2. Review plans for Reflections at Lake Riley and Pioneer Pass ParksCITY OF MEMORANDUM C HMNSEN TO: Park and Recreation Commission 7700 Market Boulevard FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park &Recreation Director PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 DATE 22, 2011 SUBJ: Review concept plans for new neighborhood park to be located in Administration L t "Reflecions at Lake Riley � " — Phone: 952.227.1100 y and Pioneer Pass Amy Bower, Fax: 952.227.1110 Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 PROPOSED MOTION: Fax: 952.227.1190 The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council Engineering approve the proposed park concept plans for new neighborhood parks to be Phone: 952.227.1160 located in " Reflections at Lake Rile " Pass" (as resented or with and "Pioneer Y p Fax: 952.227.1170 noted modifications, additions and /or deletions and approve the ark names of pp p Finance "Rile Ridge Park" and "Pioneer Pass Park." Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227 Park and Recreatio Commission approval requires a majority vote of the commission. Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard As a condition n o f approval for the subdivision of both Reflections at Lake Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Riley and "Pioneer Pass " the cit aired 4.8, acre a d Y Y n 7 -ac re properties using a combination of park d edication and dash purchase with the intent of Planning.& developing two new neighborhood parks. The timeline for the development of Natural Resources these properties into functioning parks is currently unknown, but an importan Phone: 952.227.1130 first step in charting this process is the approval of a ark c lan Concep pp p p p p Fax: 952.227.1110 Tans are utilized to educate otentia.l home b uy e rs about what these future ark P p Y p sites are likely to offer for recreation amenities, guide capital improvement Public Works 1591 Park Road lannin and la the g roundwork , for what will eventually be " p g} Y u y adopted as a Park Phone: 952.227.1300 Master Plan." Fax: 952.227.1310 Amy Bower, a Land,sca pe Architect with Hoi ington K:oegler G will present Senior Center the commission with a ro osed conce t plan for each of these two ark sites. p p P P p Phone: 952227.1125 Ms Bower wi ll answer uestons concern the lannn rocess for each of q p g p Fax: 952.227.1110 the parks and make any changes recommended by the commission. Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Park & Recreation Commission February 22, 2011 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the proposed park concept plans for new neighborhood parks to be located in "Reflections at Lake Riley" and "Pioneer ass" (as presented or with noted modifications, additions and/or deletion!-) and approve the park names of "Riley Ridge Park" and "Pioneer Pass Park." ATTACHMENTS 1. Riley Ridge Park Concept Plan 2. Pioneer Pass Park Concept Plan g: \park \th \pioneer pass and reflections at lake riley park concept plans.doc I jd-jk'%L . Gr�eon Rile Rid Park Concept - Site Context MT OF Cit of Chanhassen, Minnesota CWMEN AA Of // I / / t � - � It If .r __ h '& w- � � � :.• - � ,� Seer Picnic Area f ,I er r �...... _ I I I F 1 Trail 1 i rk SIWV la r IIt e , Scale Cros alk- \` ` sou 8� t on th' February 22, 2011 ft rail ,`.` '� side o \� Q Tar i g lot lighting Parking Lot' ° Lyman 0 80 160ft North 4 8 acres - DOMED\ RH AVII PU P PIA � 'OVA& it Sidewalk Park Sign Ij C&NIMSEN CITY OF Ci ® �� , Springfiel 'Drive ! February 15, 2011 Riley Ridge Park &Pioneer Pass Park Location Map Nor ,,, CITYOF cu��ss� Chanhassen, Minnesota __ , 1 E i . alignment with crosswalk ` Trail alignment = O • 6 with crosswalk - V . - -' ]Oft Trail Park Sign Bluff Creek Boulevard • ` R ;',� ; c< �. t, Bench, tyP '` . ±. �. and � cum _ ,. ,. r r r ' < f i , W Op r : { 1 n. { n , . - W r Parkin Lot F age, g � � ,: � � ;� `� 1 � f r - .. -� � ppp q f re � f Play Ar�a� �:.. 20 stall 60 ixr 80 7t 1 s r k j * Shelter & 1F _ , a� C Field ourt P arking lot = Ball Fie J icnac table Picnic Area € --° tyP• f lig hting 180 t 6 i r t ., Wooded Area 3 55x55 t ` f ' 1 . ! E e r Trail alignment with crosswalks Open Field fff Ty` 71 r 1 � y j ♦ W .. . ISOft x 300 ft r ' AfJf J Sledding Hill w. 8ft Trail - `r` p ' �r, : dr.: -� ,- � �� w . A � � �� 1 � P 7 J rt a' _' . � ' „'. - . •-.s h e ... - a a r/ � ( i is � 1 it E I a { y , E 5 c }' t • , a .+.tea -+ • aaa . • aai . a aaa a . ' a . . -. a� ♦ ♦ �w .. a a ■ s ■ ♦ . • a ♦ aaa w • aa• s . aaaa• a R . a a . • w. /tl.f.,E_a...4ER_alllll.. aw a . a a� . t + Residential connection to park Park Boundary (stair and accessible options) r 7 - ------ �3 71 8. 7 acres February 22, 2011 Pioneer Pass Park Plan Concen Scale crrY of C ® L a E arse Minnes CHOWSEN 0 80 16 Oft North 91 17