JUNE 24, 2003
Chairman Franks called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rod Franks, Amy O'Shea, Jack Spizale, Paula Atkins, Susan
Robinson, Tom Kelly, and Glenn Stolar
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent, Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent; Lisa Anderson, Park and Rec Intern; and
Susan Marek, Rec Center Manager
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Robinson moved, Spizale seconded to approve the Minutes dated
May 28, 2003 as submitted. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Gregory: As my report said for the last quarter, we're really working pretty much on
maintenance. We've just been gearing up, getting everything ready for the parks. Getting
ballfields, everything ready. Currently everything is in full swing. The parks are open. The
ballfields, soccer fields, everything is really going. We have taken on all of our seasonal help so
that is, alleves some of work that our full time people had to take care of and that. They do all of
our mowing and garbage collection. Taking care of all of our Lake Ann Park and everything and
that. They're a real bit asset through the summer for us. We do have 3 senior seasonals again
and that who came back this year and that. They have been a real big asset as far as keeping all
of our parks mowed through the summer so far. We have done our first application of
fertilization. We did that in May. Our second one is coming up next week. So we're pretty
much on schedule for that. We have been doing the broadleaf spraying like we have in the past.
We had a little bit of time and that where we had quite a bit of wind mornings so we were having
a little bit of trouble, but since I wrote the report, they have been able to get out and we are pretty
much completed with all of the parks. The downtown has also had it's application of fertilizer
and spraying and everything and that so that's, we're right on schedule with everything right now.
This spring we also had the opportunity at Lake Susan with the new work on the holding, water
holding tank for the place they're at. They were using some of our dirt up there where our
volleyball court was so we had the opportunity to use that sand and everything to enlarge our
beach down there so it' s, that looks pretty good and probably doubled the size of it. And with the
cost just going up, in other words just hauling sand down there and taking care of that stuff.
Hoffman: The volleyball court will come back?
Gregory: It will come back when it's flattened.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Hoffman: They're taking the dirt from underneath the volleyball courts and they're putting that
in the pond to create the dyke. The separator where the water flows up and over.
Gregory: And the only other thing I have is that we have completed our fa-st round of mowing of
all our trails. We go and mow about 6-7 feet out on each side and we have covered every one of
our trails through the city. We will be starting that probably again in, oh about another 2 weeks.
To go around again so we try to hit them about 3 times through the summer and keep everything
back on that. And that's pretty much where we are right now. It's pretty much just a
maintenance continually with soccer fields and striping and ballfield striping and maintenance on
ballfields and that. We'll be pretty much in that same mode for the better part of the summer
now. So that should be it.
Franks: Thank you. Are there any commissioners that have some questions for Mr. Gregory
regarding park maintenance? Just one. We were down at Curry Farms Park today and on the
north side of the trail there seems to be some overhang tree limbs, brush kind of thing. Kind of
having over the trail so.
Gregory: North side of the park?
Franks: On the north side, yeah. Well the northwest side.
Hoffman: Are you going to mention that problem with the right field?
Franks: You mean the wrong field?
Hoffman: The sink hole field.
Gregory: Maybe you've got a solution for that.
Franks: Yes. We're wondering, or at least I'm wondering, the difficulty in leaving the infield
where it sits. And really rotating the backstop to the, along the southwest. So rotating it from
where it sits here this way, and then facing the ballfield so you play out towards the east. And
then letting that low area just re-grow in cattails, which would then be right off to the side and
behind the backstop.
Gregory: Would the commission give any consideration to instead of having an ag ballfield or an
ag line, just having a grass field. There's so little use down there that we have a tough time trying
to stay even ahead of the weeds in the infields:
Franks: Could we keep the base lines?
Gregory: We could keep the bases and everything there. I mean that wouldn't be a problem.
You mean just the base lines as far as.
Franks: Keep the baselines in ag.
Gregory: It's going to be pretty much of a maintenance, it's just like Bandimere and that. Right
now the way we have them, about every 2 years we have to cut them back because they grow in
so bad. We don't have anything to, our leveling device is too wide actually for the base line so
we end up cutting them back. About every 2 years we have to do it down there.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Hoffman: That infield looked pretty good, was that cleaned recently?
Franks: Yeah, it looks good.
Hoffman: Must have been cleaned this spring.
Franks: It looks good. Well is that a big difficulty to pull that backstop and swing it around? I
mean is that a, and then change the benches to go with it of course.
Gregory: I mean it'd be just something we'd put on the list and get at it when we can. With the
lack of putting in playground and that, we may be able to do that.
Franks: Would that fix some of the problem you think or not?
Gregory: As long as you're worrying about the low area, if you're just going to leave that as is, I
mean it'd be a flat area for the kids to play in.
Franks: Right. Could we let that area go? Try to just back into cattails. I mean to me that
creates some visual interest between the field and the trail.
Gregory: We've actually filled that area 3 times in that now and it's the same thing. I mean
nothing' s working.
Franks: Yeah we wouldn't waste our time or our resources with that.
Gregory: Well and the bad part of it is we do so much damage to the trail and everything else
coming down there with dirt to fill it up. I mean we end up with a lot of repairs by the time we
get it up again. In another few years it's starts sinking again.
Franks: Do we need some kind of motion for this to get on the list or can you just direct that as
part of the maintenance list?
Hoffman: We can do that.
Franks: You can go ahead and do that? Is there some consensus on the commission that we'd
like to. Those of us that were there tonight anyway. Alfight.
Hoffman: Dale, any thoughts on the other wet area that is on the south side of the park? Go
down more towards, that's always a bad spot too fight at the bottom to the fight.
Gregory: The problem is we don't have enough height. The water table is so low in that whole
area that we can't get rid of the water. We've actually tiled that area.
Hoffman: I thought so yeah.
Gregory: And you run the tile over there, it actually, we're dumping it in, the water's coming
back to the tile. It just doesn't, when we put that volleyball court in we dug down a foot. I mean
we pulled out logs. There's logs or stumps, there's everything in there and it is, it's just a swamp
underneath that.
Franks: Yeah, because we noticed the volleyball court could be worked over.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Gregory: Yep, it's really, it's a bad area. It would be nice if we had another couple of feet on
that but that whole park when they did that.
Hoffman: Would the commission be opposed to taking that volleyball court out?
Franks: Well it looks like it's not being used now anyway. I mean it's grown over with grass I
mean so.
Gregory: Volleyball courts that really only get used are the ones in the community parks. The
Lake Ann, the Bandimere or I mean places where heavily used. The neighborhood parks they get
very little use at all.
Hoffman: And they can play in the grass is they want to.
Gregory: Right, they can play in the grass if they want to, that's not a problem. Again we get the
sand, it's just like ag infields. They start growing with sand and we don't have the equipment to
really go in there unless we go in there with a Bobcat and completely work the whole thing up
and tear it all apart and for the amount of time that they're used, it really doesn't pay. I mean
you'd be better off leaving the grass and letting them, the few times play on that. It'd be easier to
Hoffman: Along with the ballfield shift, I'd propose we'll take out that volleyball and do some
more work in that area to try to maintain well. We may actually pick up a part of that
trail and get it out of that swamp and abandon.
Franks: The volleyball.
Hoffman: Yeah, and then part of that section of trail, it's always a problem area, then we'll take a
look at it and see what we can do.
Franks: That'd be great. That'd be good too. Alrighty. We thought the mowing looked gmat
everywhere we stopped. You're doing a great job with that. So anything else? Get out of hem.
Gregory: Have a nice evening.
Franks: Okay, before we move on with new buSiness, we have someone new with us today. If
you'd like to introduce yourself to us and just tell us a little bit about what yOU're, going to be
doing this year, that'd be great.
Lisa Anderson: My name is Lisa Anderson and I am the Park and Rec Intern this summer. I just
graduated from the University of Minnesota, and so this is my last big thing to do. I should be
done. I'm just starting on registrations and taking reservations this summer. Helping Corey with
playground stuff. Also working with Jerry with softball league stuff like that. I also did Park
inventory and went over and looked at all the playgrounds and did kind of an overall inspection
of them to see what kind of things needed to be fixed and stuff like that. A little .bit about my
background. I grew up in Brooklyn Park. I've worked for their park and rec department for over
9 years. ! started when I was 15 doing everything that they have there. Sports stuff, special
events, dance stuff, administration stuff. I work in the office there currently still and I also
worked for the City of New Brighton for a year doing playground programs and their senior
playground leader. And I've also worked with, or in the City of Morals and the City of Wheaton
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
teaching dance when I went out to college out there. So I'm really excited to be here and enrich
my knowledge on recreation and the great people that I've met so far. And I hope to get a full
time job somewhere in a community where I can contribute to their organization and bring their
overall quality of life to their community members.
Franks: Well thank you Lisa and we welcome you.
Lisa Anderson: Thanks.
Franks: Don't let Jerry work you too hard though. Remember he gets paid to do his job. Before
we move on too, I'm just going to deviate one more time. Notice that we do have some members
in the audience today and I'd just like to ask if you're here to address the commission on some
other item other than what's on the agenda.
Audience: No we're not, and we're here as a scout. He's just not wearing his uniform today. To
earn a communications merit badge so we're just here to observe.
Franks: Here to observe, great. Well we're glad that you're here and we'll kind of liven things
up for you so...
Franks: Maybe we can have the update on the whole 4~ of July festival to go along with that, can
Hoffman: You bet. Thanks Chair Franks, members of the commission. All I can say is wow.
100 percent participation. I believe that may be the first time that all of the commission has been
able to be in town and particiPate in the trade fair. So that will be a great evening here next
Thursday night at City Center Park, just behind City Hall. We will have the supplies and
materials there available for you. The shifts have been slated. Any, Glenn, Rod and Paula will
set up and run the first shift and then the late shift and the take down by Jack, Tom and Susan.
And if there needs to be any changes in that, just work amongst each other to make those
changes. We'll just have a great evening at the Trade Fair booth. The actual times are 4:30 until
6:30 so 2 hour block.
Franks: So the first crew will show up at 4:00?
Hoffman: Correct. 4:00 to 5:30.
Franks: I talked with Corey Todd on the phone about the prize booth and t-shirt sales and I was
wondering if the commission members didn't understand that there are maybe some other
opportunities to volunteer to, and that you can volunteer in the evening in the big tent during the
street dance at the prize booth and t-shirt 'sales. So it's not absolutely necessary, based on my
experience that really we need more than 2 people at the trade fair booth at any one time. So if
someone wants to shift those hours and then maybe work in the tent doing the prize booth or
something like that, then that'd sure be great. And I know Corey would really appreciate that too.
Ruegemer: We need a couple late shifters at the prize board booth area.
O'Shea: What time?
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Ruegemer: I'll tell you.
Stolar: I left Corey a message saying I didn't know what times he wanted but I should be able to
do that.
Ruegemer: 8:45 to 11:00.
Stolar: On Thursday?
Ruegemer: Are you...for that Glenn?
Stolar: Sure.
Franks: You don't have to do both Glenn though. If you want to you can but it's not necessary.
Hoffman: What's the early shift for the prize board?
Kelly: 6:30 to 8:45.
Stolar: 8:45 to 11:007
Hoffman: Yep.
Stolar: That's what I did last year. That's fine.
Hoffman: Wonderful, thank you Glenn. Other commissioners that would like to shift out?
Kelly: I think I told Corey I was good for the 6:30 to the 8:45 for the prize board.
Ruegemer: Yep, for the prize board.
Franks: Great.
Ruegemer: You want to stay at that?
Kelly: Yeah.
Ruegemer: Just as a side note too for the business fair, we were at the chamber luncheon today.
It looks like they're at full capacity with that too with 40 people, or 40 businesses with that and
that's probably the earliest they've ever gotten 40 or maybe the first time they've ever gotten 40
so our theory with the long weekend is maybe going out the window. People, it looks like they
may be in town for that so it should be a great event.
Franks: Okay, thanks. Anything more about the trade fair?
Ruegemer: Did you guys have a schedule of events in your packets?
Franks: Yeah, should we go over that under reports?
Kelly: Are we handing anything out at the trade fair?
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Ruegemer: Yeah, bands.
Franks: Hey, hey, okay. No chip clips this year?
Ruegemer: No chip clips.
Kelly: Those were popular.~
Franks: Do we have our suggestion box ready to go and forms? And do we have the little
coloring kits too? Do we have anything for the children?
Hoffman: I'll get you something for the children. What would you like? Any ideas? Maybe I
can get those coloring kits.
Franks: The coloring kits were hot.
Kelly: Applications for the Huffman Run.
Franks: Huffman, do we have them?
Ruegemer: Yeah.
Franks: Can we have a display for that? Do we have anything, a poster, old t-shirt, something?
Ruegemer: Yes.
Franks: Pictures of the kids getting them now from Ragnar, do we have anything?
Stolar: I don't know if they have any of those. Do we have any of those?
Ruegemer: Well Americlnn has the display board. But you may not have enough room for that.
We can get you certainly a long sleeve t-shirt and some information about that.
Franks: Just like display and then maybe some of the forms for the kids too.
Kelly: I can shoot over and get that.
Ruegemer: We can have it ready for you. Just need to get it that day. We'll bring it over.
Franks: Lisa you know what the code for that is, we'll have that ready for you which means...
more tasks added to your plate. Thanks. Okay, is that good? Are we good for that?
Robinson: Were we going to have a questionnaire too? We talked about at the last meeting.
Hoffman: Suggestion box.
Robinson: Just a suggestion box, so not a questionnaire? Okay.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Ruegemer: Thank you Chair Franks and the rest of the commission. Like Todd said, we're
talking about tonight, we are coming up very fast on the 4th of July celebration. Coming up next
Thursday, the 3rd and the 4th and Corey's been busy working and finalizing the details on the
event. Working and meeting with different components and vendors and people involved with
the celebration. I went out with Carver County, Jim Olson. The Carver County Chanhassen
Sergeant today. Looked at the fireworks site and we're going to have a mounted posse out there
kind of patrolling the area the night of 'the fireworks. Making sure that everything goes as
planned and really provide a safe environment for the people that are going to be watching the
fireworks so it looks like that will be all set to go. Real busy with the meeting with the parade
committee on all the details with that. And that looks like that's going to be off hopefully without
a hitch again. The line-up information has been mailed out or going out very shortly. It looks
like there' s going to be about 70 to 80 parade entries again this year. So it should be a lot of fun.
Like Corey said in a memo, we're going to have 11 food vendors and a wide variety of food.
Anywhere from brats to different types of sandwiches, hot dogs, you name it. Any type of fair or
carnival food will definitely be there for that. Just working through a lot of the power
requirements that we need for our different vendors. We did beef up a lot of the power that we
have there in the park or that general area up there since last year's celebration we added quite a
bit of power to hopefully handle all our needs here for the future with them. Also working with
the Kraus-Anderson and Larsen Electric to kind of make sure that we do have, with the library
construction project, that we have additional outlets that we have had in the past, that they are live
and ready for our use here before next Thursday, so everything is looking good. We've done
tests and all that on the power outlets and receptacles and it looks like we're in good shape that
way. One of the new things here we added this year is going to be one of the big inflatable
Titanic things that you probably have seen those around. We'll be having that out there plus the
iceberg. I hope you're wearing your get up for that. And that there will be a ferry inflatable as
Hoffman: That will be a surprise.
Ruegemer: Yeah, a surprise inflatable. So that will be, the city's not shelling out any money so
to speak on that. We're taking a percentage of the total take that night so that will be fun.
There's a lot of other activities going on that Thursday night for the kids. It's going to be a real
busy area that night. And the 4 again is kind of centered around the fireworks and the parade
and then we'll have different activities going on at Lake Ann with right away starting in the
morning with the adult fishing contest and the kids fishing festival will be 11:00. We'll be right
there and then we'll kind of settle down or kind of go down a little bit and get ready for the
parade. And then as you know, if you saw at the top right portion of the schedule of events, Joe
Scott will be doing the benefit concert from 4:00 to 8:00 here with the Camp Agency being the
beneficiary of the kind of the food drive with that so we've been working with Mr. Scott on
making sure that all his needs have been taken care of. The tent is going to stay there another
night. The staging will stay there. He's contracting with Tom Leonard who's with, provides all
the sound equipment and the staging for CBO the night before. He'll be doing all the sound
mixing and everything for the next night on the 4th itself at the tent, so hopefully everything
should go just fine. With that we've been in conversations with Mr. Scott and hopefully all that,
the t's are crossed and the I's are dotted here so, hopefully that will keep people in town. The
Rotary's going to be selling beer and food again for that event right up here at City Hall so it
should be a fun event. I thank you all in advance too for being there that night and on the 3ra and
supporting us through this, our biggest special event of the year so.
Franks: Great. Thanks Jerry. Let's just start with Commissioner Spizale. I'm assuming we all
have something to add so Jack, let's start down with you.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Spizale: How about the weather? Is the weather going to be good?
Ruegemer: I've sure been working that piece...
Hoffman: We don't want a day like today..
Spizale: In looking through this I think it's so great that there's so many free things for kids to
do. I think that's fantastic. I noticed that last time. And you've got 11 food and beverage
vendors. Is that more than last year?
Ruegemer: One or two more. We've added more kind of food food people.
Spizale: That's the only thing I could, the only problem I could ever see is this seems like some
of the lines were a little bit too long on some of those kind of nights and if one or two more...
Ruegemer: All food vendors are definitely interested in how many people are there.
Hoffman: It's a big balancing act. They want a line. They want lines.
Ruegemer: And they're trying to figure out this many food vendors...population and they're kind
of banking on that for the inventory they have on hand and the projection that they will make to
see if it' s worth their while so like Todd said, it was a big balancing act for them and for us.
Spizale: That's all I have.
Robinson: I just want to say I was real impressed with the brochure as well and I'm curious at
what sorts of businesses, like gas' stations or where are these going to be found?
Ruegemer: For?
Hoffman: Distribution.
Robinson: Yeah.
Ruegemer: All the sponsors that are listed on there and around town, the Rec Center, City Hall.
Different businesses around town.
Robinson: Like restaurants and gas stations, that type of thing?
Ruegemer: We've done that, you bet in the past. We direct mail them to the sponsors along with,
and Lisa's going to be working on the t-shirts and stuff like that from the sponsorship and that
will be going out here.
Robinson: And with the sponsorship, is this about what you normally get? Or do you have, or
has it gone down or, I'm just curious with the economy.
Ruegemer: It's shifted a little bit. You know like a lot of the Instant Web Companies aren't
giving the $3,000 checks anymore, kind of like they used to but we're kind of, we're getting a
little bit more of the individual sponsors. We're getting a little bit more in the business gold,
silver areas. The kind of big corporations are downsizing.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Robinson: I'm looking forward to it.
O'Shea: No other comments other than you know it just shows how much work has been put into
this beforehand and make sure you tell Corey that we all recognize that because to pull this off
with that many hundreds, you know the hundreds that show up, and people talk about it all year.
It's a well run program so we appreciate that.
Ruegemer: Yeah, he was still here tonight when...
O'Shea: I bet. It takes a ton of work.
Franks: The first thing I wanted to back up just a tad on the trade fair, and are Friends of the
Library having any kind of a booth or anything?
Ruegemer: I don't know.
Franks: Could we pull up the plan for the park and have that available too, because people are
going to see that there's construction and it'd be nice if we could show them, hey this is what it's
going to look like, as far as from the park department. Get that on.
Hoffman: Sure.
Franks: The next thing is I remember our little chat from the mosquito control people and how
they'll do targeted spraying and one of the big 'complaints, especially on the 4t~ has been the over
abundance of mosquitoes during the fireworks display and I'm wondering if we couldn't get a
spray like what if they do it on the 3rd.
Ruegemer: I think Lisa could probably comment on that.
Anderson: Yep, I called them and they're coming, they're coming out of the 2nd of July.
Franks: The 2ha. And are they doing the downtown area as well? Because I know at the street
dance it's been bad as well.
Anderson: The only areas Corey asked me to have them spray was Lake Ann and City Center
Franks: Oh okay. So both those areas will get done?
Anderson: Yes. Great.
Ruegemer: It won't be sprayed per se.
Franks: Right, whatever it is that they may use right now, right.
Stolar: The briquettes.
Hoffman: Well no, they fog.
Franks: No, they fog. The briquettes are the larva control and this is for the adult mosquitoes.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Hoffman: Lisa, have you talked with them? Did they spray, they sprayed Lake Ann I believe it
was the 16th. They have it posted right at the front of Lake Ann and I'm not sure, what they look
for is harborage areas and CitY Center doesn't have a lot of harborage areas and so I'm not sure if
they made a decision, if they could spray City Center or not. The. mosquitoes that bite us at the
trade fair come from the neighborhoods or rocks around and so I'm not sure if they're going to go
that far into the neighborhoods and spray these areas or not. Did they comment on that?
Anderson: He did call and confirm that they were going to spray. When I initially talked to him
he said they would come out and inspect to see if they did need to spray. If it was necessary, and
then I can't remember the date but he did call a couple weeks later saying yes, we are going to
come 'out and spray both of the areas.
Franks: Excellent work. Good.
Hoffman: Due to the change in policY from the commission and the city.
Franks: Well we've paid for it. So the other thing is advance t-shirt sales. Will we have t-shirts
for sale or...?
Hoffman: They're for sale tight now. At the Rec Center and upstairs.
Marek: The first time we're selling them at the Rec Center. I'm so...sell more.
Franks: Well the thing is I know because I've already seen it at Target. People oh, that's the 5
dollar shirt this year and they're snatching them up and this year our's are $8 and they look just
cool as can be you know if there'd be a way that we could get those out there because people
would buy that instead.
Hoffman: They sell it at Target?
Franks: Well you know they just have their, they look like they're Old Navy genetics. For 5
bucks. And the one thing...And I think that's it. Thanks.
Kelly: I was concerned about the mosquitoes but.
Atkins: I don't have any comments. It looks like a great time again. I can't see what interactive
inflatable game is really all about.
Franks: I think we're all waiting for that.
Ruegemer: Slide down the Titanic.
Franks: Okay, well let Corey know.
Ruegemer: Just on the inflatable thing again. It also will be out at Lake Ann on the 4th on
Ballfield #3. Out there so that will be, as you drive in that will be one of the first things you see
on the comer going there so it will be a good visible spot for us.
Hoffman: King Kong's coming.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Franks: No hot air balloons this year?
Ruegemer: I don't know if they're doing that. I haven't heard a word from that. I think it was
Burnett wasn't it? The hot air balloons are really kind of weather dependent and that sort of thing
and I haven't heard, Corey talk about any hot air balloons.
Franks: Great. Well we're all looking forward to it. Susan, Recreation Center.
Marek: Good evening. I have all kinds of news for you this evening. A good mix of stuff.
Looking at my report, I don't have much to comment on regarding the fee increases that were
effective on April 1st. A good time to introduce a fee increase because we don't have a lot of
people coming in the door during that time so they don't necessarily notice the big change. So
that's gone fairly smoothly so far and we'll start to see that revenue from that fee increase I
believe in August-September. Actually September-October timeframe. We're going to skip over
the dance items for the moment and move onto staffing. As Commissioner Atkins knows, I have
yet to have the need to hire somebody at the recreation center. It seems that the 3 recent college
graduates that have worked at the rec center for a number of years have not found career
employment yet, and are hanging with me. I was planning on having them leave the nest but
they're still hanging out there so I'm poised to hire. So if the need arises so. And the good news
is I've got some experienced people working out there that know the ropes and I certainly
appreciate that. Another comment on staffing, I will be working reduced hours beginning shortly
as my husband and I will be adding to our family through adoption. And my intention is still to
maintain all the management duties that I do have. I will be working some shifts at the rec center.
They won't be during regular business hours, but I'll also be connected via the interact at home
so for the next 6 months or so, I'll be holding down the rec center in a different way but hopefully
just as effectively.
Franks: Holding down the virtual fort.
Marek: Exactly. And if any of you have been out to the rec center lately I hope you've noticed
how beautifully that little garden has taken off. Oh my gosh, it just looks fabulous and those day
lilies are just going to bloom in about 4 days. They just look'fabulous so it was a fairly
inexpensive but created a lot of impact. A lot of comments from our customers on that little
garden. And of course the art exhibits continue to be real popular out at the recreation center and
right now I am scheduled 18 months in advance. A lot of artists lined up and people just love it.
The customers love it. The artists think it's great and it's you know relatively minor thing for me
to spend time on as well so it's just one of those things that's good all around so we continue to
be thrilled with that. And now I'd like to move back and talk about dance. I know the big 4th of
July thing is coming up but the other big dance thing just ended and so I'd like to give a little
summary of that, and I'm going to pass around some details here regarding the financials of our
dance season. Our dance season runs pretty much with the school year. We begin in September
and end in the middle of May. This is nearly the largest program we run in park and rec. It's our
biggest mOney maker. And so it's just kind of nice at the conclusion of the dance year in May to
put a summary together and kind of look at how this program affects us financially. As you look
at this page I'd like to draw your attention first of all to the shaded areas. Everything that's in the
shaded gray area are expenses and revenues directly associated with our spring recital
performance which was held on May 3rd at the Eden Prairie Performing Arts Center. So if we just
look in the gray area, we sold $7,300 worth of tickets. That's a lot of people coming to see our
show. It was close to a sell out this year. We probably only had about 200 more tickets we could
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
have sold so we're kind of reaching the maximum there. The other thing I'd like to call your
attention to is the set design and construction expense, which this year came in at zero as myself
and other rec center employees created the sets ourselves this year and I personally had a little bit
of fun doing that. But previously we would spend, in previous years between $2,000 and $3,500
for a set design and you can see that our net profit for the recital was around $3,000 so that's
where we got that money is doing our set ourselves. So we're really happy in making that
decision and we'll continue that into the future. It's a good way for us to keep those expenses
Hoffman: And a very nice alternative use for the rec center lobby.
Marek: Yes absolutely. There might have been some set painting going on in the lobby.. Other
than that, other revenues and expenses throughout the year include the dance fees, wages. We do
get some income from the portrait commission. Overall, almost $79,000 in revenue that we take
in for that program. About $64,000 in expenses. You can see we came out $15,000 tO the good
so this is one of those winners for us out at the rec center and we're looking forward to another
big dance year. We're expecting more than 250 people participating in our program this next
year, ages 3 to adult. This year we're adding competition teams. Hopefully we'll have 2 to 3
teams that will compete in dance performance. Our recital theme for 2004 is Let's Go to the
Movies. And just a note on the cable channel in August on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. you
will see the video tape of the recital. This year's recital and we'll be rolling that along with some
information regarding registration and promotion for the upcoming dance year. And that' s all I
have to say this evening.
Hoffman: There's always room for judges so if you would like to participaie or all
commissioners would like to attend, it's an absolutely phenomenal presentation at the Eden
Prairie Performing Arts Center. It's a wonderful venue. Professionally choreographed and these
kids are just as wonderfully talented as you can believe. Two professional cameras, videotaping
the entire production and those are then sold to the participants and parents and grandparents and
the whole bit. Flowers and grandparents and families, it's really, really neat. So we'll send those
invitations next year.
Atkins: How many performances do you do?
Marek: We do two shows on usually the first Saturday in May. And usually around 1:30 p.m.
and then 6:30 p.m..
Hoffman: And how many shows, dances per show?
Marek: Between 30 and 35 usually. We were right at 30 this year.
Hoffman: Just under 2 hours.
Marek: Yep. We ran about an hour and 45 minutes with the dancing and then awards
presentations at the end.
Franks: Any other comments or questions?
Spizale: I have one. What ages are the kids?
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Marek: 'Oh boy. You know we got those 3 year olds. We start at age 3 and we actually get them
on stage and occasionally they do dance but mostly they just look for cues. And then there's all
the way up through high school. We have 3 or 4 different kinds of dance options for youth
through that age group, and then we have one adult jazz group that just won't go away. Which I
have some familiarity with so, so age 3 through adult really.
Robinson: And I was wondering too, do you just get residents of Chanhassen or do you get other
people from other communities as well?
Marek: Good question. We actually draw a lot from Chaska, Victoria and especially Excelsior
with this program and one of the reasons why I think our geographic draw is so big is because we
have, people hear about our recital and know that it's very professionally put on and they like the
aspect. And secondly, that we are recreational. So many other dance, private dance studios are
very much into strictly competition and are very serious in theft dance programs. We offer a very
light recreational program so.
Hoffman: And for fun. Name of the program.
Marek: Exactly, yeah.
Robinson: Thank you.
Franks: Anybody else, anything else? Thank you Susan. The next item would be the senior
center report and Kara's not here.
Hoffman: Kara's on maternity leave. I would like to make the commission aware that Dawn
Beitel is back to f'fll in for Kara while she is out on maternity leave. Dawn is a former full time
employee of this department. Very capable in operating the senior center. In fact Dawn opened
the senior center originally. Dawn also opened the rec center when it was opened, and she also
was the first person responsible for the opening of the concession stand at Lake Ann, so she
worked for us for a number of years and the seniors get a great kick when she comes back and
takes over for Kara during her leaves of absence.
Franks: Okay. And we've all seen the report. Is there anything that commissioners have to pass
on regarding the senior center report? Seeing that there's not then we'll move onto commission
member committee reports.
Franks: Are there any?
Kelly: I want to talk about the Dave Huffman Run planning is going along pretty well. We have
Joe Schmitt is not going to be the emcee this year but I think Mike Morris is going to be. And the
kids run is coming along too. We're trying to find some type of raffle prizes for the kids. We're
actually going to have a separate line this year so the kids can register and we're exploring the
option of having maybe two courses for the kids. A shorter one for younger kids and we do .a
longer for the older kids, and it actually is on the Dave Huffman form. It says Dave Huffman 5K
Run/Walk and Kids Run so it's actually a little more public this year than it was last year. I don't
know if there was anything else. It seems to be going along pretty smooth.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Ruegemer: Yeah, the Articles of Incorporation, the 501C, everything's come together as a non-
profit group. Did you get that e-mail today?
Kelly: Yep.
Ruegemer: We have a couple design options for t-shirts as far as colors. I have those in my
office right now. We'll talk about that...and like Tom said, a lot of it is kind of coming to, all
together again. We'll be in contact with Kathy again to get her plane tickets for them to come
back and I haven't had any contact with her for a while now but the day is on her calendar and
they plan on coming back every year so they enjoy coming back and the kids were pretty young
when Dave passed and I think it's fun for them to see the community still embrace Dave's
memory. It' s important for them to kind of see the man he was more than the football player. So
he was a man with a big heart and good sense of community. That's nice for his kids to see and
that's why they enjoy coming back.
Hoffman: Americinn, a major sponsor also received a nice accolade at the noon luncheon for the
· Chamber of Commerce. AmericInn/Northcott Company was awarded the Business of the Year
and the item that really sealed that was the major sponsorship of the Dave Huffman Run. For
those commissioners, if you aren't aware, Dave was a member of the Park Commission. He sat
right there in one of those seats as a Park and Recreation Commissioner for the City.
Ruegemer: In Tom's chair.
Franks: Great. Good work. I'm looking forward to that one too.
Kelly: Good weather. That's something...
Ruegemer: It's never too early to start training.
Kelly: Is this where I can talk about the, I'm a coach on the East Carver County Little League. Is
Chanhassen Park and Rec associated with that at all or is it kind of like ECC runs with it as they
see fit?
Ruegemer: The involvement with our department has been to facilitate fields,
Kelly: Okay. I know from a number of parents, myself included, it's very poorly~run
organization from no notification to games, scheduling fields, pictures. I mean pretty much top to
bottom it just seems to be, they just seem to be way away in terms of organization. We receive a
lot of complaints from a lot of parents just not knowing what's going on, so I just wanted staff to
maybe be, I'm sure they're aware of it. I think they'd be living in a box if they weren't aware of
how it was going but it'd be nice to let them know.
Ruegemer: We certainly can relay that message onto them.
Franks: This is the first year for that whole Little League play as opposed to.
Ruegemer: Yeah, once the children of our community got past the 4~ or 5~ grade age group they
went on and played kind of district wide in the baseball/softball programs. There was ! guess a
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
split in philosophy this past year, this past winter prompting the split of two baseball associations,
thus starting the Eastern Carver County Little League, which is basically an extension of the
CAA. Chanhassen Athletic Association. You know District 112 baseball is still going on, which
was the other kind of main league that the children participated in at the older age groups and
that's to date where we are with that. In going through the facility application process with these
two groups, it was challenging at times to find basically the same pool of kids with a smaller
percentage of increase, vying for the same fields but you know I think we did work through a lot
of different issues this year and hopefully kind of laying the groundwork for the future if that
continues, as far as providing spaces and spots for them to play. I'm not involved with the
organization of that as far as schedules and pictures and awards.
Kelly: I wouldn't have said anything if you would have been. I think the fields are great. I don't
think, that's not the complaint from the parents. I think it's mOre the actual organization of the
Hoffman: And coordination. Last night we were doubled booked again for the third time, our
team, so 4 young girl teams stood out there on Field number 4 at City Center Park, doubled
booked for the third time with a team from Mound, .so I ran to Meadow Green. That wasn't
available. I ran up to Carver Beach, that was available. I came back down. We shuffled 13 cars
of kids out to Carver Beach and started about 40 minutes late so, and they were on the phone with
one of the coordinators of Easter Carver County, very not happy and saying you know this is the
third time. Please check our schedule forward to make sure that it doesn't happen again.
Franks: Can you be proactive with that too maybe?
Ruegemer: I certainly can make some more phone calls.
Hoffman: Let them know the comments from the commission.
Ruegemer: I can do that.
Franks: Okay, great. Thanks for bringing that up. I've been seeing the .uniforms but I haven't
heard any of the in's and out's of how it's been going.
Kelly: I think the kids are having fun playing baseball. Kids are having fun. And I enjoy being
the coach. It's a lot of fun.
Hoffman: These two coaches were just ~t a stand-off last night. I mean nobody wanted to back
Ruegemer: Well they're putting people in situations that they shouldn't be in.
Franks: Alright. Any other commission member presentations?
Stolar: I have a couple of questions~ follow-up's from our previous meeting, and I don't
remember all. I tried to look through the minutes, three basic follow-up. One was the carry and
conceal. If we're going to have any statements or directions on that.
Hoffman: Not at the city level, the City Council has taken the position that as employees we're
covered by the State legislation and beyond that, that's where they're leaving it.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
Stolar: Okay. And in your buildings they'll have, are they going to have any sign postings or
Hoffman: Not that I'm aware of. I don't believe we can in a public building.
Stolar: Some are taking that stand against that. Also we talked about some of the investigations
into other park districts, looking at bond referendums for maintenance. When are We going to
talk about that whole process? Are we going to go back through that?
Hoffman: The CIP and, that will start up in our July meeting and continue in August and then
we'll probably finish up in September.
Stolar: And will that, what other cities have done in this area be a part of the discussion?
Hoffman: Specifically in what area?
Stolar: We were talking about maybe having Lisa look at the bond referendums in other park
districts, have they used it for maintenance and such, even beyond Minnesota.
Franks: And if we can add to that, I think a little bit more of the in's and out's of bonding and
what it all means. I don't know if Bruce wants to come down and meet us this year.
Hoffman: Sure. Okay. We also have splatball and ADA which are on our docket for discussion
the council would like to discuss...if that's something they want to tackle and they'll be doing
that on July 14~.
Franks: The City Council?
Hoffman: Whether or not that's something they want to discussion.
Franks: Whether the council wants to discuss or they want?
Hoffman: Whether they want you to look The organization. ADA, we'll finish up that
report and bring it back. Were there other ones?
Stolar: Nothing, that's it.
Franks: Okay, we'll move onto the administrative packet.
Franks: Any comments regarding the administrative packet? No? Great. Nice to see all the
adaptive recreation options.
Ruegemer: Skate boarding camp's a go.
Franks: That's the other thing too. Thanks for jogging my memory. I forgot about that but
maybe for future 4th of July celebrations on the 3rd, like we have the Tae Kwon DO
demonstrations. I'd love to see a skate competition. I mean ! think that we could do something
here, keep it local. Kind of grass roots. The kids that are at the park and sponsor or the park and
rec department, or have the park and rec department find some sponsor to sponsor a competition.
Park and Rec Meeting - June 24, 2003
I know we're not going to do that this year obviously but more than just a demonstration.
Actually work that in as something.
Hoffman: The new equipment at the skate park will come the week of July 21st I believe it is.
They'll be bringing down two .new pieces of equipment. Moving around the entire set of
apparatus and doing some maintenance work on the existing equipment that is there. So we'll be
closed for 2 days approximately.
Franks: Good.
Hoffman: We can go to a 42 inch height now. The one piece of equipment that's higher and
that's in the classification of non-supervised.
Franks: Great, we'll look forward to that. Seeing that there's no other comments regarding the
administrative packet, is there a motion to adjourn?
Kelly moved, Spizale seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
JUNE 24, 2003
Chairman Franks called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rod Franks, Amy O'Shea, Jack Spizale, Paula Atkins, Susan
Robinson, Tom Kelly, and Glenn Stolar
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent; Lisa Anderson, Park and Rec Intern; and
Susan Marek, Rec Center Manager
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Robinson moved, Spizale seconded to approve the Minutes dated
May 28, 2003 as submitted. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Dale Gregory updated the commission on park and trail maintenance. Chairman Franks made
him aware of some tree limbs banging over the trail on the northwest side of Curry Farms Park.
He also asked about re-positioning the ballfield at Curry Farms Park to let the low spot re-grow
into cattails. The commission and staff discussed removing the sand volleyball court and re-
routing the trail around the swamp area.
Chairman Franks asked Lisa Anderson, the Park and Rec summer intern, to introduce herself to
the commission,
Todd Hoffman and Jerry Ruegemer updated the commission on the events and discussed filling
volunteer time slots to work the business fair, prize board and t-shirt sales. Commissioners
suggested providing information on the Dave Huffman Run, and making registration forms
available, the suggestion box, and things to hand out, especially to the kids.
Jerry Ruegemer updated the commission on the schedule of events. Commissioners asked about
providing a plan of the new City Center Park adjacent to the library at the business fair, mosquito
control, and food vendors.
Park and Rec Summary - June 24, 2003
Susan Marek provided an update on the Recreation Center, including fee increases, staffing, art
exhibits, and the dance program financials.
Todd Hoffman informed the commission that Dawn Beitel, a former employee of the Park and
Rec Department, was filling in while Kara is out on maternity leave.
Tom Kelly provided an update on the Dave Huffman 5K Run event.
Tom Kelly informed the staff of complaints from parents regarding the program being run by
Eastern Carver County Little League this year regarding scheduling, and organizational items.
Glenn Stolar asked staff for updates on items brought up in previous meetings.
Chairman Franks asked staff to look into having a skateboard competition in conjunction with
next year's 4th of July celebration.
Kelly moved, SPizale seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim