October 9, 1998
Chairwomen Sherol called the meeting to order at 9:35am.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Sherol Howard, Albin Olson and Bernice Billison.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Dale Geving, Barbara Headla and Selda Heinlein.
STAFF PRESENT: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator and Sharmin Al-
Jaff, City Planner II.
VISITORS PRESENT: Linda Jansen, City Council nominee.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Albin Olson moved to approve the
agenda. Commissioner Sherol Howard seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the
motion was carried.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Bernice Billison moved to approve the minutes.
Jane Kubitz seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.
CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: Currently the Meals on Wheels
program is servicing seven people. Three of the seven diners are every day customers.
One of the seven diners are also south of Highway 5. The CAP Agency has requested a
list of businesses in Chanhassen along with contact names for each business. This business
list should be sent to Joan Lynch. City Council on occasion questions whether or not the
City Hall itself should support a social service program such as Congregate Dining and
Meals on Wheels. Cost to run the program is approximately $6,000.00 to $7,000.00 a
year. Kara Wickenhauser suggested sending a short letter to update the Lion's Club on
the progress of the Meals on Wheels program. Congregate Dining averaged 11 meals a
day for the month of September.
UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: An activity schedule was handed out
to the Senior Commission by Kara Wickenhauser last meeting and was reviewed once
again. Reminders were made in regards to the Flu Shot Clinic revision from October 16'
to November 20, 1998.
meeting with the City Council on Monday, October 19, 1998 at 6;30pm. Treats and
beverages will be provided by the Senior Commission. Senior Commission discussed the
important highlights they wanted to stress during the work session with the Council.
Add a request for a census study. Keep it open ended and let survey speak for
itself. Survey cost is estimated to cost no less than $10,000. Discuss the
senior housing issue along with the proposed survey.
2. Update on Congregate Dining and Meals on Wheels. Stress the need to
continue promotion and encourage volunteer help.
3. Update Council on the transportation needs of seniors and inform them of the
transportation committee organized to help obtain these needs.
4. Introduce the Senior Awareness Film to the City Council. Open the meeting
with this film.
Suggest that the City Council sets a annual date to meet with the Senior
Commission. Possibly February or March before the City Council is to busy
with budget meetings.
SENIOR COMMISSION VACANCIES: An outline was handed out to every
commission member discussing the proposed deadlines for newspaper advertisement,
commission interviews along with City Council interviews and the proposed appointment
SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS: Sherol Howard mentioned that she had a
discussion with the Senior Center Bridge Club about their club's donations to the City
Hall. The intention of this group is to encourage Senior Center expansion. Sherol
encouraged the group to be a bit more patient and to look into the future expansion where
the Senior Center would expand across City Center Drive. She suggested the group might
donate their money to another Senior Center project.
ADJOURNMENT: Albin Olson moved to adjourn the meeting. Bunny Billison
seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared and Submitted by Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator.