1998 09 11CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 11, 1998 Chairwomen Sherol called the meeting to order at 9:35am. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Selda Heinlein, Sherol Howard, Dale Geving and Barbara Headla. MEMBERS ABSENT: Bernice Billison. STAFF PRESENT: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Dale Geving moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Sherol Howard seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Bobbie Headla moved to approve the minutes. Dale Geving seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. VISITOR PRESENTATION: There was none. CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: Meals on Wheels operation began on August 31, 1998. The program is currently serving 4 people. Three of which are regular customers. Meals are being delivered by some senior volunteers until CAP Agency completes recruiting regular drivers. Joyce, the Congregate Dining Site Coordinator, has been collecting names in hopes to complete a regular schedule of drivers very soon. Congregate Dining averaged 11 people a day for the month of August. An announcement was made that our current food vendor that provides meals for our Congregate Dining and Meals on Wheels program will change hands at the beginning of the year 1999. Food has promised to be just as good or better than the current vendor. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: An activity schedule was handed out to the Senior Commission by Kara Wickenhauser. The schedule covered September - December 1998. One revision was made with the Flu Shot Clinic. The original scheduled date of Friday, October 16th, has been rescheduled to Friday, November 20th. Ridgeview Medical Center is having complications with the vaccine vendor and therefore, won't have access to flu vaccinations until November. An addition to the schedule was also discussed. The Senior Center will have tickets available for the "Christmas Carol," at the Guthrie Theater, on December 22"d. SENIOR COMMISSION STRATEGIC PLAN: The commission discussed options to allow them to become more visible in the community as well as the Senior Center. Each member on the Senior Commission will be a role model in participation in activities at the Senior Center. This will make the commission more visible among seniors, and give them the much needed opportunity in learning what existing senior needs are. It was agreed that a calendar of Senior Center events would be completed with a Senior Commissioner assigned to visit each of the following activities once every three months. Activities that the commission felt they should visit include the Men's Club, Women's Club, Bridge Club, CHAN-o-laires, Book Club, Woodcarving, Bingo, Card Club, Free Movie Day, Saturday Night Specials, Holiday Party, Art Club, Congregate Dining, Defensive Driving Classes, SAB Meetings and Lake Susan Picnic. An outline will be prepared by Kara Wickenhauser to help assist the commissioners as they present their information to Senior Center groups. This outline will include the history of the commission, purpose of the commission, members serving on the commission, projects accomplished by the commission, and projects currently being pursued by the commission. Every commissioner is expected to participate equally. SENIOR COMMISSION COMMENTS: Senior commission discussed scheduling a specific date in February every year to meet with the City Council. This would avoid budgeting season and would allow the senior commission to present their yearly goals. An appreciation hor'dourves party for the City Council was discussed for the end of October 1998. Kara was going to check with Karen Engelhardt to see if this would be possible to schedule and will report back before the next senior commission meeting. The senior commission would like to have the "Senior Awareness," presentation completed by December 12th, to present at the Senior Center Holiday Party. Centennial Hills was presented an award for property of excellence for market rate housing. An issue regarding older adult needs (80 years +) and transportation was brought up and discussed. There is some feeling among commissioners that this age group is neglected and not serviced properly. Requests for suggestions on how to improve our service went unanswered. This issue will be touched on again at a later date. ADJOURNMENT: Dale Geving moved to adjourn the meeting. Albin Olson seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and Submitted by Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator.