5a. Potential City Code Amendments-Various0
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TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Sharmeen Al -Jaff, Senior Planner
Robert Generous, Senior Planner
DATE: April 5, 2011
SUBJ: Potential Code Amendments
The Planning Commission has review responsibility for Chapters 18 and 20 of the
Chanhassen City Code. Staff has discovered some issues in the code that should
be addressed. We are requesting that the Planning Commission review these
portions of the code to determine if ordinance changes should be prepared. A
public hearing is required to make changes in these chapters.
Background: Hard surface coverage Subdivision, Private Street: Sec. 18 -57. -
Streets. The City Code permits areas that are low density- residential and served
by a private street to exclude the hard surface coverage and area of the private
street from the overall lot area calculations; however, any property that is medium
or high- density residential or office, industrial, or commercial is required to
calculate both the area and the impervious surface of the street against the
property it serves.
Issue: This requirement is onus in that the hard surface coverage requirement is
not applied equally. Whether a development utilizes a public or a private street,
they must provide drainage calculations and demonstrate that the runoff is
adequately accommodated.
The criteria that list the maintenance requirements for all uses within any zoning
district are identical. The hard surface coverage requirements should be
consistent throughout the districts as well.
Also, this section of the City Code uses terms that reference zoning districts as
well as land uses.
Recommendation: Staff is recommending the City Code be amended as shown
below to reflect consistency between districts and land uses as follows:
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Planning Commission
Potential Code Amendments
April 5, 2011
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Planning Commission
Potential Code Amendments
April 5, 2011
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Proposed changes are shown below:
Minor arterial
Local street (rural residential)
Lo street (urban residential)
Local street (commercial /industrial)
Cul -de -sac, turnaround radius (urban /residential)
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Cul -de -sac, turnaround radius (rural residential) i
Cul -de -sac, turnaround radius
(commercial /industrial)
Private Streets s pay residential
deY�pmerit ��Ih d >si IY
o less than 4 units per acre} E
Private Street serving residential' ° '' h '
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ddrieffi ch�ii equal to or
greater than 4 units per acre °a a .
Pnvate Street s�er� >an 4
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Background: Hard surface coverage, Planned Unit Development. The City Code provides hard
surface standards for properties zoned Planned Unit Development. The uses covered under the
Planned Unit Development include low, medium and high- density residential, office,
commercial (neighborhood, community and regional), and industrial. The City Code fails to
address areas containing mixed -use developments.
Issue: The comprehensive plan mandates that all properties guided mixed use be developed as a
Planned Unit Development. These properties may include uses that are high- density residential
and/or neighborhood commercial. If a multi -story building had retail on the first floor and
residential units on the upper floors, there is no hard surface standard set in the City Code to
address such a situation.
Recommendation: Staff is recommending Section 20 -505 (e) of the City Code be amended as
shown below to reflect a hard surface coverage standard of 70% for properties guided mixed use
as identified in the comprehensive plan. The City Code amendment shall read as follows:
Planning Commission
Potential Code Amendments
April 5, 2011
Page 4
Section 20 -505 (e)
Hard surface coverage shall be limited as follows:
Comprehensive Plan Designation
Low or medium density residential
High density residential
Commercial (neighborhood or community)
Commercial (regional)
Mixed. Use
Background: Wetlands. On August 10, 2009, the City Council approved amending the City
Code by moving a section of Chapter 6 which addresses structures, to Chapter 20. Structures
such as docks or any other accessory use is addressed in Chapter 20, Zoning. The zoning
ordinance contains standards for uses as well as the process for relief from these standards
(variance criteria).
Issue: Staff discovered that Article VI. Wetland Protection, Sec. 20- 407(3) still references
Chapter 6.
Recommendation: Staff is recommending the City Code be amended as shown below to
reference Sec. 20 -920 Structures, Boats and Waterways.
Sec. 20 -407. - Permit required.
No person shall drain, excavate in the permanent or semi- permanent flooded areas of open water
wetlands, or fill a wetland, wholly or partially, or otherwise impact wetlands without first having
a wetland replacement plan or other determination approved by the city. Draining, grading,
excavating, filling, removing healthy native vegetation, or otherwise altering or destroying a
wetland of any size or type not subject to an exemption under section 20 -417 of this article
requires a wetland alteration permit. Activity in a wetland requiring a wetland alteration permit
includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Construction of new streets and utilities.
(2) Creation of ponds or dams and alterations of the natural drainageways of water courses.
This shall only be allowed as part of a mitigation project, or to restore or improve the
function and value of the wetland.
(3) Installation of boardwalks and docks. Docks shall meet the additional requirements in
ehap 6, ai4iele 11 Section 20 -920 Structures, Boats and Waterways of this Code.
(4) Discharge of untreated stormwater runoff into wetlands.
Planning Commission
Potential Code Amendments
April 5, 2011
Page 5
(5) Changes in wetland hydrology that result in an increase in the ordinary high water level
of a wetland by more than 12 inches.
Background: Towers and Antennas, Building Permits. The current language in the City Code
addressing towers and antennas references the Uniform Building Code. The City has adopted
the International Building Code. Staff is recommending the language be amended to reference
the Building Code in effect.
Issue: The City Code references a previous Building Code. Rather than cite a specific code, we
propose that it be more generic.
Recommendation: Staff is recommending the City Code be amended as shown below
Sec. 20 -1502. - Building permits.
(b) The applicant shall provide, at the time of application for a building permit, sufficient
information to indicate that construction, installation and maintenance of the antenna and
tower will be in compliance with applicable�Building Code requirements.
Staff is requesting direction from the Planning Commission on whether or not we should proceed
with these City Code amendments.
gAplan \city code\2011\pc issue memo 4 -5 -1 l .doe