2008 07 18 SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING July 18, 2008 Vice Chairwoman Nevin called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT : Fred Prinz, Barbara Nevin, Virginia Prior, Pat McGough, Carol Buesgens. MEMBERS ABSENT: Curt Robinson, Charlie Robbins. STAFF PRESENT : Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Sue Bill. VISITORS: Katy Boone, Jillian Barth. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner McGough moved, Commissioner Prinz . seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JUNE 20, 2008: Commissioner Prinz moved, Commissioner McGough seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CARVER COUNTY HOUSING CONFERENCE AND CAREGIVER RESOURCES AND SUPPORT INITIATIVE: Katy Boone reported that the NATIONAL FAMILY CAREGIVER MONTH is November.In previous years, displays and packets have been generic. This year they will be Carver County specific. United Way sponsors the event. How can people find information more easily when they are in a givers position. The county is working with other housing organizations on this event. The County will also sponsor a Housing Conference. The event will take place on Friday, November 7, 2008, at the Arboretum. The panel will consist of individuals who are or will seek different types of housing based on their stage of life and if there is a universal design that can meet the different needs. SENIOR COMMISSION OPEN HOUSE/HEALTH DAY - SEPTEMBER 12, 2008: Jillian Barth, Health Educator, HEALTHY LIVING EDUCATION SERIES FOR SENIORS is a member of the CAP Agency and is the leader of the joint CAP/Senior Commission open house. The program received a grant from the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging to educate seniors on healthy living. LUNCH WITH THE SENIOR COMMISSION, SENIOR COMMISSION OPEN HOUSE/HEALTH DAY-SEPTEMBER 12, 2008: Commissioner Prior reported that Julian Barth is planning most of the Health Fair which will take place at the Chanhassen Senior Center on September 12, 2008. They will serve a free lunch to the first 60 people signed up for the program. The Senior Commission will great the attendees and introduce themselves in the morning. There will be allowed a short presentation on the programs available to seniors in Chanhassen between 9:00 and 9:15 a.m. Katy Boone will speak over the lunch hour and brief the attendees on the Counties current activities, goals and objectives. The commission requested ICE cards be made available. Al-Jaff will start a “To Do” list and make it available at the next commission meeting. TRANPORTATION: Katy Boone reported that Chanhassen is the only commission that is discussing transit in Carver County. The commission requested PROP be invited to the meetings that will discuss County-Wide transit, in addition to CART and SouthWest Transit. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Prinz moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Prior seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.