December 18, 1998
Chairwomen Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:35am.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sherol Howard, Albin Olson, Dale Geving, Bobbie Headla,
Jane Kubitz and Bunny Billison.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Selda Heinlein.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin A1-Jaff, City Planner II and Kara Wickenhauser, Senior
Center Coordinator.
VISITORS PRESENT: Linda Jansen, City Council Elect and Mel Kurvers, Senior
Advisory Board President.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: commissioner Dale Geving moved to approve the
agenda. Commissioner Bobbie Headla seconded the mOtion. All voted in favor and the
motion was carried.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Albin Olson moved to approve the minutes. Dale
Geving seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
program still continues to serve approximately 7 people a day. The Meals on Wheels
program has continued to grow with 10 people being serviced almost daily. There was
some discussion that Meals on Wheels might need to consider scheduling 2 volunteers
daily to deliver meals if the growth of the program continues. Commissioner Albin
Olson suggested that a large colored Chanhassen City Map be posted in the kitchen for
volunteer drivers. Sherol Howard also added that there be a contact to the Welcome
Wagon Committee to share our Meals on Wheels and Congregate Dining programs with
all residents of Chanhassen. She also requested that a Chanhassen business list with
contact names be sent to Joan Lynch, CAP Agency Nutrition Coordinator, to help recruit
additional volunteers for Meals on Wheels. Sharmin Al-Jarl gave a short report on the
status of the Meals on Wheels trays that are being ordered. The CAP Agency had two
choices of trays. The first option was to go with a cheaper tray that could only withstand
200 degrees in the oven, or to purchase a higher quality tray for $2.00 more a piece and
this tray could handle 425 degrees in the oven, ,80 trays will be ordered. These trays are
all dishwasher safe and can be reused. It was Sharmin's recommendation to order the
higher quality tray.
UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: An activity schedule for the Senior
Center was handed out to the Senior Commission by Senior Commissioner Bobbie
Headla last month and was reviewed briefly. Bobbie discussed the £mancial concerns
brought forth by Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director and Kara Wickenhauser,
Senior Center Coordinator, in regards to the Annual Holiday Social. Both staff members
feel that the party next year should be organized as a special event with a registration cost.
Commissioner Sherol Howard suggest that we start to charge each group / per person $
0.25 a week for coffee and supplies. This accumulated money could possibly go towards
a complimentary Holiday Social event. Sharmin Al-Jarl reported that she contacted the
City cleaning service and the gentleman who normally cleans the City Hall was due to
quit in a couple days. He agreed to pass on the seniors concerns to his employer. This
cleaning service cleans daily, but is only contracted for 5 hours a day to cover the entire
City Hall.
Dale Geving, gave an update on the progress being made by the Transportation Sub-
Committee. He reported that the sub-committee met for the last time on Monday,
December 14th. The committee decided that it's research has been completed and that in
the future the committee along with the Senior Center can help support and promote
CART and Southest Metro services more effectively. Dale Geving also stated that as a
long term goal the committee would still be interested in purchasing a van. Dale
requested that various grants be researched to help aid this goal. Sharmin A1-Jaffreported
that city department heads did not feel comfortable using money from the Senior
Commission budget to purchase complimentary SoUthwest Metro tickets for seniors to
use. They feel this would possibly promote a dependency and would raise expectations
for free transportation. If the Senior Commission feels strongly that this money should
still be pursed to purchase the tickets, they would need to meet with City Council.
SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS: Sherol Howard suggested that within the new
year the Senior Commission make another push to promote senior parking signs at all
Chanhassen businesses. There has been 50 signs ordered and approximately 12 signs that
have been used. It was also mentioned that during 1999 the Senior Commission should
try to schedule meetings with all Senior Center groups and local organizations to present
the "Senior Awareness Film." The Senior Commission would like there picture retaken at
the next meeting on Friday, January 15th. They also suggested that the Senior Advisory
Board and the Senior Center Activities picture be retaken. Questions concerning the use
of the Congregate Dining kitchen for uses other than Congregate Dining and Meals on
Wheels were discussed.
ADJOURNMENT: Dale Geving moved to adjourn the meeting. Albin Olson seconded
the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared and Submitted by Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator.