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2003 01 17
4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION Friday, January 17, 2003 10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of agenda. Approval of minutes dated November 15, 2002. Presentation by Maureen Melgaard-Schneider, Regional Coordinator with Mid Minnesota SAIL/EDP presenting results of the Minnesota Living Well Survey. Congregate Dining & Meals on Wheels. Update on Senior Center Activities. Senior Awareness Month. Senior Commission Terms. Meeting Schedule for 2003. Senior Commission Comments. Adjournment * The next Senior Commission meeting will take place on February 14, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 15, 2002 Vice chair Jean Mancini called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sherol Howard, Mel Kurvers, Tom Faust, Jean Mancini, and Bobbie Headla. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dale Geving, Albin Olson. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planner and Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Faust moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Kurvers seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Commissioner Howard moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. VISITOR PRESENTATION: None. CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: The number of clients has been holding steady at 15 meals per day. UPDATE ON SENIOR ACTIVITIES: See attachment 1. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE: At the October 18, 2002, Senior Commission meeting, the Senior Commission directed staff to prepare a summery of the newly adopted Property Maintenance Code. Sharmeen Al-Jaff provided the summery. Commissioner Faust was the Senior Commission representative to the committee that assisted in preparing this ordinance. Senior Study Survey: Sharmeen A1-Jaff informed the Commission that all surveys have been sent to SAIL for tabulation and analysis. SENIOR COMMENTS: The commission discussed inviting the Villager to the meetings. Safety Camp was excellent and some of the tips were implemented at Centennial Hills. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner. cn o t< CITYOF CHANH EN .7700 Market Boulevard PO Bo:<, 147 Chanhassen. k~r,~ 55317 Adminislration Phone: 952.227.1 Fa:,'.: 952.227.1110 Building Insl]eclions Phone: 952.227.1180 Fa~,: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952227.1170 Finance r:~ 'e ~522271N3 Park & Recrealion P! c'~z: 9522271120 F~, 952227 ]ii5 ~ c":~: %2 227.1400 Planning & Natural Resources ~: ~-~: 952227 iIS0 F~,:: 952.227.1110 Public Works P:~o~e: 952.227.130S Fe.': E52 22L1310 Senior Cenler P~or",e: 952227.1125 Fa~:: 952227 11~0 Web Bile MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Senior Commission FROM: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner DATE: January 15, 2003 SUB J: Staff Repo~l. · Maureen Melgaard-Schneider, Regional Coordinator with Mid Minnesota SAIL/EDP will present the results of the Minnesota Living Well Survey. · The month of May is designated as Senior Awareness Month. In the past, the Senior Commission has worked jointly with the Senior Center Board to coordinate activities. Kara Wickenhauser will be seeking direction on how the events should be carried out. * On March 31, 2003, three terms will expire on the Senior' Colnmission. They include Commissioners Sherol Howard, Barbara Headla, and Chairman Dale Geving. , Thc Senior Commission meetings will be held on Friday fi'om 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers unless otherwise specified. The following is a meeting schedule for the year 2003: January 17, 2003 February 2 i, 2003 March 21,2003 April i 8, 2003 May 16, 2003 June 20, 2003 July 18, 2003 August 15, 2003 September 19, 2003 October 17, 2003 November 21, 2003 December 19, 2003 ~ ,=~ o,h:lr,,J C',_ ,~Jto'.,H ;]r!~.r,fig basifiesses. ~','ir, Oing trails and beaotifu! pa:ks. A great place [o live. :york, and play. Tile City ol Chanhassen, ;-. ~':::, ' ~; :::: ,:J:b ',v;',!~.,:. ::? 19:e~ :]'.:~.! b' e'?-:eoie ~ ~ ' '~: '~ ~ "; Tabulated Results of "Is our community senior ready?" Survey For The City of.' Number of Surveys Completed: Results as follows: NAVIGATING THE COMMUNITY No answer/ Unsure No. Item being ranked Qty. % Our community's streets are clearly 4 3 % 1. marked and identified by signs. The signs are large enough to be 6 2. read easily. Street addresses of homes, 3. apartments and businesses are well 8 marked. 4. sufficient parking exists near stores, 2 downtown areas, etc. Parking spaces are wide enough and 5 5. well marked. Designated handicapped parking 6. exists in appropriate areas (stores, offices, etc.) Our community has sidewalks, 7. especially in the busier downtown areas. The sidewalks are maintained. 8.(Snow is shoveled, cracks are repaired, etc.) The sidewalks are wide enough so 9 9. two adults can walk side by side. The sidewalk curbs are Iow and easy '7 10. to access. There are benches or resting areas 11. nearwalkways. Our community has a senior center or somewhere that seniors can 2 12. gather for special programs or activities. Traffic lights are programmed, so 13. seniors have time to walk across the '1 2 street. Chanhassen 113 poor poodaverage cay. % e~. % 1 1% 2 2% 5% 2 2% 4 3% 7% 5 4% 12 11% 2% 9 8% 4 3% 4% 3 2% 11 10% 3% 4 3% 4 3% 8% 2 2% 6 5% 6% 7 6% 7 6% 8% 0 0% 5 4% 6% 0 0% 4 3% 12% 11 10% 28 25% 2% 1 1% 5 4% 10% 13 12% 12 10% Average/ excellent average excellent Qty. % c~. % Qty. % 29 26% 49 43% 28 25% 31 28% 41 36% 29 26% 44 39% 33 29% 11 10% 36 32% 42 37% 20 18% 33 29% 45 40% 16 15% 22 20 % 52 47 % 2'7 24 % 25 22% 53 47% 18 16% 35 31% 41 36% 16 15% 28 25% 45 40% 26 23% 36 32% 48 43% 18 16% 35 31% 22 20 % 3 2 % 9 8% 47 42% 49 43% 37 33% 29 26% 10 9% TRANSPORTATION No. Item being ranked Our community has a transit service for seniors (bus, mini-van, dial-a- ride, etc.) A transit service is available for: No answer/ Unsure Qty. % 22 20 % 8 7% poor/average Qty. % 8 7% average City. % 33 28 % Average/ excellent City. % 29 26% excellent Qty. % 13 12% a. medical appointments 39 35% 3.0 9% 6 5% 28 25% 15 14% 3.5 14% b. social engagements 43. 36% 20 18% 3.5 13% 24 21% 8 7% 5 5% c. shopping or visiting a barber or zig 41% 8 7% 14 12% 27 24% 12 11% 6 5% hair stylist d. religious event 45 40% 22 19% 7 6% 25 22% 9 8% 5 5% Seniors can call and make 3. arrangements to be picked up at 4 2 37 % 9 8 % 9 8 % 2 0 18 % 2 0 18 % 3_ 3 11% their home. The service is handicapped 53 47% :1 1% 6 5% 24 21% 20 18% 9 8% 4. accessible. 5. The service is affordable for most Zl5 40% 2 2% 6 5% 28 25% 20 18% 3.2 10% seniors. 6. It is easy to get transit information 3(5 32% 7 6% 8 7% 33. 28% 3.7 15% 3.4 12% (newspaper, phone call, etc.) HOUSING FOR SENIORS No. Item being ranked No answer/ Unsure Qty. % There are housing units for seniors 2 1 18 % in our community, a. Affordable senior high rises or 2:1 18 % apartment complexes. b. Assisted living (Seniors have apartment-like rooms and may choose from a list of services, ~ 0 35 % which may include 24-hour supervision.) c. Home sharing (A senior shares his or her home in exchange for help with home maintenance, 6~ 57 % seasonal work and, perhaps, rent or other services.) d. Nursing Home (Skilled care) ,5 2 46 % e. Adult foster care (A senior lives with another family and receives (5,.5 57 % assistance with activities such as grooming and cooking.) poor poor/average Qty, % Qty. % 6 5% 17 15% 19 17% 27 24% Average/ average excellent Qty. % Qty. 35 32% 20 18% 25 22% 2O 18% 4~ 39% ::]2 11% 10 9% 6 5% 20 18% :1.3 1I% _1.3 11% 3 3% 33 29% 9 8% :12 11% 7 6% 25 22% 11 10% 9 8% 3 3% excellent Qty. % 14 12% 1 1% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 SERVICES FOR SENIORS Item being ranked There are services that can help 1. seniors who need some assistance to remain in their homes. a. Information about services for older adults and referrals to services. b. Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) c. Heavy household chore services (laundry, window washing, etc.) d. Handyman services (someone who makes small home repairs). e. Seasonal chore assistance (lawn mowing, snow shoveling, etc.) f. A "friendly visitor" program (volunteer who regularly visits with homebound persons). g. Grocery shopping service (groceries are delivered to the home). h. Pharmacy service (prescriptions are delivered to the home). i. Personal care services provided in the home (help with personal care tasks). j. A program or an agency will do an "in-home safety check" and help the senior identify possible safety issues (loose rug may cause a fall or a safety rail is needed here). Faith communities support older persons by sponsoring programs 2. such as the Befrienders or Parish Nursing. A phone buddy program exists so 3. frail or ill persons receive at least one phone call a day to check up on them. No answer/ Unsure Qty. % 57 51% 44 39 % 16 14% 56 50 % 56 51% 58 51% 64 57 % 48 43% 35 31% 66 58 % poor po~r/average Qty. % Cay. % (5 5% 9 8% 4 3% 10 9% 2, 3% 4 3% 3.3 11% 3.7 15% 12 11% 15 16 % 9 8% 17 15% 9 8% 14 12% 14 12% 9 8% 1 1% 4 3% 4 4% 9 8% average Qty. % 24 21 26 23 23 20 3-8 16% 18 16% 19 17% 19 17% 26 23 29 26 24 21 71. 63% 10 9% 14 12% 9 8% 65 57% 10 9% 11 10% 16 14% 65 58% 15 13% 14 12% 12 1I% Average/ excellent excellent cay. % c~. 13 12% 4 3% 20 18% 9 8% 34 30 % 33 30 % 6 5% 3 3% 6 5% 3 3% 8 7% 2 2% 5 4% 2 2% 3.4 12% 2 2% 27 24% 3-7 15% 7 6% 3 3% 7 6% 2 2% 9 8% 2 2% 6 5% 1 1% SUPPORT FAMILIES WHO ARE CAREGIVERS No answer/ Unsure poor poor/average No. Item being ranked Qty. % Qty. % Qty. % Our community supports caregivers by offering training and information 1. (peer groups, a respite program, 63 56 % hespltal-based caregiver instruction, etc.) Our community offers caregiving respite (a volunteer will come into 2. the home for a few hours to allow the 64 57 % 1 1 caregiver time away), adult day care, or other services that give caregivers a break. 3. forOUrcaregivers.C°mmunity has support groups 6 ? 59 % 3. 3. C:~)octrnents and S~[thgCKan~ly Documents~N LMng Wel Cornm~nly~Tabulated Results fa- Chanhassen. doc average Qty. % 13 12% 12 10% 18 16% 10% 15 13% 15 13% 10% 13 12% 15 13% Average/ excellent excellent Qty. % Qty. % 7 6 % 0 0% 6 5% 2 2% 5 4% 2 2% 'pa~ualI~qa s! ~qa auo jjo do~p on aa,Id aj~s, ao~ saao~s a~au 's. aa~ I,~.aaammoo u! paau ~ s! aaatI± 'aag, u~tu auap~.sa:r tlS~noaq. F~ aIqq!~^~ s! uo!~tuaoju,[ tlgnOtI~I~ '~(Idd~ ~ou op ao aoj paau attn p,q ~ou aa, tI aAA :suo!~san~) paaa~su~UFl :(S)INIlNNO:D ©NIA~OTIO:t itI-I_l. (IVIt X~A~IFIS ilNO u~ou:,4 apEtu pat Aaq:~ ~ ~ou>I :~,uop 1 · tuaq:~ n. noqu guN,on axotp41 os saa~as asaqn aoj paau ou a^~q I '~t~tlH ~tiVAISd - saa.~aS aaOqD p[oqasnOH ~uaH - D aa~:~a~I 'f '~tNON - ,,aoa.~S.tA XlPUa.tLq. - ~ aa~a] T · XuE ~ aqnop - ~otr'4 a,uop I :S~IOINilS ~IO~ SilDIA'SilS · .aOOd. pan, ukI luna on a^utI I :fi 'ON '9 ',,aOOd. panE~I 'saNpaqos uo.~EnaodsuEan o.~[qnd paau aAA :9 'ON 'g ',,aOOd. pa~,u~l 's'ls~.xa aaguo[ ou pEaqE IE.<I :f 'ON '~ '.aOOd. paaE',d ',(Ed puu puaqu lIED :sauatuau.toddV IEa.~paN V aaa~a~l 'g · g 'ou :~oj .~ualiaaxit. su pauo[~uam susa ±~tVD 'E · g -ou aoj ,,agEaa^V. sE pauo.uuatu sE~ J~'SVD 'I :NOIJ_V.I.~OdSNV'di (gu.~nE.~ t, ~o r) SaSh paa,~sap uo spuada(I - ri 'ON 'i~ :_,UEINFIINI~OD ilH.I, rONIIVDIAVN /(aa:rog [o uas X , unmmo> ano si,, snuatmuoD oop's~uemuJ~O uessequ~q3~q~unuJmo9 lle,~ § .u~-I. Nt/~tsiueuJnooa ~ue~s§u~es pt~ · asaq~ lnoq~ A~OU>I n,uop I - SIIitAIDR~tVD it'hW OHA'k SitI'IIl&rVtt iklOddFIS /' · am jo awea sa>Ira aH 'dptt aaom paau :kuop I 'am sdlaq gaa9 xoqtlg.~au XlN - saot. A.~aS u~m,ipu~H ',,aUallaaX~t, pan~:r s.~ SlgalN paaa,~!Ia(I auaoH - SIlOIN~tS tlOd S]DIA~EtS /, 'uass~qu~qD m. Ams o:~ a>H.l plnOA~ I '~u.~snoH ao!uas paau op I JI 'a^om o:~ suqd ou a^~q pu~ amoq UA~O au.r ur aa~.l I - $~IOINitS '}tOd 9NISFIOH · ~r. op on alqq~.UAU sXU^sIU aa,,~aq_l. 'og o1 paau I aa^a:[atDx am aa.up spua.uj puu XI.ru.m~t - NOIiViIIOdSI'O]ti /~ · amoq Xms I '>IFA~aP~.s aria ash :m aa!ap :kuop I - XiINFIINIAIOD 5tHi DNIIV©IAVN :SAAOTIO=I SV ltltV SiNiIIA!INOD 'NOI.I.V'IFI~tVI NI XStAklFIS SIH_L ~SFI J. ON 01121 1 '(IitJ. VIt iON (INV X~IODSt.I.VD ~tEld SJ_NStl,5I~OD 'I-IV"d~AO SV (ISTIGNVI-I SVA, k XTtAI:tflS 5ti~-Id~OD 5tNO '