PC SUM 2011 01 04 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES JANUARY 4, 2011 Acting Chair Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Kathleen Thomas, Tom Doll, Mark Undestad and Kevin Ellsworth STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer; and Angie Kairies, Planner ELECT CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. Acting Chair Aller nominated himself to Chairman. After the ballots were collected, Andrew Aller was elected by a majority to be Chairman. Commissioner Doll nominated Kathleen Thomas to Vice Chair. After the ballots were collected, Kathleen Thomas was elected by a majority to be Vice Chair. PUBLIC HEARING: MINNETONKA MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST INTERIM USE PERMIT: REQUEST FOR INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR GRADING FOR TENNIS COURT CONSTRUCTION ON PROPERTY ZONED OFFICE INSTITUTIONAL (OI) LOCATED AT MINNETONKA MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST (6421 HAZELTINE BOULEVARD). APPLICANT: INSPEC, PLANNING CASE 2011-01. Public Present: Name Address Cliff Buhman, Inspec 5801 Duluth Street, Minneapolis 55422 Alyson Fauske presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Doll asked for clarification of the Interim Use Permit. Chairman Aller asked about the infiltration tests and possible flooding of the courts. Cliff Buhman, Project Manager with Inspec addressed the question of construction timing and public use of the tennis courts. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Undestad moved, Thomas seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit for grading for new tennis court construction located at Minnetonka Middle School West, plans prepared by Inspec dated December 3, 2010, subject to adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation and the following conditions: 1.Adequate sediment and erosion control practices must be installed prior to any earth- disturbing activities. Planning Commission Summary - January 4, 2011 2.All silt fence shall use metal t-posts and shall be consistent with City Detail Plate No. 5300. Include detail on sheet 5. 3.Rock construction entrance locations shall be shown on the plan and should be placed such that construction traffic does not cross the proposed infiltration areas. Rock construction entrances shall be consistent with City Detail Plate No. 5301. Include detail on sheet 5. 4.Infiltration areas shall be protected from sediment deposition and compaction resulting from construction equipment throughout construction. This must be noted on the plans along with all other areas to be protected. 5.Category 3 erosion control blanket shall be used on all disturbed slopes with positive flow to the pond unless sod is to be placed and staked. 6.The applicant is responsible for procurement of the NPDES General Permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity prior to any earth-disturbing activities. A full SWPPP will need to be prepared and submitted to the City for review and approval prior to any earth-disturbing activities. The SWPPP must include all components identified in Parts III and IV of the permit. 7.Redundant erosion control measures shall be included at the two new inlets to the pond. Floating silt curtain should be used at the more southerly inlet but a second line of silt fence may be adequate at the other new inlet. 8.The infiltration design and maintenance shall be consistent with the 2008 Minnesota Stormwater Manual; in particular Chapter 12 and Appendix D. 9.Protection must be provided to assure that construction equipment is not tracked over the proposed infiltration areas, materials are not stockpiled in this areas and sediment deposition does not occur in these areas. This is most commonly accomplished through the use of silt fence. Further, this should be noted on the plan set, in the SWPPP and within the project specifications manual. 10.Infiltration features must be separated from the ground water by a minimum of three feet. Provide boring data to confirm this separation. 11.As the infiltrometer tests were performed approximately 60 feet west of the proposed infiltration area and the infiltration rates are under the optimal conditions, and likely to decline over time, a margin of safety shall be built into the design to account for a diminished infiltration. 12.To assure that the area drains in 48 hours or less, the system shall be designed with an underdrain and coarse aggregate storage as depicted in Appendix D of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual – “Bioretention/Infiltration/Filtration Facility”, page 723 of 885. This would likely satisfy the above condition. 2 Planning Commission Summary - January 4, 2011 13.CBMH 1 shall be moved northerly on the site and lowered so that the rim elevation is below 1060 feet. 14.The applicant shall relocate to proposed drain tile outlet for the four most easterly tennis courts. The new outlet shall be between the most southerly court and the next most southerly court. This shall then be connected to CBMH 2 and the outlet for this manhole shall then be sized accordingly. 15.A stable emergency overflow shall be provided from the easterly basin to the pond. 16.The applicant shall demonstrate how the filtration swales are to be vegetated. At a minimum, fescues and/or other deep-rooted grasses should be used to promote infiltration. 17.The new outlet elevations are shown to be 1046 feet. It appears that the ordinary high water level (OHW) is at 1045.4 and the normal water level (NWL) is at an unknown elevation but likely at or around 1043.5. The newly proposed outlet shall be set at the NWL. 18.The applicant or their consulting engineer shall develop an operations and maintenance manual for the infiltration/filtration features and that this includes some type of vegetative filter to provide pretreatment of the water entering the system. 19.The applicant shall provide a security in the amount of $4,000 to guarantee erosion control. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CHES MAR REZONINGS AND PUD AMENDMENTS: REQUEST FOR REZONING OF PROPERTY WITHIN CHES MAR TRAILS FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL (RR) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL (PUDR); REZONING OF ND PROPERTY WITHIN CHES MAR FARM 2 ADDITION FROM PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL (PUDR) TO RURAL RESIDENTIAL (RR); AND AMENDING THE CHES MAR FARM AND CHES MAR TRAILS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS. APPLICANT: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 2011- 02. Public Present: Name Address Geri Eikaas 2763 Ches Mar Farm Road Tom Dyvig 7250 Hazeltine Boulevard Angie Kairies presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Ellsworth asked for clarification of the documentation and standards of approval. Commissioner Thomas stated she liked Option B. Commissioner Doll asked if staff had received any response from residents. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. Tom Dyvig who owns rental property at 7250 3 Planning Commission Summary - January 4, 2011 Hazeltine Boulevard wanted clarification that this change would not affect development of his property down the road. Geri Eikaas, 2763 Ches Mar Farm Road stated she was glad for what she heard. Chairman Aller closed the public hearing. Thomas moved, Doll seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approves the rezoning of Parcel 1, (Lot 1, Block 1, Ches Mar Farms nd 2 Addition), and Parcel 2, (Ches Mar Trails), and Parcel 3, (Ches Mar Farm) to Planned Unit Development and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Doll noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated December 7, 2010 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE. None. Chairman Aller adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7:35 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 4