construction 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Funding Sources . . Park Dedication Fund 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000 Operational Impact/Other 4 h, Contact Unassigned Capital Improvement Program * Department Park & Trail Improvements Clty of Chanhassen, 1►ll T ype Improvement Project # PK &T -041 Useful Life 20 years Project Name Phase H Playground:Power Hill Park Category Park Account # 1 410 - 0000 4705 Account # 3 Priority nta Account #2 Total Project Cost $30,000 Description I Addition of a Phase II playground for children ages 2 -5. 1 Justification and container for Phase II. i Phase I was completed in the mid 1980s and is intended for children ages 6-12. Space is available within the existing playgro Expenditures 30,000 30,000 Equipment 30,000 Total 30,000 4i { Funding Sources 000 30,000 Park Dedication Fund � 30,000 Total 30,E l 1 j i, OperationalImpact/Other I i t i i z( , 1 76 II 1 Capital Improvement Program Willi ,ffrffir Chanhasse n, Unassigned City of Chanhassen, M 7V Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -039 Type Improvement I Useful Life 25 years Project Name Hockey Useful Park Category Park Account # 1 410 - 0000 -4705 Account # 3 Priority n/a 1 Account #2 Total Project Cost $105,000 Description Construction of one hockey rink with lights. 1 Justification ` 1 A component of the Park Master Plan. Warming house already exists. 1 1 Expenditures Equipment 105,000 105,000 Total 105,000 105,000 1 1 Funding Sources 2111111■Iiiiiimmoollilmmoollaimmumahmeal I Park Dedication Fund 105,000 105,000 Total 105,000 105,000 I f Operational Lnpact/Other Additional annual maintenance costs are estimated to be $500. Operating Budget Impact 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Maintenance 500 500 1,000 Total 500 500 1,000 1 75 I Capital Improvement Program ��� Contact Unassigned I City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -047 Type Improvement Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Arboretum Business Park Lot 12 Trail Category Park Account # 1 410- 0000 -4701 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $190,000 Description I Construction of an 8 -foot wide asphalt trail in the Chanhassen nature preserve. I Justification I I Represents the final phase in a four part trail construction initiative. I Expenditures " ' Land Improvement 190,000 190,000 Total 190,000 190,000 I I Funding Sources 11 11; 1 1' 1 1 i 1 I Park Dedication Fund 190,000 190,000 Total 190,000 190,000 1 I _ Operationallmpact/Other 1 Overlay every 10 12 years. 1 I I ' 7 9 Capital Improvement Program Contact Todd Hoffman 1V1 City of Chanhassen, Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Project # PK &T -084 Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Pioneer Boulevard Gap Trail Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $300,000 Description Construction of a 10 foot wide pedestrian trail along the north side of Pioneer Trail from Highway 101 to Powers Boulevard. Justification The Highway 212 improvement project included construction of a pedestrain trail along the majority of Pioneer Trail. The remaining missing link or "gap" between Powers Boulevard and Highway 101 should be completed. Expenditures Construction 300,000 300,000 Total 300,000 300,000 Funding Sources zuii Park Dedication Fund 300,000 300,000 Total 300,000 300,000 Operationallmpact/Other Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen, MN Contact Todd Hoffman Project # PK &T -104 Department Park & Trail Improvements Project Name Bandimere Community Park Expansion/Phase One Development Type Useful Life Account #1 Account #3 Category Park Account #2 Priority Total Project Cost $2,000,000.00 Description I Acquisition of approximately 4.13 acres of property to expand Bandimere Community Park and Phase One Development of this additional parkland. Justification I Acquisition and development of this additional land will significantly improve the access to Bandimere Community Park and make way for amenities that were identified as desirable during the initial master planning process, but were not developed due to lack of space on the original site. Expenditures 2 2013 Land Acquisition /Construction $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Funding Sources OTAL Park Dedication Fund $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Operational Impact/Other I Capital Improvement Program Contact Unassigned City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Project # PK &T -003 Useful Life 50.Years Project Name City Center Park Shelter/Warming house C Park Account # 1 410 -0000 -4705 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $275,000 Description City Center Park is a 10 -acre a collaborative effort between School District 112 and the City to provide an active park for elementary school children and Chanhassen residents. The Master Plan includes a Park Shelter/Warming House (2010) Justification City Center Park is the most widely utilized outdoor skating venue in the City. The Shelter will replace a rental satellite building. The improvements are consistent with the master plan. • Expenditures To tal Construction 275,000 275,000 Total 275,000 275,000 ( Funding Sources Total Park Dedication Fund 275,000 275,000 Total 275,000 275,000 Operational Impact /Other 1 These projects will increase annual operating costs by an estimated $3,000. Operating Budget Impact 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Maintenance 3,000 3,000 Total 3,000 3,000 70 Capital Improvement Program Contact Todd Hoffman MN City of Chanhassen, Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -100 Type Equipment Useful Life 10 -15 years Project Name Recreation Center Ballfield Safety Netting Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $40,000 Description Installation of additional backstop safety netting on ballfields. Justification Foul hit balls pose a danger to spectators. Expenditures Total Equipment 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Funding Sources �`°° a., lw /all i " Total Park Dedication Fund 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Operational Impact/Other Replace netting every ten years. Capital Improvement Program Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -085 Type Equipment Useful Life 30 Years Project Name Disc Golf Course Contribution Category Park Account # 1 410 - 0000 -4705 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $20,000 Description The City is seeking a partner to construct a disc golf course. The City will provide the investment required to purchase equipment in the event that a partnering entity has the land on which to build a course. Justification 1 Disc golf is a very popular activity with many teenage participants. Expenditures Total Equipment 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 Funding Sources 2012 Total Park Dedication Fund 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 Operational Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program ru �� Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -092 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Bandimere Community Park Shelter/Restrooms Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $500,000 Description I Construction of a permanent park shelter building at Bandimere Community Park. The building will include a concessions room, seating area, storage, utility room, viewing balcony and modern restrooms. Justification Bandimere Park is one of two remaining community parks without a full service park building. Activity levels at the park justify this capital investment. Expenditures Total Construction 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Funding Sources •3 Total Park Dedication Fund 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Operational Impact/Other Maintenance and operations costs. Capital Improvement Program Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -088 Type Equipment Useful Life 10 -15 years Project Name Bandimere Park Ballfield Safety Netting Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $40,000 Description Installation of additional backstop safety netting on ballfields #1, #2 and #3. Justification Foul hit balls pose a danger to spectators. Expenditures Total Equipment 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 ' 40,000 Funding Sources Total Park Dedication Fund 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Operational Impact/Other Replace netting every ten years. Capital Improvement Program —- OPP Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Type Improvement Project # PK&T -101 Useful Life Project Name Lyman Boulevard North Park Acquisition Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $400,000 Description Acquisition and initial development of a neighborhood park in the area north of Lyman Boulevard, south of Highway 212/312, east of Quinn Road and west of the Chanhassen/Eden Prairie border. Justification 1 This acquisition satisfies a void in the City's Comprehensive Park Plan. This park will serve approximately 400 homes located within a 1/2 mile neighborhood park service area. Expenditures 1 Total Construction 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 Funding Sources Total Park Dedication Fund 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 Operational Impact/Other 1 Capital Improvement Program OiN Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -103 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Playground Accessibility Improvements Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $75,000 Description Increase and improve accessibility to existing playgrounds through the installation of hard surface access trails, transfer stations and accessible resiliant surfacing. Justification To satisfy federally mandated accessibility requirements and guidelines for playgrounds. Expenditures • . ' 1 1 2011 20 Total Construction 75,000 75,000 Total 75,000 75,000 Funding Sources 011 2012 20 3 Total Park Dedication Fund ,000 75,000 Total 75,000 75,000 Operational Impact/Other Capital Improvement Program iiiiimomalia Contact Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen, MN Department Park & Trail Improvements Project # PK &T -086 Type Improvement Useful Life 50 Years Project Name Lake Ann Park Amphitheater & Ballfield Shelter Category Park Account # 1 Account # 3 Priority n/a Account #2 Total Project Cost $900,000 Description 1 Construction of an amphitheater and ballfield shelter building at Lake Ann Park. The amphitheater will be sited at the base of an existing hillside, providing open air seating for up to five thousand spectators. The ballfield shelter building will include a concessions room, seating area, storage, utility room, viewing balcony and modern restrooms. Justification I Lake Ann Park is one of two remaining community parks without a full service park building. The amphitheater will satisfy the demand for a unique outdoor performance stage within the community. Activity levels at the park justify this capital investment. Expenditures Total Construction 900,000 900,000 Total 900,000 900,000 Funding Sources yal 013 Total Park Dedication Fund 900,000 900,000 Total 900,000 900,000 Operational Impact/Other I Maintenance and operations costs. CD M N CI ▪ s. .:. 4. VI O et '0 Cl.) y s.. cu p w w co w 0 L O O' a� a, et oA ti Q" O p t U U W" y°„ V V V U U o o o o. o. oo 4. o. a eu a a a as d ; I 1 L 0. 0 1 a C a o. c. H a p„ I 0 0 y ,_.1 . 4. 0 1 1 I I I CA I 0 0 0 O..". In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • O ` O N M b �� y O O tel O 2 O M �D N N N . 'C Z 6l9 ER 69 EA ER ER .0 k "0 69 69 61 E/9 6/9 b,4 ^ ^ 01 V 0 Q.) w `.' y o e� .L../ ° y d 11 I «: r L cu N y " y" w g g �" 4.. 0 a a O ti • C::'., o 0 0 0 0 u et et O L 0% u v Q t .. 1 O p 0 •. CI L i. 0 CI Q) L O L L d cu o • U .-- "" Co) O. CL /.I s. d G. a o4 a al 6 . y a. d 1 I t 0 I d 4 °. °. 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