Legal DescriptionParcel "2- That part of the Northwest Quartet of Section.-% Township 115 North, FAnge 23 West. Carver County, lfinnesota. Aescribed as follows` Begin king At a- point in -the'Re8VIia6 :of said Section 3 distant 1785:7 feet South of the• Northwest -comer thereof. said point : being - in the - Southeasterly right -of --nay line of - the - Chicago and Northwestern* Ram £omlgany, t>renee manft Nar#heaaterly ataaA said right: of -way lice 997.0 feel to a paint (whicb :poid .is: the Northwost corner of the tract previously .conveyed to American .Sugar Company as ascribed in Bobk 44 of Deeds at Pace 8 thereof *hidh point is the true point of beginnin g o[ the tract conveyed; thence running South parsill�el with the west live of said Section 3, ftle feet to -a which• point the Northwest corner =of the tract pieWouity conveyed to !L ' ,L- Gedney Company as described - in - Boob al of Deeda _ at Page 251 tlie�f} in- a eurVe having a ra tw of 604.09 feet, the -radius point of said cum being South 46 degrees 57 InMutes .Coast :WOO feet from said point; thence running Nortltetwtedy along the Northwesterly. lime of the t art previously conveyed to. M. A. Gednq Company as described in Boob 61 of Beeds at - Page 951 =thereof and :along the am of said curse to the right a distance of 69:72 feet to the -end of said - curse; thence running North 50 degrees .27 minutes East . tangeliL 4o said ce ve 1270:58 feet to the beginning of -a curve. to the left leaving. a radius of 598:35 feet;. thence..ruimtittg KOMeasterly aping the arc of .said .curve. to Ahe :left- a distance .of 307,21 feet to the end- said carve; thence runalstg Noatb 21 degrees o5 minutes to said curve I51 � feet to the beginning of -a curve- to -the t hang a- radius of 532:1S feet; . 1umling Ne theasterly. along the are of said curve to the right 142.42 -feet to its interseetion- with the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Chicago and Nermwsstera Railway Company railroads said post being 4&.93 feet Southwesterly° from. fife: North line of said 'Seetidn 3 88 81e6sured a1mg sal$ Southeasterly rigitt --o( way lice; thence running Southwo*rly along spid Southeasterly 1SM-of -sway line of Chicago :gad Northwestern hallway Company railroad to the point of besieging. Ezoept that pact lye'Vest of the fvllowift -described fine d Commencing at a point on the Rest line of .said Northwest quarter distant 1.855.37 feet Southerly film the - Northwest comer head said We l as an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees. 33 - minutes 32 sec.. I tfest, :said paint ,being an the NorWeply line of -.the Mcop ani North Wiwtera RWIi oad 1 ompmy right of way; thence 51 degrees 06 minutes 10 -seconds Bash among . said tit of way Ann 1218.17 feet to the .actual point of beginning of Una A -to'be described; thence South .23 degrees 43 minutes 37 second$ Ets't M2 feet;. theWe :9Outherly :228:75 feet . along a tangential curve cahcave to the Rest Riving a radius of 510.(16 filet turd a .central angle of 26 degrees .41 minutes 55.secoiaft :thence Borth tl8 degrees 01 minutss 42 W=W19 % at and mat tangent to said curve 5:00 feet; thence Southerly 96.91 feet ialong- a view- tangontial came eoneave to the hest - having -a radius of 505.00 feet _and a central angle. of 10 degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds -and' a chord of:5eath :07 bearu►g ' degrees ES minutes. 0.9 seconds lfest; thence South 12 degrees 67 minutes - 59 seconds West, tart to lapt detef[bed curve 343.07 feet: the" 'SoutAp. - 3309 •feet. along A tangential Mrve coneave to the E"t having A radius of 4211.00 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 mtbutes 13 seconds, and - there terminating. (Abstract P4apertg) Parcel 3: Qutlot D. 01" l A"dioh. Ffift of the i ar sf 15tlrts. Carver County, Rygisir .. .. . Ytgseaots, (Torreas Property) Pared 4; Gover t Lot L won $, - Township 115, R.