PRC 2010 09 28 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 Prior to the regular meeting the Park and Recreation Commission toured the Audubon Road trails and Pioneer Pass Park. Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Daniel, Steve Scharfenberg, Scott Wendt, and Cole Kelly MEMBERS ABSENT: Glenn Stolar, Elise Ryan and Tom Kelly STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; John Stutzman, Recreation Supervisor; Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator; Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent; and Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager PUBLIC PRESENT: Todd Neils 990 Saddlebrook Curve APPROVAL OF AGENDA:Wendt moved, Cole Kelly seconded to approve the agenda as published. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hoffman: Homecoming parade on Friday and homecoming at Chanhassen High School on Friday so spread the work and if you can make one or both, great. Daniel: I guess one question I have. Technically in order to have homecoming don’t you need to have a graduating class? Hoffman: Yeah, the first two are fake homecomings. Daniel: Okay. I just wanted to make sure. Hoffman: Trial runs. Daniel: Practice, right? Hoffman: Next year will be the official first. Daniel: Okay, good. Alright. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Daniel: I see we have a guest. Todd. Is there something you’d love to discuss with us? Please state your name and. Todd Neils: Why I’m here. Daniel: Yes. Todd Neils: My name is Todd Neils. I’m with the Chanhassen Athletic Association. I run the baseball and softball program for about 3 more weeks. I am here to, on Mr. Hoffman’s request, to show the bid we received for the fence move on Field 2. That will officially complete the fence moves at Lake Ann Park so that we are compliant with Little League regulations of at least 195 feet and the Chanhassen Baseball Association will pay that from proceeds from their tournament they hosted this summer. What we’re going to do is we’re actually going to have them, we’re going to use part of the batting cage that currently resides at Lake Ann Park as part of the fence as our own little green monster, as well as going off the corner posts and around to get out to 200 feet, which is, as I said, Little League compliant at that point which will give us the opportunity to possibly host Little League All Star Tournaments this next year. So I will pass that around. I have a copy at home as well. I’m also here to discuss, the last time I was here was to discuss possible lighting at Lake Susan and while I’m not here to discuss that this evening, what I would like to show is the rough representation of what the dugouts we’re like to put in again at CAA baseball’s expense. These are actually dugouts that are at Bethany College in Mankato and it will give you a good indication on what we’d like to do. I’m going to put them up here as you see here it’s a two tiered batting cage. We will continue to utilize the current bench that is there, as well as some of the fencing that’ll be in front of that bench and then we’ll have a covered area. I’m in the process of getting bids for concrete work. We hope to, with your approval, put a slab down at grade with one block of concrete around and then use, use volunteer labor and more materials, more volunteer materials to, or donate materials to complete the dugouts. I have another picture here which gives you another side view. And then finally one from straight on. The CAA Baseball and Softball Association through fundraising efforts has donated at this point two steel boxes to the park system and so while one of then is housed at Lake Susan currently, the intent is when we, when we get approval or hope to get approval for the new dugouts we’ll put a permanent storage facility on one side of the field. With a steel door and hopefully that one won’t get crow barred into. So again Mr. Hoffman suggested I come up and at least give you an idea of what we’re thinking. We’re probably a good 6 months away from even raising the funds but would like to, like I said, give you an idea of what we were considering putting in at Lake Susan Park. Eventually we’ll also put in, hope to put in electronic scoreboard and run the electricity. All at CAA baseball expense. Daniel: Thank you Todd. I’ve got a couple questions. One is the dugout at Lake Susan, correct? Todd Neils: Yes. Daniel: Okay. And currently what’s there is just, it’s just open. 2 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Todd Neils: Open. Yep. Scharfenberg: Todd, what was your thought about doing something like this as opposed to just putting in some, you know something like at Lake Ann that has more protective screen probably at a little lower cost maybe? Todd Neils: Well with the volunteer organization that has more money than, no. To be quite honest you know the thought is that currently it’s utilized by a number of different communities. I know that Minnetonka, Tonka Babe Ruth uses it. Obviously Chanhassen baseball uses it. I believe there’s some heavy use on Sundays from the league, which I think they’d really appreciate this and wouldn’t it be nice to give them lights to play under the lights. And then also th the high school uses it as well as their 10 grade stadium. And so long term you know I think the intent is to give everybody the same experience that they might receive at Chanhassen High School. Or as cost effectively as possible. Daniel: Okay. And Cole? Cole Kelly: When are you planning on doing this? Todd Neils: Well we’re in the process of getting bids. Mr. Hoffman suggested a contractor for concrete that is used by the City frequently as well as has done other dugout work in the community. I’m getting other bids. If, I’m unclear about the approval process but if it’s rubber stamped and we can afford it I’d love to put the concrete slab in this year so that we can show our membership that we are working towards this and therefore have a ground swell of support to build it. If possible prior to the start of next season. Cole Kelly: Okay. Because you mentioned that you’re not going to raise the funds for 6 months but you’re able to do some of this beforehand? Todd Neils: We have some fundraising funds that are still available to us. Cole Kelly: Okay. Todd Neils: But the bulk of the project probably wouldn’t be completed until sometime in the spring. Cole Kelly: Hopefully in time for the season. Todd Neils: Hopefully in time for the season. Hoffman: I can shed some light on the approval process that we’d be looking at. For the fence, the first one, just want to make you aware as a park commission that this is something that the Athletic Association is proposing to do. This one, if you’re comfortable with it, as a park commission will give them the go ahead to put it and authorize the work. Get the fence moved back. On the dugouts, you’re going to want to ask all the questions you have tonight. If you have additional questions you’re going to have to have Todd or other representatives come back 3 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 and answer any other questions you have because you’ll have to formulate a recommendation to the council. You’re not obligated to do that tonight during visitor presentations. Typically you’re presented with an idea and then as a commission you have the ability to ask staff to do a report or ask the visitor to come back with additional information before you formulate a recommendation to the council. If you’re comfortable doing that tonight, you can do that tonight and then this would go on a consent item at the City Council level. Giving them the opportunity to comment and ask questions. City Council should approve a change of this magnitude to one of our public facilities. Daniel: Well Todd, I mean obviously you’ve talked, Todd Neils about this at some length. Are there any objections currently from the park and rec department as far as doing these type of additions? Hoffman: No. We just wanted to make sure that all leagues are you know represented and people are informed and that’s what a public review process is for so. Cole Kelly: Todd, you look at this as a positive? Hoffman: Sure. Cole Kelly: All the way, for everything? Hoffman: I think so. The only, the Lake Susan field has been looked at for a variety of improvements. Lights. Dugouts. All of those different types of things so I think it’s a positive. There’s room there to facilitate that. What you have is an organization that’s willing to put forth the effort and the money to build it and then to Mr. Neil’s point, there’s going to be others that benefit from it so. We’re always excited when the athletic association’s here handing money with… Daniel: Yes. You know it comes down to obviously, it’s something that the City’s comfortable with and it’s something that, the plan that you have in place and obviously the...I think it’s fantastic. I mean obviously the improvement that we can make, especially with having enclosed dugouts, yeah. I mean is it necessary? No. But does it bring more amenities, more features to the field itself and you know is it, does it make it more attractive for hosting tournaments, whatever it may be. The little things like that do add up. Hoffman: During cold and windy and rainy weather they really like it. Daniel: They really like it, yes. Trust me on that. Hoffman: I’m not sure we go with the Bethany colors but we’d some… Daniel: I was just going to say, is this going to be a cement slab on top? Is this precast roof or is it stick? 4 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Todd Neils: I suspect it will be stick, from a cost perspective. And it’ll be, the intent is obviously, if you’ve ever been out there after a rain storm and I can say that have, it will be graded appropriately so that it’s not a puddle in the dugout. It’ll be, the intent is to have openings at the back of the dugout so that you can have appropriate drainage of water and sweep it out, so on and so forth. Hoffman: And one of the things that we would be interested in is, either low or no maintenance material and if the association wants to go with wooden shingles we would probably write in to some agreement that then they would be responsible for the long term maintenance of the structure. Daniel: That’s why I asked that, is a maintenance issue obviously. Hoffman: Yeah. As a park district we don’t have the staff or the ability to go back and, we turn around and run the other way from building things with wooden shingles anymore. Todd Neils: Just slate. Daniel: So no, I mean I, Steve. Scharfenberg: My only other question was I don’t, having been out there, this won’t impact, I’m trying to remember how much room there is between that trail that comes behind there and that baseball diamond but that wouldn’t impact that trail at all. Okay. Todd Neils: As a matter of fact you know there’s so much space into the field itself that we could actually not encroach any further back. We can actually build it out further. Cole Kelly: I’m ready to make a motion that we approve the request that the CAA moves the fence and does the top rail, etc. Whatever’s on the sheet. I make a motion that we approve it. Wendt: Second that. Cole Kelly moved, Wendt seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the bid to move the fence on Field #2 at Lake Ann Park to comply with Little League regulations. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Hoffman: Just need to make sure that we get appropriate request, proposal that we can submit. Todd Neils: For the cement itself or the? Hoffman: Description. Project description. They’re going to want to have a project description and so we can submit something. Along with the commission’s recommendation. Cole Kelly: I’m also going to make a motion that we approve the dugouts and we send the recommendation to the City Council. Wendt: Second that. 5 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Cole Kelly moved, Wendt seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the plan for dugouts at Lake Susan Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Daniel: Just you know Todd that does make sense. If part of your goal is to get at least get the slab down, I mean if we have to go through this process again it’s, it’s a no brainer. I mean if it’s something we need to improve and I agree with you as far as maintenance concern. If we go with the stick shingles then we obviously want to absolve ourselves from that as much as we can but if we let the association or, be responsible for maintenance I think it’s an excellent. Looking forward to what that’s going to look like in the spring. Todd Neils: Hopefully. Daniel: Hopefully. Todd Neils: Fingers crossed. Thank you. Daniel: Thank you Todd. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cole Kelly moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the verbatim and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated August 24, 2010 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Daniel: Move onto new business. Item deleted so we go to number 3. Number 2 is deleted Todd? Hoffman: 2’s deleted. We have the counts now and we’re working on a full inventory. This was an item that Tom Kelly talked about. Commissioner Kelly wanted to take a look at the density of households compared to the number of amenities in these neighborhood parks so we’ll have those spreadsheets for you next time around. Daniel: Great. RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE 2010/11 ICE SKATING RINK LOCATIONS. Daniel: Last year we had, John you want to take over with this one obviously but I was just going to say last year we had some discussion about what rinks we were going to look at. Stutzman: Yep. Last year the commission made some recommendations to keep an eye on things throughout the season and overall we went back through them and kind of looked at the numbers and things. All in all I thought it went pretty well last season with the recommendations that we made, especially at Roundhouse. I thought that the neighborhood did their part and kept up their end of the bargain. I know my attendants said that on the weekends during the hours that they were open it was busier than it had been in the past so that was certainly encouraging. 6 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 When looking at the other locations I think if we go just to the locations with the warming houses, I think that’s how we best serve and I think the numbers kind of showed that from when I had, from the numbers that we got from staff and from when I also visited the locations and warming houses myself. Daniel: Okay. And we decided that we’re not going to, Rice Marsh we had last year correct? Stutzman: Correct. Rice Marsh was one we flooded last year and I made several stops to that one as well. Daniel: And no, nothing’s coming from Lake Susan Hills or anything? Stutzman: We never heard. I think I might have gotten one late email last year but that was the end of it. I responded politely to that one and told them that that was what our decision had been and I hadn’t heard any more conversation past that so. Daniel: As far as it moving to these just four and eliminate from just Rice. I think we just had five last year with Rice Marsh Lake, right? Stutzman: Correct, the five locations. We got multiple rinks at each site other than Roundhouse. Daniel: And as far as saving money on that, what would it approximately be? Stutzman: The money savings again with Rice Marsh isn’t as significant as the labor costs. Or the labor, but I think what did we figure that Dale? It was about $1,500 this last year so. Daniel: Alright. Well let’s move on to the discussion here. Cole, any questions? Cole Kelly: No. Daniel: Scott. Wendt: No questions. Scharfenberg: No questions. Daniel: Unlike last year. Let’s move forward with an approval for the new ice skating rink locations, or at least proposed by the City for the skating rink locations. Cole Kelly: I move that we approve the recommendation made by the Recreation Supervisor for the rinks for this coming year. Wendt: Second. Cole Kelly moved, Wendt seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the following ice skating rink locations for the 2010/11 season: 7 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Chanhassen Rec Center - Warming House North Lotus Park - Warming House 1-Family Rink 1-Family Rink 2-Hockey Rinks 1-Hockey Rink City Center Park - Warming House Roundhouse Park - Warming House 1-Family Rink 1-Family Rink 1-Hockey Rink ***Limited Hours All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. RECREATION PROGRAM REPORTS: 2010 HALLOWEEN PARTY. Stutzman: Something a little warmer. Not quite so snowy but Halloween Party will be coming rd up again this year on the 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 out at the Rec Center. A lot of the old favorites will be there and have the entertainer Don B coming back. He was here 3-4 years ago and did a great job and so he will be rejoining us this year. Have contacted volunteers at both high schools. Both Chaska and Chan, and their Key Clubs to see if they’re interested and touched base with them and they’re, as they get underway here with the school year they’re going to let me know more and more about that so should be in good shape. Lots more information coming out in both the Villager, the web site. It’s already out in the Connection and through other means of advertising but should be another fun event and if any commissioners are interested and available, certainly we’ll seek volunteers from you guys as well. Love to have you come out and join the event. Daniel: Excellent, and I think again as we did last time John, we have in the past sent out notification to the commissioners. Stutzman: Absolutely. Daniel: Just reminding them that hey, if you’re interested let us know. Stutzman: Yep. Daniel: To help volunteer. Stutzman: Absolutely. I’ll put together… Daniel: Popular event. Moving 500-600 kids coming through and good sponsorship so hopefully, I know it’ll be a success again. Anybody have questions? If not, thank you John for the update. 2010 LAKE ANN CONCESSION/BOAT RENTAL EVALUATION. 8 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Ruegemer: Thanks Chair Daniels. Just the Lake Ann concession/boat rental evaluation is before you tonight. Had a nice recovery from last summer. We had really a number of days that we were open compared to have 18 to 20 that we were closed earlier, earlier closed last year so we rebounded nicely with a nice percent of increase for profits. Just looking down, just general comments on there. Kind of what was good. What worked. What we can improve on. And just a list of a number of different I guess supplemental information to go along with the report, whether it’s vendor expenses, staffing levels, kind of the daily boat rentals or daily receipts or daily sales so it’s all in front of you tonight so I certainly can entertain any questions if you have any. Daniel: Alright. Wendt: Did you try the blue raspberry? Ruegemer: I did. Yeah, it’s very good. Daniel: There’s a lot of data and a lot of good information here Jerry so I certainly do appreciate that. Obviously we, you know when you’re looking at increasing profits by 58% over last year, there’s a lot of things went well and certainly you know what you’re looking to make the changes to are, just seem a little minor things which are good. Ruegemer: You always look to tweak different things and I think we do a very nice job in kind of minimizing staff when we can. You know not have multiple staff members on duty at each th time, depending on kind of what the day is but certainly the 4 of July we definitely have multiple people but just so we can service our customers but you know we really try not to overlap and kind of run it bare bones so we can certainly save on the labor costs. And that’s really the biggest, you know one of the biggest expenses. Labor and certainly it’s been a little bit harder with vendor expenses. You know with transportation costs going up with you know supplies and that sort of thing. We certainly try to hold the line on raising prices and that sort of thing here but we look at that every year. Daniel: And certainly everyone appreciates that all the boats are in good working condition for next season. Hopefully not then we’ve got problems. Ruegemer: Yep. Well knock on wood. You know the last 3 or 4 years Dale’s crew have done a wonderful job on maintaining and keeping up with things and knock on wood, they’ve been pretty good. Minimal breakdowns. Wendt: We rented boats out there a few times and the kids are great. Daniel: Any questions for Jerry regarding Lake Ann concessions boat rental? Cole Kelly: Have you had any discussion internally about adding kayaks for boat rental? Ruegemer: We have. 9 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Cole Kelly: And is it like, are