PC SUM 2011 02 01 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION SUMMARY MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 2011 7:00 P.M. – WORK SESSION, Fountain Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Tom Doll, Kathleen Thomas and Mark Undestad. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Ellsworth. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Angie Kairies, Planner I. PUBLIC PRESENT: None Kate Aanenson polled the Planning Commissioners to see who would be there for the February 15, 2011 meeting. She advised them that the meeting would be another work session and that staff would be presenting some Census information from the American Community Survey and that they will be interviewing Planning Commission candidates. She encouraged the Commissioners to talk to friends and neighbors about applying for the Planning Commission. The Commissioners stated that they would all be there. 1. Discuss Shoreland Accessory Structures Angie Kairies presented the staff report on the issue. This item originally had been brought to the Planning Commission at the January 4, 2011 meeting. At that time, the Planning Commission instructed staff to research the issue. Angie prepared a map highlighting the parcels on the lakes that could potentially have multiple accessory structures. Kate Aanenson pointed out that there are two issues: people may have water-oriented structures and may also have other accessory structures, e.g., garages, storage buildings, etc. Angie Kairies pointed out that there are multiple constraints on locating accessory structures: bluffs, 75-foot lake setback, structure setbacks, site coverage and wetlands. The Planning Commission discussed the item and determined that there was not much that would be gained by the community by revising the ordinance. They directed that the Planning staff not continue with a review of potential changes to the ordinance. 2. Review Uses in Highway and Business Services District (BH) and Neighborhood Business District (BN). Bob Generous presented the staff report on the issue. Staff pointed out that this was an ongoing assessment of the uses within the various commercial zoning districts. Previously, the City had amended the Central Business District (CBD) regulations to provide greater specificity in the 1 types of uses within the downtown. The other zoning districts are intended to compliment the uses in the CBD and to provide for a full range of commercial uses for Chanhassen residents and businesses. Staff requested that the Planning Commission reviewed the uses to determine if any changes should be made to the regulations. th The Highway and Business Services District, BH, is located along West 79 Street and on both Sides of Highway 5 east of Highway 101 and Dakota Avenue. Its use is intended for Auto oriented business. Staff had provided a copy of the BH regulations to allow the Commission to review existing regulations, a sheet of potential changes in uses to the district regulation (to stimulate discussion) and a list of specific uses that would otherwise be categorized as “Amusement and Recreational Services”, “Health Services”, and “Personal Services”. Kate Aanenson pointed out that the BH district is the only “commercial” district that permits automobile repair businesses. She also stated that there was very little vacant property left to develop in the district. Bob Generous stated that there are two Neighborhood Business Districts, BN, located in the City: at Highways 7 and 41 and the other east of Great Plains Boulevard and south of Highway 5. The BN is intended to provide for neighborhood oriented businesses which meet the daily needs of residents. Staff provided a copy of the BN regulations to allow the Commission to review existing regulations, a sheet of potential changes in uses to the district regulations (to stimulate discussion) and a list of specific uses that would otherwise be categorized as “Amusement and Recreational Services”, “Health Services”, and “Personal Services”. As part of the discussion, staff stated that the City had previously adopted standards for various drive-through operations and as part of the potential changes the fast food restaurant could potentially be moved from a conditional to a permitted use. Kate Aanenson, however, expressed her opinion that in the BN district, it should remain linked to being integral to a larger building and not a stand-alone operation and that it should remain a conditional use. The Planning Commission then asked if the uses had become a problem in any of the districts. Kate Aanenson stated that there had not been any problems, but the district uses had not been reviewed in a long time and we just wanted to be sure that they were still appropriate. Additional uses, if needed, could be added via code amendment as part of a development review. The Planning Commission expressed their opinion that the community was developing well and that a change in the uses did not appear necessary at this time. They directed that Planning staff not proceed with any code amendments. 3. 2010 Year in Review Bob Generous presented an update on what the Planning Commission had done in 2010. The Planning Commission had reviewed 11 cases during the year. Though the year had been slow 2 from a development standpoint, we were on average with 112 items. This was partially due to amending 15 of the Planned Unit Developments to address references to the City Code. Additionally, the City made changes to position itself for additional development once the economy revived, including expanding the CBD district. Also, some of the cases were quite complex, requiring multiple items such as conditional use permits, rezoning, wetland alterations and subdivision review. Staff pointed out that we will be reviewing changes in the watershed district regulations in 2011. Staff requested that the Planning Commission communicate to staff any items that they believe should be reviewed or researched for 2011. Kate Aanenson told the Planning Commission that staff would be reviewing the rental license ordinance to determine if it was meeting its intent and purpose. Staff will also be reviewing developments to evaluate if surface water improvements were adequate for the developments and whether there may be changes in standards which would permit updating of constrained properties. 4. Discuss Nominations for Chanhassen Rotary Distinguished Service Award Kate Aanenson requested that the Planning Commission look through the nominating material and see if there was anyone they would like to nominate. The nomination deadline is February 18, 2011. They should think about the nominations and bring suggestions to the February 15, 2011 meeting. The Work Session was concluded at 8:20 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Robert Generous 3