8. Chanhassen Rotary 2011 Distinguished Service Award Vote1VT MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission CITY OF CHMNSEN Kate Aanenson AICP, Community Development Director 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: April 5, 2011 PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: Chanhassen Rotary Club 2011 Distinguished Service Award Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Attached are the finalists for the Chanhassen Rotary Club 2011 Distinguished Fax: 952.227.1110 Service Award. Please review the candidates and email your vote to me at kanenson @ci.chanhassen.mn.us I will tally the votes and announce the Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Planning Commission's choice at the work session. Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 gAplan \planning commission\rotary dsa \2011 \vote memo.doc Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB 2011 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD BALLOTING INSTRUCTIONS Greetings: Again this year, the Chanhassen Rotary Club will award its Distinguished Service Award to one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self." It is through the selfless and dedicated work of citizens who demonstrate their passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Recognizing those in Chanhassen who serve others above and beyond the level usually expected of all good citizens will allow us to honor them, encourage others to follow their leadership, promote civic pride, and advance the ideals of our Chanhassen Rotary Club and Rotary International. We would like your organization to participate with other non - profit, religious and civic organizations in the selection of the 2011 Distinguished Service Award recipient. The award committee has selected these finalists from the various nominations received. Your organization's vote will be tallied with those of the other participating organizations, and the finalist that receives the most votes will receive this year's Distinguished Service Award. Enclosed with this letter please find the award criteria, summary service resumCs of the finalists, and a ballot. 1. Please submit your organization's choice on, and have an authorized officer sign the ballot. 2. Fax the completed ballot to (952) 238 -1317. Ballots must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 22, 2011 Late ballots will not be considered. 3. Only one ballot may be submitted on behalf of each organization. The recipient of the 2011 Award will be announced at the Chanhassen Rotary Club's Tulip Gala to be held on May 7, 2011. We welcome you to come to the dinner and dance, and encourage you to contact any Chanhassen Rotarian or go to the Chanhassan Rotary website at www.Chanhassanrotga.com if you would like ticket information. Sincerely, Chanhassen Rotary Club Distinguished Service Award Committee CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB 2011 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD CRITERIA 1. Candidates must reflect Rotary International's motto of the "Service Above Self' 2. Candidates must be residents of the City of Chanhassen. 3. The candidate's qualifying service may be performed locally, domestically and/or internationally. 4. Nominees may come from any occupation, including retired individuals and "homemakers." 5. The service activity or activities prompting nomination are beyond the normal scope of one's employment. 6. "Service Above Self' has been defined as: "any and all service above and beyond the usual level required of all good citizens, which is performed in a meritorious manner over a period of years, or would be considered extraordinary service or a heroic act performed in any one year or over a number of years." 7. The nominee's service includes their contributions to one or more organizations. 8. Re- nominations of previous award nominees and finalists are welcome to be considered for this year's award. CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB 2011 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD BALLOT ONE (1) Ballot should be submitted on behalf of each organization and must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 22, 2011 Please fax the completed ballot to (952) 238 - 1317. LATE BALLOTS WILL NOT BE COUNTED. Place an "X" in front of the name of the person your organization is voting for as the recipient of the award. Any ballot containing more than one "X" or an organization submitting more than one ballot will be excluded. Include the name of your organization in the space provided below, and have an authorized officer of your organization sign the ballot. If the organization name and signature are not included, your ballot will be excluded. Name of Organization Authorized Officer Signature 2011 DISTIGUISHED SERVICE AWARD FINALISTS Mark Undestad Nadia Jansen Erich Weidner Thank you for helping us to recognize and honor the volunteer efforts of these individuals whose "Service Above Self" truly makes Chanhassen a great place to live! Mark Undestad As a real estate developer, it could be said that Mark Undestad has been building Chanhassen for a long time. Professionally, he has worked to assist businesses in locating and expanding within Chanhassen, building the city's business base. He is a current member of the Chanhassen Planning Commission and has also served as a Cub Scout Pack leader. Additionally, Mark has been a willing volunteer with the Schools of Eastern Carver County and a frequent contributor at events with Chanhassen High School. Mark's service to many local nonprofit organizations has mostly been a behind - the - scenes sharing of his talents and organizational skills. While he has served on the Board for the Miracles of Mitch Foundation, his work with the organization has often gone well beyond board oversight. For example, Mark once flew a cancer patient in his own plane for a weekend get- away in the Twin Cities when the Foundation could provide the activities but not the necessary transportation for the weekend. Additionally, Mark was a significant driver in the Chanhassen Veterans Monument project. As chair of the construction committee, he worked on every detail of the design and development of the project. Alongside his organizational activities, he was a significant financial contributor and worked hands -on on the construction of the monument. In many ways, Mark was the catalyst that made the dream of a local monument a reality in Chanhassen. In serving the community, Mark has never sought recognition for his efforts. He has served quietly but has also encouraged others to follow his lead. Professionally, as a responsible citizen and civic leader, and as a volunteer, Mark's contributions have been instrumental in serving the community. Nadia Janson Nadia Janson re- defined the role of "stay -at- home - Mom." A Chanhassen resident for 17 years, Nadia began volunteering when her children were young in an effort to gain some adult interaction. While counting herself "lucky" to stay at home with her two daughters, her volunteer efforts have done anything but allow her to stay at home. Following an example given to her by her own mother, Nadia first became involved with her daughters' early childhood education activities and then became very involved in the PTO, serving as president and parent involvement coordinator at both the elementary and middle school levels. Nadia then went on to serve as Secretary of the Chanhassen High School Booster Club and volunteered on two referendum committees as well as the school boundary committee. She has chaired the school's book fair for 10 years and has been co -chair of the Senior Party Planning Committee. As her children grew, her service to the community also grew. Nadia has served on the District 112 Foundation Board, the Chanhassen Athletic Association soccer board, and as secretary of the Chanhassen Red Birds Baseball team. Other community involvement activities include coordinating the annual fundraiser for the League of Women Voters of Eastern Carver County as well as serving on the board of the Friends of the Chanhassen Library. Nadia is a sought -after volunteer but not a volunteer seeking recognition. Her efforts have gained her a reputation as someone an organization can depend on to organize, lead and become fully engaged in the tasks necessary to complete the work. It has been said that "Nadia gets to work, gets involved, and gets it done." Erich Weidner Erich Weidner served his country as a young man and has continued serving ever since. A First Lieutenant during the Vietnam War, he received a Purple Heart as well as other commendations. As a retiree, he continues to be active serving his community by volunteering in a number of different ways. As a long -time Chanhassen resident, Erich has been an active member of the community. While a member of the Lions Club, he chaired events such as cooking pancakes on behalf of the Chanhassen Fireman's Fund and working at the Lions' food stand at the February Festival fishing contest. As an active member at Saint Hubert's Catholic Community, he has chaired the food stand at the annual Harvest Festival and participated in a number of other volunteer activities. Erich continues to be active with the Chanhassen American Legion Post 580. In addition to having held elected offices, he has served on the Executive and Housing boards and has served as a color guard. Fulfilling a need to help Chanhassen area seniors with transportation, Erich also volunteers for the Carver /Scott Transit. He provides, free of charge, rides for seniors and others who do not have transportation to medical appointments, business appointments and even shopping. Erich also volunteers as a driver for Meals on Wheels. Seeing an opportunity to keep people connected with one another is the reason Erich has continued to stay involved and help others stay involved. Veterans, seniors and others without a local family network have and continue to benefit from his many volunteer efforts.