September 24, 1999
Chairwomen Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30am.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sherol Howard, Mel Kurvers, Albin Olson and Dale Geving.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jean Mancini, Tom Faust and Bobbie Headla.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner and Kara Wickenhauser, Senior
Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Albin Olson moved to approve the
agenda. Commissioner Dale Geving seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the
motion was carded.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Sherol Howard moved to approve the minutes. Mel
Kurvers seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: Numbers for the Congregate
Dining Program remain steady. A discussion was held in regards to the quality of food
provided and how the quality can be improved. A few members suggested that the time
of lunch served should be changed. Anyone who wishes to stay after lunch for an activity
needs to wait before the activity begins. Sharmin agreed to contact CAP Agency contact
Joan Lynch to meet with the Commission and the Chanhassen Nutrition Site
Coordinator, Joyce Horr. As a group they will discuss the improvements that can be
UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: Upcoming trips and classes include;
Governor's Mansion - Friday, October 8th, Chorgemeinshaft Walsrode and Norwood
Chorus Saturday - October 16th, Flu Shot Clinic - Friday, October 22nd, Overnight Casino
Trip - October 27th &; 28th, 4 Hour Defensive Driving Class - Tuesday, November 2nd and
8 Hour Defensive Driving Class - Tuesday & Wednesday, November 16th &; 17th.
SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS: Senior commissioner Albin Olson discussed
some information he collected regarding assisted living / nursing home care. Updates
were given regarding the Village on the Ponds apartments. The city has yet to approve
the subsidy increments that are being requested by the developer. Another meeting will
probably be scheduled for October or November. The Senior Commission would like to
take a field trip to an assisted living unit in Wayzata - Minnetonka Area. Discussion was
held in regards to the Senior Commission meetings and when they held. Should we
reschedule meetings when people aren't able to make it? The Conunission also discussed
the deer that cross Kerber Boulevard. Suggestions were made to put a deer crossing sign
ADJOURNMENT: Dale Geving moved to adjourn the meeting. Mel Kurvers seconded
the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared and Submitted by Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator.