2003 07 28 Agenda
Economic Development Authority
Monday, July 28, 2003
Immediately Following the Regular City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd.
1. Consider Redevelopment Proposals for Red-E-Mix Site.
2. Approval of Minutes.
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
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Building Inspections
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Park & Recreation
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2310 Coulter Boulevard
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Web Site
www. ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Todd Gerhardt, Executive Director
Justin Miller, Assistant to the Executive Director<.5~
July 17, 2003
Former Apple Valley Red-E-Mix Site Redevelopment Proposals
In spring 2003, New Horizons Day Care approached the City in regards to the
City owned property at the comer of Highways 5 and 101. The City acquired this
land, the former location of an .Apple Valley Red-E-Mix plant and the
Chanhassen Taco Shoppe, for the purposes of road relocations and the
redevelopment of a blighted area. The land has been vacant since this time, with
little interest from developers.
At the request of the EDA, staff prepared a Rec
determine what other interest there was in this
the City's website, advertised in'the Chanhassen
various the Chanhassen
Proposal gl - 1
This proposal
facility with
foot office
(RFP) to
RFP was posted on
was distributed to
uare :~,
According to
$543,747, or rou
interested in
of the former
developed in
and would be
used for common areas
provide for office uses. They
however they would also give
but being
levels will
foot for the land,
clear title to
The City of Chanhassen * A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live. work, and play.
approximately 6,000 square feet of fully furnished office space in this
development, which the City could use or lease. The developer claims that this
contribution brings the actual purchase price closer to the $9.00 - $11.00 that was
discussed in the RFP. Staff and legal counsel have discussed this proposal and
are not totally comfortable with the idea of accepting title to a building in lieu of a
cash payment. Further negotiations would need to occur before accepting this
While staff believes that these proposals may be suitable for the location, the
purchase prices offered by the developers are far short of what staff was
expecting. If the EDA wishes to pursue either proposal, it is recommended that
the EDA direct staff to further negotiate with one or both developers in terms of
purchase price. Otherwise, staff is comfortable with leaving this property as its
current use.
June 30, 2003
Mr. Justin J. Miller
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Blvd
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Justin,
Enclosed please find the Proposal from Amir Marafie through his Company,
ARIMA, LLC. We are pleased and grateful for your help in this matter.
If there is anything else that should be done to complete our proposal, by all
means get in touch with me. My phone number is (952) 646-9290.
Sincerely yours,
E-MAIL: info@graphica.or§
June 30, 2003
ARIMA, LLC is pleased to offer this proposal to develop the strip of land of approximately 2.5 to
3.1 acres in size stretching along Highway 5 immediately West of Highway !01. Chanhassen
Leaders have indicated that this parcel of land, properly developed, could serve the community well
as a beautified Gateway to Chanhassen. ARIMA, LLC concurs with this vision and feels that its
Proposal will satisfy this expectation.
The Proposal consists of four larger buildings tied together with four smaller buildings. The lower
level of the buildings will house the mechanicals, and provide storage areas for the occupants of the
offices. Ground level space will be used as a reception area, a large conference room, common
areas and several luxury professional offices. The second level will provide some common areas, a
smaller conference room, and several spacious offices for a professional clientele. The smaller
buildings provide exciting flexibility to the project. Areas for relaxation, cafeteria/internal
restaurant space, exercise areas, etc., can easily be designed into these unique features to the project.
The submitted rendering provides greater definition to our proposal.
ARIMA, LLC is prepared to offer the City of Chanhassen $4.00 per square foot for'the land. We
further propose to give to the City of Chanhassen with clear title approximately 6,000 square feet of
fully furnished office space in this office park. This will exceed the asking price of $9.00 to $11.00
per square foot for the land.
This proposal will create a substantial increase in tax revenues for the City. The presence of this
Townoffice Park will create numerous job opportunities that will enhance the growth of
Chanhassen. Along with its lending beauty to Chanhassen's Gateway, Chanhassen Gateway
Townoffice Park will also provide much-needed affordable, high tech, high quality office space to
one of the premier communities of the Greater Twin Cities Area.
Thank you for your consideration. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with representatives
of the EDA to address questions and negotiate any aspect of our Proposal.
June 27, 2003
Mr. Justin J. Miller
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
Chanhassen, Mn. 55317
Dear Mr. Miller:
On behalf of Mr. Gene Pederson, real estate developer, investor, and owner of sixteen
New Horizon Child Care facilities, I am pleased to respond to your Request for ProPOsal
to develop the former Valley Red-E-Mix and Chanhassen TaCo Shop Site.
Attached please find a narrative describing the two building proPOsed development, with
· associated visual material, which can be summarized as follows:
· A 10,500 square foot New Horizon Child Care facility to replace the existing'
smaller current New Horizon Child Care facility, thus retaining this service for
the citizens of Chanhassen;
· A two-story, 25,000 square foot professional office building, designed to be
compatible with the child care facility, and meant to serve the small business
professionals within Chanhassen;
· Quality landscaping, to include perimeter fencing which uses materials which will'
visually extend the Chanhassen Bridge architectural element to and around the
site, as well as a prominent entry feature on the east end of the site.
· A desired timeline which would allow construction to begin as soon as the city
planning and approval process could be completed.
The developer is not asking for any city subsidy, and has designed the development in a
quality manner where no variances are. requested.
We appreciate the opPOrtunity to work with the city on this highly visible site and stand
ready to answer any questions which you might have.
Richard K. Allendorf
Telephone: 952-935-6017 Email: rallendor~jmrrr. Com
Former Apple Valley Red-E-Mix Site
Proposed Use:
The developer proposes_to construct both a New Horizon Child Care facility and a Class
"A" office building on the site.
The 10,500 square foot New Horizon ChiM Care facility would enable New Horizon to
continue to provide childcare service to the citizens of Chanhassen, replacing the existing
smaller New Horizon Child Care facility located at 310 Lake Dr. E.
The two-story, 25,000 square foot office building would be marketed to local
professional users who want quality office space, including underground parking, within
the Chanhassen community. It would present an architectural statement to Highway 5
users, while blending in with both the New Horizon building to the east, and the
topography to the west.
Building Description:
New Horizon Child Care and the Office Building both will be designed using the same
materials and design elements to make an architectural statement that will be compatible
with surroundings and will do justice to the Gateway location oftbe City of Chanhassen.
Materials and colors-
All materials as outlined in City's Design Standards
Brick- beige color as selected
Stucco - light color as selected
Windows - at least 50% of building elevations that are viewed by the public
Roofs - limited mount of blue metal roofs' only 50% of building elevations that are
viewed by the public. Metal roofs will be used to accent pitched comer elements,
rais6d roofs over entry and central great mom and mansard roofs as well as to enclose
rooftop equipment.
· Durability - all materials will be pre-finished that can take certain amount of abuse
and will be maintenance free.
Building design -
· Faqade modulation by stepping forward portions of faqade.
· Vertical division using different materials.
· Variation of window sizes and shapes.
Variation ofrooflines using pitched and mansard roof elements.
Site Design:
The site is in a prominent location and has great visibility but has certain limitations, such
as awkward shape, limited access and considerable slope in grade elevations.
. ~..~'~, .~ ;~
Site design for this proposal considers the characteristics of the site and will compliment
the visual interest:
Layout -
Buildings are sited not to provide a continuous wall look.
· With two building complex, parking lot is split in two smaller lots, thus reducing the
impact of surface parking.
· Surface parking is also reduced by providing underground parking for the office
Topography -
· Site layout is designed to work with the natural slope of the site, thus reducing
considerably the need to level the site. For example, exposing part of the lower level
for the office building, thus providing shorter ramp for the underground parking.
· There is a possibility that at East end of the site (at Highway 101) there might be
"official" wetland. Site layout accommodates such a wetland. If the wetland is not
designated, this area could be designed as retention pond or rain garden. In any case,
this can be a site feature instead of a problem.
The development would be built on the three parcels and constructed without any request
for a variance. Outlot A (the western-most parcel) would retain the current open feeling
in perpetuity, because the developer is willing to grattt to the city a Conservation
Easement over the parcel. The developer wig also agree to pay full Estimated Market
Value for the three parcels.
Landscaping/Entry Feature:
The developer intends to fence the development using elements of the Chanhassen Bridge
as materials, The materials would be clad in decorative vines and backed with evergreens.
to totally screen all parking from adjoining streets.
An entry feature on the east end of the property would include the Chanhassen "Leaf"
logo along with the words Chanhassen New Horizon Child Care. Outlot A on the west
would be enhanced by relocating two existing rows of evergreens to the south.
The Developer/Owner will be Mr. Gene Pederson, 6915 W. 146t~ Street, Apple Valley,
Mn., 55124. Mr. Pederson is a long-term investment property owner, with office,
warehouse and retail property holdings throughout the Twin Cities area. Mr. Pederson
currently owns sixteen New Horizon Child Care facilities.
The current New Horizon prP. t0type proposed has been built in a number of communities.
Therefore, architectural drawings exist, and adaptation to individual sites is not difficult
or time consuming. In addition, the existing New Horizon site on Lake Dr. E. is being
offered to Park Nicollet to allow them to move forward with their construction. Any
delay in building this childcare facility would delay Park Nicollet's plans. For those
masons, the developer would intend to begin construction as soon as the city planning
and approval process is completed.
The office building would commence construction when fifty percent of the space has
been leased. The developer is already in contact with a professional firm interested in
leasing 5,000 square feet.
JULY 14, 2003
Chairman Furlong called the meeting to order at 9:45 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Furlong, Steve Labatt, Brian Lundquist and Bob Ayotte
MEMBERS ABSENT: Craig Peterson and Jim Bohn
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, JUstin Miller and Bruce DeJong
Justin Miller presented the staff report on this item.
Furlong: The one question i have, is there any reason why we wouldn't accommodate this
Miller: Only if there was something outstanding that they hadn't performed, but they've done
FUrlong: And there's not?
Miller: That's right.
Furlong: Thank you. Any discussion? If not is there a motion?
Labatt: Move approval.
Furlong: Is there a second?
Lundquist: Second.
Furlong: Any discussion on the motion?
Labatt moved, Lundquist seconded that the EDA approve Certificate of Compliance for Lot
4, Block 1, West Village Heights 2"a Addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Miller: This is a TIF agreement that's been alluded to in a few of the items already. Basically
Presbyterian Homes is building a 161 unit senior care facility across the street in the Villages on
the Ponds development and we are providing them, or hope to provide them with T]F assistance
to help make a percentage of those units affordable. Basically for the first 6 years of the
agreement, Presbyterian Homes will receive 90 percent of the increment produced and for the 2
Economic Development Authority - July 14, 2003
years after that they will receive 50 percent. This is a pay as you go note, which means that they
will only receive the money that is generated so if they don't generate enough taxes and they only
get back 90 percent of what they produce. There is a total issue amount on the note of
$1,060,000. That is a maximum amount, and that is there's a deadline at the end of 8 years. If
we haven't paid off that entire amount, there's no obligation of the city to continue to do that, but
the important thing is that we pay 90 percent for the first 6 years and 50 percent for the next 2
years. There are two changes to the TIF agreement. They're real simple. That was in, or
changes to the agreement that was in your packet. It's on page C-2, which is actually the note.
Instead of the interest at a rate of 6% accrue on the note, that should actually be 0%. There will
be no interest accruing on the note. And then on page C-6,'where it says 4.01 pledge, and about
the fourth line down it says in no event more than 124%. That should be 125, just to match at
other places in the agreement as well. We went over those changes with the developer and
they're fine with those too. Staff is pleased with this agreement. Thinks that we're getting a
great deal out of this and we'd recommend approval.
Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff?.
Lundquist: Yeah a question, in essence what the note is doing, is that the maximum obligation in
return increment that we would give back to the developer?
Miller: That's right.
Lundquist: So if they generate the taxes, rate changes or whatever happens and in 3 years 90
percent of the increment that we've returned meets $1,060,000, then we're done paying.
Miller: We would keep track of that and that is a maximum number.
Lundquist: Okay. So that million 60 is calculated based on what we anticipate the revenues to be
on that and what we would return in increment based on that 90 percent and 50 percent.
Miller: That's fight.
Lundquist: Okay.
Furlong: Other questions? I guess as point of clarification, just as if we reach the million 60
before the end of the 8 years, we stop. If we don't reach the million 60, since this is a pay as you
go, by 8 years we still stop.
Miller: That's fight.
Furlong: So a million 60 is an estimate at this point based upon current laws and regulations.
Miller: Based on current tax rates and tax structures.
Furlong: And we're not taking on any liability from this beyond the million 60 that we're, I mean
I don't even want to say that's a liability.
Miller: There' s wording in the note that says this will only be paid out of available .tax increment.
Furlong: Thank you. Okay, any other questions? If there' s none, is there a motion?
Economic Development Authority - July 14, 2003
Lundquist: Motion to approve the Redevelopment Agreement with PHM/Chanhassen Inc. as
stated in the memo.
Labatt: Second.,
Furlong: Any discussion?
Lundquist moved, Labatt seconded to approve the Redevelopment Agreement with
PHM/Chanhassen Inc. (Presbyterian Homes) as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Lundquist moved, Labatt seconded to approve the Minutes of the
Economic Development Authority meeting dated June 9, 2003 as presented. All voted in favor
and the motion carded unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Lundquist moved, Labatt seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
Executive Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim
June 27, 2003
Mr. Justin J. Miller
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
Chanhassen, Mn. 55317
On behalf of Mr. Gene Pederson, real estate developer, investor, and owner of sixteen
New Horizon Child Care facilities, I am pleased to respond to your Request for Proposal
to develop the former Valley Red-E-Mix and Chanhassen Taco Shop Site.
Attached please find a narrative describing the two building proposed development, with
associated visual material, which can be summarized as follows:
A 10,500 square foot New Horizon Child Care facilityto rePlace the existing
smaller current New Horizon Child Care facility, thus retaining this service for
the citizens of Chanhassen;
· A two-story, 25,000 square foot professional office building, designed to be
compatible with the child care facility, and meant to serve the small business
professionals within Chanhassen;
· Quality landscaping, to include perimeter fencing which uses materials which will
visually extend the Chanhassen Bridge architectural element to and around the
site, as well as a prominent entry feature on the east end of the site.
· A desired timeline which would allow construction to begin as soon as the city
planning and approval process could be completed.
The developer is not asking for any city subsidy, and has designed the development in a
quality manner where no variances are requested.
We appreciate the opportunity to work with the city on this highly visible site and stand
ready to answer any questions which you might have.
Richard K. Allendorf
Telephone: 952-935-6017 Email: rallendo~n, rr. Com
Former Apple Valley Red-E-Mix Site
prOposed Use:
The developer proposes_to construct both a New Horizon Child Care facility and a Class
"A" office building on the site.
· The 10,500 square foot New Horizon Child Care facility would enable New Horizon to
continue to provide childcare service to the citizens of Chanhassen, replacing the existing
smaller New Horizon Child Care facility located at 310 Lake Dr. E.
The two-story, 25,000 square foot office building would be marketed to local
professional users who want quality office space, including underground parking, within
the Chanhassen community. It would present an architectural statement to Highway 5
users, while blending in with both the New Horizon building to the east, and the
topography to the west.
Building Description:
New Horizon Child Care and the Office Building both will be designed using the same
materials and design elements to make an architectural statement that will be compatible
with surroundings and will do justice to the Gateway location of the City of Chanhassen.
Materials and colors -
All materials as outlined in City's Design Standards
Brick- beige color as selected
Stucco - light color as selected
· Windows - at least 50% of building elevations that are viewed by the public
· Roofs - limited amount of blue metal roofs - only 50% of building elevations that are
viewed by the public. Metal roofs will be used to accent pitched comer elements,
rais6d roofs over entry and central great room and mansard roofs as well asto enclose
roof top equipment.
· Durability- all materials will be pre-finished that can take certain amount of abuse
and will be maintenance free.
Building design -
· Facade modulation by stepping forward portions of faqade.
· Vertical division using different materials.
· Variation of window sizes and shapes.
· Variation ofrooflines using pitched and mansard roof elements.
Site Design:
The site is in a prominent location and has great visibility but has certain limitations, such
as awkward shape, limited access and considerable slope in grade elevations.
Site design for this proposal considers the characteristics of the site and will compliment
the visual interest:
Layout -
Buildings are sited not to provide a continuous wall look.
· With two building complex, parking lot is split in two smaller lots, thus reducing the
impact of surface parking.
· Surface parking is also reduced by providing underground parking for the office
Topography -
· Site layout is designed to work with the natural slope of the site, thus reducing
considerably the need to level the site. For example, exposing part of the lower level
for the office building, thus providing shorter ramp for the underground parking.
· There is a possibility that at East end of the site (at Highway 101) there might be
"official" wetland. Site layout accommodates such a wetland. If the wetland is not
designated, this area could be designed as retention pond or rain garden. In any case,
this can be a site feature instead of a problem.
The development would be built on the three parcels and constructed without any request
for a variance. Outlot A (the western-most parcel) would retain the current open feeling
in perpetuity, because the developer is willing to graf~t to the city a Conservation
Easement over the parcel. The developer will also agree to pay full Estimated Market
Value for the three parcels.
Landscaping/Entry Feature:
The developer intends to fence the development using elements of the Chanhassen Bridge
as materials, The materials would be clad in decorative vines and backed with evergreens
to totally screen all parking from adjoining streets.
An entry feature on the east end of the prOperty would include the Chanhassen "Leaf"
logo along with the words Chanhassen New Horizon Child Care. Outlot A on the west
would be enhanced by relocating two existing rows of evergreens to the south.
The Developer/Owner will be Mr. Gene Pedersorg 6915 W. 146t~ Street, Apple Valley,
Mn., 55124. Mr. Pederson is a long-term investment property owner, with office,
warehouse and retail property holdings throughout the Twin Cities area. Mr. Pederson
currently owns sixteen New Horizon Child Care facilities.
The current New Horizon pmtotyl~ proposed has been built in a number of communities.
Therefore, architectural drawings exist, and adaptation to individual sites is not difficult
or time consuming. In addition, the existing New Horizon site on Lake Dr. E. is being
offered to Park Nicollet to allow them to move forward with their construction. Any
delay in building this childcare facility would delay Park Nicollet's plans. For those
reasons, the developer would intend to begin construction as soon as the city planning
and approval process is completed.
The office building would commence construction when fifty percent of the space has
been leased. The developer is already in contact with a professional firm interested in ~
leasing 5,000 square feet.
Blu me ntals/Architecture Inc
~5~O~' DATE
Blumentals/Architecture Inc
_ 06/26/03
Blu mentals/Architecture Inc