02 12 03 MinutesCHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING February 12, 2003 Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kim Grant, Dotti Shay, Kim Hankins, Ron Olsen, Steve Nalefski MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Yungner, Jo Mueller STAFF PRESENT: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator, Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January minutes were approved. ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS: The awards were presented at the Feb. 10 City Council meeting. Only Ron Olson attended. The commission watched the video tape of the meeting. ARBOR DAY: The Poster Contest theme will be 'Trees are Terrific...from acorn to oak' based on the national contest theme. For the first time, the state is involved in the contest and local posters will be eligible for the national contest. Unfortunately, the state program conflicts with the city's contest. Posters are due to the state on Feb. 28 which is much earlier than our deadline. Steve will call the schools to see if they are participating and if not, then the commission will invite them to participate in the city competition. Commissioners suggested having the winning poster printed on table tents and distributed to local restaurants. Jill will check into print pricing. Kim G. will call restaurants to see if they'd participate and how many would be needed. The commission discussed the Park Pride component and discussed changing from Frisbees to planting pots for the serving the lunch. The kids could pot up seedlings after lunch and take them home. Perhaps Lotus or Halla could donate the pots. Prizes for the clean-up groups could change too. Suggestions were made to look into getting enough for everyone instead of a drawing. For the AD event, it will be at the Rec Center, noon to 2pm, and focus should be on active participation rather than exhibitions. Suggestions included doing environmental bingo or trivia, children's water festival activities, wildlife presentation or Charlie McGuire. ENVIRONMENTAL GRANTS: Deadline for county grants is March 7. A maximum of $2000 is awarded. The commission would like to apply for a grant for rain barrels. Kim H. gathered information on Riverside rain barrels which cost $120/barrel + shipping. Perhaps the county could order 25 to sell at the Env. Center and the EC would take 5-10 for demos throughout the city. Kim H also noted that Riverside has a carwash campaign urging people to use commercial carwashes instead of doing it at home. Perhaps Melissa could do an article on it and the EC could find a group to do a fundraiser event at the same time. GENERAL DISCUSSION: · Blue Sky Guide: Catherine Mullin called and was looking for suggestions of local businesses to include in the guide. EC offered car washes, Lotus, Valvoline, Bokoo bikes · Jill announced that all metro McDonald's will be giving away seedlings on Arbor Day. · Ron stated the state is offering rebates for photovoltaic upgrades and installation through 2003 or 04. The EC suggested he apply for a county grant to do some research on it. · Strategic Plan: SWOT should be a separate document? The EMS should be eliminated. · Steve said the EC should keep in mind the MN Environmental Initiatives Award for future projects. The group needs to follow the procedures for measurable goals. · Dotti? announced that the county is doing an energy audit. Meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:~PLAlCOSXECWK;03'O2-12-03MIN.doc