2000 09 19CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 19, 2000 Chairman Dale Geving called the meeting to order at 10:05am. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sherol Howard, Albin Olson, Dale Geving, Bobbie Headla, Mel Kurvers and Tom Faust. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jean Mancini. STAFF PRESENT: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator; Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner; Mayor Nancy Mancino, and Council Member Linda Jansen. VISITORS PRESENT: Vernelle Clayton with Lotus Realty. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Tom Faust moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Mel Kurvers seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Tom Faust moved to approve the minutes. Bobbie Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITORS PRESENTATION: Vernelle Clayton with Lotus Realty discussed the potential market rate apartments and assisted living units to be developed within the Villages on the Pond. Presbyterian Homes has expressed interest in the open space west of St. Hubert' s in the Villages on the Pond development. A purchase agreement has already been completed. The agreement for the land is contingent upon the City Council's approval of Presbyterian Homes site plans. Approximately two-thirds of the apartments will be independent living rental apartments and the other one-third will be assisted living. The proposal calls for a total of 170 units. Approximately two-thirds of the rental will be one bedrooms and the other one-third will be two bedrooms. There will be a joint dining area for the assisted living residents as well as all other residents. There will be public parking outside as well as private parking underground. Assisted living apartments will be located on a separate wing. CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: The Congregate Dining and Meals on Wheels programs respectfully averages 5 and 12 people per day. Meals on Wheels continues to add new diners. Congregate dining has a much larger crowd on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Joyce Horr is on a two-week vacation. Jean Minnis and Denise Loesch have been covering the kitchen. Meals on Wheels still is in need of new drivers. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: The Flu Shot Clinic has been changed from October l0th to Tuesday, November 21st from 9;00am - 11 ;30am. Pre-registration is required. The Senior Center is hosting a German Night with the Eden Prairie Fun Tyme Band as entertainment on October 14, 2000. The Biloxi, Mississippi Tour has 34 people signed up. The Chanhassen Senior Center Advisory Board is having a joint meeting with the Eden Prairie Senior Center Advisory Board on Wednesday, December 13th. A CHANHASSEN SENIOR RESIDENT TO SERVE ON THE METRO AREA AGENCY ON AGING (MAAA): Harlan Dobratz, a Carver County Commissioner, is looking for a Chanhassen resident to serve on the MAAA Board. A few commissioners would possibly be interested if they had more information. When do the meetings take place and how often? Where are the meetings held? How long are the meetings? Is this a paid position? Dale Geving and Bobbie Headla will talk to Harlan Dobratz at the next Carver County Senior Advisory Board meeting and will report back. SENIOR AWARENESS MONTH COMMITTEE: Bobbie Headla, Sherol Howard and Mel Kurvers have volunteered to represent the Senior Commission on the Senior Awareness Committee. Kara has been asked to find an additional 3 members to serve on the board, possibly Senior Advisory Board members. This group will meet monthly once formed. SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Bobbie Headla asked if the meetings could be changed back to the third Friday of the month. Mel Kurvers discussed the Memorial Committee progress. A one-hundred acre lot on Coulter Drive is being considered. Paul Page is currently preparing plans. More details come October. Dale Geving requested that the meeting date for November be printed on the agenda for October. Sherol Howard encouraged commissioners once again to consider representing Carver County on the MAAA Board. Discussed the purpose of the Carver County Senior Advisory Board. ADJOURNMENT: Bobbie Headla motioned to adjourn the meeting. Albin Olson seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and Submitted by Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator. G:\park\kara\srcommin9.2000