=V 23, according to the United States Government Survey .thereof; Carver wunty, umbesata Together nitl� a. wt. &ppufrtenant eis6mebb for roadway purposes and for utility and .dr+awtage Purposes established In Warmity Deed dated Aurat -27, :IM5, f led August 27, 1985 in Book 86 of Deeds. Pages 45-4% as Daummsnt. 'No� f09W {Abstract property} Parcel & That part of Government Lot T-wo , (2), - The sooAwest one- quarter of the -Northeast Quarter (Siff /091/4) and the Northeast 8ne-- quarter of the Southeast quarter -(NVI /4SEI /4). all in Section *ee (D), 'l'auaship f1 , :Range 23. t5?rvet £ouaty, lflecesata,. describe*4� as fen Commencing at the :North quarteer career :(cast zron mmumentj. of Section Three .(31- thence 11asterlg along -the. North lint :of :said Section ?l?w (3� a distance of L.32424 feet. to sin Irea pipe; 'thence Southerly .along .the Ifest }rue of lies Northeast On"aarter of the Northwest :tlne�- quarter (N# /4P 94/4) a distance of 1;377.5 :feet, continuing Souther1j °abet the Rest line of the Southeast. : One- Quarter of the Wortheaet One - quartet (44/091/4 .4 .distance of 000 feet to the acted point of ttggiIIning Proceed from the aelaal :point. of : t inaaieg Westerly at a 80 °degr!ee an#e to the !test Hire- of the Southeast One-quarter of the lWrttheaat Qna =quarter ($fit /�iAlBYf4) a : distance -of 500 feet; :thence .aentherly at a QO.degree an a distance of 850 feet; more or less, to the Northerly bank of the :itum erota Rivet; tl e9tc3e -Nart]ieast� along :said bank to the West line of the N ortl►eaat - One- quarter of the Southeast Use rter - (W1/4%1/4k thence Northerly -along -said Beat line -and its - Northerly extension. a distance of 850. feet. more or - less. to W point of begin_ (Abstract may) LEGAL. DRSCRITMON. -POT"I 1. That p&A of the : Northwest Quarter of Section 3. tombig 115 Range 23, Carver- County, W=esota. dbwAbM ":' fididwk Beginning at a. point in the. test Hm of said - Secti, 4 feet due on 3 distant 1-7-95 . South Of the Northwest Winer thereat, said.point in the Southeasterly -right of *OY line of the Iiinneapolis & SL Louis Wroad; thong running Northeasterly atom` said right of Way . Hue . 9.97:8 feet; thence feet a. -runnin due $Wth parallel with 4he West line of said Section U.S. p oint .fn the. .g ... % 27? centerline of the industry spur . track, said point being the actual. point of beginning of tike tract of -land 16 Iii 4'e6ft M id. - pWnt - " taunt U a - curve having -aL radius .41' 694.69 feat, 'the radius point of said curve being South .48 -dagrm 57 minutes East, 594 U - fed from -sald actual point of begiank: theace' running No Wang the Oentertine. of mid industry sgurr traci. and along the. arc of -said curve to the right a disU 82.72 feet to the end of said carom, thence running North 50 degrees 27 minutes lbd:t&Apnt to said cum and along the centerline of sald indus" spur track :1270:56 feet to the begfiming of a curve A the - left 4tin thence running Northeasterly - along the g a radius of 59 feet an -of said car" 4a the left and aloft the cOn of ­said ' ififtsUy .spur track, a distamce. of 307XI feet to the end of said cwv% t running NorU_LII.:degreev 05 minutes -ZaA. tangent to said curve and along the ;Mi;qrWe--oj said Odustry spur trajeJr, MAP- feeUto the1egiam.bg of a curve to: the right: having a radius of 5=18 feet Umm ruing Northeasterly along the -mv of sWd e urve. to the. right. 444 .along the centerhm of said Industry spa track 142AZ feet to its jrjtg�on with the Southeasterly right -of way line of -the IftRetpoft 4l. St. Louis Pailread said. point . being 45:90 -feet Sout hwesterly fMIA U16. w* Worth fte .of . said $OtM 40 -mmured.ai�q-seld. Southeasterly right of way line; thence -running - Nqrthmly - O C said -Southeasterly . t of way fine 41.83 feet to a point in the North line of saidlection 3. -thence running EGA Atong-said North line 140.4 k%-L more or:less to the Northwest corner of tae : pamd. of :land conveyed -tat St, . John' gkijeo. RM IV�theraa urc Cb r ecorded. In Book 46 . . t .. ros r. Deeds, Pop is. Med Adjust Za, 1958; thence ;MPON south at rW "go WAS feet; *A;*. defiticUirg 53 dOV e" - 47 InInates to 'the right and ruAWng Southwesterly paraW wilh the-Aurtheily. Atht.Af - *e$ U46.. of -the .Chaska and Shakopee Be" 150: feet; -*e4ft dellectin 4 - de - ees .47 -a . 14nut". to .a 3 the left -mod n-god .860th011 175 teat :to A Point in Ahe Northerly right. .6f way line df the. Chaska. and Shakopee good; thence running Southwesterly along said Northerly rift of way line 1675.9:feet, more or Ito, to- a :point in -a- line - diawn parallel -with the- West fine of - said-' Seeft.on. 3 from the actual point of Wgin.nIng; :thence " alo *d 4ae -runum - pai!-�M live 30 V. feet, more .or: Tess, to the. actual Point of. C beginning, For the purimse of thix.description the West. line of SecWI S. Township Ilry.-Range 231s. considered to be -a due North nail South Except that part Iffing West oUtheIbRoming desenW Line &- Commenaing at a point 04 the - West Jim -of said Northwest Quarter distant I66$.37 fed Southerly front the Northwest comer -thereat, - said'Vest line =has an asmaned bearing of South 0 degrees .33 minutes - 32 mcmde 'West, said point being -as the .Nqrt�herty. line of the McW and North Western Railroad; COMP►Y right of *0y; them lVortn . 51 degrees. 08 minutes 10 -em last along said :right of *ay Me AIIIAT feet to Ue actual "IAt of1exinning of :line A to he -dadnW; thence South 23 degrees minutes 37 feet; Upmm Southerly 2 curve concave to the Vest'iavin . 514,1D.O. :fee wW.a central .angle. of 26 degrees 41 n0nutes. 56 seconft thenot North 88 didgrets 41 '-fdAutft 42 on . 6 Ifest, and not tangent to sa cu e we 5.00 feet; thenc 96.01 feet along a -Ron-twont . ial . --curve . tondavie'th Alit 'West halting -a� . ius . 50 . 5: Wai . . . and . Southerly a ren central . kad of A angle. of :1.Q degrees 59 niki4tes.41-miconds and a .6hoid beewing -of -South .07 Aegreen .20 minutes .00 monde Test; thence South 12 degrees 5.1 nanutes 50 monde Weet,'tangent to last described 'curve, 143-07 feet, thence Southerly 330.26 feet along .:a taftentua cum ocueave to the Hast. having -a radius of 4W.00 and A. central angle : of - 45 degrees 03 - minutes 13 secon e on�, and. iker - terminating. AND 11eqUag the whom :the Moving dftAi.b*d tracit- 'That part of the Northeast Quarto -of We Northwest Quarter of Section 3, TowneMp 115 North, - Range 23 Test of Me Ith Prino .. . W Veridian, described -as- feHows: Commencing A the northwest earner of the Northwest Quartet of said Section 3, thence on -an assumed bearing of -South M degrees 52- wimtes - 27:eawnde Lust. alon the north Ue of paid Northwest Quarter a. distance of 228M thoW South 01 degm P.I:mhmtm 05 seecab i West a distance Of:195.00.ftet - to Oie point Of of land. 'to be described; thence South R_ degrees- 44 minutes -44 monde IFed a distance of'412 `15 feet: thence South -34 degrees 40. mijut"'' 12 seconds East to the imerseetift with. the. westerly 11" of thO parcel conveyed to Northern States Poira fAmpany -by . the document recorded in Book 1 61 of DeedA. pace ft ta the -office of the Carver County'Reow&r', thence northerly along e , , W -waskerlY line to the'llorthweatedY line of said conveyed pareek thence northeasterly along* Wit northwooWly nine 0 the tAtemetion ift the westerly line- of the pared conveyed to -St.. John's Lutheran. - Chun& by the document recorded in _118ok 40 of Deede pap is, in the office of. the camr . County'liftorder &i�* aftQWriy along -said west line to the Intersection with . a lin . . bearing. Worth :69 44 minutes 44- seconds Bast; foam- the "point of be&Wnr thenceSout) . �:62 4WW 44..MWOs 44 sedohda West U the point of U&nIng- (AINItract. Property}