6 Chapter 20 Use ClarificationCITYOF
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952,227,1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952,227,1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227,1170
Phone: 952,227.1140
Fax: 952,227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952,227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227,1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952,227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227,1125
Fax: 952,227.1110
Web Site
www. cLchanhassen .mn .us
Planning Commission
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
July 1, 2003 0
SUB J: Use Clarification
As part of the Chapter 20 revision, staff is working to clarify the uses permitted in
each zoning district. Staff has formulated a matrix to simplify the process of
determining what uses are permitted uses, conditional uses, accessory uses, and
interim uses in each district. Staff used the Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) Manual when classifying each use, in order to clarify and consolidate uses
that are considered similar.
Attached is the matrix which combines some uses into a single category for
clarification purposes. This process of combining uses was based both on
similarity of use as well as the SIC Manual.
We will be discussing these items related to Use Clarification at the Planning
Commission meeting, July 1, 2003. The intent of the discUssion is to give staff
direction and clarification on uses and zoning districts. -
Staff is recommending the attached changes to Chapter 20. 'Staff is looking to the
Planning Commission to review the following recommendations and provide
comments, suggestions, and any other input for additional changes. Staff is also
requesting that the Planning CommisSion review the listed uses in the districts to
determine if uses should be added or deleted.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at
(952) 227-1131.
The City of Chanhassen * A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Combine under "Public Parks/Open Space"(See definition) *P-A2, P-RR,
P-RSF, P-R4, P-R8, P-R12, P-R16, P-BF, P-OI
a. Public Parks P-A2, P-RR, P-R4, P-R8, P-R12, P-R16, P-BF
b. Open Space P-A2, P-RR, P-RSF, P-R4, P-R8, P-R12, P-R26
c. Public Recreational Facility P-OI
*By combining Public Parks and Open Space Public Parks would be added as a
permitted use in the RSF, OI districts. While Open Space would be added as a
permitted use in the OI district. Public Recreational Facilities would be
permitted in A2, RR, RSF, R4, R8, R12, R16, and BF districts. Public Parks and
Open Space are currently located in Single Family Residential districts as well as
in Office and Institutional district as schools are permitted in that district,
currently they are nonconforming uses.
Combine under "Automotive Repair Shops" SIC: 753 *C-BH, C-BG, P-
a. Auto Service Center C-BH
b. Body Shop, P-IOP
c. Major Auto Repair and Body Shop, C-BG
*The above uses conduct essentially the same services and could reduce confusion
when applicants are applying/or use permits. All three individual uses are
covered under a single SIC code classification. By combining the uses as one
classification Automotive Service Center would be added as a conditional use in
the BG district and permitted in the IOP district, Body Shop would be added as
a conditional use in the BH and BG districts. Major Auto. Repair and Body Shop
would be added as a conditional use in the BH district and permitted in the IOP
Combine under "Specialty Retail" SIC: 56, 59, 5912 P-CBD, P-BG .*P-BN,
a. Apparel Sales P-CBD, P-BG
b. Retail Sales A-IOP
c. Retail Shops P-BH, P-CBD
d. Sporting Goods sale/rental C-BF
*All o/the above individUal uses can be classified under a single use. Staff does
not feel that any one use should be excluded/rom any o/the above districts. By
combining the uses Apparel Sales would be added as a permitted use in the BN
and BH districts, a conditional use in the BF district, and an accessory use in the
IOP district, as an office/showroom use.. Retail Sales would be added as a
permitted use in the CBD, BG, BN, BH districts, and a conditional use in the BF
district. Retail Shops would be added as a permitted use in the BG, BN, BF
districts and an accessory use in the IOP district. Sporting Goods would be
added as a permitted use in the CBD, BG, BN, BH districts, and an accessory use
in the IOP district. Staff would like to note that Liquor Stores SIC 5921, would
be classified separately from the "Specialty Retail" classification, even though it is
classified under the same SIC group number 59.
Combine under "Offices" (See definition) P-BH, P-CBD, P-BG, P-IOP *P-
a. Professional Offices P-OI
b. Professional Business and Admin Offices P-OI
*Staff feels that the above uses are essentially the same use. Both of the above
individual uses are permitted in the same district, however, Offices are permitted
in more districts, Staff feels that Professional Offices and Professional Bossiness
and Admin Offices could be located in more districts. Staff also feels that Offices
could be a permitted use in the BN and OI districts. By combining the above uses
under "Offices" Professional Offices would be added as a permitted use in the
BN, BH, CBD, BG, and IOP districts, Professional Business and Admin Offices
would be added as permitted uses in the BN, BH, CBD, BG, and IOP districts.
Staff would also like to not that "Offices" would include City Hall.
Combine under "Automotive Dealers" SIC: 5511, 5521, 5531, 5551, 5561,
5571, 5599 *C-BG, C-BF
a. Automobile Sales P-BG, P-BF
b. Boat Sales P-BG, P-BF
c. Recreational Vehicle Sales P-BG
d. Truck Sales P-BG, P-BF
*Staff feels that all of the above uses are types of automotive dealers and that they
could be classified as one use. By combining the above individual uses under
"Automotive Dealers" Recreational Vehicle Sales would be added as a conditional
use in the BF district. This would make all "Automotive Dealers" a conditional
Combine under "Personal Services" SIC: 72 P-BN, P-BH, P-CBD, P-BG
a. Dry Cleaning P-BN
b. Laundry Pick-up Station P-BN
c. Self-Service Laundry P-BN
d. Shoe Repair P-BN, P-BG
*Staff feels that all of the above uses are personal services and can be classified
under a single classification. By combining the above individual classifications as
"Personal Services' Dry Cleaning would be added as a permitted use in the BH,
GSPLAN~A\SIC Code\SIC Recommendations.doc 2
CBD, and BG districts. Laundry Pick-up Station would be added as a permitted
in the BH, CBD, and BG districts. Self-Service Laundry would be added as a
permitted use in the BH, CBD, and BG districts. Shoe Repair would be added as
a permitted use in the BH and CBD districts.
Combine under "Tower" (See sec. 20-1500) C-A2, C-RR, C-RSF, C/I-R4,
C-R8, C-R12, C-R16, C-BH, C-BF, C-OI, C-IOP
a. Commercial Communication Tower C-R16, C-BH, C-BF, C-OI, C-IOP
*Staff feels that a Commercial Communication Tower is a type of tower and could
be classified as such. By combining the two, Commercial Communication Towers
would be added as a conditional use in the A2, RR, RSF, R4, R8, and R12
districts and an interim use in the R4 district.
Combining under "Health Services" SIC: 80 P-BN, P-BH, P-OI, P-IOP
a. Health Care Facility C-R12, C-R16, P-CBD, P-BG
*Staff feels that Health Care Facility could be classified as a Health Service. By
classifying the above use Health Services would be added as a permitted use in the
CBD and BG districts.
Combining under "Temporary Outdoor Sales" See Sec. 20-290 A-BN, A-
a. Temporary Outdoor Display not in any district-Criteria in CUP
*Staff feels that a Temporary Outdoor Display is a type of outdoor sale, therefore
it could be classified as such. By combining, Temporary Outdoor Display would
be an accessory use in BN, BH, CBD, BG, BF, and OI districts. Staff would like
discussion regarding whether these uses should be classified together or
10. Community Center would include Senior Center
*Staff feels that the senior center should be included in the use classification ora
community center. By definition a Community Center includes a Senior Center.
11. Change Mobile Home to Manufactured Home
*Staff feels that Manufactured Home is a more correct term than mobile home.
Changes in technology and the manufacturing processes have increased the
quality and durability of manufactured homes.
12. Motor Fuel Station add C-BN district remove C-BF district
GSPLANLAA\SIC Code\SIC Recommendations.doc 3
*Staff recommends the removal form the BF district as that zoning district may
change and adding the conditional use to the BN district as it is a daily need in
the Neighborhood Business district.
13. Delete items
a. Boarding House I-R4, C-R8, I,R12
*No longer used
b. Public Buildings and categorize each use as is
i. City Hall: Office
ii. Lake Ann Park Maintenance Building: Accessory Structure
iii. Public Works Building: Contractor's Yard
14. Expand the following uses:
a. Home Furnishings to include BN district
*Incorporate Tile shop-Delete Neighborhood Retail Shop
b. Farmers Market to include OI district
15. Equipment Rental SIC: 735 (Where Permitted)
a. Medical Equipment SIC: 7352
b. Heavy Construction Equipment SIC: 7353 (own category)
c. Miscellaneous Equipment Rental SIC: 7359
i. Airplane
ii. Appliance
iii. Coin-operated machines
iv. Electronic equipment
v. Furniture
'",~.Lndu~trial Trucks
vii. Office machines
.................... o cqu mcnt
x. Party supplies
xi. Piano
xii. ~shes, Silverware, and Tables
xiii. Television
xiv. Toilets
xv. Tools
xvi. Vending machine
xvii. Video recorder and player
***Exclude ~dustrial Trucks, Oil field machines, and Oil well
drilling equipment
*Should we even wor~ that these uses will come to Chanhassen?
Clot~ng and Pillows SIC: 7299
GSPLANL~A\SIC Code\SIC Recommendations.doc
e. Amusement SIC: 7999
i. Bicycles, canoes, etc.
f. Computer time SIC: 7374
g. Computer data processing equipment SIC: 7377
* Discuss eliminating A1 and BF districts; rezone BF Conditional Uses
G:~PLAN~A\SIC Code\SIC Recommendations.doc 5