EC SUM 2011 02 09 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting February 9, 2011 Members Present: Dennis Hansen, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Rose Kircher, David Christianson, Robert Kircher Members Absent : Amy Wenner Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: January minutes were approved. Arbor Day planning: The commission discussed inviting Park and Recreation commissioners to the April meeting and holding a brainstorming session for the event. The commission talked about how to engage the community for the event. One idea was to invite the Chan HS KEEY Club to come and plant a tree rather than volunteer. Another idea was to have commissioners talk about the event with local groups they’re involved with. The commission talked about refreshments for the vent and suggestions included hot chocolate, donuts, juice, coffee and bacon. Other ideas were for games to be available prior to planting, possibly having a campfire, making a video of the event and posting it online after and having an EAB display during the event. More discussion will happen at the April meeting. General Discussion:  The commission discussed and then decided to keep the newspaper liaison selection on the annual work plan. A commissioner was not selected this year to fill that position. Rather commissioners will volunteer for the responsibility as needed.  The commission discussed the two terms that are ending (Beverly, JR) and the process for interviews at next month’s meeting.  A suggestion was made to create an agenda at the end of every meeting of what needs to be done and how to do it. It would summarize what was talked about and how it will be communicated with the public. th An invite to local 5 graders to participate in the Arbor Day poster contest will be posted on Facebook along with pictures of past winners. The Arbor Day event will also be advertised on the city’s facebook page.  The commission could use the same email program as WaterWise to create a list of seasonal topics to email participants on a regular basis. Residents would sign up through the city’s web page. The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 9 at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair