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1. Lakeview Rezoning and Preliminary Plat
PC DATE: December 7, 2010 CC DATE: December 13, 2010 REVIEW DEADLINE: January 4, 2010 CASE #: 10 -12 BY: SJ /JM/TJ /AF /TH/ML PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Lakeview subdivision and rezoning subject to the conditions of the staff report." And, Adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. PROPOSAL: Rezoning of 50.48 acres of property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District, and R -4 Mixed Low- Density Residential, to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District; and Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 50.48 acres into 66 lots and 4 outlots — LAKEVIEW LOCATION: Northwest of the intersection of Lyman Blvd. and Lake Riley Blvd. and south of Highway 212 APPLICANT: US Home Corporation 934 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 Attn Joe Joblonski (952) 249 -3014 j oe. j ablonskiAlennar. com PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential District and R4, Mixed Low Density Residential District 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential -Low Density (Net Density 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre) ACREAGE: 50.48 Acres DENSITY: Gross 1.3 Units /Acre Net 3.4 Units /Acre SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting Rezoning of 50.48 acres of property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District and R -4 Mixed Low- Density Residential, to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District; Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 50.48 Acres into 66 lots and 4 outlots — Lakeview. Staff is recommending approval with conditions. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. CITY OF CHANHASSEN Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 2 of 19 The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving a rezoning because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Ordinance Chapter 20, Article VII, Shoreland Management District Chapter 20, Article XIV, Division 1. RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District PROPOSAL /SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to rezone and subdivide a property located northwest of the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Lake Riley Boulevard and south of Highway 212. Access to the site is gained off of Lyman Boulevard. All parcels are accessed via internal streets. it Glow is Y 57 ! X Agar r III y SUBJECT xlf PROPERTY lZi g' �' t �� ; � �• • � «4t #� `•� "+ ! ate• - . •� � ., ''.'� ', i� '+- � Fir 1 � • . Lyman Boulevard It A t tt; X ._ M �►;"('; �� � FkT 0 ._ +, It r• < Q� tY. ? qMs�. r ''1 1F�,�l.�• ` fr V 41r Ir 4� 4e 4t rrrf jr 4 .. ice. f_Y` itt" Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 3 of 19 The applicant is proposing to replat 50.48 acres into 66 lots and 4 outlots. All lots are proposed to contain single family homes. The outlots will contain storm ponds, wetland and a park. A portion of the site is located within the shoreland overlay of Lake Riley (area within 1,000 feet of the Ordinary High Water mark of the lake). As such, the shoreland ordinance applies to that area. The property is zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District, and R4, Mixed Low Density Residential District. The proposal calls for rezoning the property to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District. The gross density of this subdivision is 1.3 units per acre and the net density is 3.4 units per acre. All lots are proposed to be served via internal streets. Street C will ultimately extend to the west when that property develops. A temporary turnaround is required at the western end of Street C. The applicant will be required to install a sign that reads "This Road Will Be Extended in the Future" to alert future homeowners. All of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width, and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance with the exception of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4. These lots fall within the shoreland overlay district which requires the lots to maintain a 90 -foot width at the setback line. The applicant is aware of the situation. This width can be easily adjusted by shifting property lines. The site consists of two parcels being assembled into one tract of land, and then subdivided. A MnDOT easement occupies the northwesterly portion of the site. The easement is proposed to be platted into an outlot. At the time of writing this report, staff had not received any comments from MnDOT; however, their staff contacted the City to make us aware that they are reviewing the plans and will be submitting comments. An existing storage building is located along the north side of the site must be removed. On November 30, 2010, the applicant held a neighborhood meeting. The applicant also met with the property owners west of the subject site to make them aware of the development. In summary, staff believes that the proposed subdivision is well designed. Minor revisions will be required. We are recommending that it be approved with conditions outlined in the staff report. BACKGROUND On February 25, 1991, the City Council approved the preliminary plat on the subject site for Lake Riley Hills subdivision (90 -10 SUB). The plat consisted of 68 single - family lots. If a final plat is not filed within one year of the date of approval of the preliminary plat, it is considered void. A final plat was not filed. Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 4of19 REZONING The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from RSF, Single Family Residential District, and R4, Mixed Low Density Residential District, to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District. The area to the north is occupied by Highway 212, and the area to the east contains the North Bay development which is a High Density Development and is zoned Planned Unit Development - Residential. The area to the west is occupied by single family homes, guided Residential Low Density and is zoned Agricultural Estate District. The area to the south is zoned Planned Unit Development - Residential and is guided Low Density Residential. ^ N too M -► w 0/!x'1`!' IL IN ION-m - Maw, NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST DEVELOPMENT Highway 212 Springfield North Bay Single Family LAND USE N/A Residential Low Density Residential High Density Residential Low Density ZONING N/A PUD -R PUD -R A -2 Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 5 of 19 The 2020 Land Use Plan shows this area designated for development as Low Density Residential, 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre. Appropriate zoning for this land use is RSF, R4, RLM, or PUD -R. The applicant's proposal has a gross density of 1.3 units per acre and 3.4 units per acre net after excluding the streets, wetlands, storm ponds and park. This area is in the MUSA. Staff is recommending that this area be rezoned to RLM and finds that the rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PRELIMINARY PLAT The applicant is proposing to subdivide 50.48 acres into 66 lots and 4 outlots. Outlot A contains a wetland and a storm pond, Outlot B contains a park, Outlot C contains a drainage easement and a storm pond, and Outlot D contains a storm pond. The density of the proposed subdivision is 1.3 units per acre gross and 3.4 units per acre net after removing the wetland, roads, storm ponds and park. - gate n °,fiw�Y - �-Yo �, - ; �•,�• Kcf1cctions J �.• u 4 � at LaLe Ri ley } l; ' 1 � � �'{• � 1, J - / � V t z / J ,v MAR 40 0 s V y•. • i •h - F * s.•r -....- Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 6 of 19 All of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance with the exception of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, that have deficient width. These lots fall within the shoreland overlay district which requires the lots to maintain a 90 -foot width at the setback line. The applicant is aware of the situation. The widths can be easily adjusted by shifting property lines to meet ordinance requirements. Lots 1 -9, Block 4 abut a wetland. The wetland is classified as a manage 2 wetland which requires a 20 -foot wetland buffer and a 30 -foot setback from the buffer. The proposed development plan provides for this 20 -foot buffer with the exception of Lots 7 and 8, Block 4. The City allows for buffer averaging so long as it is a minimum of 16 feet in width. Further, the area of buffer that would otherwise be present shall be compensated for elsewhere along the wetland boundary. The applicant submitted 17 different house plans that could potentially be built within this development. Staff compared these house plans against all the lots and confirmed that the smallest and narrowest lots can accommodate a minimum of 2 house plans including a l Ox 10 foot patio, sidewalk and driveway. Staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. WETLANDS One wetland exists on the property. This wetland was delineated in October of 2010 by Graham Environmental Services, Inc. Terry Jeffery of the City of Chanhassen reviewed the delineation on November 10, 2010. The applicant submitted the Application for Approval of Wetland Type and Boundary on November 18, 2010. This application was noticed for public comment as required under the revised Wetland Conservation Act on November 18, 2010. Comments are due to the City by December 13, 2010. Based upon the field review and a review of the submitted delineation report, the boundary appears to be accurately delineated with the following exception. Per the Department of the Army - Corps of Engineer Permit 95- 00665- NW -GAE issued to the City of Chanhassen for the Yuma Wetland, the wetland on the subject property to the 868 -foot contour is mitigation for the Yuma project. Therefore, no part of the delineated boundary may be below the 868 -foot contour. This wetland is also a Public Water Wetland identified as 10 -213W. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has jurisdiction to the ordinary high water elevation of 865.3. The DNR has indicated that contingent upon the final plan, the DNR may or may not waive authority to the City but given the avoidance of any wetland impacts, that may be unnecessary. The proposed development plan does not result in any impacts to the wetland. The wetland is classified as a manage 2 wetland which requires a 20- foot wetland buffer and a 30- foot setback from the buffer. The proposed development plan provides for this 20 -foot buffer with the exception of Lots 7 and 8, Block 4. The City allows for buffer averaging so long as it is a minimum of 16 feet in width. Further, the area of buffer that would otherwise be present shall be compensated for elsewhere along the wetland boundary. Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 7of19 The buffer must meet the requirements set forth in § 20 -412. This includes a minimum of 51 % of the vegetation must be native. No noxious weeds may be present. The slopes must be reasonably stable. The applicant and the City should work together to assure that appropriate buffers are established or remain undisturbed as circumstances may warrant. Proper monumentation shall be provided as shown on the plan set provided to the City. SHORELAND REQUIREMENTS A portion of the proposed project lies within 1,000 feet of the ordinary high water level (OHW) of Lake Riley, a Minnesota DNR Public Water, and therefore is within the City's shoreland district. Lake Riley is a recreational development lake with an ordinary high water elevation of 865.3 feet above msl on the 1929 datum. Lot standards for non -riparian lots within the shoreland area for a recreational development lake must be a minimum of 15,000 square feet and have a minimum width of 90 feet at the building line (setback line). Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 are deficient in width. This can be rectified simply by adjusting property lines. GRADING, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Since 28.86 acres will be disturbed, an NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity will be required. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been created and submitted for review. As was identified in the SWPPP, Lake Riley is listed as an impaired water and the pollutant is nutrients. Since there is not an approved Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan (TMDL) yet for Lake Riley, no waste load allocation has been established. Riley Creek is also impaired. The pollutant for Riley Creek is sediment. Again, no TMDL has been performed. However, every practicable management practice eliminating the possibility of sediment delivery to Lake Riley and, subsequently Riley Creek should be considered and, where appropriate, implemented. The applicant and their consultant have done a commendable job of showing the sequencing of erosion and sediment control best management practices. The details provided are consistent with City standards. As is noted in the SWPPP and in the plan set general notes, these are the minimum anticipated BMPs. Additional BMPs will likely be necessary as the project progresses and conditions change. These changes will need to be incorporated into the SWPPP. During grading of Street B the entire gully that originates under Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 should be filled and stabilized with blanket. This should be done so as to avoid additional tree loss. The provided SWPPP and grading detail were both exceptional preliminary plat submittals. As the grading plans are finalized and phasing is developed, changes will be necessary for the final plat submittal. A few changes are needed now as well. On sheet 8 of 13 notes 9 and 10 call for mulch, MnDOT Type 1. In those areas adjacent to preserved wetlands and woodlands, this mulch shall be Type 3 which is certified weed free. Specifically, all of Block 4 and any disturbed soils within Outlot A and Outlot B. Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 8 of 19 Temporary ponding has been shown on the erosion control plans as is required. It is likely that the permanent pond areas will be used for temporary ponding as well. In the event that these ponds are used temporarily, they will need to be cleaned out and restored to proposed plan conditions prior to final project approval. This shall be included as a note on the plan set. A turf establishment plan will be needed for final plat submittal. At a minimum, this plan shall call out a native seed mix in those disturbed areas within Outlot A. City staff recommends BWSR seed mix 32 -291 or its equivalent in this area. This turf establishment plan will also need to address the species composition and possible vegetation establishment and control within the wetland buffer area as discussed in the wetland section. DRAINAGE AND TREATMENT Water quality treatment and runoff control will be provided through three detention ponds located throughout the property. These ponds will be referred to as 100, 200 and 300 as indicated on the plan set and the HydroCAD model. The proposed drainage areas post - development largely mimic pre - development conditions. One notable exception is that 2.686 acres will be directed to North Bay under the proposed conditions. City staff is currently reviewing North Bay to determine if there is adequate capacity in their storm sewer system. The applicant must provide calculations showing that there are no downstream capacity issues in the existing storm sewer conveyance. Of the three ponds, pond 300 is readily accessible for maintenance. Ponds 100 and 200 will be difficult to access. Pond 100 has 3:1 slopes from the ingress location to the NWL. While City code does allow for 3:1 side slopes, it would be beneficial if the applicant and their consultant were to evaluate how these slopes could be made less severe. At a minimum, a maintenance access road shall be provided. This is also a requirement of the NPDES permit. As stated in Part III.C.1 of NPDES Permit No: MN R 100001 "Adequate maintenance access must be provided (typically 8 feet wide)..." Pond 200 has numerous access constraints and the location of the culvert from the MnDOT drainage easement limits the ability to install a retaining wall. However, it does appear that proposed manholes 221 and 222, as well as the outlet for this line, can be moved further south. This would allow for more area to create a maintenance access road. The applicant shall investigate this possibility and either incorporate this into their site design or provide adequate information to show why this is not feasible to do. To increase the life cycle of these ponds between requisite maintenance, the applicant shall install two -foot sumps at structures CBMH -104, MH -203 and MH- 222. City staff will work with consulting engineer in an effort to resolve access issues in both ponds. Street D shows a run of nearly 400 feet without a CBMH. Additional data, in the form of sufficient spot elevations, needs to be shown from point of tangent to point of tangent of the cul -de -sac to demonstrate that adequate grade exists to drain the street without impoundment issues. If adequate grade does not exist, additional catch basin - manhole structures will be needed. Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 9 of 19 The developer's engineer will shift the storm sewer at the back of Lots 38 to 41, Block 3 further north in order to provide a larger unencumbered backyard area. The storm sewer west of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1 will remain as shown on the plan in order to maximize tree preservation. The emergency overflow elevation for the MnDOT drainage swale at the proposed Street B shall be indicated on the plan. The lowest opening of a building must be minimum 18 inches above an adjacent emergency overflow. Before final plat approval, hydraulic calculations will need to be provided. Of particular interest will be the volume at CBMH -204. Depending upon the volume of flow to this structure, the applicant may be required to provide a double catch basin. The storm sewer alignment at the back of Lots 19 and 20, Block 3 must be adjusted to minimize the required drainage and utility easement. All storm sewer must be included within a drainage and utility easement. The easement needs to be adjusted at FES -201. Some potential off -site drainage issues have been observed. Additional information must be shown on the final grading plan to show how drainage from the Highway 212 berm will be directed into the existing flared end section located north of proposed Lot 27, Block 3. Also, based on the proposed grading, a low area will be created west and north of the Street C stub. The developer must work with the adjacent property owner to either grade out the low area, or install storm sewer to prevent water from ponding in the area. A draft P8 model for water quality estimation has been provided. According to this model, adequate treatment for total suspended solids (TSS) is provided. However, treatment for total phosphorus is lacking. This is further problematic as Lake Riley has a known nutrient impairment. Total phosphorus removal must meet the minimum 60% removal and, if possible, higher removal rates should be sought. Additionally, because this does discharge within one (1) mile of Lake Riley and Riley Creek, and discharges to these water bodies, the conditions in Appendix A of the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity will need to be addressed. WATER QUALITY AND WATER QUANTITY FEES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. Water quality and water quantity fees are based upon net developable acreage. For Lakeview this was calculated based upon the numbers provided in the plan set. The gross acreage of the property equals 50.48 acres. After deducting Outlots A, B, C, D and the public right -of -way, net developable acreage was determined to be 18.939 acres. Water quality fees for a low density residential development are calculated by multiplying net developable acres by $2,540 /acre. Water quality fees were calculated to be $48,104.30. Water quantity fees are calculated by multiplying net developable acres by $3,640 /acre. Water quantity fees were calculated to be $68,936.87. Credits are applied to water quality fees at a rate of 50% of the per acre water quality fee multiplied by the total number of acres treated in the on -site treatment features. In this case, 21.506 acres are Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 10 of 19 being treated on site based upon subcatchment areas 100, 200 and 300 shown in the Draft Stormwater Management Plan. In addition, a credit of $2,500 per skimmer structure is also granted. Three structures are proposed on this project. Total estimated credit is $34,812.62. The estimated SWMP fees due at final plat are $82,228.55. OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. This may include a DNR dewatering permit, MPCA NPDES Permit of Construction Activity, and other permissions. EASEMENTS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS There are two easements within the development area. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) easement extends from the Highway 212 right -of -way in the northwest corner of the plat to the wetland in the southeast corner of the plat. All work and drainage discharge within this easement must be approved my MNDOT. A public drainage and utility easement exists on the north side of the property. A 12 -inch trunk watermain lies within this easement and will be relocated within the platted right -of -way of the plat; therefore, the easement must be vacated. The existing building and gravel driveway on the north side of the side must be removed. STREETS The developer proposes to construct 31 -foot wide local streets within 60 -foot wide right -of -way throughout the development. Street B will provide access from Lyman Boulevard and will align with Springfield Drive to the south. The right -of -way at this location will be wider to accommodate an island. An encroachment agreement is required if the developer wishes to install an entrance monument at this location. Street A will connect with the North Bay development to the east. Streets B and D will be 90- foot diameter cul -de -sacs within 120 -foot wide right -of -way. Street C will ultimately extend to the west when that property develops. A temporary turnaround is required at the western end of Street C. The development is adjacent to Lyman Boulevard and is therefore subject to the arterial collector fee at the time of final plat. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN The developer proposes to relocate the existing 12 -inch trunk watermain that extends from the Highway 212 right -of -way that connects to the North Bay development. The relocated 12 -inch trunk watermain will extend from the Highway 212 right -of -way, south within Street B, then east within Street A, connecting to the existing watermain within the North Bay development. The Lakeview - Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 11 of 19 developer will not be reimbursed the oversizing costs to realign this watermain since the work is development driven. The watermain within Street B between Lyman Boulevard and Street A shall be 8 -inch. The proposed hydrant between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 must be relocated to the intersection of Streets B and C. The proposed hydrant between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 must be relocated to the intersection of Street B and Lyman Boulevard. PARK DEDICATION Comprehensive Park Plan The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located within one -half mile of every residence in the city. Acquisition and development of Outlot B (4.83 acres) will satisfy this requirement for all the new homes being built in Lakeview. Additionally, hundreds of households currently residing in this park service area, and many more new households yet to be developed will call this "their" neighborhood park. The city retained Hoisington Koegler Group to prepare a basic concept plan for the proposed park area. The sketch plan includes an open field, wooded hillsides, trail loop, playground, half -court basketball, a small shelter, and parking area. I." 3-M.- IT-171M Riley Neighborhood Park Service Area Reflections at Lake Riley _ ❑ 4a R 0 D �D Lakeview Neighborhood Park Concept 11 1 010 IMI City of Chanhassen, Minnesota JZ 0 Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 12 of 19 Comprehensive Trail Plan The city's comprehensive trail plan includes an existing trail along the south side of Lyman Boulevard at the site of the proposed Lakeview subdivision. An internal sidewalk system has been planned by the applicant to transport pedestrians in and around this new development to this existing trail amenity. No additional construction trails and/or trail segments is required. TREE PRESERVATION/LANDSCAPING Tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations for the Lakeview development are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands /parkland) 35.7 aces Total canopy area (excluding wetlands /parkland) 7.0 aces or 133,293 SF Baseline canopy coverage 19% Minimum canopy coverage allowed 25% or 388,773 SF /8.9 acres Proposed tree preservation 7.6% or 117,612 SF /2.7 acres The applicant does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed; therefore, the difference between the ending coverage and existing coverage is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replacement plantings. Difference in canopy coverage (7 ac -2.7 ac) 4.3 acres or 187,308 SF Multiplier 1.2 Total replacement 224,769 SF Total number of trees to be planted 206 trees Additionally, the applicant must provide trees to meet the 25% minimum coverage required. The calculations are as follows: Total reforestation area (8.9 ac — 7 ac) 1.9 acres Required canopy coverage (1,089 sq ft per tree) 76 trees The total number of trees required for the development is 282. Applicant has proposed a total of 248 trees. An additional 34 trees must be added to the landscape plan. All replacements must meet minimum size requirements. Bufferyard requirements are as shown in the following table: Landscaping Item Required Proposed Bufferyard B — North 23 overstory trees 25 overstory trees property line, 1150' 34 understory trees 51 understory trees 57 shrubs 0 shrubs Bufferyard B — South 2 overstory trees 2 overstory trees property line, 100' 3 understory trees 4 understory trees 5 shrubs I Existing vegetation Lakeview - Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 13 of 19 The applicant meets the standards for bufferyard plantings. An increased number of evergreens have been proposed in place of the shrubs. These trees will provide a lasting buffer with less maintenance needs. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE - WETLAND /SHORELAND/RLM DISTRICT Block Lot Area (SF) Buildable Area Lot Width at Front Setback Line Lot Depth Home Setback Wetland Setback 15,000 Shoreland 9,000 RLM ' 25% Shoreland 35% RLM 90' Shoreland 50' RLM 125' Shoreland 110' RLM Front/Rear/ Garage Side/ House Side 50' (30' Wetland + 20' Buffer) 1 1 13,906 4,867.10 94.89 148 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 2 9,440 3,304.00 65.00 145.5 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 3 11,713 4,099.55 85.48 126.5 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 4 12,669 4,434.15 65.00 196 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 5 13,512 4,729.20 65.00 177 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 6 11,654 4,078.90 65.00 170.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 7 11,047 3,866.45 65.00 170.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 1 8 15,995 5,598.25 100.00 162.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 2 1 14,645 5,125.75 85.44 147.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 2 2 9,743 3,410.05 67.09 139.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 2 3 9,150 3,202.50 67.09 135.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 2 4 10,352 3,623.20 65.00 138.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 2 5 15,900 5,565.00 85.00 164.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 1 15,067 5,273.45 85.49 221.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 2 15,257 5,339.95 75.00 192.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 3 12,627 4,419.45 75.00 169.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 4 12,456 4,359.60 75.00 152.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 5 10,722 3,752.70 75.00 140.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 6 10,500 3,675.00 75.00 140.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 7 10,500 3,675.00 75.00 140.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 8 10,500 3,675.00 75.00 140.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 9 1 10,500 3,675.00 75.00 141.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 10 11,241 3,934.35 75.00 144.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 11 16,724 5,853.40 112.59 170.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 12 19,317 6,760.95 111.21 171.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 13 9,806 3,432.10 65.00 153.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 14 9,938 3,478.30 65.00 153.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 15 1 9,225 3,228.75 65.00 142.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 16 9,476 3,316.60 65.00 146.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 17 9,727 3,404.45 65.00 150.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 18 9,978 3,492.30 65.00 153.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 19 13,861 4,851.35 89.65 146.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 20 1 15,039 5,263.65 95.40 155.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 21 10,005 3,501.75 65.00 154.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 22 9,861 3,451.35 65.00 152.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 23 11,414 3,994.90 65.00 154.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 24 9,884 3,459.40 65.00 146.50 1 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 1 25 9,999 1 3,499.65 65.11 153.50 1 25/25/5/10 N/A Lakeview - Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 14 of 19 Block Lot Area (SF) Buildable Area Lot Width at Front Setback Line Lot Depth Home Setback Wetland Setback 15,000 Shoreland 9,000 RLM 25% Shoreland 35% RLM 90' Shoreland 50' RLM 125' Shoreland 110' RLM Front/Rear/ Garage Side/ House Side 50' (30' Wetland + 20' Buffer) 3 26 1 10,551 3,692.85 65.00 150.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 27 15,089 5,281.15 90.00 169.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 28 16,612 5,814.20 90.00 186.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 29 11,498 4,024.30 65.00 144.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 30 9,572 3,350.20 65.00 142.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 31 9,691 3,391.85 65.00 140.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 32 9,472 3,315.20 65.00 144.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 33 9,526 3,334.10 65.00 144.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 34 9,127 3,194.45 65.00 140.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 35 15,015 3,753.75 105.40 153.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 36 9,044 3,165.40 67.00 134.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 37 10,660 3,731.00 65.00 150.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 38 1 17,105 5,986.75 65.00 186.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 39 15,546 5,441.10 65.00 188.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 40 12,679 4,437.65 65.00 160.50 25/25/5/10 N/A 3 41 11,917 4,170.95 65.00 163.00 25/25/5/10 N/A 4 1 16,122 4,030.50 95.56* 166.60 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 2 15,507 3,876.75 90.00* 170.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 3 15,310 3,827.50 90.00 170.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 4 16,313 4,078.25 90.00 168.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 5 18,453 4,613.25 90.00 174.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 6 18,461 4,615.25 90.00 174.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 7 16,333 4,083.25 90.00 168.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20')** 4 8 15,009 3,752.25 90.00 166.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20')** 4 9 15,090 3,772.50 90.00 168.50 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 10 15,859 3,964.75 90.00 177.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 11 1 16,804 4,201.00 90.00 179.00 25/25/5/10 50'(30'+20') 4 12 14,934 5,226.90 115.86 169.50 25/25/5/10 N/A OL A 630,265 OL B 210,385 OL C 211,866 OLD 22,577 ROW 298,960 *The lot width at the rear setback line must be adjusted to reflect 90 feet as required in the Shoreland Ordinance. * *Wetland buffer behind Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Block 4 shall be minim ized to be coincidental with the rear lot - lines. The area of buffer that would otherwise be present shall be compensated for elsewhere along the wetland boundary. N/A Not Applicable Lots within Shoreland Overlay District. Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 15 of 19 SUBDIVISION FINDINGS 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance. Finding: The subdivision meets all the requirements of the RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density and the Shoreland Overlay District with the exception of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, which are deficient in width. This can be easily corrected by shifting some property lines. 2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with the subdivision ordinance. 3. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this report 4. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Finding: The proposed subdivision is served by adequate urban infrastructure. 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; Finding: The proposed subdivision will not cause excessive environmental damage subject to conditions of approval. The proposed subdivision contains adequate open areas to accommodate house pads. The wetland is proposed to be protected. 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Finding The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. 7. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d. Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. Finding The proposed subdivision will have access to public utilities and streets. Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 16 of 19 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motions: REZONING "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Planning Case #10 -12 to rezone 50.48 acres of property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District, and R -4 Mixed Low- Density Residential, to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District for Lakeview Subdivision as shown in plans dated received November 5, 2010, and adoption of the findings of fact." PRELIMINARY PLAT "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Planning Case #10 -12 for Lakeview Subdivision for 66 lots and 4 outlots as shown on the plans received November 5, 2010, subject to the following conditions and adoption of the findings of fact: 1. The applicant shall add 34 trees to its total for tree planting. The landscape plan shall show at total of 282 trees to be planted. 2. All trees proposed to be preserved shall be protected by tree preservation fencing. Fencing shall be installed prior to grading. 3. All work and drainage discharge within the MnDOT easement must be approved by MnDOT. 4. The public drainage and utility easement on the north side of the development must be vacated. 5. The existing building and driveway on the north side of the site must be removed. 6. Based on the proposed grading a low area will be created west and north of the Street C stub. The developer must work with the adjacent property owner to either grade out the low area, or install storm sewer to prevent water from ponding in the area. 7. The developer's engineer will shift the storm sewer at the back of Lots 38 to 41, Block 3, further north in order to provide a larger unencumbered backyard area. 8. The storm sewer alignment at the back of Lots 19 and 20, Block 3 must be adjusted to minimize the required drainage and utility easement. 9. The lowest opening of a building must be minimum 18 inches above an adjacent emergency overflow. Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 17 of 19 10. Additional information must be shown on the final grading plan to show how drainage from the Highway 212 berm will be directed into the existing flared end section located north of proposed Lot 27, Block 3. 11. An encroachment agreement is required if the developer wishes to install an entrance monument at the Street B intersection of Lyman Boulevard. 12. A temporary turnaround is required at the western end of Street C. 13. The development is adjacent to Lyman Boulevard and is therefore subject to the arterial collector fee at the time of final plat. 14. The developer will not be reimbursed for the relocation cost of the 12 -inch watermain since the work is development driven. 15. The watermain within Street B between Lyman Boulevard and Street A shall be 8 -inch. 16. The delineated wetland boundary must be moved so that no portion of the boundary is located at an elevation less than the 868 -foot contour. 17. The delineated wetland boundary will not be considered approved until the public comment period has ended on December 13, 2010. 18. The wetland buffer behind Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Block 4 shall be minimized to be coincidental with the rear lot lines. The area of buffer that would otherwise be present shall be compensated for elsewhere along the wetland boundary. 19. The applicant, with the assistance of the City, must show that adequate capacity exists within the North Bay storm sewer system to accommodate the proposed drainage area to be directed to North Bay. 20. The NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity must be applied for and obtained prior to any earth - disturbing activities. Proof of this must be provided to the City. 21. Reasonable efforts must be made to provide a maintenance access road to ponds 100 and 200 in compliance with City Code and the NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity. 22. Additional data must be provided for cul -de -sac D to demonstrate sufficient grade for adequate drainage. 23. A minimum of two feet of separation must be provided between the emergency overflow for the MnDOT drainage swale and the low floor opening for Lot 5, Block 2. 24. Two -foot sumps shall be included with structures CBMH -104, MH -203 and MH -222. Lakeview —Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 18 of 19 25. All storm sewer shall be within a drainage and utility easement. 26. Hydraulic calculations shall be provided to the City for review and approval before the final plat can be issued. 27. Mulch, MnDOT Type 3, certified weed free shall be used in all of Block 4, Outlot A and Outlot B whenever mulch is called for. 28. The remainder of the gully which originates under Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 shall be filled in. This shall be done in such a manner as to avoid additional tree loss and the introduction of weeds and invasive species. 29. The estimated SWMP fees, in the amount of $82,228.55, are due at the time of final plat. 30. Phosphorus removal will need to meet the minimum 60% removal rate and should maximize that to the greatest extent practicable. 31. The applicant shall be responsible to assure that all other agency permissions are applied for and resulting conditions are met. 32. A Landowner Statement and Contractor Responsibility form will need to be filled out and submitted to the LGU (City of Chanhassen) and the DNR. The form can be found at: htty: / /www.bwsr.state.mn.us /wetlands /forms /Contractor Responsibility.doc 33. Appendix A C.1 and C.2 must be addressed including: a. Exposed soil areas must be stabilized as soon as possible but never later than seven (7) days. b. A discussion of the feasibility of infiltration and the appropriate response to these findings. 34. Building Official Conditions: a. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. Application for such permits must include hazardous substances investigative and proposed mitigation reports. b. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. c. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and require permits, inspections and final approval. d. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. e. The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Lakeview — Planning Case No. 10 -12 December 7, 2010 Page 19 of 19 35. Fire Marshal conditions: a. Submit street names to Building and Fire Marshal for review and approval. b. No burning permits will be issued. Tress, scrubs etc. must be removed from the site or chipped. c. Mains and fire hydrants shall be installed and made serviceable prior to combustible construction. d. A three -foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants. e. Temporary street signs shall be installed as soon as construction begins. Signs shall be of an approved size as required by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal. They shall be weather - resistant and maintained until replaced by permanent signs. f. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. g. The proposed hydrant between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 must be relocated to the intersection of Streets B and C. h. The proposed hydrant between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 must be relocated to intersection of Street B and Lyman Boulevard. 36. The lot width at the rear setback line for lots 1 and 2, Block 4, must be adjusted to reflect 90 feet as required in the Shoreland Ordinance. 37. Successful transfer of Outlot B (4.83 acres) to the City of Chanhassen through a combination of dedication (3.08 acres) and fee purchase (1.75 acres) for development and use as a public neighborhood park. 38. A sign reading "This Road Will Be Extended in the Future" shall be placed at the west end of Street C." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact. 2. Development Application. 3. Affidavit of Mailing and Public Hearing Notice. 4. Preliminary plat dated received November 5, 2010. gAplan\2010 planning cases \10 -12 lakeview\staff report pc.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of US Home Corporation — Planning Case No. 10 -12, Lakeview Development Request for Preliminary Plat creating 66 lots, 4 outlots and right -of -way for public streets (50.48 acres); and a Rezoning of 50.48 acres of property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District, and R -4 Mixed Low- Density Residential, to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District located northwest of the intersection of Lyman Blvd. and Lake Riley Blvd. and south of Highway 212. On December 7, 2010, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of US Home Corporation for a single - family residential development. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District and R4, Mixed Low Density Residential District. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential — Low Density 3. The legal description of the property is described on the attached Exhibit A. 4. Subdivision Findings: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; the subdivision meets all the requirements of the RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density and the Shoreland Overlay District with the exception of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, which are deficient in width. This can be easily corrected by shifting some property lines. b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; the proposed subdivision is consistent with the subdivision ordinance. c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; the proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this report. d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; the proposed subdivision is served by adequate urban infrastructure. e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; the proposed subdivision will not cause excessive environmental damage subject to conditions of approval. The proposed subdivision contains adequate open areas to accommodate house pads. The wetland is proposed to be protected. f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. It will have access to public utilities and streets. 5. Rezoning Findings: The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse effects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) effects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed zoning has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed zoning is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed zoning conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed zoning will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed zoning can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use within the zoning district is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 6. The planning report #10 -12 dated December 7, 2010, prepared by Sharmeen Al -Jaff etal, is incorporated herein. 2 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the proposed development including a Preliminary Plat creating 66 lots, 4 outlots and right -of -way for public streets (50.48 acres); and Rezoning of 50.48 acres of property zoned RSF, Single Family Residential District, and R -4 Mixed Low- Density Residential, to RLM, Residential Low and Medium Density District. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 7 th day of December, 2010. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION 1.34d Its Chairman 3 10, �\ Legal Description for Preliminary Plat Purposes Oniy All that part of Government Lot 2 and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, lying south of MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10 -17, according to the recorded plot thereof, said Carver County and lying northerly of the centerline of Lyman Boulevard per Doc. No. T90333 and 189939. Said centerline is described as follows: Beginning at the west quarter comer of said Section 24; thence South 89 degrees 08 minutes 52 seconds East, where the east —west quarter line bears South 89 degrees 47 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance of 2186.62 feet; thence easterly, a distance of 28.00 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 800.00 feet and a central angle of 02 degrees 00 minutes 19 seconds; thence North 88 degrees 50 minutes 49 seconds East, a distance of 629.36 feet; thence easterly, a distance of 11.92 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 800.00 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds; thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of 592.50 feet; thence northeasterly, a distance of 550.91 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius of 450.00 feet and a central angle of 70 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds; thence North 19 degrees 33 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 149.08 feet; thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly, a distance of 954.67 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 510.00 feet and a central angle of 107 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds and there terminating. El # 1 - Planning Case No, 10-1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED NOV 0 5 2010 ::HANHASSEN DI-44NING DEPT PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: \ Contact: Phone: Fax: 9S Email: 6 /v,, �6; e, fie,,,, «r ,,, z r� Property Owner Name and Address: of Phone: Fax: Email: davt,�oke�n�•. C 4�s� 1. Lo.^,. NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non - conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning C w Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)* Subdivision* XVCIQ Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign - $200 - L 00 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees /Attorney Cost - $50 CUP /SPRNAC/VARIWAP /Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ 2 An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8' /2" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. . PROJECT NAME: /t)ENl[ : - 1 �, �` ) LOCATION: t� (J f tt y2 r �e y I y 1 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: � 114 1 TOTAL ACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: YES NO PRESENT ZONING: (� iZS r REQUESTED ZONING: 1 ` Lb PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: - - rzF.S i REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: >r r FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and 1 am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Date D to gAplan'6mis \development review -:pplication.doc Lakeview City of Chanhassen Introduction U.S. Home Corporation, d/b /a Lennar is proposing to develop Lakeview in a manner that is sensitive to the environment and surrounding area. Our proposal includes 66 homes that will offer dynamic housing opportunities that accompany the creation of a fantastic new neighborhood that the City of Chanhassen will be proud of. Background/History The property was once a much larger piece of land. Improvements to public infrastructure including the upgrading of Lyman Boulevard and Construction of Highway 212 have cut this into multiple parcels. Recently a lot split was recorded that allowed the parcel that makes up this application to stand on its own. Property Description The site consists of approximately 50 acres of land nestled between Highway 212 and Lyman Boulevard. The natural topography of the site gradually slopes from North to South creating the opportunity for outstanding views of a large wetland complex and Lake Riley. A thoughtful approach to site planning helped minimize the impacts of Highway 212. While available for development, the property has sat idle for several years. City Standards Surrounding Land Uses within 500 feet Residential developments of varying densities surround the site to the South, West, and East. To the West is a conglomeration of several acreage parcels that are not currently served by City sewer and water and have the opportunity to develop in the future. To the South is the Springfield neighborhood that follows traditional sized residential lots. To the East you will find the higher density North Bay neighborhood. North Bay is made up of attached and detached townhomes. Directly to the North is highway 212. Lakeview lends a perfect opportunity to transition the differing densities between North Bay and Springfield. Zoning Classification The site is currently zoned Low Density Residential. We are proposing to change the zoning to Residential Low - Medium (RLM). This application is appropriate in Lakeview because nearly 50% of the land is unusable due to various easements and the large wetland complex. The change also provides the opportunity to transition density between North Bay and Springfield. Lot Description The new plan follows guidelines established in the RLM zoning district. This application is appropriate in Lakeview because nearly 50% of the land is unusable due to various easements and wetlands. Lakeview will be comprised of a mix of 65', 75', and 90' wide homesites. Careful consideration was taken in planning lot sizes that will allow future residents of the Community the ability to make modifications to their home and landscape. Included on the `Site Plan' sheet is information pertaining to the impervious coverage of some of our most popular house plans. An average impervious calculation for homes on the 65' wide homesites is 2,900 square feet. The smallest proposed homesite in Lakeview allows for maximum impervious coverage of 3,165 sq ft. The difference allows the homeowner reasonable room for improvements. The average lot size allows for 4,458 sq of impervious coverage. The impervious calculation on the largest home we are proposing is 3,907, but would more likely be placed on the largest homesites. The maximum impervious surface will be shown on the homeowners lot survey and will be disclosed to the homeowner as they are considering a purchase. A restrictive covenant will be recorded against each homesite that will prevent the ability to exceed the maximum impervious surface. Building Plans/Product Information Extensive research on housing availability and market conditions within the City of Chanhassen has guided us in putting together a product portfolio that includes an architecturally interesting variety of homes, and price points, that meet mulitple buyer niches. • Landmark Series - Designed with efficiency in mind, the Landmark series meets the demands of today's challenging housing market by offering a fantastic value. A relatively new concept in the City of Chanhassen, the Landmark series is planned specially for 65' wide homesites. Typical footprints are 50' wide allowing the ability to maintain setbacks designated by zoning standards. A variety of houseplans and elevations make up this series offering square footages ranging from 2,200 sq ft to 2,800 sq ft plus the ability to finish the basement to add footage to the home. With families in mind, the homes include four bedrooms, a large open living space on the main level, a master suite, mud room, and three car garage. Sixty -five foot wide lots allow the ability to preserve open space without compromising the integrity of the neighborhood. An interesting streetscape will be maintained through the incorporation of a variety of elevations, materials, and color packages. Lots are arranged in a manner that will include an assortment of walk -outs, look -outs, and flats. Based on today's market research we anticipate these homes to start with pricing in the mid $300,000's. 2 Classic Heartland Series - The recently upgraded Heartland series is designed for the 75' wide homesites with the move up buyer in mind. A variety of house plans will be offered ranging from 2,600 sq ft to 3,300 sq ft. plus the ability to finish the basement to add additional footage to the home. These well thought out plans typically include four bedrooms, a large open living space on the main level, master suite, craft room, and three car garage. No deviation from R -1 standards is requested in the large lot area. An interesting streetscape will be maintained through the incorporation of a variety of elevations, materials, and color packages. Based on today's market research we anticipate these homes to start with pricing in the upper $400,000's. Currently, we are also planning this series on the larger homesites that back up to the wetland. By offering smaller plans on the shoreland district homesites, we will allow the opportunity for those owners to do more extensive landscaping without sacrificing impervious surface regulations. The market ultimately dictates what price people looking for a new home are willing to pay and what features they want included in with that price. All house plans follow Lennar's signature "Everything you want, Everything you need" marketing platform which includes features built into the home that may typically be considered 'upgrades'. Additionally, each home will showcase Lennar's PowerSmart program that builds homes to save energy, money and the environment with state -of -the -art construction techniques and materials. Homeowners Association(s) A Homeowners Association will be established to enforce restrictive covenants and provide architectural guidelines and control. The intention of the Homeowners Association is to uphold the integrity of the neighborhood. We are electing to minimize private improvements and the maintenance responsibilities that can burden the Homeowners Association. The Association will ultimately be responsible for any areas that are not owned by the City of Chanhassen or a private lot owner. Phasing We are projecting to build through the project over the course of several years. Tentatively, phase one will consist of 32 homes starting along Lyman Blvd. working to the North. At this time we believe Phase 1 will include Block 1, Block 2, Lots 1 -19 of Block 3, and Lots 1 -2 of Block 4. It is our desire to begin development work on the initial phase as weather permits in the spring of 2011. Based on site conditions, it is likely mass grading will need to occur in one phase. Due to the volatility of today's economy and housing market it is very difficult to predict responsible project phasing. Timing and phase sizes will ultimately be dictated by market conditions and our ability to sell through finished homesites. Park dedication and Open Space The City of Chanhassen has identified the need for a neighborhood park in this general area. City code requires one acre of land dedication for every 75 persons. Each single family household is assumed to have 3.5 residents. Based on this formula Lakeview will generate 231 residents (3.5 X 66) and require land dedication of 3.08 acres. Park dedication has been accommodated by providing 4.83 acres along Lyman Boulevard (Outlot B). We would like to further discuss the acquisition of the additional acreage. Sidewalk is provided on one side of the street to encourage pedestrian flow to the park. Environmental Impacts Wetlands - A wetland application has been submitted in conjunction with the preliminary subdivision application. One large wetland complex (10.40 acres) is identified along the South East boundary of the site. The wetland delineation report suggests it to be a Type 1 wetland. The site plan is designed to have minimal impact to the existing wetland. No deviation from City ordinance related to Wetland Buffering is requested with this application. Tree Preservation — Site planning with consideration of the existing features has allowed the development to have as little impact on trees as feasible. The existing tree canopy is made up primarily of Boxelder species that are 10 -13" in diameter. City's requirements for tree canopy area will be met trough the planting of 248 additional trees on the site. Field adjustments will be considered to help minimize the unnecessary removal of trees. • Water Quality — Water quality will be managed through the incorporation of on- site ponding and other appropriate erosion control measures. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is included with this application. Lennar is committed to following stormwater policies enacted by the City of Chanhassen and the Minnesota Pollution Control Association (MPCA). Neighborhood Meetings Existing residents surrounding the Lakeview property are very important to the success of the Community. As of the date of this application we have met with the neighbors immediately to the West and intend to hold a neighborhood open house in the near future. Summary Lennar has a long history of building successful Communities in the City of Chanhassen under the names of Orrin Thompson Homes and Lundgren Bros. Construction. We are very excited for the opportunity that lends itself through the careful development of this fantastic property and ask for your support. 4 Project Team Owner: Klinglehutz, LLC Developer: U.S. Home Corporation Builder: Lennar Corporation Primary Contact: Joe Jablonski Planner/Engineer /Surveyor: Pioneer Engineering Wetland Specialist: Graham Environmental Services Landscape Architect: Pioneer Engineering Legal Council: Leonard Street and Deinard Association Manager: Community Development, Inc. Project summary (US Home/Lennar) Total Homesites — 66 Total area = 50.8428 (Gross) Density units per acre = 2.5227 DU /Acre Open Space = 24.6807 Acres 65' Wide SFD Homesites — 43 Minimum Lot Size — 9,044 sq ft 75' Wide SFD Homesites — I 1 Minimum Lot Size — 10,500 sq ft 90' Wide SFD Homesites — 12 Minimum Lot Size— 14,934 sq ft * * Note: All Lots within the 1000' Shoreland Overlay are a minimum of 15,000 sq ft CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on November 24, 2010, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Lakeview - Planning Case 2010 -12 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed andsworn to before me this L 5 t day of - , 2010. Notary Pu is KIM T. MEUWISSEN 3'. Notary P ublic-Minnesota M Y commission Expires Jan 311, 2015 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Rezoning from Residential Single Family (RSF) and Proposal. Mixed Low - Density Residential (R4) to Residential Low - Medium (RLM); and Subdivision of approximately 50 acres into 66 lots and 4 outlots - LAKEVIEW Applicant: US Home Corporation (DBA Lennar Property Northwest of the intersection of Lyman Blvd. and Lake Riley Location: Blvd. and south of Highway 212 A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens Public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /sery /plan /10- 12.html If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen Questions & AI -Jaff by email at saliaff @ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone Comments: at 952- 227 -1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included In the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Rezoning from Residential Single Family (RSF) and Proposal: Mixed Low - Density Residential (R4) to Residential Low - Medium (RLM); and Subdivision of approximately 50 acres into 66 lots and 4 outlots - LAKEVIEW Applicant: US Home Corporation (DBA Lennar Property Northwest of the intersection of Lyman Blvd. and Lake Riley Location: Blvd. and south of Highway 212 A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens Public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /sery /plan /10- 12.html If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen Questions & AI -Jaff by email at saliaff@ ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone Comments: at 952 - 227 -1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. ALAN T & TINA M LEE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUSTEE BEVERLY ANN SPORRE 421 LYMAN BLVD 400 COUNTRYWIDE WAY MS: SV -35 166 LAKEVIEW RD E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8656 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 -6298 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CAROLE K BASTASZ DANIEL W & SALLY A RYAN DAVID C MAJOR 179 LAKEVIEW RD E 9025 SUNNYVALE DR 158 LAKEVIEW RD E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8639 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 DAVID L ANDERSON DEVON L ANDERSON GRANT & ELAINE CASANOVA 290 GREENLEAF CT 178 LAKEVIEW RD E 174 LAKEVIEW RD E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7631 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 GREGORY R RENBERG JAIME W & LISA H LAUGHLIN JAMES & ANDREA SWEENEY 282 GREENLEAF CT 376 SUMMERFIELD DR 296 GREENLEAF CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7631 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7628 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7631 JEREMY LAUGHLIN JOAN M LUDWIG JOYCE A BENNETT 8784 NORTH BAY DR 9005 LAKE RILEY BLVD 8789 NORTH BAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8650 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 JUDD C & SHIRLEY R MORGAN KATHLEEN M LUCE KENT A HOVE 161 LAKEVIEW RD E 165 LAKEVIEW RD E - 177 LAKEVIEW RD E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 KLINGELHUTZ DEVELOPMENT CO LAURA MARIE COOPER LESLIE M BERGSTROM 350 CHASKA BLVD 9015 LAKE RILEY BLVD 8781 NORTH BAY DR PO BOX 89 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8650 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 CHASKA, MN 55318 -0089 LISA M LANG MARGARET W NICHOLS MARK W LINDNER 170 LAKEVIEW RD E 182 LAKEVIEW RD E 8785 NORTH BAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 MARY BETH MAKI MATTHEW J THILL MITCHELL S & CINDY L VENESS 150 LAKEVIEW RD E 8790 NORTH BAY DR 8794 NORTH BAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 NGA DOAN NICOLE A DELANEY NICOLE M EVENSON 8799 NORTH BAY DR 8793 NORTH BAY DR 8797 NORTH BAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 NORTH BAY HOMEOWNERS ASSN QUIRIN & MARIA MATTHYS RACHEL WIDMER INC 8795 NORTH BAY DR 8791 NORTH BAY DR 2681 LONG LAKE RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 ROSEVILLE, MN 55113-1128 RICHARD J CHADWICK 9530 FOXFORD RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8681 ROBERT & SUZANNE JANSSEN 162 LAKEVIEW RD E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 SCOTT A & MICHELE M WALKER 9031 SUNNYVALE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8639 SEAN D & LEANNE M CONNELLY 396 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7628 STEVEN P & SANDRA L NORDLING 281 GREENLEAF CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7631 TIMOTHY D & PATRICIA L BESSER 400 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8655 SPRINGFIELD HOMEOWNERS ASSN 730 FLORIDA AVE S GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55426 -1704 TARY JANE ADAMS 154 LAKEVIEW RD E CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 TIMOTHY P AMLIE 8796 NORTH BAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD 631 TRANSPORTATION BLDG ST PAUL, MN 55155 -1801 TERI R HELLING 8780 NORTH BAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7624 TODD A & SHELLEY L LEONE 275 GREENLEAF CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7631 WAYNE E ANDERSON JOE JABLONSKI JOHN KLINGELHUTZ 181 LAKEVIEW RD E US HOME CORPORATION KLINGELHUTZ, LLC CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7625 935 EAST WAYZATA BLVD 552 BAVARIA ROAD WAYZATA, MN 55391 CHASKA, MN 55318 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION r Jz HYORANT(S) DO N RnTE VALVE(S) V EDUCER(S) - E %ISTING WATERMAIN I — PROPOSED WATERMAIN FUIURE WAT • S O ANITARY M OLE(S) EXISTING SANITARY SEWER <— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER E3 m FUTURE SANITARY SEWER CATCH BASIN O • MANHOLE. D FLARED END ID BEEHIVE - - - - -- EXISTED STORM SEWER «— PROPOSED STORM SEWER - -- FUTURE STORM SEWER IINC 1' CONTOUR LINE _..... .. -� - EXISTING 10 CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED 2 CONTOUR LINE ma PROPOSED 10 CONTOUR LINE vy-se o POND OUTLET TINE --- = = = - -- POND R a ER LINE 4 j PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW - --- -- ---- DELINEATED WETLAND LINE PROPOSED /EX. SET WALLS • . • • • . • • . • • .... EROSION CONTROL FENCE ----- - - - - -- EASEMENT LINE O GRAVEL SURFACE D BITUMINOUS SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE Ex. SERVICE Ex. LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE 'r E%. LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD Ex. WATER WELL - - - -- EX. CULVERT © E%. TEE LITE E%. "Al EE E%. OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES —1, 1V— EX. UNDERGROUND TELEVISION —lel —Tel— E%. UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE —IP IP— EX. FIBER OPTIC LINE Ex. ELECTRIC LINE — 9 9 EX. UNDERGEOUND GAS — X X — Ex. FEUCE LINE Ex. FENCE LINE II EX. SOUND BARRIER WALL ■ Ex. ELECTRIC ED EX, ELECTRIC BOX ^Tj E %. MONITORING WELL O Ex. TELEPHONE BOX ® E% E ... L Y S ON BOX POLE E LG OLD 0 E ES DOLE ® E LBO 4 E SG F OADWAY ONUMINOUS PATH RO MENiS UPS LINE .— CONCRETE WALK R LINE SETBACK LINE LAKEVIEW NOV 0 5 2010 SHEET INDEX PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN CHANHASSEN PLACNING DEP 1. COVER SHEET T 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT 4. SITE PLAN 5 -7. GRADING PLAN ~ -y ORDINARY HIGH WATER RILEY UkE 8 -9. GRADING DETAILS - ~ 10. EROSION CONTROL PLAN — — 11. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS „❑ � i _ 12. SANITARY & WATER PLAN 10 13. STORM SEWER PLAN MO i\ O ____ LS 1-2. LANDSCAP PLANON PLAN JB . o DNR KT-AND 10 -213W CD T \ o ❑ 1 4 I \\ I\ D to ` r 3 11 � ; 000❑ ❑❑oo 4! 21 O� I 2 Z - K t F 14 16 16 17 1A 19 1 \ / WROi B ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ SIRE B El El L-1 ❑ El o�j R 1 4 60 \ B 7 B 0 4 ] J 1 1 d1—T D 1L) ❑ ❑ ❑ a m P I ONEERengi ne ering cnn o.mm, u.e.�...r,., .ew.c....au (6511681.418^ N.N.. r• mp x� Mcmlm., HriRI�H�N1N 55110 eo,.0 w�. - E BEE ENUI NM I ROU,4 BRIAN N. MOLINARO REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENOINEER 47504 REG. NO. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 19828 RED. NO. IOEJABLONSKI LENNAR 935 EAST WAYZATA BLVD. R'. \YZATA. MINNESOTA 55391 952 - 249.3014 �C Il � - 1 LOCATION MAP BENCHMARK TNH SPRINGFIELD LOT 10 -11 BLK 1 ELEV =924.90 �oo GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET N LAKE RILEY NORTH BAY DNR 10-2P OHW 865.3 WETLAND MANAGEMENT fi CLASS "IMPROVE" A OHW=865.3 CN.""A 1 IIII \� \ \� \ {I 89a 111 BR,__ �/ ,.. � �� \\ � �� 4 ,` DNNR 10-213W MANAGE "2" 2 BU 0' S. B. BU FF E R 30' TO BUFFER -.X o' Nw I v , `� 11 1 1 1� I / /�� \\ _ f– _ \ \�\ � �\ 1 \\ \ \ \ �\ \ I I ll l l f r I / � � " I c7 \v-S IM e /(- v vv x 0 L Lo I Pa 92 I 1, 1111111 \1,1 \� �\ �\III / / / /�'( B 9e", ��-z' A� _i / /l /� eBd / —\ \ � \ \ \ \ \\ \__ I , ewe V � Lvm— / PIONEEReneneering -2 .1-- PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ? `� e 4 EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 0 OUTLOT A 5 -.4 1—, 31 33 34, 1 ;7 .. th - i - di,,( ,d 10 IW 1.1 *1 5 dIl 4 lh... pl.t 1. .I I STREET D TOTAL AREA 50.8429 ACRES TOTALR.O.. AREA 6.8832 ACRES TOTAL LOT AREA 192989 ACRES TOTAL WILOT AREA 24.6807 ACRES TOTAL OUTLOTS 4 NUMBER OF LOTS 4 RT; 1 2N� 1347 LARGEST LOT 19 so FT SMALLEST LOT 9,044 12"' ax 12,737 ------ - ----------- 2.5227 TS/ACRE NET DENSITY (EXCLUDES OUTLOTS & RM 14199 LOTS/ACRE PROPOSED ZONING RUM UTILITIES 40), o uk RD 12 1,3 10 19 STREET OUTLOT B 18 PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ? `� e 4 EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 0 OUTLOT A 5 -.4 1—, 31 33 34, 1 ;7 .. th - i - di,,( ,d 10 IW 1.1 *1 5 dIl 4 lh... pl.t 1. .I I STREET D TOTAL AREA 50.8429 ACRES TOTALR.O.. AREA 6.8832 ACRES TOTAL LOT AREA 192989 ACRES TOTAL WILOT AREA 24.6807 ACRES TOTAL OUTLOTS 4 NUMBER OF LOTS 66 LARGEST LOT 19 so FT SMALLEST LOT 9,044 SO. AVERAGE LOT 12,737 SO. GROSS DENSITY (EXCLUDES OU71.01S) 2.5227 TS/ACRE NET DENSITY (EXCLUDES OUTLOTS & RM 14199 LOTS/ACRE PROPOSED ZONING RUM UTILITIES AVAILABLE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET P 19NEERengineering 2"", ", Dm 14 m"... I, 5512o % 2 3 , '27 EA— I 2 21 EAT-�� 20 ...... ----- 2 2 J� 12 1,3 19 STREET OUTLOT B 18 STREET B 2 6 5 �4 3 3 OUTLOT C 7 I, o2 8g L 1584 -D —11- D;T N NORTH BAY I ® I LAKE RILEY ONR 10 -2P OHW 865.3 WETLAND MANAGEMENT CLASS - IMPROVE aw -R9s.s � I i I - I - WETLAND BUFFER - WETLAND BUFFER SETBACK o - WETLAND CONSERVATION SIGN y: m -- Q. SPRINODEIp DRK $: 9 SUBDIVISION DATA SUMMA Z OTT: GG TOT. NUMBER 0 .307 I .. I . � .. 1 SETBACKS I I I I SNORELAND ZONING RLM ZONING rran Frun - GarwRc found lion to R -O -N =25 Flouae fowduon to R- O -W =25 Garage found lion to R-O -W =25 House fowdlian to R- O -5V =25 side= 5' -Gmase lD- Building side =5'- Garage l0'- Building Rwr =2S R-25' Min Arw: M'm A a: Lot Arw =15,000 SF Lol A ,w =9,000 SF Lot Width: Lot Width: Lot Width =90'@ Front .Scftck Lot Wah =G5' @ Front Se*—k Max Impervious Covemge=25% Max Imperviow Coverage =35% PI 2NEERengineering •mm Ratapricr pnn•.w.. r.w.w.....e • I6511 61!191d k= 0.A�gnw xm vim.. Mcndala NeigM1n, MN 55130 Ru: 691 -91gg - WETLAND BUFFER - WETLAND BUFFER SETBACK o - WETLAND CONSERVATION SIGN SPRINODEIp DRK SUBDIVISION DATA SUMMA TOTAL GROSS A A OTT: GG TOT. NUMBER 0 .307 U N GROSS SS DENSITY: ACRE TOTAL PARK AREA: A:4. 4.83 3 A(TtACR ES — _ (OUTPUT B) TOTAL PUBLIC ROW AREA: G ACRES TOTAL NEIL \ND AREA: 10.40 0 ACRES N REA: TLAND ID-213W TOTAL NET A 2839 ACRES Al- S T DENSITY. 2.32 UNIT ETLANUI NET DEITY: 2.32IINfF$ /A(TtE HIGHWAY . .' : • " .. � :..' • ' — — = — — — � — — s 'e y2o 9zr — (e� /i . / . .. • ...«+t — _ = - — — = 10 // / / / � / — ': T€R- DU�yYTY u BBB. 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I •, I ` l i I ° \ _9 B I ° + 1 / on / / ° 3 a° 94 ] • � ^ / / j �• _ °10 \` � " I J J ' �I I I _ 1+ I ... .9 .. • E.O F y / � / / �/ i .' / //y, � / 20 I SIT, I IIJ I rmim \ 4 / 4 /' ' / /n — 9 ° ° '> p. / RBA IT 9�P1 —r•—� g9 \ G F�%�` g„ :� // .. \ 11 \\ ,I / � /�� �!( /, / /r � /t �� S �µE g�i+ / /,•_ seal °' /�/ SEE SHEET 6 PIONEERengineering GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET :m,ww®° Dnn..w.. uw.w.e.e.. • ,6 5 11 6 8 1 -19M k•.M« rkery oe� °ev in:mo�;im „ N°°° ••.w LENNAR LAKEVIEW II - 13 55I :o PRELID3INARY GRADING 9l5 PAST WAY]ATA BLVD. \F A MI. —OTA 55J91 CNANHASSBN. MMNBSOTA SEE SHEET 5 \QD _90BIp Pli I I // N o ( lu / / 35 .96 a " / /// / ✓ �� /g00G \ .x: Lg r B 6 / q \ \I��\'.I / /°o � • l lr �l l / , l / . /m ''q na P / p0 .. 0T. �6�f_ e�:'.+ =-�- B9� 9 w \ G / i /�j��/ gN� G \I\\ .I N/ /f / /,/ /• 1 , ° �, SSR�" 5 j p1 9B6+ ro O � /� � 'I 9 / /L / / ' / /l,', I / /: ((•/ ( \ 4 \' g sla e ^� ° — / � / 3' 0 , .' // / ; j / // i "// i / /j //l � 1, l• °�\ �. e<, // /j/ / /,' KETLAND CONSERVATION SON , a ���� / (��l i /(��I Il�.li �Iilj'�,,• I \_� �v� � � � � � //� _ - -� � —�' Ate. ✓' � -- - � A . \ \ '•.. .900.. ... / a 00. � � \ • \`. :\ \ \ 6� .. 896 i� � / / / �I N9 \ \ \\ .� \� �`.\ B —' •. �88 / <� %ice' ' \... �.t�� \' \ \ \ \\. �.,\ e a�� .... ; e / �.•/ / WATER QUALITY BASIN 200 �' ( I \ _\ \\ \ \ 6e. \ "��`•" > [ � / NVrt- 866.00 /L \ 1 m 1 ` 6yB6 \. \ ,_ / \• Lbn'�tA 1 HWL- 869.2] + \\ , \ '� `� \ ., • e BOTTpA- B5S.OD / 2 B o \ _ .�, x '\ I / WET WL- 1.828ACFT y BTORAM VOL.- 1.917ACFT 1 AREA OF DRAINAGE- 18.658AC \ ry AREA NWt- 0.194AC \ \ DN273W MANIGE '2" / ' \ • \ \ 9 .s y� 20' BUFFER i e6B — s 30' I.B. TO BUFFER 2O`,Y(ERAND BUFFER 1 /� OUTLOT A SETBACK TO WETLAND SUFFER \ yy c I ISEE SHEET 7 PI $NEERengineering GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET M.Mni: x�,�n., MN SSITD F-681 -9188 a'6, ..- LENNAR �,,: r� +�: PRELIMINARY GRADING LAKEVIEW 9188AST WAYGATA BLVD. G Or 13 Y/.ATA. MINNESOTA SSl91 CHANIiASSEN. MBiNP50TA 9 ro�oxum.e.2mr:., LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION PT m H BASIN O • MANHOLE OLE E ► FLARED ENO ® ® — - - « - -- BEEHIVE EXISTING STORM SEWER « — PROPOSED STORM SEWER PHASE ® ®cas ¢m ® -- - - - - - - - - - LINE EASEMENT LINE — —m: - -- EXISTING 2 CONTOUR LINE mo .... EXISTING 10' CONTOUR LINE VROVOSED 2' CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR LINE pOND G NET LINE --- "° -° = - -- POND HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION DNR A0 -213W "2" EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ---- - - -' -- — DELINEATED WETLAND LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN ROUNDARY • • • • • ...... • • • • STANICARD E—ON CONTROL HEAVY -DUTY EROSION CONTROL - "�— TREE FENCE PR O.ED /EX. GET Wa IS T CONSERVAi ON AREA S W WETLAND BUFFER S Q EX SANITARY OR STORM MIN 29 EX. HY TE VA LVE [X. DRANT / \ CX. SERVICE 9)B Ex. LA" S RINKLER VALVE ° Ex. LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD Ex. WATER WELL - - - - -- /WWYVI Ex. CULVERT EX TREE LINE — F, 1 Ex. OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES Iv Iv — Ex. UNDERGROUND TELEVISION —lel lel— —TO To— EX. UNDERGROUNO TELEPHONE EX. FIBER OPTIC LINE EX. ELECTRIC LINE — 9 9 — Ex. UNDERGROUND GAS X — EX. FENCE LINE o " ELECTRIC BOX EX. 1LE CTRIC BOX EX. MONITORING WELL EX. TELEPHONE BOX ® Ex. TELEVISION BOX s EX. V UTY POLE ' Ex. L LIGHT POLE 0 ( EX. ZEST OLE ® 4 Ex. LBOX "ON ROAD- I MPROVEMENTS R GHM WAY LINE N OF B U OUS PATH CENTERLNE CUFB LINE CONCRETE WALK SETBACK L O EX D Ex GRAVEL SURFACE O Ex. O SELECT BITUMINOUS SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE BACKFLL MATERIAL GRAVEL CONST. ENTRANCE �' GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PI O NEERengineving : B.,I l On, �•w.xn.oe , �6sn 6BIM 19M MrMoI.� Neigh', MN 55110 Pu:6B1 -9aBe 'T \ \ \ X \\ - I \ \\ \• X`.� �.\ \\ \• \ \ — / m ' \—WATER QUALITY BASIN 200 m \ N-6.U0 ' °ter 4 '\ L / K 80 TT0ML.BB8.00 WE WET E.� FT AD V OL-1. '\.. , s 0 81 ^ ry . x: 777 •� / AREA OF DRAINAGE- 18.B58AC _ 1 / \ \ D AREA NMi-0.494AC e DNR A0 -213W "2" /. 86 0 20 BBB — B > .OT 30' J.B. TO BUFFER 1 TLAND 9Q G 9 >B / \ 9)B I B. 3 30b IIETLAND BUFFER �\ SETBACK TO WETLAND - BUFFER \\ \ 94. m s rJ - e r• � /\ I I, \ -97.1 gOMIV m • \1,1\111 i _,BB 1 . _. ,/ / . -.. .. —... \\ \ •\.\ - 890 - � \ I I � / "� \ 69 6,Z -6ES aT a AA L } I 7— / 906 � 9O6_ ' \—WATER QUALITY BASIN 200 A N-6.U0 ' °ter 4 '\ L / K 80 TT0ML.BB8.00 WE WET E.� FT AD V OL-1. '\.. , s 0 81 ^ ry . x: 777 •� / AREA OF DRAINAGE- 18.B58AC _ 1 / AREA NMi-0.494AC DNR A0 -213W "2" /. MANIGE 20 BBB — B > .OT 30' J.B. TO BUFFER TLAND C. 30b IIETLAND BUFFER �\ SETBACK TO WETLAND - BUFFER • \1,1\111 i _,BB 1 . _. ,/ / . -.. .. —... \\ \ •\.\ - 890 - � \ I I � / "� \ 69 6,Z -6ES aT a AA L } I 7— / 906 � 9O6_ 0 AA<ED BACxr ILJ LOCI e l - IT OF SUBe bh x.T RISE " "dR: �� .FA , F A,ERI.L ' coMPAC[ED BA<KDU Bo „aN OF „ s,Aelc xaERLL o e n< ILL SUBGRADE CORRECTION DETAIL NO SCALE PIONEERengineen - ng 5 M<mbL. Hei8NOA1N SSrtO , PI” eIQW�BA 4 9 3 9 ON LOT BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 1. 2. EAC - BI THE CIRAAD ° gNEDUCE OUTUR WSELOOwtt N SCR MACAU, II LL COxS1WCTOBA [BASED ON AVULAeLE 500. 3. IN SEONCNI CON1R0. GEORGE' ((aT P T PIE STOCNPIIE AND STABIIIi[ N BERM P NTURE SPREADND NO RY SEDIMENT GABON, BASIN TO BE USN CF /ACRE N AREA SR CLEAN TICUP BASIN 6. PRO _ L 1E ° 52T FOR 9ATAIBUT' FOR FO. PER NE M TIT RECLAMATION LO SEINO BROUNI NSIE I , 7. All 5 ON NX CE WRWO dAOMO THE RR ETp1 iD T M OF SYEL lli BAAx. v. WEARER 5[R NAC NO PM PLAN i1. U TA N B OL T WZE D D M[AS Ax0 sid%Af5 w i4[ IRN SF USRD ERO4d! 1. Ie R ACHERE TD ALL REWIRENExTS OF THE MINEEBOFA POLLUTION CONTROL AR(NCY N.F.D.ES. PERMIT, INCLUDING THE RrCURFU[NT To MRALIZE THE AA m1E B1 ° nR PERMITYAFT°NONER TuE A TOM PI£lE NRF RESTNATN M T MPS EROSION AND SEDIU[xT CONTR0. MACTCES DENIED m 11E MI R MATCR WAUN IN URBAN AREAS ANO THE MRINESOTA CONSTRUCTON SITE 2 A COPY OF THESEE PLANS MOST THE ON TIRE " SOL XNENEVENT ONSTRUCTER I IN PRO EROAN ANO SEdNENT CONROL PUNMNC N NC 4. ALL °R T�d1 N PBIN To L°N/,NUTWSNRBAN ¢ aACTROJIUM s'S 51UlLONBOLEI CM SUN CHECK DAMS AME PRE SPEORK ARE 1° MfY NAIL uuHiNNED i CdI51ROCTIdR RSCOMPLEiFY IN S SINE CdldipxS A CWSTHUCII /.NO U m[ [ ORAABONAL NEaBSART to ENSURE VIN ON = Y gMEx i CONT q PUBJ SIrt CLUNNc "t sm ° AABnvInES E AID / ONDE WI110NUL BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MNRNM EVE E= ON THE PLANS CARL MAY BE REEKD TO PROWDE EFFECTOR D TIN wA CPERATE EDAPUENT L USE RWi ON LnMN GROEE N SENCE AREAS YRTION OR MHEREMER POSSBLE PRESERVE THE FDSEND TREES PUSS AMC OTHER VECETATYE NKA TO NO, _PRN_ F N T KD FE ,° TIE ANC DO MOT BACK- BIAN. D. TEMPORARY LED SMALL K NINE IN ACCORDANCE 10 MNDOT 2575 a 387,; CNESTIMC Do ISNEW MR IN a HC L65 PER ACRE N APPROVED EWAL nu A A IN PLACE OR AePE" " INETUL To "u ° S XUM BUR N ' 0 W I F ID —ZO MO PER ACRE D. 5e7 L>s 1T 0 aS[NA— RIUL SE DONE u AavRDAREE M N —1 1111 ON LL BE D T YP 2 A PER ACRE N APPROVED CNAL AHD SURK OPED EWAL. ORSTALIEO 10 MINIMUM ROIL D.1 DM SURFA M CE AREA ISSNRBEDALUCH AT DO F W VERACE MTH PER It. AND M Y4 AN EXCCERPPTCM! O. ". VN 1 E Ux T OR U SEEM q ACRIFER MULCH, 1 Ax A UL ALL SDRB AND SEDIMENT NACRED ONTO EXCIPSO 0. w BLOWNO OUST BEC � NUISANCE. NC NNTRACTN NALL APPLY WATER rRN A TANK TRUE[ I N SITE N CNLCTON OF THE NADNO ERN M ATS ENTIRE SHE A (EXCEPT RNDWAK) SMALL NAYS BEEN SEEDED AND uULNED AND BUT DUNCE SHALL INSTALLED NO A TTfYIOSAM I t MA %RE ID INO xRENCOiABR17ATN 5 —1-1 N RX 1. FINE CMIRACTOR SNALL LNU MEMI CYNlSTRU.. MASH0. NCEEAINE SUFFM VRn THE L 'iX. OF "FE AREEAS o' BE ols"'IUR wsr EAi[o �e.BM+mii iincs W ' STAKE SIGNS AREAS FENCE, EFC.) ON THE DEVELOPLIENT SITE BEFORE MURK BECUR. 2— EXPOSED SEN. AREAS MITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER OR ANY S1NUWALER CON MEYXNCE SYSTEM MHKN IS CONNECTED TD A SURFACE WAFER MUST BE STABILIZED A 11TH Nk7 MFAAN SI AOPfS). 11- DAK (lk1 IO J:I ROPES), OR 21 DAYS A _ 6 NINN IES W p TE�. sTDm SEVER m. ° Ort 0 1M. gTaTM J L E INEALL FEET IOSTEN FROM THE PERIM TY EGGE. OR FROM TMf PO M OST T OF DIS HARCRCE 300 A w TErt OR RN ZA LAWS OF CdIHECTINO TO A SURFACE WATER). 1L[fi uMIT BE PROWD D MTN TEMPORARY. OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISRPATION B 1 A A Ba NT PE AgMENT —DIES O Y AS A AAP W PR A WRIAR RNT MUST BE STALLED. AID M SNPPP MKT Bf wFMfD. 1MEV[ 41ML B2[ . ADE UNBRONENS A� L"' N cREAIFRTM A 7 FT FOR ACPES MIN A CRADC N 31 N STEE➢CR. APPROVED MENCES L[N AND /N AS SHORN ON RONDE( CANON CORTRW POST SONAR[; CR DTIER 2BEOMMENT CLAIROL PRACMES MUST BE ESTABISCHED ON DOMNCRADE PERIMETERS BEFORE .TOTE uxC N SEDC N ENT CONTROL PRACTICES MAY It RIMUSI D TO ACCOMMODATE BNNT PRECIPITATION CWNI EMN IF THE ACT OY IS MOT COMPLETE. LED BEFORE lNE xF %i A Cq R STNUC IMTL W�0.CES W1diW FOR dSCwAMT1010 M INLET HAYS BEFx STABILIZED. THE STOCKPILE AND CANgO,7 [ FLA %T WAWA qS V I E NC1 v .UDNO B wRFE OF R COUVErANCES SUCH AS CURB AND WTIER sYSrtu; N C NWITS N CONES IT CNDIT R MUST INSTALL TEUPN M ARY (Ox NENT) SEDIMENTATION BABNB YMERE TEN rtN ACREEN pNTI[D SEN. BRAN TO LOCATION AND /N AS BNDMN ON I N 1ERM0 MY TYP PROJECT SITE MxEMVFR POSSIB IESNEI [R CWNOTF BE ERSDiARGER BB IF 7BE Buds wDIT TERXN THE SCIµDE M DNS , UST BE FREATED TW ETM� OPUha N ACEWAIELY PROT ENC1 1 BCWF THE DISCHARGE MUST L DART NAT IDGE RIP RAP, SAND BAGS, PLASTIC ENEEmID. N DNER ACCEPTED ENERGY Z NUSANCE EROSON, v OP ° NUMNIE Nt N OF RE LANDS C LRE10 SIVANIBIIC�xT CAUSE n IM PACT THE MILAN, U THE OF OREA R AN OS v HWRS �LLRNSPECTDNS MUB BERRECONIDNEON [vHFxT PROING AND T oxE ° M PE EW xn i�ul N.PCD.S& RE TS. (NOTE: LOCAL .umSdcTW E AYR D u AL CTIOx,) U R 2.HADWS MATERIALS MUST BE STORED AND NEFOBED LM OF PER M PCU REOLAANINS. A .TIE RAF .. BE C A D XAST B V ° RMER UN LY gFOSRDEF No NOmfE DECS EASING IS ALLOMO ON SIC. DRAINAGE & Unfnr r `..— l ' w. SETBACK EASEMENT O BLOCK NO. I SETBACKS LOWEST O PENING FAMILY LOTS TYPICAL POND SECTION ELEVATI LOWEST FLOOR LOT No, BERM I � ELEVATION GROUND ELEVATION N TYPES — RAMBLER LO SPLIT ENTRY I LO — A BLER LOOKpUi OF SPLIT T — — — NV1 - - - -t — ® BUILDING I EN WALKWi WO — RAMBLER WALKOUT 3 RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDE LO SILO —SIDE LOOKOUT IO ^> TO SCALE) SWO —SIDE WALKOUT BOTTOM PNISH U ELEVATIO EN INSTILL MNDOT <ATAGNY 2 EPoCN SNTROL ULAN %fT j VAR"' D LOPES & BERM ®LOT CORNER — 34.5 STREET 65' LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) 0 AA<ED BACxr ILJ LOCI e l - IT OF SUBe bh x.T RISE " "dR: �� .FA , F A,ERI.L ' coMPAC[ED BA<KDU Bo „aN OF „ s,Aelc xaERLL o e n< ILL SUBGRADE CORRECTION DETAIL NO SCALE PIONEERengineen - ng 5 M<mbL. Hei8NOA1N SSrtO , PI” eIQW�BA 4 9 3 9 ON LOT BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE 1. 2. EAC - BI THE CIRAAD ° gNEDUCE OUTUR WSELOOwtt N SCR MACAU, II LL COxS1WCTOBA [BASED ON AVULAeLE 500. 3. IN SEONCNI CON1R0. GEORGE' ((aT P T PIE STOCNPIIE AND STABIIIi[ N BERM P NTURE SPREADND NO RY SEDIMENT GABON, BASIN TO BE USN CF /ACRE N AREA SR CLEAN TICUP BASIN 6. PRO _ L 1E ° 52T FOR 9ATAIBUT' FOR FO. PER NE M TIT RECLAMATION LO SEINO BROUNI NSIE I , 7. All 5 ON NX CE WRWO dAOMO THE RR ETp1 iD T M OF SYEL lli BAAx. v. WEARER 5[R NAC NO PM PLAN i1. U TA N B OL T WZE D D M[AS Ax0 sid%Af5 w i4[ IRN SF USRD ERO4d! 1. Ie R ACHERE TD ALL REWIRENExTS OF THE MINEEBOFA POLLUTION CONTROL AR(NCY N.F.D.ES. PERMIT, INCLUDING THE RrCURFU[NT To MRALIZE THE AA m1E B1 ° nR PERMITYAFT°NONER TuE A TOM PI£lE NRF RESTNATN M T MPS EROSION AND SEDIU[xT CONTR0. MACTCES DENIED m 11E MI R MATCR WAUN IN URBAN AREAS ANO THE MRINESOTA CONSTRUCTON SITE 2 A COPY OF THESEE PLANS MOST THE ON TIRE " SOL XNENEVENT ONSTRUCTER I IN PRO EROAN ANO SEdNENT CONROL PUNMNC N NC 4. ALL °R T�d1 N PBIN To L°N/,NUTWSNRBAN ¢ aACTROJIUM s'S 51UlLONBOLEI CM SUN CHECK DAMS AME PRE SPEORK ARE 1° MfY NAIL uuHiNNED i CdI51ROCTIdR RSCOMPLEiFY IN S SINE CdldipxS A CWSTHUCII /.NO U m[ [ ORAABONAL NEaBSART to ENSURE VIN ON = Y gMEx i CONT q PUBJ SIrt CLUNNc "t sm ° AABnvInES E AID / ONDE WI110NUL BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MNRNM EVE E= ON THE PLANS CARL MAY BE REEKD TO PROWDE EFFECTOR D TIN wA CPERATE EDAPUENT L USE RWi ON LnMN GROEE N SENCE AREAS YRTION OR MHEREMER POSSBLE PRESERVE THE FDSEND TREES PUSS AMC OTHER VECETATYE NKA TO NO, _PRN_ F N T KD FE ,° TIE ANC DO MOT BACK- BIAN. D. TEMPORARY LED SMALL K NINE IN ACCORDANCE 10 MNDOT 2575 a 387,; CNESTIMC Do ISNEW MR IN a HC L65 PER ACRE N APPROVED EWAL nu A A IN PLACE OR AePE" " INETUL To "u ° S XUM BUR N ' 0 W I F ID —ZO MO PER ACRE D. 5e7 L>s 1T 0 aS[NA— RIUL SE DONE u AavRDAREE M N —1 1111 ON LL BE D T YP 2 A PER ACRE N APPROVED CNAL AHD SURK OPED EWAL. ORSTALIEO 10 MINIMUM ROIL D.1 DM SURFA M CE AREA ISSNRBEDALUCH AT DO F W VERACE MTH PER It. AND M Y4 AN EXCCERPPTCM! O. ". VN 1 E Ux T OR U SEEM q ACRIFER MULCH, 1 Ax A UL ALL SDRB AND SEDIMENT NACRED ONTO EXCIPSO 0. w BLOWNO OUST BEC � NUISANCE. NC NNTRACTN NALL APPLY WATER rRN A TANK TRUE[ I N SITE N CNLCTON OF THE NADNO ERN M ATS ENTIRE SHE A (EXCEPT RNDWAK) SMALL NAYS BEEN SEEDED AND uULNED AND BUT DUNCE SHALL INSTALLED NO A TTfYIOSAM I t MA %RE ID INO xRENCOiABR17ATN 5 —1-1 N RX 1. FINE CMIRACTOR SNALL LNU MEMI CYNlSTRU.. MASH0. NCEEAINE SUFFM VRn THE L 'iX. OF "FE AREEAS o' BE ols"'IUR wsr EAi[o �e.BM+mii iincs W ' STAKE SIGNS AREAS FENCE, EFC.) ON THE DEVELOPLIENT SITE BEFORE MURK BECUR. 2— EXPOSED SEN. AREAS MITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER OR ANY S1NUWALER CON MEYXNCE SYSTEM MHKN IS CONNECTED TD A SURFACE WAFER MUST BE STABILIZED A 11TH Nk7 MFAAN SI AOPfS). 11- DAK (lk1 IO J:I ROPES), OR 21 DAYS A _ 6 NINN IES W p TE�. sTDm SEVER m. ° Ort 0 1M. gTaTM J L E INEALL FEET IOSTEN FROM THE PERIM TY EGGE. OR FROM TMf PO M OST T OF DIS HARCRCE 300 A w TErt OR RN ZA LAWS OF CdIHECTINO TO A SURFACE WATER). 1L[fi uMIT BE PROWD D MTN TEMPORARY. OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISRPATION B 1 A A Ba NT PE AgMENT —DIES O Y AS A AAP W PR A WRIAR RNT MUST BE STALLED. AID M SNPPP MKT Bf wFMfD. 1MEV[ 41ML B2[ . ADE UNBRONENS A� L"' N cREAIFRTM A 7 FT FOR ACPES MIN A CRADC N 31 N STEE➢CR. APPROVED MENCES L[N AND /N AS SHORN ON RONDE( CANON CORTRW POST SONAR[; CR DTIER 2BEOMMENT CLAIROL PRACMES MUST BE ESTABISCHED ON DOMNCRADE PERIMETERS BEFORE .TOTE uxC N SEDC N ENT CONTROL PRACTICES MAY It RIMUSI D TO ACCOMMODATE BNNT PRECIPITATION CWNI EMN IF THE ACT OY IS MOT COMPLETE. LED BEFORE lNE xF %i A Cq R STNUC IMTL W�0.CES W1diW FOR dSCwAMT1010 M INLET HAYS BEFx STABILIZED. THE STOCKPILE AND CANgO,7 [ FLA %T WAWA qS V I E NC1 v .UDNO B wRFE OF R COUVErANCES SUCH AS CURB AND WTIER sYSrtu; N C NWITS N CONES IT CNDIT R MUST INSTALL TEUPN M ARY (Ox NENT) SEDIMENTATION BABNB YMERE TEN rtN ACREEN pNTI[D SEN. BRAN TO LOCATION AND /N AS BNDMN ON I N 1ERM0 MY TYP PROJECT SITE MxEMVFR POSSIB IESNEI [R CWNOTF BE ERSDiARGER BB IF 7BE Buds wDIT TERXN THE SCIµDE M DNS , UST BE FREATED TW ETM� OPUha N ACEWAIELY PROT ENC1 1 BCWF THE DISCHARGE MUST L DART NAT IDGE RIP RAP, SAND BAGS, PLASTIC ENEEmID. N DNER ACCEPTED ENERGY Z NUSANCE EROSON, v OP ° NUMNIE Nt N OF RE LANDS C LRE10 SIVANIBIIC�xT CAUSE n IM PACT THE MILAN, U THE OF OREA R AN OS v HWRS �LLRNSPECTDNS MUB BERRECONIDNEON [vHFxT PROING AND T oxE ° M PE EW xn i�ul N.PCD.S& RE TS. (NOTE: LOCAL .umSdcTW E AYR D u AL CTIOx,) U R 2.HADWS MATERIALS MUST BE STORED AND NEFOBED LM OF PER M PCU REOLAANINS. A .TIE RAF .. BE C A D XAST B V ° RMER UN LY gFOSRDEF No NOmfE DECS EASING IS ALLOMO ON SIC. FUTURE 65' SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 5' HOLD DOWN w. SETBACK R 75' SINGLE SETBACKS FINISHED GRADE FAMILY LOTS p� Lo To 5 caaClNC GRADE HOLD DOWN (TYPI SEC NOT TO SCALE) AND RE- SPREAD SET BACKS 2.67 HOLD BASEMENT FLOOR DOWN L DQHQSIi (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) FUTURE 65' SINGLE FAMILY LOTS j Sc 85— _L2 R R ( MILL) FINISHED GRADE LO GRADING GRADE j HOLD DOWN to 5 j AND to' os' ToasolL " SETBACKS RE- SPREAD 2 5 HOLD BASEMENT FLOOR GOWN (TYPI SEC NOT TO SCALE) 60' S(M6UK FINISHED GRADE R GRADING GRACE j q R j lo' o o to' C5 TOP RE- SPREAD 3.0' HOLD BASEMENT FLOOR DOWN RA�FR (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) 25' w, 5(M8A;K FINISHED GRACE I G RADING GRADE j It R 10' 0 10' 0.5' IOPSOL RE- SPREAD 30' HOLD BASEMENT FLOOR DOWN 5' 25' 35' SEiFACK R (MIN) j wG 0 0 0.5' TOPSOIL! RE- SPREAD 2.5' rvOLD BASEMENT FLOOR DOWN WALKOUT (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) SE BACK 22 28 R (MIN) j 3: ° rcl WO I ° R o S'tOPSOII! E- SPREAD ; zoo' HOLD BASEMENT FLOOR DOWN WALKOUT SETBACKS 95' Wide Single FomBy Lod Fmnl: Garage (oun &IN W R -O -W =25 HOUCe f, UOn TO R- O -W' =25 Si & =5' -Gn 8S 101 RSO,25' Min A o: Lot A. =9.000 SF Lot W'idUC Lot W idN =85' Ma% Building CO—.M =35% 15% N ShO,elmd O—hy SETBACKS 65' Wide SinRIC Family LAN, Front: C-9l faun&li°n N, R -O -W' =25 Home ENCUA ,o to R -O -W =25 Si& = S-GnmgC 10'- Building R Min Area: Lot A— =9,000 SF LPt W imh: WI Widlh =GS' Mss Building C— Uge=35% 25% in Sh °r<lmd Overlay II'�' WWI rm� GOR 1— .1H S—E DRAINAGE A77 CROF DRAiNAGEH SWAL P12NEERengineering --;& �-POF AIUL[ifANCV Lois NAGf ITI&` t EIC MIM m7of I o . mom ENTRANC" - .0 — 'L LL ENO mm�� GRADING DETAILS I - G n, C N LAKEVIEW 0 A A A , WR SECTION A-A -------------- wq��� MEMM I P12NEERengineering --;& �-POF AIUL[ifANCV Lois NAGf ITI&` t EIC MIM m7of I o . mom ENTRANC" - .0 — 'L LL ENO mm�� GRADING DETAILS I - G n, C N LAKEVIEW 0 A A A , WR SECTION A-A -------------- wq��� LEGEND 7 �y 4 0 CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED AFTER 1ST UFT OF BITUMINOUS. —- a CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED WITH CATCH BASIN GRATE. •••••••••••••• PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL FENCE. INSARL BEFORE START OF GRADING j /j / / , � � {w411111�51111i1111, eeeeeeeeP HEAVY DUTY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. INSARL BEFORE START OF GRADING SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. TO BE INSTALLED SIB HOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING. r SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. TO BE INSTALLED AFTER COMPLETION I o OF SIUEWALK CONSTRUCTION. MNDOT CAT } ERDSION CONTROL BLANK ET. .� 1 \ I •` /� L \\ I NS LL WITHIN l DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE 1ST RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST INS CAI 4 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. II�� INSTALL WITHIN) DAIS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE SST RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ' INSATLL BEFORE START OF GRADING I / / �� m �, 5 1 ! T y,•�"`-- -']TTT " / .—. STRAW BID ROLLS I NS LL TAIHIN J DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION / 0 \\ /l z OR BEFORE IST RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST ROCK BERM INSTALL WITHIN J DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE 1ST RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST WEILAND —s—T. SIGN ® TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN I w o � I l eoo \\ \tea \ m 3 • j ,LGT � m• WETLAND BUFFER GRAPHIC SL III � /•`; _` �' I,f � ., I l\ 1 `I l 1 TD' sE,BA � / I a t , Pr \ S j�� '� 1•,..r� \ \\ �v BSI E6 q W / I I I I .1�� / /�`:\ \ \ � " " " " "I / / PI$ NEERengineering mm w,aw Driv<ww, ,.,w.w...aw r (65116BI19H H•N•••erh+x: rah v® .ow lolls x5a owo in:, 55130 .ss: �Bn PRELIMINARY EROSION CONTROL TA NN'4R LAKEVIEW 13 9B5 TVAYLLTA BLVD. IO OP W'AYZATA. MINNPSDI'A 5",1 1 MINNPSDTA O Nlo YUme, e2�m,a T �.,.:"`�v'� /No,y�,• as •T�...,,..... / ��� g xx00S uIV(» ToC� �o- 11p S e'ox �fffl IX � 1 � Ioc.s [aee[E[Y�` n TMl C1ffOP SILT CHIflBASSfA ENCE wr w x,.ssm INSET • w. 5}00 Yy � (i IY Y Yzi � A I loa PL F l�wm..•.nm.u� • S.dn x•N men em s.I� rsI.I q x. QITOP EROSON CONTROL FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS (TYP.) 5 }028 PLAN PROFILE PLAN PROFILE T. t Yy s i �7 1 .., Lu ' .i[`iT��51frs II —III =_ r IL 11 =1 rc III — o DIRECTION OF FLOW m m ''WAR3YStF m WOODCHIPS, SOD, 11 - y iy{5 WOODCHIPS, SOD. IIJI III _� OR STRAW MULCH w �Io OR STRAW MULCH Iff BERM - COMPOST, EARTHEN (STABILIZED WITH STRAW n v BERM - COMPOST, EARTHEN (STABILIZED WITH STRAW IIII MULCH OR WOODCHIPS), OR WOODCHIPS III' MULCH OR WOODCHIPS), OR WOODCHIPS PLAN PROFILE SILT FENCE SILT FENCE PLAN PROFILE 26- w SILT FENCE SILT FENCE 'S a w DIRECTON U 14' <03 OF ROW •.. — I _ _ - 1 T F 24' W )Yn BACK OF CNRR PERIMETER CIXJIROL BACK OF CLRB PERIMETER CONTROL D— $- 111FwA� WITH S'OEwAtN PI$_ NEERengi mmp'm aYrive Onv"^�' � um.n a 16511681 -19M Mrnl0lo Tleigln<. FIN SSIlD u r u. 81 - 41flA EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS WITH SWALE DRA LGx I \ \ 2 \ 1 L DNA nxcE 5wnl / b cmop EROSION CONTROL FOR a INDIVIDUAL LOT WITH OMEN SWALE DRAINAGE INENT I _ °i 11 m,�•'�w .,•.ro ,v STRAI - • °"°^' °,. ROLLS AY, QITOF KEEPER DITCH CHECK/ DITCH CHECK WITH WATTLE ------ I ENGINEERING XPARTMENT1 I'll .0 5} 'w xwL� se P eue<0 0,° ..001 soe<. asrs o- w:. now « ssarz 1 _ mIw r.c1 IIw �w�uo ue wIe z1 � La azxxzlz wnu xm. r wLwuv z �e.. e0ooxo Na ES « IoI so.1 m< a. «� . <• nv.. .1 w FIBER BLANKETS SLOPE STABILIZATION r x�ln. B R p lo .D 2]' INFRASAFE SFDUE 01. BARRIER -DC (EOR USE WIT D CRATE INLET CA STANDARD DETAIL T. t Yy s i �7 1 .., ' .i[`iT��51frs ''WAR3YStF iy{5 _� A li B Y I _PI�_ NEERengineering xdxx e�weryre. Dn ems• uw.v� ` (6sl)681 -I91< Muxbta ileielii.,AM SSIte w P ��6BI -9nAe IN 200 PIO NEERengineering cqw� *�od Muxbla HeigLH, MN SSIID Fu:6g1 -9dgg NWL =890.00 S NWL= 866.00 BASIN 300 NWL- 888.00 I RIM: 8 2.8 �� \ INV: 8).38 HWL= 869.27 WEM • uANACENFNT 0.]55 BOTTOM = 882.00 \, \�'. BOTTOM = 880.00 NOTF: qs � - � 9 � Q e \ WET VOL.= 0.665ACFT SEE SHEET 12 FOR SANITARY � 0 37 - C9uH- -_ STORAGE VOL. =0.694ACFT RIM: 1 12 INV. 888.68 411 1 RIM: 892.60 1 INV: 887.29 AREA OF DRAINAGE= 3.00BAC AREA OF DRAINAGE= 18.658AC OB AREA OF DRAINAGE= 4.904AC AREA NWL= 0.161AC 12 01.5 AREA NWL= 0.249AC GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET a 13 n or CBMH -603 \ 1 i� 15'00SDR 891.91401 9JSen6L WAYZATA, MINNPSOI'A 1 1 11 LAKEVIEW CNANNA66BN.MNN.-A R, 5VM: \12 "DO.SOS \ 88).95 ` \ 1. ���' ``� \ ✓ - MH 109 � 2.50R RIM:89].59 RIM:892.3 \ � INV:983.99 8 �- ` �$:` \ \ 1 � ~,BOULEVARD RILEY IN 39 \ �\ V:BBB.fiS _ 1 � 12' O 0.50% ] \ 08 RIM:89 RIM:893.31 D1\ INV:890.B9 38 ) rc_. '� INV:882.43 \ - IN1.884.33/ 0UTLOT \ \ 18'OO.SOS �\ R. :865.81 ,36 1 28 29 JO I INV:881)8 0R 24' O 0.5 IM: 89T L` . INV:862.14 IN VE 861M 93 �'• \ 5 WA ODALI }t 1 IN889.1' AS IN 3 0 32 RIM:: 89MM 2:2 , 1 V: O '� A 1 35 18' O 0.50% 4 � ARE i G V:888.08 34 IN 0 1 CBMH -3D3 I 1 24" O 0.50% Z UffEn `\ ]0' � RI-99.20 • CBMH -30i N 1 RI99.20 'S, INV: 894.86 \ RI :898.01 SB. 10 66L -292 BUFFER _ RIM:903.2J 1 II INV:893.19 >7 1 INV: BBt.t) ]] 4 , 1 \\ RIM: .2] M88E.0 OUTLOT A INV. 6 ` 18" O 0.505 1 1 1 \ `, O D .50R 30' 1, , p 1 _ 12" O 3.3 12" O 0.50% RIM: 896.]9 {S tE£ =29L INV:865.]5 P / - IN J 880 CB -305 6 V: .68 1I Z RIM:899.1) INV 889 00 1 � I / RI 1 M:90103 CB-212 9 BMH -211 V:901.03 20 9 IN INV: 895.00 18' O OSOA _ ,1 � � 30' O O.SOR � _ - RIM:900.]5 - -- - - INV:89).DB 26 RIM:900.8 INV:896.41 12' O 2.00% l; 21 \ MH -221 WATER DUAL RIM: 878.28 iq / 25 98 - 24'-O 22 INV.892.62 0 1. 27 24 RIM: 896.] 2 BASIN 200 865.16 `JNV. D O2J S IW8 97. _�_ 2 H 1" 0 j �Y RIM:B9].01 RIM:895.6 03 9R�' INV:880.03 /INV: 88).89 Ad, 9.03N CBMH -229 __ 1' 2 O 6.81% \ I CUT-OT 8 / / 1 18 INM8)].54 RIM:886.]fi `.INV:881.79 t 15 16 1] CBMH -22a I 14 9B -) rBMH -20o 19 \� RIM:898.52 RIM:897.98 RIM:897.3 INV: 890.)4 O S8 12' O 0.50% 18' O 2.00% / _ 1141894.13 INV:893.39 12 O 2.005 \� \ � � �� MB-230 \ • • /' 1 CBMH -104 CBMH -22fi RIM: 906.9 RIM:908.39 INV. 902.66 RIM: 908.43 INV:903.13 INW 906.26 2i' O 1.00R CB -2JB IN RIM:88fi.Jfi BBJ.B) / p 12 1.00% _ �� 12' O 1.00R 11 11111V;882 18' 1B' O 0.82% M H_103 -_ __, - _ - - -- -,- CB -228 / ,. �lf�.; OBMH -i31 i - - - � RIM:908..3 / 2' O 1.00% INV:902.50 RIM:898.93 \ 5 RIM. 890.9 D / INV: BB5.0} f I 1 . 1 CBMH -105 RIM:9CR08.72 RI M:906.48 2' O 1.00X 1 CBMH -236 \ / 15'00.50% - 9 INV: RIM:908.4J INV: 904.04 0 INV:901.81 903.9] RIU:891.22 2 / 32 CBMH -232 f / 12' I.W. 0 ] I , / 4 12' 0 100% � C.9-2•,) NI V:885.90 / \\ 15 O 0.$0% 18' O 0.50% ' ' \ RIM: 892.18 �� INV. 86].61 3 1 \ �` \;, ( SPRINGFIELD __ _ MH_102 ATE% OUAL11_Y_ ________ �. ;. RIM:908.06 (BASIN 100 ' „________ _ IN W890.35 ! -- -__ -___ / Q 3 o-. - RIVE : _ 1 OUTLOT C - -� �- -- '- 12 0.50% _ INV:890.00 ,,\ I - ------ __. _ j 2 �j - I �' 98Ntl =1 RIM: 892.9 2 I INV: BB6.05 Ce -i35 RIM:091.5) INV:887.90 6111 1 1FES 12' L \ RIM:891 -100 RIM: I 891.)8 1.1.88].09 1 5 6 ] INV:884.91 INV: 884.59 I' WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY BASIN 100 BA IN 200 PIO NEERengineering cqw� *�od Muxbla HeigLH, MN SSIID Fu:6g1 -9dgg NWL =890.00 S NWL= 866.00 BASIN 300 NWL- 888.00 I HWL= 891.98 HWL= 869.27 HWL= 890.45 BOTTOM = 882.00 BOTTOM -856.00 BOTTOM = 880.00 NOTF: qs � - � 9 � Q WET VOL.=0.425ACFT WET VOL.=1.828ACFT WET VOL.= 0.665ACFT SEE SHEET 12 FOR SANITARY � STORAGE VOL. =0.371ACFT .= STORAGE VOL1.917ACFT STORAGE VOL. =0.694ACFT SEWER AND WATERMAIN DESIGN. AREA OF DRAINAGE= 3.00BAC AREA OF DRAINAGE= 18.658AC OB AREA OF DRAINAGE= 4.904AC AREA NWL= 0.161AC AREA NWL= 0.494AC AREA NWL= 0.249AC GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET a 13 n or PRELINIINARY STORM SEWER 9JSen6L WAYZATA, MINNPSOI'A 1 1 11 LAKEVIEW CNANNA66BN.MNN.-A 13 P TREE CANOPY Wetland Area: 10.3 acres 3 1 1 [T Dedicated Park area: 4.8 acres TREE CANOPY WITHIN DEDICATED PARK OR WETLAND AREA all Net 35.7 k area: acres TREE CANOPY TO BE REMOVED Gross canopy Area: 12.4 t%j acres Canopy within Park/wetland area: 5.4 acres Net Canopy Area: 7 acres Baseline Canopy Coverage. 19.69/ Canopy be to removed: 3.6 acres x 1.2=4.3 acres j, Net Canopy Area after grading: 2.7 acres Base Line Canopy Coverage after grading: 7.6% Minimum Canopy Coverage Requirement: 25% of net project area of 35.7 8.9 acres Remaining existing Canopy of 2.7 acres Required additional Canopy Coverage: 6.2 acres Each additional tree = 1,089 sf Additional trees required to meet Canopy Coverage Requirement: 248 See Landscape plan for proposed tree locations and plant schedule WETLAND CRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET TREE PRESERVAUON PLAN LENNAR "I -7-BOUL-L EAST LAKEVIEW ANNS- T1 -1 4 I / �mm TREE PROTECTION FENCE DETAIL If m o as m[[ vno,[c rzxa 7026 I� ... 0 N � , ' E / J l \ \ease'\ ` -'/ , ae i ✓ / +,gip% V a dyba / � 70 s TR of PRESERVATION NOTES 0 I W ee ° / .� i� sron.a naus nxo ,n[[ vnor[c,w x[.av[s. x ncass nw[s / 8 �z �� / 32 ��9 Ro, *rox <uEn. o onnvuc[x[xrxo[ I 0 ! 708 ! �0 5 i 7 , f ' nxo x a u� uv xNVOx or rx[ coxsu � s , �c as xn 7679 705 ` vx[ xr ,x a no a onx W[r osEAS[. waxx v[ vxux xc or oen ra [[s Nusr xo* ,exc vucE v vE [v[ a� x.173 8 6 , ! / �4, 7365 /,-7' '. f � I I � ' C a p "' _ 73s �sI \ 7J l 73 1 X17 2 /` 7f4 , f "734§ az 1 73QQIg1ppf 1 /3444_a ` �I 733 PIC NEERengineering xaxa evl +. o�.� pw�n (65H6BI -1911 w. om Hdxln :. nsN SSr2° i.i1ee68nx9swn 7 1 0 70 0 ,9 \ 0 [[ wou o oxss c 1 07 8 I 076 7jJ $ /. 766 O y'%t4 s 70' 2 ; 7 0' / / 045 0 \ / 4�j /6 / 7os 7 � 4 WETLAND TREEPROrccnoNDETnTL �? J / ''.`'✓� 706a >: 705304 042 xor fin:/ .,ryb X74 n ROSION CONTROL FENCE/ „ / a Y � 7 ` aQ3315 o. 73ii 70 7 EE PROTECTION FENCE d / y' a as I 1 fl 7 s 7 7317 '705874 7054 / 17 l: 1 v17. 9$ 7Q }7 _ 1 308 u I20 17$07 7302 73 Vuy97103 7306 .. 2 I 4 . 0 0 1] 7973 ,299 .7297 7116 7119 8 / 1 fr is . I 7296 001.9 177118 71 7,22 7,1 1a� l I 6� /� 7z7� TREES IN FUTURE PARK 7zf73rr3�ia ..\ \ z6e AN WETLAND AREA SEE SHEET T4 FOR TREE INVENTORY LIST N 77.5 T ED BUT NOT INVENTORI� 30 I 2 72245 ' is: 716 6s 7167 7t 5 133 9 T z \ TREES IN P SANITARY PIPE TO BE REMOVED 7•I I `1.34 44 1 _ O A R K 727 � 3 2 714 ] / h / _ eo 71 89 1 1 1 I n a 1a6 X10 71 42. �� [ / I \ 115 \ } 723 7 I > i � m / ...... � y ;. a e � z cm o n GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET TREE PRESERVATION PLAN LENoIAR LAKEVIEW ,Am 935— HULFIA -FIST T2 of Q h WA— TA.AHENC9GTA 55391 CHANIIASSeN.MRlNRSGTA X/J mv PMNEEReneneering Tf l�,lf�l�� Lm GRAPHIC SCALE IN FF- ON CONTROL FENCE/ PROTECTION FENCE SEE SHEET T2 FOR TIkEE PROTECTION DETAILS SEE SHEET T4 FOR TREE INVENTORY LIST Tr \O, I free iv Tree S3 COSmme1] T \o, Tree TV Tree SW OOmrenle Teotio, TmT yp, Te N0. Tree? Tree54e Co]lue)M fi736 673] 6)38 Blad Cherry xelaer 8oxelder 11 ]0,10 _. 12 TMl ]063 _. ea,elaer Bmela<• 34 ll 7335 1316 ! Green ASM1 Grten ASM1 12.10 10 )408 --A. 11 7ao3 Hadbeny 12 6)39 6740 Boxeleer Elm 11,10 10 ]063 7064 >0!S Brne!d¢r Boxeider 0¢xe!e¢r lfi 12,18 10 133) )338 1339 Green ASM1 Boxe der Ooxelder 13 IO.IO 14 Ia10 Reeoak Ix )all Redf<ear 1 7413 8oxelder 11 6741 - 13,30 7066 pOxelder 16 ]340 Blad Cherry 13 —d d 7413 —Ides 1l 674E Boxeider 8-1 6r 11 706] Boxeldrr - 12 )341 poxelder 1] 7414 B¢xelder 13 d5 Green ASh 16,16,11,14 7068 Box¢!d¢r 32 )341 Petl <etlar 4 Iz' 74M Boxelaer li 6 6 Grenn ASM1 16:14.14 7(b9 Boxeltler 14 7W Retl Cedar 6 M' 1416 Oezeltl¢r 14 6)30 6751 6)53 '., Green ASh Green ASh Geen ASh IG.I66.30 11 30 NN N)1 NR Boreitle• 0oxeiee• Bove!eer •• to f0 13 ... ]3W 7345 R¢d Cedar q¢e Cedar .. 6 10 3 115 )41) a m ...... li )I1B Bore Id, 11 6]55 6757 -: Green ASh Green ASA tE ti NJ3 N)4 Bme!tler Bnxe!tle• 38 15 7N6 )y] )318 Retl Cedar Rea [aaar Rea Cedar d li l 10' 3 10 1 419 9oxeltler 11 )420 Boxeltler N Id23 Boxeltler 16 6)59 Elm li NIS Bmeltler 10,10 7349 Boxe der 30.x0 J4EZ BOrelder 10 .. 6)59 6)60 Rea Cedar Retl Cedar 8 _ 6 25 IS NI6 N)7 Boxe!tle. Boxelaer _._ 156 - 14 7350 7351 Boxe der Green A¢h 3J 10 3423 —Id" 1313 6)N 6771 1001 ! Green M1aF Ooxelder 9oxelder - 11,10 - 30 11 NIB 70)4 IMV Rme:der BozMd r ISi35E 12 l3 ]3153 7334 Cottonwood Geen ASM1 Grten ASM1 10 33 16 Imz )003 )006 xxelaar 9exeltler BoxMtler13 a to Nei iJBI - 7194 eaxnaer Boxeider 8oxelder 10 38 12 )335 >356 7357 .—AASM1 Boxe der Green ASM1 is 10 13 LOOS ]006 Boxeltler soreldrr 13 li T'fl3 NB6 Boxeltler —I!eer 16 ..... LS 7358 ..... 7359 8oxelder M- e., 1p 12 NO] Boxeldar 30 JOgI .—Id r io )360 Green Ash 9 NOH 9ox<Ider ilao N90 9ox¢der 7- Green ASh I2 >009 .—C!,e 13.12 iC191 Bme!der 71 ]362 .-1- - 10 >0f0 Iou Red Cedar xelaer 9 1a 7(192 Jp93 Bor<id r Ala - - id 1z ]363 i3s4 Green nah Glen nsM1 1E 1s Nl3 7013 Boxeider glad O:erry 10 M. I(g5 )096 0 e!d r Boxeider ° ..... !1 ........ ]4 -" 7365 7366 .oxelder Boxe der " "" - - - -' 14 16 Nld N]s Grten All soxMaer 10 1n ]097 7098 Boxeider eoxe!ae. 1E Iran : Asn All IR,1 &16,19 ''. 1016 —1- 11 ... 1} _.._ 7093 8oxelder la 13se 7369 eo xe B¢xe aer Id ]z 7017 NIB 8oxelder 16.18,1113 7100 Bore aer 1� 7370 Elm 13 N19 )O ZS 8oxelder =m N,iB 1,3 _____ )101 7175 71)6 Boxeltler BOxetde• Bad CM1erry li ,.26 ... t2 lean ]311 I37x ....7373 Elm Green ASM1 Basawead 10 RSd 30 13 70zfi rox7 '.. rten Ash 13,32 14,32 Illl R03 0axeltl r Bme,tler _..._ 14 t ll 7374 __ >3]5 Grten ASF __ _Basswood .... 10 16,14,14.Id,13,B 30 702R Eln( 13 7202 Boxelaer 31 )376 Gmen ASh 24 7039 Boxeltler 13 7x03 Boveldnr 14 - - - -- ! Screm lean 73)) Elm 10. )030 N31 Nm [ouomvootl 33 3630 7- ]209 Bm:elae• Boxeltler R - - - -_ u Nen�38n13 ram 73]8 I3N Green ASh Green ASF 22 l3 Nix )0 33 Conn:rv.'eotl <ounrnroM 35 ]e.i6 _ _ )210 )301 ..Id, Boxeltler 38 Sd 1380 )?90 Red Cedar ..... Green nsh 1D N35 ..... N36 90xelaer 90xelder 8oxelder 36.38 N 15 IS NO3 73 7307 1303 BOreider BOre!dr BOr¢!der Boreltler 72 ..... 1112.14 N 13 lean Severelaa373B1 )�i .... )382 Green Ash Bm —d BUr WF 11 13 33 -A N3e -1 8oxelder 8oxelder 14,11,30 10 1310 731E BRx .leer Boxeleer 11 1114 1¢an severe lean ]354 .... 7365 7386 Besswoatl Elm Bnawooa 19, 34,14 IS 11 ! 30.36.10,38 1040 B oxelder 14 73]3 a nxe ltler 1: >38i a oxelder 32 N41 N42 8oxelder Boxeider 11 16 73 ]3x5 Bexelaar Bmelder ]I 11 7388 ! 7- eoxeld r Dore aer f3 11 Lean Nd3 )044 8oxelder flm 15 15,1:3 7336 0oxe!ticr 10 73N e:¢ aer 32 Lean 7045 ]746 8oxelder 13 ]all 7318 Boxeleer B. id, ]0 .... Severe Lean 7331 Oasswead ! 2d -7 )od8 1019 8 oxelder BOxelder 8oxelder IS 1.5 fe 13,1)13 ]319 73M 7323 7321 0oxe�tl <r Borelder Green ASh Bme:ac• 10 l0 tz '., 7333 3395 7336 ! Sox Rrd Cedar Gmen ASM1 Green All .. 34 3 30 11 lem 11 lean 1050 7051 _2 8oxelder .oxelder 8oxelder 13, 16,13 101 Si ]313 73za )316 Bad C -a9]m Elm Ell, to8aotl 8 NonS.gn.rlwnl 7399 Basswood 30.1P >0 53 70 xelder 9oxelder 15 20.]S,N.22 )315) )328 Elm .. Elm 10 11 ............... JdOI eassxood Rea Oak f1 0 .......... 16 7055 NSa N57 N58 ro59 ]060 clm .oxelder Oexelder err OczNder 9exNaerIS 13 151 Sd 13 15.1E - )329 .... ]330 7331 7332 ]333 1333 Retl Oa4 aexe ec' Rea Oak Elm Green Alb ioxeltler ... to 1112 ]0 11 3E .... .......... )4O3 iaN )4O5 � )a3) ... Red Oak Basswood Ped Oa4 0]IemmNdory Ped 0a4 Basvwootl 1a .... ... t4 I3 peed 13 ' 13,11 _PI$NEER eneneering razz em�.fe naw� uwrw� I6s136e1 -roln m�xwln xrl n3lx sslzp r.,.: del -9n69 wqi <n &rtl<re,.., pr,.rwe p� \ / \ A \ 396 �\ ' 1 \\ \ N r II W � I a�� 3 1 j Y I': a1 \/ F I � J, / r W / 9+6 1 / F,P P� WETLAND 0 C 0 --4 D KEY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ROOT QUANTITY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OVERSTORY TREES HB HACKBERRY CELTIS OCCIDENTAUS 25' BIB 14 HL THORNLESS HONEYLOCUST GLEOITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS 25 BIB 16 NM NORTHY 0005 MAPLE ACER RUBRUM NORTHWOODS 2.5' B&B 9 RS RIVER BIRCH ETULA NIGRA 'HERITAGE CLUMP 10 BRB 29 RO RED OAK OUERCUS RUBRA 2.5 BIB 17 SL SENTRY UNDEN TILIA AMERICANA 'SENTRY 2 5' B&B 16 SM SIENNA GLEN MAPLE ACER FREEMANII %'SIENNA GLEN 2.5' BIB 15 BS EVERGREEN TREES BLACK HILLS SPRUCE/PICEA GLAUCA DENSATA 7' BIB 56 7 AVERAGE HEIGHT, 6' MINIMUM ORNAMENTAL TREES JTL JAPANESE TREE LILAC SYRINCA RETICULATA SINGLE -S1EM 2.5 e&B 20 PFC PRAIRIRRE CRAB ALUS 'PRAIRIFIRE' 2S BIB 17 SOC SNOWDRIFT CRAB ALUS 'SNOWDRIFY 2.5' BIB 13 STC SUGAR PNE CRAB ALUS'SUGAR TYME' 2.5' BIB 16 TREES ON PRIVATE LOTS TO BE PLANTED AFTER HOMES ARE BUILT. CITY PARK TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS CONIFERS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 6' IN HEIGHT WITH AN AVERAGE OF 7'. FRONT YARD DECIDUOUS TREES MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2.5 ". ALL OTHER DECIDUOUS TREES TO BE MINIMUM 1.5" WITH AN AVERAGE OF 2.5" TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPOSED TREES: 248 REQUIRED NUMBER OF TREES: 248 (SEE TREE PRESERVATION PLAN FOR CALCULATIONS.) DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL s ti .oi �A ��• ��. , 1 M L4 16 j E(S is i f " �' SAVED - RO -5. WOODLAND AREA LANDSCAPE NOTES L\ PI $NEERengineering mm xen�a 9 B o��• ue.. ".,..,� casoagl��lvM MniM>ii HeigM�. A1N 55130 ael -41g8 LANDSCAPEPLAN GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 935 WAl - LE,NNAR RDeAST LAKEVIEW LI or 2 WA— A.MRIN —A 55391 CIIANHA —H.MI H.—A � \\ SAVED ee6� 'r, EA \\ OODLAND"0 C \ Fl I y AR 9' s a� /J PARK \ \\ 1 I .NED AND 6Y1IL ,,¢¢Y OTHER / ELEMEN)0SHOWN OR INFORMATI NAL Pb E ONLY '/a .. •. - T� _,... / / ...:... 896'_ ��� I - I !•�� - \ `1 / / / / _.._ 89 " -•- � � ', - .�'� ! A � - �... f � '..•, _ : e f- — � —_ j / /�� .. ' -'::` � 2..✓kyi M�5 ,,... ...s�... /f:� / ✓ �� —�- a ` i z \ � 9tlE/��' / / , % / % a '• 1 , f �y,5` / I s 1 ?... � I � ,- J /V 1 I. " "\ \ H� —t � / i' r 9 6 . i� i i ko a✓ „� �/ 7 I moo\ y� - `� - i / ?F n �� / L L. SD \ 14 11 � I / �• Y I tl \ � - -' b ` \ ( I \ � JN \ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEE! ' 8 f - I -_ { _ kf � II�/ � I i -2 � O l I > °� j k _ " D D S `AR q� I /z7(,' J % W D AIJ kpl / ! / \ i� \ :1 / ., i : 4L\ \ JTL-3 m 4,, : WETLAND 4\ 1 1 i . / / ° r� • /;' �/ i �' (' 1 ' // �; R0�3 : 1 9 v' \N N6 2422 :uc N.:vc (65116A 1.19M M,Maia HoeAH, A9V 55110 F' °',ne �..b,..na,aww. vti+..v�b x® "°'° LANDSCAPEPLAN 9ss wn\z LevARUEnrr —TA.—N.— S",I LAKEVIEW L2 of 2� N4IASSEN.MMNCSOTA