they too expensive for what you’d rent them out or is there not any, are there requests for them? Ruegemer: Well there’s definitely requests. Staff is kind of investigating that at this point to see if we can get some late season discounts on some kayaks. We certainly looked at, I would certainly like to get some kind of big double ones. Kind of the open ones so you don’t have to kind of slide into the cockpit a little bit easier to get in and out of and I think it’s a little bit better for rental operations so I have been looking around a little bit to purchase 1 or 2 prior to. Cole Kelly: Yeah, I just thought about, you see the row boat rental goes down and you have kayaks are, you know have been popular for a while but I think they’re becoming more popular. Ruegemer: And that’s a great lake with you know, non motorized lake. It’s a great lake for that option. Daniel: Yeah, and you don’t get the waves either. I mean that’s…I think that’d be a great addition. So glad to see you looking into that. Also then I don’t have any questions. Obviously what more can you say. A successful season. Alright, thank you Jerry. SENIOR CENTER REPORT. Bill: Well summer was busy and great at the senior center. Lot of activities. Lot of fun activities and couple things I want to highlight once again. We did the picnic with the Lions. Great, they provide the food. Entertainment. We had 140 plus people this year. We moved it to the end of June which I think worked a little better and then the other big event we had, I had a ladies style show and the first ladies fashion show and a lunch. We had 135 people and that was co-sponsored by Summerwood and Hair for Guys and Dolls so we’re getting a lot of different people and a lot of different activities and all went well. We had a lot of great, fun things going on. And that’s it. Any questions? Daniel: Your day trip to, did you guys go to a Gopher football game? Bill: We went, we had a private tour of the TCF stadium which was wonderful. Have any of you ever done that? It’s really cool. It’s an hour and a half tour. We went into the press boxes. The locker rooms. We got out on the field. It was great and the purpose when I do some trips like that is to try to offer things that would draw men because we do have a lot of women. And that was really popular. And then after we went for burgers to Town Hall Brewery so it was a great, great trip. Daniel: How many people attended? Bill: Between us and Chaska we had 48 people which is pretty much that fills the bus so that was a great trip. The other thing the technology classes continue to really, really go well. We did a Skype class. Sharing digital photos. I did one on Ebay again. A repeat so it’s really drawing different people. One on one computer instruction, I’ve got 9 people waiting for it. I 10 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 only had one volunteer and I recruited a couple retired neighbors so Thursday I’m going to have a training and that’s one on one and that’s just going great so a lot of fun. A lot of good things. Daniel: And what’s coming up for this fall? Bill: Well we just had an overnight trip to LaCrosse. We took. Daniel: Oktoberfest? Bill: No. We couldn’t get rooms for Oktoberfest. Actually that began the day after we left. Two years ago Joan, my counter part in Chaska, we started one overnight trip to afford an opportunity to people who couldn’t go on a longer trip either because of financial or physical that we would, she and I would plan an overnight trip and we had a great time in LaCrosse. We had 46 people. We were able to offer everything for $200 and the trip was wonderful until the bus driver came back on 90. We were there last Wednesday and Thursday and we had a 3 hour detour because Highway 52 was closed. But anyway, we made it. Hoffman: They extended the trip. Bill: Well we got the bill from the bus company. They didn’t charge us for those 3 hours so that was good. Coming up next week, these passport programs are going great. Next week I have a Morocco trip. Got somebody who’s traveled to Morocco. I’ve got 45 people signed up for that so those continue to be really good and educational things, people are just really enjoying them and they like the variety of what we do. Daniel: Thank you Susan. Hoffman: One note for commissioners. If you noticed in the Star Tribune an article about how suburban communities are aging and we spend a lot of time with children or family programming but some communities have kind of missed the boat on senior programming and that’s just not the case in Chanhassen so we have a very well rounded program from the kids to the seniors and so it’s nice to see that again we’re well positioned for all of our residents in the community. Daniel: Thank you Todd. Mr. Gregory, good evening. PARK AND TRAIL MAINTENANCE REPORT. Gregory: Thank you. Tonight I’d just like to add a couple of comments to my report and that, that was not included in it. One of them is on our athletic fields and that. We’ve been doing some restoration on Lake Ann soccer field and one of the soccer fields down at Bandimere. We did run into some problems there. We top dressed it out at Lake Ann with some soil that was brought in from the public works building that we saved. Nice black dirt and that. While it was dug out 6 feet under ground and that and it doesn’t have the nutrients that the top soil has so we’re getting germination with our grass but we’re not getting real good stems at this time. I did call in a turf specialist, John Hopko that we work with quite a bit and I did just get the soil 11 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 samples back today. John called me and it’s not as bad as what he thought. He’s got us on some special fertilizer program and everything else for the rest of this year and he feels it’s going to come around and it’ll go but we’re going to have to do some special fertilizing with it to keep it, get a good stand out there so, we were really hoping to have a really a nice stand by this time and that. It’s lacking a little bit right now so, but hopefully it’ll come around. Also with our, I had mentioned in the last report I believe it was with our STS that they were going to be going out and we would not have them anymore. We just heard the other day from that that they will be around until July of next year so we do get a lot of volunteer work out of them and they help us with a lot of different things so that’s looking good. We’re at least going to have them around for part of another year. Hoffman: And then July is that for sure done or is it? Gregory: Well they said it was going to be for sure done this year and now for some reason and that they’ve got more money. Hoffman: Basically through July but we don’t know after. Gregory: Right, but we don’t know beyond that so. I personally hope it keeps going because they are a big asset for our community and that for a lot of help. We get a lot of help from them so. And the only other project that I didn’t have under that we are going to be doing this fall yet is our hockey rinks. All the wiring behind the goals and that, that whole long stretch is really getting bad on all of our hockey rinks so we’re replacing all of that this year so we’re trying to eliminate the possibilities of any injuries for anybody back there. It’s just folding up so bad from the players going into it and that that it’s, we can’t keep it down anymore so we’ve got it all on hand right now and as soon as we can get it going on it we’re going to start replacing all of that. Daniel: Any questions for Dale? Thank you Dale. RECREATION CENTER REPORT. Sarles: Well we’re back up and running at the Rec Center now. We had our short shut down in late August and early September so it was nice this year when we shut down we painted the fitness room. We got the aerobics studio done. The floors were all refinished and we added new countertops in the bathroom so when people came back they actually saw the fruits of our labor instead of just smelling clean floors I guess so. Yeah, fresh paint so lots of compliments. Some pictures up. A lot of the photos left from last year’s city photo contest so it’s kind of neat to see them around the building so. Another thing we’ve been working on out there is kind of keeping track of our non billable hours we call them out there. So basically it’s the community groups that have been using the Rec Center. We don’t charge them. Of course we are the biggest user of the Rec Center and that includes anything from elections to programs and those sort of things that we use out there but on top of that then the school district being attached to Bluff Creek we do use, they, it’s used a ton so. Some of those hours for the school is flip flop gyms and things like that but this is how we’re able to keep track of it so kind of an interesting logging and we’ll keep this up for next year and see how that goes but yeah, we’ll see. The census bureau last year only had a couple meetings out there and now they’re with us for several months so that one will 12 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 go up a little bit for next year when you see it. Other than that we are just basically up and running with all the programs. The fitness programs. Everything. Dance is going so we’re kind of booming right now. Excited about the Rec Center sports that John and I co-manage. New coordinator. Our old one resigned and she took a position in Rochester so we hired a new person. We’re very excited and she’s doing a great job so we’ve got 121 kids right now between the three times that we offer soccer so it’s really fun to see them growing and having exciting times out there on the field and all high fives and they were taking team pictures tonight when I left so. Daniel: Fantastic. Sarles: So some upcoming things is, if you have photos for the Chanhassen Photo Contest. This year we’re focusing on life and recreation in Chanhassen so it’s a free contest and we’ve got th some fun little things we can do. And then our artisan fair is coming up on November 6 so I think right now we now have 30 vendors out there so, and I think out of 30 I think we’ve got about 22 are from Chanhassen so it’s a nice representation. So if you’re not deer hunting, which my co-workers I think are all, they’ll never see this event but if you’re in town stop by. Scharfenberg: Jodi have you thought about doing a, I know you did a garage sale in the spring. About doing one in the fall. Sarles: It’s something that we might, yeah we might add. It’s jostling a lot of schedules I think is where we get into some things but yeah, we’d like to expand some more of the community offerings and getting folks out. Daniel: Excellent. Thank you Jodi. Hoffman: One thing for last night. The council, well the commission and the council talked about all their goals that they set for the year. They talked about the Rec Center and the Rec Center Sports. And then after the commission left the council asked for an update in their admin section so if you and John could work on an update for Rec Center Sports. Give them the numbers and the details. And then also they inquired, you did a fall open house. Will you do a spring open house they also asked. I don’t know if you’re considering that but that’s something that they were asking about. Okay, thanks. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Daniel: Anything you want to point out Todd in the Administrative Packet? Hoffman: Batting cage construction estimate for sure at Bandimere and then Chaska and Victoria are very excited about this trail connection between those two communities along Bavaria Road. Other than that we’ll answer any questions of staff if you have those. 13 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 Daniel: The only thing…the rentals, shelter rentals this year and it was all positive. I think the only two negatives I heard was smelly bathroom and lots of bees. That’s about it. Hoffman: We might put a disclaimer on that form about bee season because… Ruegemer: Yeah, it is the, you know kind of that early August to mid-September we definitely have bees. No question. Some years are better than others but. Scharfenberg: So Todd with respect to the batting cage item, any particular action item that we have to take at this point or? Hoffman: You would have to include it in a future CIP if you want to construct it. Scharfenberg: Okay. Daniel: What was the cost on that? Hoffman: $10,000. Daniel: Do we have it currently in the CIP? I know you brought it up before Steve. Scharfenberg: We don’t. We don’t. Daniel: Okay. Well something certainly we need to take in consideration then. Hoffman: Yeah if you want, the council still has not taken up your considerations so if you want to amend your previous recommendation to add it to 2011, you can do that. If you want to put it beyond 2011 you would just pick it up next year. It’s up to you as a commission. Daniel: We can certainly talk about that. Maybe at the next meeting give a little more detail. Scharfenberg: Okay. Hoffman: Either now or I think it might be getting late. October. Well if you want to bring it, if you want us to bring back more information you could still get it in. Daniel: Steve I mean obviously this is something that you, for softball and baseball right? Scharfenberg: Right. It’s you know, there’s the one batting cage there now and we would you know, you’re adding on making it too. Part of the issue is that when you’re out there you’ve got those two baseball fields and the one softball field and you run into you know those cages aren’t scheduled and we’ve talked about trying to schedule them and we did some of that in fact this year but it just allows you know baseball can have one side of the cage. Softball can have the other cage and they’ve been using them more as with field space becoming kind of less and less during the real peak times of the year, just having you know batting practice and coming out and 14 Chanhassen Park and Rec Commission - September 28, 2010 using the cages. So you know it’s just expanding the use at Bandimere including it, you’re not going to have the run in with baseball. You know baseball can have the one side of the cage. You’ve got softball on the other and you know kind of coexist and if we can do it this year I think that would be great. If it doesn’t happen until next year, I don’t know that that is a bad thing either so. Daniel: Is there an opportunity for cooperation or a partnership with the associations as well? Scharfenberg: I don’t think so other than you know you could talk to CAA again but I think they’re using a lot of their money for these dugouts and that for this so. I mean they’ve got stuff to kind of prioritizing. I don’t know that softball itself has you know they kind of share. It’s kind of group money that they share and I don’t know that they’ve put in any time or effort to you know add into this so. Daniel: What would you like to see done? Scharfenberg: Well I’d like to see, I would like to see it expanded. Again I don’t know that it has to happen this year. It doesn’t have to necessarily get into the CIP for this year but I’d like to see it get in at least next year. I mean for the following, for 2012. Daniel: Okay. So we should, why don’t we have a discussion then and at least put that in Todd. Hoffman: We’ll write up a sheet and add it into the grouping. Daniel: Then it will at least create an opportunity for the commission, as well as the council to discuss that. Okay, is there anything else we need to discuss? If not, why don’t we go ahead with adjourning the meeting. Scharfenberg moved, Cole Kelly seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 15