EC 2010 12 08 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting December 8, 2010 Members Present: Dennis Hansen, J.R. Relick, Rose Kircher, Amy Wenner, David Christianson, Robert Kircher Members Absent : Beverly Foster Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Guests Present : Jenna Sandoe, Carver County/MN Green Corps Minutes: November minutes were approved. Event organics recycling: Jenna presented a review of the Carver County organics recycling project implemented at public events in 2010. She is a MN Green Corps member hired to assist with waste prevention and recycling in Carver County. She’ll be with the county for a year working in the Environmental Services department on rd improving organics recycling in Carver County. Jenna provided an overview of the July 3 event in Chanhassen in which the county provided organics recycling to vendors and attendees. There were 15 organics bins provided by Organic Disposal, the waste hauler for the event. The bins filled early in the event after which collection had to be stopped. The largest quantity of organic waste was corn cobs. The biggest collection issues for the event were not enough recycling bins, not all bins had proper signage, there were no bins in high organics vendor tents and biodegradable bags needed to be used. The focus areas for next year will be offering compostable products to vendors, more advertising/education about organic recycling. Recycling coupon: Jill presented data on redemption totals for the recycling coupon over the last eight years. Usage of the coupon has steadily increased to the point that the city needs to insure that the redemption rate remains within budget. As of December 2010, over 2000 coupons had been used and there were over 10,000 visits to the Environmental Center by Chan residents. City and county staff have discussed how to improve the program for accessibility and promotion. For 2011, a coupon insert in the Connection has been discussed. Instead of cutting out a strip of coupons, a postcard insert would serve as the recycling coupon for the first half of the year. A second coupon would be issued at the end of summer. The commission suggested doing a separate mailing for the coupon and calling it Recycling Rewards or something similar. Residents could request a second coupon with a SASE. Jill will discuss the idea with city and county staff. Arbor Day planning: The commission discussed business sponsorships and how to encourage businesses to plant trees on their own property. Businesses could also buy (donate) trees to be planted at the event. Participating businesses could be recognized by an article in the paper, signage, etc. Businesses should be approached by mail and in person, if possible. Ideas for the event include: creating an online map of where trees have been planted by residents and businesses in honor of the day, label trees by who planted them, have high school kids make the plaques for the trees, serve hot dogs (grilled by Denny). The national Arbor Day poster contest has been discontinued. The commission discussed possibly continuing it. A theme will need to be developed if it is to be continued. 2011 Work Plan: The commission discussed its role in educating the public and how that is best done, whether by commissioners doing it themselves or acting as a liaison to bring together experts and the public. It was suggested that more teaching opportunities should be included in the work plan and that the commission should be more educationally active. Another suggestion was to label the activities in the work plan as to which focus topic was covered so that it could be seen if all topics were receiving attention. There was discussion about how it is the commission’s job to synthesize resources from entities such as the watershed districts and others rather than creating the information internally. The commission commented on how it should be more active and not rely on the website, since it’s not very visible or popular and that the commission should be organizing events and education. Another suggestion was to include more water quality issues. This will be discussed at the January meeting. General Discussion: The commission noted that the message board at the fire station is generally blank. They wondered if they could utilize it when available for a public education message. Jill will look into that. Amy and JR stated that they can attend the December 13 City Council Meeting for the Environmental Excellence Award presentation. The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 12 at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair