EC 2010 09 08 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting September 8, 2010 Members Present: Rose Kircher, Bob Kircher, Dave Christianson, Denny Hansen, J.R. Relick, Amy Wenner Members Absent : Beverly Foster Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: June minutes were approved as amended. July Events Review : rd July 3 Business Expo: Their table was in the corner of the tent and it seemed like there was less traffic. In general, there seemed to be less people attending than in previous years. The people who did stop asked a lot of good questions. Bob did a great job of providing explanations and answers. Some people asked about the toilet leak test strips which were given out at the booth. Bob said this provided the perfect opportunity to talk about water conservation. Other questions were related to irrigation and water usage. The commission recommended that planning for the 2011 event start sooner. th July 4 Parade: Signage for the truck was great. The Zbinden kids did an awesome job of helping and the whole family deserves kudos for volunteering that day. Lots of coupons were given away. All of the volunteers said that people seem to remember/recognize the coupons. For 2011, the commission recommended that the Excelsior Elem. Env. Club be invited to participate with the float and planning should start early. Amy will act as liaison between the commission and club. July Shoreline Workshop: It was a very interesting tour (on Lake Mtka) and a lot of good information was provided. The commission agreed that it was the type of info that the local lake associations would benefit greatly from. The information targeted community action as well as personal action. Perhaps the EC could sponsor a workshop for Chanhassen lake associations. The city could also partner with RPBCWD for such a workshop. Environmental Excellence Award: The commission discussed the process of nominations and applications in order to bring the newer commissioners up to speed. The commission then talked about any local groups or people that may be good candidates for an EE award in one of the 4 focus areas. Someone brought up the resident on Pleasantview that grows a large garden in his yard. Someone else brought up the community garden at Quantum Controls. The commission wondered if any business or home had installed solar panels this year. Jill will ask the building department. General Discussion:  The Commission suggested adding an EAB education plan to Feb. and March in the 2011 work plan.  Arbor Day – could businesses be encouraged to plant trees on their property? The city could publish names of participating businesses in the paper or newsletter. Homeowners/families could also be encouraged and publicly thanked if planting.  Denny and Rose will be unable to attend the joint meeting with the Council on Sept. 27. The next meeting will be Wed., October 13 at 6:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:25 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair