EC 2010 10 13
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
October 13, 2010
Members Present:
Beverly Foster, Bob Kircher, Dave Christianson, Denny Hansen, Amy
Members Absent
: Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
September minutes were approved.
Joint Meeting Review
The commissioners felt that the meeting with the City Council went well. The groups talked
about the 4 focus areas (urban forestry, stormwater mgt, water conservation and water quality)
and the need to communicate goals. The commission explained to the council their tasks and
target education areas. They also discussed with the council their goal of partnering with various
community groups such as schools, businesses and organizations to promote education within
the focus areas. They updated that council that one of their more immediate goals it to update
the web page pertaining to the commission.
Environmental Excellence Award:
Possible nominees were discussed. The commission
wanted to make sure the request for applications is advertised on the reader board, website and
facebook. Jill will make sure these are done.
General Discussion:
The Environmental Commission will work on updating the commission’s web page.
Amy will spearhead the effort and submit a draft design to the commission before the
next meeting.
For the Nov. agenda: discuss seasonal article for paper (de-icer use, holiday waste, etc)
The commission would like to develop a monthly list of environmentally-friendly tips for
homeowners to publish in paper and post on website.
National Recycling Day (Nov. 15) should be posted on the city’s facebook page.
The Story of Stuff video will be shown at the Dec. meeting.
The next meeting will be Wed., November 10 at 6:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:25 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair