2000 11 16FILE Agenda Economic Development A uth ority Thursday, November 16, 2000, 4:30p. m. Chanhassen City Council Chambers, 690 City Center Drive Consider Resolution Initiating the Process for Establishment of a Redevelopment Plan for the construction of a Maintenance Facility at Lake Ann Park. Agenda Chanhassen City Council Thursday, November 16, 2000 Immediately Following the Economic Development Authority Meeting Chanhassen City Council Chambers, 690 City Center Drive Consider Resolution Initiating Process for Approval of the Redevelopment Project Area and Calling for a Public tIearing. Discussion Regarding Financial Options for Tax Increment Districts. CITYOF CHAN SEN 690 Gty Center Drive, PO §ox 147 Chanhassen, Mi~mesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax' 612.937.5739 Eng inee~qng Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safqy F~x' 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us MEMORANDUM TO: EDA Members FROM: Bruce M. DeJong, Finance Director DATE: November 8, 2000 SUBJECT: EDA Bonds for Lake Ann Park Maintenance Building. The attached documents describe the financing plan for the Lake Ann Park maintenance building and the steps necessary to issue the bonds. This process is somewhat complicated in that the Economic Development Authority (EDA), technically a separate governmental entity, is issuing the bonds. The city will then enter into a lease agreement with the EDA to use the building and will commit to annually levying an amount equal to 105% of the debt service to pay for the bonds. The result of this financing process exempts the debt levy from potential re-imposition of levy limits and ensures that the debt does not apply toward the city's legal debt limit. In order for this financing to proceed, the EDA has to pass a "Resolution Initiating the Process for Establishment of a Redevelopment Plan." The City Council also has to pass a resolution "Resolution Initiating Process for Approval of Redevelopment Project Area and Calling a Public Hearing." A map of the redevelopment area will be reviewed by the Planning Commission for determination that it meets the guidelines of the comprehensive plan and zoning map. This should be routine, since the site plan was approved by the Planning Commission on July l 8 and the Council gave it final approval on July 24. They will pass a resolution sending their comments back to the City Council. That meeting will be on Tuesday, November 14. A notice will be published in the November 16 Chanhassen Villager for a public hearing regarding the redevelopment area to be held on December 4. The Council will hold the hearing and approve the redevelopment plan. Then the EDA must convene. The EDA must pass a resolution adopting the redevelopment plan and accept the bond bids to complete the process. attachments F/se C/tl, of Cha,hassen. A growh~g communth, w/th dealt {akes, aua/in, schools, a chamdng downtown, thriving businesses, and beautifnl ,ark¢. /4 ore, t ~/ace to live. ,~orle. a,d ~l~u ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTIES OF CARVER ) AND HENNEPIN ) CITY OF CHANHASSEN ) RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCESS FOR ADOPTION OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN BE IT RESOLVED by the Economic Development Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Carver and Hennepin Counties, Mirmesota (the "Authority") as follows: 1. Recitals. (a) The Authority is authorized to exercise redevelopment powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, among other statutory powers; and (b) It has been proposed that the Authority establish a Redevelopment Project Area in connection with constructing and equipping a municipal building for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, and adopt the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area (the "Plan"), all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law. 2. City Council Public Hearing. Under applicable law, it is necessary for the City Council to hold a public hearing on the Plan. The Authority hereby requests the City Council to hold the public hearing, following notice thereof to be published not less than 10 and not more than 30 days prior thereto, and to consider thereafter the Plan for approval at a meeting of the City Council to be held on December 4, 2000. Adopted by the Economic Development Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Carver and Itennepin Counties, Minnesota, this 16th day of November, 2000. ATTEST: President Secretary 1225075.1 EDA Redevelopment Area Map 1 BANEBERRY WAY W 2 CLOVER 3 CONEFLOWER CRV N 4 PRIMROSE PLACE --~.,~-.-~-~~p ,v ~aL.av' _~ Lake Ann ¢ Uti~La.~n 25-6890040 25-0100900 3.230 McGly.n_n. Dry__ Hwy. 5 Coulter Blvd 25-689005C TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION AND LEGAL BASIS ........................................................................... 1 A. Intent .............................................................................................................................. 1 B. Statement ............................................................................. : .......................................... 1 C. Redevelopment Area Boundaries .................................................................................. 1 D. Statement of Authority ................................................................................................... 2 E. Findings and Declaration ............................................................................................... 2 II. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ...................................................................................... 2 A. Redevelopment Plan Objectives .................................................................................... 2 B. Land Use ........................................................................................................................ 3 C. Redevelopment Activities .............................................................................................. 3 D. Financing Plan ............................................................................................................... 4 E. Development Standards .................................................................................................. 4 F. Environment Controls .................................................................................................... 5 G. Administration of Project ............................................................................................... 5 H. Modification of Plan ...................................................................................................... 5 Exhibit A - Redevelopment Area Legal Description and Boundary Map Exhibit B - Budget 1225075.1 II. 1225075.1 D. Statement of Authority Minnesota Statutes Section 469.001-469.047 (Housing and Redevelopment Authority Act) grants municipalities the authority to designate redevelopment areas within the boundaries of the municipalities. Within these areas, the municipality may adopt a redevelopment plan and establish a project consistent with the municipality's public purpose. The project as contemplated by this plan consists of a redevelopment project as defined in Section 469.001, Subdivision 14. The lease with option to purchase agreement is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71. E. Findings and Declaration The City and the EDA make the following findings: Certain parcels of land in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment without some public financial aid. o The redevelopment plans for the Redevelopment Area in the City will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the area by private enterprise. The Redevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan for development of the locality as a whole. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. Redevelopment Plan Objectives The EDA, through implementation of this Redevelopment Plan, seeks to achieve the following objectives: To provide for the least costly and most efficient Municipal Building for the City required to provide adequate City services to the region. ° To promote and seek the orderly and harmonious development of the Redevelopment Area. o To provide logical and organized land use for the entire Redevelopment Area consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance of the City. 4. To promote the prompt development of property in the Redevelopment Area with a minimal adverse impact on the environment. 17 3. Municipal Building and Other Public Improvements. The EDA proposes to cause to be constructed and equipped the Municipal Building and, as appropriate, other public infrastructure improvements, within the Redevelopment Area. All or a portion of the completed Municipal Building will be sold to the City under a lease with option to purchase agreement. D. Financing Plan 1. Project Budget Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a budget which details estimated development costs associated with the Municipal Building and any other public improvements currently contemplated. The items of cost and the costs thereof shown in the budget are estimated to be necessary based upon information now available. It is anticipated that the items of cost and the costs thereof shown in each category in the budget may decrease or increase, but that the total project cost will not exceed the amount shown above. 2. Source of Funds and Security The City is entering into the lease with option to purchase agreement with the EDA pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71. The lease with option to purchase agreement is payable from general sources including taxes, and its payment is not limited to a specific fund or specific source of revenues. Sources of funds for any other public improvements include rates and charges, assessments and other available funds of the EDA or City. 3. Bond Issue Details The EDA will issue approximately $930,000 in public project revenue bonds to finance the Municipal Building. No bonding has currently been structured to finance costs of any other public improvements to be constructed within the Redevelopment Area. 1225075.1 19 EXHIBIT A Redevelopment Area Legal Description and Boundary Map Legal Description Property Identification Numbers for the Redevelopment Area 25-0100900 25-0110200 25-6890040 25-6890050 Boundary Map (See Attached) 1225075.1 A-1 EXHIBIT B Budget Construction Costs Discount Factor Estimated Capitalized Interest Estimated Costs of Issuance Miscellaneous Costs and Rounding TOTAL $ 828,000 15,810 63,495 18,000 4,695 $930,000 1225075.1 B-1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTIES OF CARVER ) AND HENNEPIN ) CITY OF CHANHASSEN ) RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCESS FOR APPROVAL OF REDEVEEOPMENT PROJECT AREA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Chanhassen, Carver and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: 1. Recitals. (a) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, the Economic Development Authority of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the "Authority") is authorized to exercise development and redevelopment powers; and (b) It has been proposed that the Authority establish a Redevelopment Project Area in connection with constructing and equipping a municipal building for the City and adopt the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area (the "Plan"), all pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law; and (c) The Authority has requested the Council hold a public hearing on the Plan, as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.028, Subdivision 1. Public Hearing. The Council will hold a public hearing on the Plan at a meeting of the Council to be held at the Chanhassen City Hall on December 4, 2000, commencing at 6:30 p.m., Central Time. The staff of the City is hereby authorized and directed to cause the Notice of Public Hearing, attached hereto, to be published in the City's official newspaper not more than 30 nor less than 10 days prior to the scheduled public hearing date. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Carver and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota, this 16th day of November, 2000. ATTEST: Mayor City Manager 1225075.1 CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 GO, Center Ddve, PO Box 147 Chanhasse,, Minnesota 55317 ?hone 612.937.1900 General F~v 612.937. 5739 E, gineering Fax 612. 93 7. 9152 ?ublic Sari7 Fax 612.934.2524 Web www. ci. chanhassen, mn. tls MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Council Members Bruce M. DeJong, Finance Director November 14, 2000 Tax Increment Options Discussion Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1 (the downtown district) has been a frequent topic for discussion during the past several years. The difficulty is that the city has debt issued to be repaid through increment (the taxes paid on the increased value for each parcel since the district was created), but for several reasons, the increment has been reduced below initial projections. A statutory deadline of April 1, 2001 limits the city's use of increment from that district to only expenditures for principal and interest on debt issued prior to April 1, 1990 or refunding debt issued prior to April 1, 1990. All debt issued after April 1, 1990 may not be paid using tax increment after April 1, 2001. That non-qualified debt totals $7,505,308. The district must be decertified when the last qualified debt service payment is made in November, 2003. There is a deficit in TIF District 1 that is estimated to be -$1,719,000 as of December 31, 2000. The two primary reasons for the shortfall are that the property did not develop as fast as anticipated and the taxes on commercial and industrial property have been substantially reduced by the state government. The city has pursued legislative remedies with varying degrees of success. The state initiated a grant program (in response to our request for special legislation) to alleviate some of our problems due to rate compression. We have qualified for grants of $1,147,000 in 1999 and believe we will be awarded a grant of approximately $1,089,000 for 2000. The grant program extends until 2001 for 2000 deficits. The difficulty with the grant program is that we had debts coming due fi'om 1998 through 2001 that we had to refinance in 1998 for liquidity purposes. We simply did not have enough cash on hand to pay those debts as they came due. Our prudent refinancing at that time has actually hurt our application for the grant program. We have followed a' strategy of defeasing debt to maximize our grant application, essentially putting us back in the same position we were prior to the refinancing. That allows the state to pick up the portion of our deficit caused by the class rate reductions. Tax Increment Options Discussion November 15, 2000 Page 3 and the advisors believe that is justified for grant purposes and in the city's best interest. We believe this represents the worst case scenario. The deficit would have to be cleared by using general tax levies or transfers from healthy funds. Scenario #2 incorporates the base assumptions of Scenario #1 and adds the defeasance of an additional $3,180,000 prior to April 1, 2001 to bring expenditures up to the amount of revenues for the year. That would keep allow us to maximize our expenditures for the year 2001. We would be giving up county agreement funds of $2,241,000. This strategy leads to a deficit of approximately $2,189,000 at decertification. Scenario #3 looks at what would be required for a defeasance in 2001 if the grant program were extended one year. Scenario #4 assumes that we can use tax increment to fund the deficits accumulated prior to April 1, 2001. Our advisors believe that would be disallowed under the theory that it renders the April 1 date meaningless. My personal opinion is that we are not expending money according to a Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) definition of expenditure, which is the word contained in the statute. I believe that we should try to use this assumption and let some state authority tell us why we can't before we abandon this course. Staff and all of the advisors will be present at the meeting on Thursday to explain this in further detail. attachments CITY OF CHANIlASSEN, MINNESOTA TAX INCREMENT DISTR1CT NO. 1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Years Ending December 31, 2000 to 2004 Scenario t/2 32246.1 Projected 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Revenues: Tax increment $ 5,657,036 $ 5,650,000 Excess over qualified debt/expenses Special assessments: Current and delinquent: County 4,035 HRA 159,974 177,062 Tolal revenue Expenditures: Qualified debt Non-qualified debt Defeased debt Administrative expenses Special assessment payments Developer payments Total expenditures Revenue over (under) expenditures Transfers: Debl service: Transfers to pay debt service: Reflmding Bonds of 1994A (333) Refunding Bonds of ] 994B (334) bnprovel'aent Bonds of 1996D (344) Less assessmeul revenue Total transfers Increase (decrease) in fund balance Fund balance (deficit) at start of year Fund balance (deficit) at end of year $ 5,650,000 $ 5,650,000 $ 5,650,000 (3,110,220) (4,067,055} (5,650,000) 158,607 40,421 37,813 5,821,045 5,827,062 2,698,387 1,623,366 37,813 562,240 557,980 1,809,270 1,521,945 1,837,154 988,067 3,565,409 3.180,000 138,544 340.722 345,274 158,607 40.421 61.100 61,100 61,100 61,000 37,813 6,505.169 5.132,421 2,028.977 1,623,366 37,813 (684.124) 694,641 669,410 (960,895) (948,170) (669,410) (44,000) (719,308) (1.004,895) (1,667,478) (669.410) (1,689,019) (972,837) (3,596,212) (5,285.23l) (6,258.068) (6,258,068) (6,258,068) ($5,285,231) ($6,258,068) ($6,258,068) ($6,258,068) ($6,258,068) Possible funds available: Non-TIF Revenue: 1999 T1F Grant 1,147,751 2000 TIF Grant - estimate 1,089,542 2001 TIF Grant - prelim estimate 1,800.000 Excess TIF from District #3 275,886 182,991 Counly Agreement 0 less amount used for 1996B bonds Land sale proceeds 0 700,000 Cash balance- fund 333 568,144 Less debt service on non qualified debt (88,067) Annual total Cumulative lotal 182,991 182,991 182,991 1.707,196 2,232,401 0 (1,100,000) (1.100,000) (150,757) (255,757) (3,489,276) 3.081,323 2,594,924 1,739.429 1,059,635 (4,406,285) 3.081,323 5,676,247 7,415.676 8,475,311 4,069,026 Deficit upon decertification (2,189,042) Assumptions: 1) Defease S3,555,000 of&bt in 2000 (to maximize 2001 T1F grant) 2) Expend only qualified debt from 2001 and beyond (I.e. future tax increment can't fund past deficits) 3) KeeI) district #3 open, however, send back excess TIF to County (Split excess between Coonty, School & City) ,4ddilimud assuntl~lion.v fi : Scenario #2 1 ) For 2001, all debt maturities of non-qualified debt paid prior to April 1, 2001 is considered qualified debt. 2) Defease an additional amount of $3.18 million (1996D) prior to April 1, 2001 for the total debt payments to equal tax increment in 2001 (No excess TIF or Count:,, agreement after 2000) 11/15/00 8:18 AM CITY OF CHANItASSEN, MINNESOTA TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. I STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Years Ending December 31,2000 to 2004 Scenario #4 32246.1 Revenues: Tax increment Excess over qualified debt/expenses Special assessments: Current and delinquent: Coonty HRA Projected 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 $ 5,657,036 $ 5,650,000 $ 5,650,000 $ 5,650,000 $ 5,650,000 (395,209) (4,067,055) (5,650,000) 4,035 159,974 177,062 158,607 40,421 37,813 Total revenue 5,821.045 5,827,062 5,413,398 1,623,366 37,813 Expenditures: Qualified debt Non-qualified debt Defeased debt Administrative expenses Special assessment payments Developer payments Total expenditures 562,240 557,980 1,809,270 1,521,945 1,837,154 3,565,409 138,544 340,722 345,274 158,607 40,421 61,100 61,100 61,100 61,000 37,813 6,505,169 964,354 2,028,977 1,623,366 37,813 (684,124) 4,862,708 3,384,421 Revenue over (nnder) expenditures Transfers: Debt service: Translbrs to pa5' debt service: Refimding Bonds of 1994A (333) Refimding Bonds of 1994B (334) hnprovemcnt Bonds of 1996D (344) Less assesslnent revenue Tolal transfers (960,895) (948,170) (669,410) (44,000) (1,521,388) (1,855,510) (522,410) (1,004,895) (2,469,558) (2,524,920) (522,410) Increase (decrease) in fund balance Fund balance (deficit) at start of year Fnnd balance (deficit) at end of year (1,689,019) 2,393,150 859,501 (522,410) (3,596,212) (5,285,231) (2,892,081) (2,032,580) (2,554,990) ($5,285,231) ($2,892,081) ($2,032,580) ($2,554,990) ($2,554,990) Possible fimds available: Non-TI F Revenoe: 1999 TIF Grant 1,147,751 2000 TI F Grant - estimate 1,089,542 2001 TIF Grant - prelim estimate Excess TIF from District//3 275,886 Count5' Agreement less amount used for 1996B bonds Land sale proceeds 0 Cash balance - fund 333 568,144 Less debt sen, ice on non qnalified debt Annual total 1,800,000 182,991 182,991 0 216,930 700,000 182,991 182,991 2,232,401 0 (1,100,000) (1,100,000) (I,076,134) (150,757) (255,757) (3,489,276) 3,081,323 1,606,857 249,163 1,059,635 (4,406,285) 3,081,323 4,688,180 4,937,343 5,996,978 1,590,693 Cunlulalive total Deficit upon decertification Assumptions: 1 ) Defease $3,555,000 of debt in 2000 (to maximize 2001 TIF grant) 2) Expend only qualified debt from 2001 and beyond (I.e. future tax increment can't fund past deficits) 3) Keep district #3 open, but send back excess TIF to County (Split excess between County, Scbool & City) Additional assmnptions for Scenario #4 I ) Increments received after 2000 can be used to fund deficits existing at December 31, 2000 (964,297) 11/15/00 8:18 AM CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 2000 Chairman Boyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Boyle, Jim Bohn, Nancy Mancino, Mark Senn and Linda Jansen MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Labatt STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Scott Botcher, Todd Gerhardt and Bruce DeJong CONSIDER RESOLUTION INITIATING THE PROCESS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MAINTENANCE FACILITY AT LAKE ANN PARK: After discussion, Mancino moved, seconded by Jansen, to approve the resolution (2000-4) initiating the process for establishment of a redevelopment plan for the construction of a maintenance facility at Lake Ann Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Chairman Boyle adjourned the Economic Development Authority meeting at 5:00 p.m. Submitted by Don Ashworth Economic Development Director