2001 02 16CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 16, 2001 Chairman Dale Geving called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dale Geving, Mel Kurvers, Albin Olson, Jean Mancini, Sherol Howard and Bobbie Headla. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Faust STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner and Rachelle Tungseth, Interim Senior Center Coordinator. VISITOR'S PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Sherol Howard moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Bobbie Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: The commission discussed having Joyce attend the next meeting to determine if volunteering in the kitchen is adequate or if additional help is needed. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: Jean Mancini updated the commission on updating events, speakers and trips. She also informed the commission that the senior advisory board is contemplating decreasing the numbers of members from nine to seven. SENIOR AWARENESS MONTH: Sherol Howard stated that activities are being planned for the month of May. A meeting is set up for March 6th . The Senior Expo which is held on June 22nd at Mayer Lutheran High School. Discussion about transportation to the Senior Expo was reviewed. GOAL/OBJECTIVES FOR 2001 The commission decided to meet at Centennial Hills on Feb. 19th at 12:00p.m. (noon) to discuss the goals to be presented to the City Council during the joint work session. An update on housing was presented by Sharmin and Al Olson. It included on update Doug Hanson's property to build a 30 unit senior housing complex also presented Presbyterian Homes presentation to the EDA was discussed. Dale Geving thanked Al Olson for his contribution to the community garden and offered to pay for a plot for anyone who is interested. Dale moved to adjourn the meeting and Bobbie second the motion.