2001 02 15FILE COPY Agenda Economic Development Authority Thursday, February 15, 2001, 6:30p. m. City Council Chambers, 690 City Center Drive Mortgage Foreclosure on Chanhassen Bowl Property, Chanhassen Ventures, LLC. o Update on Request for TIF Assistance, Villages on the Ponds Senior Residential Campus, Presbyterian Homes. Adjournment CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Ci0, Ce, ret D~qve ?0 Box I47 Cha,hasse,. Min,esota 55317 Pholle 952.937.1900 General Fax 952.937.5739 E, gineering Department Fax 952.937.9152 Buildi,g Department Fax 952.934.2524 Web Site WlUW. C/. c/;alihayse,. ~)lll. I15 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: MEMORANDUM Economic Development Authority Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager ...~, ' February 9, 2001 Bowling Alley Property (Chanhassen Ventures, LLC), Mortgage Foreclosure In September 1997, Chanhassen Ventures, LLC purchased the bowling alley property and renegotiated the original loan from the EDA. As security for this loan, the EDA secured a second mortgage on the Chanhassen Bowl property. Heritage National Bank held the first mortgage. In August 2000, the EDA directed the City Attorney to commence foreclosure by advertisement on the current loan balance of approximately $140,000. On September 21, 2000, the Carver County Sheriff held the sale in regards to the EDA's mortgage and the City Attorney submitted a bid in the amount of the loan balance. Then on September 26, 2000, the Carver County Sheriff held another sale relating to the Heritage Mortgage and their bid was approximately $380,000 (their outstanding loan amount). The redemption period for both parties is six months. In the last five months, no one has seriously requested redemption of our position. The options available to the EDA are as follows: The EDA could become the owner of the property subject to the Heritage Mortgage amount and the current and delinquent real estate taxes. They are as follows: Taxes (As of December 31, 2000) Heritage Loan Total $385,331.17 $380,000.00 $765,331.17 Amount the City/EDA would get back after paying taxes/special assessments ($154,339.87) Total Out of Pocket Money Needed $610,991.30 The estimated value of the property is approximately $800,000 to $900,000 (based on the vacant land only (103,672 sq. ft. x $8 or $9 per square foot). The Gtl, of Cha,hasse, A q 'owi,¢ comm,,itv with flea,/akec ana/itv ~rho,k. , d ,~v~i,~ #,,,,t,,..,. tl, ri,i,a hmi,e,ec ,,d henutifl,I ~,rhc A ar~nt ~/,ce to/i,e, mm'h. , ~d ~bv Economic Development Authority February 9, 2001 Page 2 The EDA could do nothing, which would result in forgiving the $140,000 loan. The EDA could do nothing regarding its redemption rights under the Heritage Mortgage and negotiate with Heritage Bank after they become the owner of the property. I believe that we 'would be competing with several other private business owners if we chose this option. Summmy of Events September 21, 2000 EDA foreclosed on the Bowling Alley mortgage ($140,000). Six-month redemption period begins. September 26, 2000 Heritage Mortgage foreclosed on their $380,000 mortgage. Six-month redemption period begins March 25, 2001 Last day for the EDA to consider purchasing the bowling property. March 26, 2001 Heritage Bank could become the fee title owner of the property after paying only the real estate taxes. Jolm F. Kelly fi'om the City Attorney's office will be present at the EDA's meeting on Thm'sday night to review each of the options and answer any questions you may have regarding this project. g:\admin\tg\chan bowl foreclosurel .doc National Lodging ~(~-~ 25-11900_~0_~ ~i , Na!,?n.a!~?~g.ing~!I ~ ~1 25-1190010 ";' Chanhassen Suite~ LLC ~,~ 25-1950021 CITYOF 690 City Center Drive PO Box 147 Ganhassen, M immota 55317 952.937.1900 General Fax 952.937.5739 Engiueering Department Fax 952.937.9152 Building Department Fax 952.934.2524 IlSb Site tt,u.,u~ci, chaJthasse~J, mn. tis MEMORANDUM TO: Economic Development Authority FROM: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manage · DATE: February 9, 2001 SUB& Update on Presbyterian Homes, Request for TIF Assistance for the Villages on the Ponds Senior Residential Campus This memo is to give you a heads-up that Presbyterian Homes will be requesting TIF assistance for the Villages on the Ponds Senior Residential Campus, probably within the next month. Staff is conducting an analysis of their preli~ninary financial Performa. Staff has also had contact with the Metropolitan Council and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to see if they would contribute financially to the project. The following is a summary of the proposed project. They are proposing two buildings: Building 1: - 97 total units - All units will be independent living for those age 55 and older - 34 of the units would be affordable if the EDA provides assistance - Rems for the affordable units will be in the range of $650-$675/month - Market rate rents for the remaining 63 units will be in the range of $938- $2,000/month Building 2: - 70 total units - 50 assisted housing units with rents ranging from $2,200-$3,100/month - 20 units for Dementia patients with rents ranging from $2,500-$2800/month Definitions: Independent Living Units are similar to any apartment, condominium, or single-family development, except that they provide special services. Most are fully secured with staff that may meet and screen visitors around the clock. Many independent living options provide a full range of activities that promote social contact among residents. T/~e (Titv nf ('l~m~h,mm~. A a,'m,,/,a tatum,m/tv ,,itl, flea, bhec anaOtv ¢d~h. ~ rhamd,a dray,totem, thrit.,i~w hmi~e.c¢rc and heautif~d ~(trks. .4 ~,reat t~lace to/ive, work. a~td Economic Development A uth ority February 9, 2001 Page 2 Assisted Living facilities provide an independent living situation for those who need help in their day-to-day living. Often, the added services m'e provided on an individual basis depending on specific needs. The services include, but are not limited to, congregate dining, medication, housekeeping, laundry, limited physical therapy, assisted bathing, as well as the other services offered by congregate living facilities. Demetttia Living Facility: This facility provides different levels of care and activities for residents that have memory-related disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. Again, this is an informational/discussion item. No decisions need to be made on this item at the meeting. ATTACHMENTS 1. Maps of the Villages on the Ponds and Proposed Development. 2. TIF ApplicatiolUBusiness Subsidy Criteria. g:\admin\tg\presbytcrian homes.doc Americlnn Bokoo Bikes Independent '~ .Living,(97 Foss Swim School St. Hubert's Church CI T Y 0 F CHA NHA SSEN BUSINESS S UBSID Y CRITERIA Approved October 11, 1999 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA Policy and Criteria for Business Subsidy GENERAL POLICY The City Council of the City of Chanhassen has the power, should it deem necessary, to grant business subsidies. The fundamental purpose of Business Subsidy Criteria in Cbanhassen is to encourage desirable and affordable housing, senior housing, and assisted living that would not otherwise occur "but for" the assistance provided by the City of Chanhassen Business Subsidy Criteria. This Business Subsidy Criteria shall be used as a guide in processing and reviewing applications requesting business subsidy. PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA Business Subsidies can benefit the community by providing a broad range of housing opportunities such as affordable housiug, senior housing and assisted living. The Council reserves the right to approve or reject business subsidies on an individual basis. Highest Priority Shall Be Given to Proiects Which Include: 1. Compatibility of the proposed project with the City's overall development plans and objectives. 2. Broad range of housing opportunities such as affordable housing, seuior housing and assisted living. 3. Minimal impact on City service needs. 4. High quality of the facility to be built. 5. Increase in Tax Base: While an increase in the tax base cannot be the sole grounds for granting a subsidy, the EDA believes it is a necessary condition for any subsidy. 6. Jobs and Wages: It is the EDA's iutent that the grantee create the maximum number of livable wage jobs at the site. This may include jobs to be retained but only if job retention is imminent and demonstrable. 7. Economic Development: Projects should promote one or more of the following: a. Encourage economic and commercial diversity within the community; b. Contribute to the establishment of a critical mass of commercial development within an area; c. Provide basic goods and services, increase the range of goods and services available, or encourage fast-growing businesses; d. Promote redevelopment objectives and removal of blight, including potintion cleanup; e. Promote the retention or adaptive reuse of buildings of historical or architectural significance; f. Promote additional or spin-off development within the community; g. Encourage full utilization of existing or planned infrastructure improvements. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicant at all times should retain and be assisted by qualified financial consultants and/or underwriters, and legal counsel. 2. Construction of the project shall not be commenced until the City has given preliminary approval to the application for financing. 3. The City reserves the right to deny any application for financing at any stage of the proceedings prior to adoption of the final approval authorizing issuance of the bonds. 4. The City reserves the right to select a third party administrator to assist in the management of the process. 5. The City will only consider a "pay as you go" plan for high quality industrial developments in existing TIF districts (National Weather, 2-2; Hennepin County, 3-1; Gateway, 6-1; and Entertainment District, 4). 6. Development must be of the highest quality with high quality building materials and landscaping as agreed bem, een the City and the Developer. 7. Developer must pay all costs of establishing the district unless the City agrees to allow costs to come out of the district. 8. Local requirements may be more stringent than State statute as applies to TIF. 9. Project meets "but for" analysis and statutory qualifications (Exhibit A). 10. All projects must be consistent with Chanhassen's Comprehensive Plan and any other similar plan or guide for development of the community. ACTIVITIES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR FINANCING I. Any subsidy granted by the city will be subject to the requirement of a public hearing, if necessary, and must be approved by the Chanhassen City Council. 2. It will be necessary for both the grantee and the EDA (City of Chanhassen) to comply with the reporting and monitoring requirements of the Act. 3. Land write down 4. Costs of streets and utilities 5. Demolition and relocation costs 6. City costs such as trunk utility costs, street costs, and MSA reimbursement 7. Extraordinary landscaping and lighting 8. Soil corrections APPLICATION PROCESS 1. The application process must be completed in accordance with TIF application procedures (Exhibit B). 2. Applicant shall make an application for TIF usage on forms available from the City. 3. The application will include (if appropriate): A. Statement of Public Purposes B. Description of Project C. Plans and Drawings of Project D. Description of Company E. Legal Opinions F. Investment Bank Letter of Feasibility G. Market Analysis H. Pro Forma Analysis I. Financial Statements J. Zoning and Planning Analysis K. Application Fee L. Demonstration of past successful general development capability as well as specific capability in the type and size of development proposed. M. Other Documentation Requested by the City The City's Business Subsidy program will be administered by the City of Chanhassen's Economic Development Authority (EDA). The applicant shall submit a completed application and a $2,000 non- refundable application fee. The application fee shall be paid to the City of Chanhassen at the time a final Business Subsidy application is submitted. At the time a final Business Subsidy application is submitted, the applicant shall also deliver to the City a deposit in the amount of $10,000. The purpose of this deposit is to reimburse the City for costs and expenses incurred in connection with preparation of the development agreement and the carrying out of all actions necessary in the fulfillment or the City's obligations. Any part of the deposit not needed for those purposes shall be promptly returned to the Redeveloper not later than the date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion, or within 15 days following the termination of the Development Agreement for failure to close. It is understood the deposit is not a limitation on the Redeveloper's obligation to reimburse the City for such costs; and the Redeveloper shall pay the City for any such costs in excess of the deposit within 30 days following a written request to do so. 4. City staff will review the data and make preliminary recommendations to the City Council as to compliance of the application and proposed project with City objectives and criteria/Strategic Plan. 5. Formal evaluation of the application will include, in addition to items subject to preliminary review, review of applicable credit analysis, credit enhancement and legal compliance. Formal recommendation will then be made to the City Council. 6. After evaluation of the formal recommendation, the City Council will consider final approval of the establishment of the Business Subsidy and hold the appropriate hearings. 7. All applications and supporting materials and documents shall become the property of the City. CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS SUBSIDY Business Name: Address: Location of Proposed Development: Type(Partnership, etc.): Telephone: Nature of Business: HISTORY OF APPLICANT Have you ever filed bankruptcy? Yes No If yes, provide details on separate sheet. Have you ever defaulted on any loan commitment? Yes__ If yes, provide details on separate sheet. No Have you ever applied for conventional financing for the project? Yes If yes, provide details on separate sheet. If no, why not? Project Cost Breakdown: $ $ $ $ Total: $ Date: No List financial references: Name/Address/Contact a. Co 5. Other information pertinent to your application: 6. Name of Counsel: INFORMATION CONCERNING APPLICANT'S PROPOSED PROJECT FOR EXISTING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED IN TIF DISTRICTS(National Weather, 2-2; Hennepin County, 3-1; Gateway, 6-1; Entertainment District, 4)~ AND Eden Trace, 4-1. 1. Is the proposed project a new facility or rehabilitation and/or expansion of existing facility? 2. Industrial/Commercial: 3. What is the present employment of your firm? 4. What will the employment be at completion of project? 5. Estimated Project Cost? 6. What is the principal business or product oftl~e company? 7. Potential other use of proposed development? 8. Will this development attract other related industries? Yes___ How? No 9. What are the proposed financing arrangements? INFORMATION CONCERNING APPLICANT'S PROPOSED HOUSING PROJECT 1. Is the proposed housing project a new facility or rehabilitation and/or expansion of existing facility? 2 Housing Type(single family, multi-family, apartments, condominiums, etc.): 3. Number of units: 4. Number of bedrooms in each unit: 5. Saleprice oftheunits: or 6. Rentalprice oftheunits: 7. Estimated total project cost and breakdown of overall development costs? 8. Who are you principally marketing your product to? 9. How long do you think it will take to sell or rent your product? 11. Do you have linkages/contacts with Chanhassen businesses? Please explain(Reason: To see if you are meeting the local business needs.) 12. What are the proposed financing arrangements? 13. How are you proposing to meet alternate transportation needs? EXHIBIT A SAMPLE "BUT-FOR" ANALYSIS WITH NO BUSINESS SUBSIDY WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY Sources and Uses Sources and Uses SOURCES SOURCES Mortgage 9,600,000 8,667,000 Equity 2,400,000 2,400,000 Tax Increment 0 933,000 TOTAL SOURCES 12,000,000 12,000,000 USES USES Land Sitework Soil Correction Demolition Relocation 1,500,000 300,000 d68,000 100,000 65,000 1,500,000 300,000 468,000 100,000 65,000 Subtotal Land Costs 2,433,000 2,433,000 Construction Finish Manufacturing Subtotal Construction Costs 6,750,000 250,000 7,000,000 350,000 35,000 850,000 542,000 540,000 250,000 2,567,000 Soft Costs Taxes Finance Fees Project Manager Developer Fee Contingency Subtotal Soft Costs 6,750,000 250,000 7,000,000 350,000 35,000 850,000 542,000 540,000 250,000 2,567,000 TOTAL USES 12,ooo,o00I 12,000,000I Rent-Space 1 Rent-Space 2 Rent-Space 3 Other Income Statement Income Statement Sq. Ft. PerSq. Ft. 100,000 $8.00 800,000 25,000 $8.00 212,000 25,000 $9.00 225,000 0 $0.00 0 1,237,500 Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Ft 100,000 $8.00 800,000 25,000 $8.00 212,000 25,000 $9.00 225,000 0 $0.00 0 1,237,500 IMortgage 20 Term 0 9.00 ¼ Interest 9,600,000 1,051,646 20 Term 9.00% 8,667,000 949,439 Net Income 288,061t 12.00% Total Return on Equity 185,85.4 7.74% "BUT-FOR" ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Mortgage Equity Tax Increment WITH NO BUSINESS SUBSIDY Sources and Uses SOURCES WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY Sources and Uses SOURCES TOTAL SOURCES Land Sitework Soil Correction Demolition Relocation Subtotal Land Costs Construction Finish Manufacturin~ Subtotal Construction Costs Soft Costs Taxes Finance Fees Project Manager Developer Fee Contingency Subtotal Soft Costs USES USES TOTAL USES I I Income Statement Income Statement Rent-Space 1 Rent-Space 2 Rent-Space 3 Other Mortgage I Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Ft Net Income Total Return on Equity I hereby certify the above financial information is true and accurate. Signature Title Date EXHIBIT B CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR BUSINESS SUBSIDY 1. Applicant shall meet with City staffto discuss the scope of the project, public assistance being requested, time schedule and other information as may be necessary. 2. Following an initial meeting, applicant shall complete a Business Subsidy application. The completed application shall be submitted to the Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority. 3. The application shall be reviewed by City staff on a preliminary basis as to the feasibility of the project. City staff shall prepare a report on the project. 4. The application shall be placed on an EDA agenda for concept review. The applicant may make a presentation of the project at that time. City staffwill present its preliminary findings. 5. The following items must accompany the application: a. $2,000 application fee b. Completed"but-for" worksheet c. $10,000 application deposit d. Statement of Public Purpose e. Description of Project f. Plans and Drawing of Project g. Company Background Material h. Letter of Feasibility i. Market Analysis j. Pro Forma Analysis k. Financial Statements 1. Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Analysis m. Other Pertinent Information o Following tile necessary analysis of the application by City staff', a report shall be prepared and presented to the EDA for £ormal action. If the application is approved, City staff will be directed to undertake tile following steps: a. Prepare a redevelopment agreement between tile City of Chanhassen and the Developer; b. Prepare or modify the redevelopment plan and TIF plan ifreqaired. 7. If zoning amendments or Planning Commission action is required as part of the project, the appropriate actions shall be taken prior to final consideration of the redevelopment agreement. 8. Applicant must follow all city development review processes (e.g. site plan, platting, rezoning, PUD, etc.) before final Business Subsidy application may be approved. If you have any questions concerning the Business Subsidy application process, please contact: City of Chanhassen EDA Executive Director 690 City Center Drive PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 ext. 119 10