PC Minutes 04-19-2011Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 4. Impact to Wetland 22 shall be avoided through use of boardwalk or other approved avoidance method. If the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Technical Evaluation Panel that impact to Wetland 22 (436 square feet) cannot be avoided, then the additional square feet may be impacted as shown in Figure 4C in the Joint Notification Application prepared by SRF dated January 31, 2011. 5. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, e.g. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources and Army Corps of Engineers and comply with their conditions of approval. 6. The applicant must submit a Bill of Sale for Wetland Banking Credits to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources signed by both the buyer and seller of designated wetland credits. 7. The applicant must obtain, and the City must have received copy of, an Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits from the Minnesota Wetland Bank signed and approved by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources prior to any wetland impacts. 8. A signed Landowner Statement and Contractor Responsibility form shall be provided to the City prior to commencement of activity. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Aanenson: Thank you. Mr. Chair just want to remind you that this does go to the City Council th on the 25. Aller: Yes, so those individuals who wish to follow this should, because it’s fast tracked, it’ll be th next Monday the 25. Before the City Council in these chambers. PUBLIC HEARING: CHANHASSEN BP: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN PERMIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REDEVELOP THE EXISTING CHANHASSEN BP CONVENIENCE STORE, CAR WASH AND GAS PUMP/CANOPY ON PROPERTY ZONED HIGHWAY AND BUSINESS SERVICES (BH) AND LOCATED AT 7905 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: KHALED ALOUL, PLANNING CASE 2011-04. Aller: Before we get going on that I just wanted to state the following. That conflicts of interest questions are part of a larger due process scenario with the Planning Commission and every party before us is entitled to a fair hearing and decision free from any bias or favor and having a conflict of interest can threaten that impartiality. Therefore it’s critical that we disclose conflicts. That they be identified and dealt with in an appropriate manner. Commissioner Ellsworth has indicated that his neighbor’s the applicant in the next matter before the Planning Commission. They are neighbors and had social dealings together. 14 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 Ellsworth: Mr. Chair, the adjoining property owner is the neighbor and friend. Aller: Okay, the adjoining property owners is a neighbor and friend. Ellsworth: Similar business and similar car wash. Aller: So basically they’re friends and in fact I don’t believe there exists an actual conflict here and even prior business dealings don’t necessarily cause a conflict to arise. You have to look at the individual and independent facts. More troublesome however is that someone might attempt to undermine the recommendations by claiming there was such a conflict and in an effort to free the hearing of any appearance of a conflict or impropriety Commissioner Ellsworth is recusing himself and will not take part in the discussion or the voting and we thank him for his candor and service. Continued service. So with that he will be excused. Ellsworth: Thank you. Aller: Okay moving on to the BP motion. Kairies: Good evening Chairman Aller, members of the Planning Commission. The item before you tonight is for the BP gas station located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard. It’s zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH). This is planning case 11-04. If I could just explain really quickly. There is currently the BP gas station located there at this time and this is a redevelopment of the site. The neighboring uses surrounding the property are also within the BH district on the north side of Highway 5 which include other auto related services such as Master Collision, Brown’s Auto and Tire, Valvoline, an independent car wash. There are also some retail operations, a veterinary clinic, the Holiday gas station which is located just to the west of this site and then south of Highway 5 is Neighborhood Business and those are offices and the American Legion. The request before you tonight is for a conditional use permit to permit gas pumps as part of the convenience store as well to permit multiple buildings on a single lot. And it’s multiple principle buildings and uses. The applicant is also requesting site plan approval for 3,915 square foot retail building, a 1,503 square foot double car wash and a 32 foot by 74 foot 8 inch canopy over the 6 gas pumps. The existing conditions were approved in 1988 and they were for a just over 1,000 square foot convenience store which is located under a gas canopy that was 30 feet by 101 feet, 6 gas pumps, 2 of which are located outside of the gas canopy and a single car wash bay. In 2001 the Holiday gas station was redeveloped and as part of that application the Holiday requested a variance, which was approved to allow 213 feet of separation between the 2 closest gas pumps between the two sites. City Code requires 250 feet. The gas pump, the 2 closest gas will not be relocating so that distance will remain the same as part of this application. To focus on the conditional use. In 1990 the City Code adopted an ordinance that required a conditional use permit for convenience stores with gas pumps so when the original site plan went through there was not a conditional use permit required as part of a site plan. We need to make sure that we, make sure all requirements are being abided by. A car wash in the BH district is a permitted use by itself and the convenience store is also a permitted use by itself, therefore they’re each principle structures, principle uses, so that’s why we’re, why the applicant’s requesting 2 principle structures on a single lot. Again the applicant is requesting to redevelop the current site and in doing so this is just a look at the current conditions on the top 15 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 and the proposed conditions on the bottom. What they’re requesting is to remove the existing convenience store, relocate the 2 pumps that are outside of the gas canopy. They’re going to reduce the size of the canopy. Build the new convenience store over on the east side of the property. Add a second car wash bay. The first car wash bay will be staying in the same location and then they’ll also be adding mechanical and storage room which is located in an easement and will require an encroachment agreement through the city’s engineering department. The main access into the site is gained off of Great Plains Boulevard and the main drive aisle will be between the car wash and the canopy. Currently as the application was submitted it did not meet the 26 foot minimum requirement drive aisle. Staff is recommending that the applicant increase that width to 26 feet. There’s also a non-conforming drive aisle on the south side of the canopy of 14 feet. The applicant will be maintaining that and City Code does state that a non-conforming use can remain. Can be replaced and can remain. The applicant is also proposing to add a trail connection or sidewalk connection from the trail that’s currently located along Highway 5. And that will act as a patio which is located on the south side of the new convenience store. As part of the stacking for the car wash the drive aisle and trash enclosure accessibility will be around the convenience store. Currently there’s no two way access and staff’s been, the city’s engineering department has made the applicant aware of this situation and they will address it how they see fit. Here’s just a perspective of how the new site will look over the current conditions. As you can see where the trees are now will be the new drive aisle. There’s also a retention pond proposed. The elevations between the proposed building and the buildings to the north is about a 10 foot rise so the Valvoline is 10 feet taller than the proposed building. For the height, roof design and articulation of the building there is a step back on the south side of the building which is 6 feet from the southwest corner so it goes back 6 feet and then it goes back another 11 feet. And then the rooftop equipment will be completely screened. The materials for the building consist of brick, block and EFIS materials. The store fronts or the main elevations will be the west elevation and the south elevation which contain patron entrances and those will contain store front windows bordered with aluminum frames, muted tan limestone and wine colored cultured stone columns and above that will be an accent fabric awning and just above that is a medium tan EFIS accent band. The parapet and cornice are a light beige and a darker tan EFIS top with a pre-finished metal tan cap. And then on the east and north elevations, which are less visible, contain the cultured stone columns and then continue the EFIS bands around the rest of the building. The building signage on the convenience store consists of the BP logo and then also advertising some of their products. And those will only be on the south and west elevations. The façade transparency on the south and west elevations meet the minimum requirements which are 50% transparency. And then the elevation on the north will be, I’ll show you that one. On the north is cut into the wall and will be heavily landscaped so façade transparency can be reduced on that side. But if we look at the east elevation and you see the trees on the photo in the upper right, those trees will be removed. There is additional landscaping proposed. However they’re mostly overstory trees and so staff is recommending that the transparency on the east elevation be increased to at least include the sections A and B shown on the photograph. The car wash and canopy will also be constructed of similar materials. The only signage on the car wash will be for the entrance and exit doors. The signage, or the columns on the car wash will also be constructed of the cultured stone and to touch more on the signage, originally it was believed that the logo was a part, was a non- conforming logo. Signage is not permitted on canopies. Therefore as a non-conforming item it could be continued. However reading back into the 1988 staff report one of the conditions stated 16 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 that there may be no signage on the canopy. Therefore staff is recommending that that is consistent. That there will not be any signage permitted on the canopy. No additional lighting. Just a single, one dimensional stripe. They will also be utilizing the existing monument sign which is located on the corner of Highway 5 and Great Plains Boulevard. And then the site will consist of pole lighting as well as lighting attached to the building. The loading areas will be again on the stacking drive aisle that’s around the side of the building, towards the back. The trash enclosure will be constructed of similar materials to the building and the car wash. Circulation drive aisle again is around the building and there’s an access door or service door located on the east side. And they will also be screened with landscaping. Parking for the site, there were 20 stalls required by ordinance. The applicant is proposing 23 parking stalls which consist of 5 stalls along the south and west property lines, 6 stalls in front of the convenience store and it will also include 12 spaces at the gas pumps. And then again the car wash stacking will be around the building. Landscaping for the site meets minimum requirements. However in one area along Great Plains Boulevard they are short I believe 2 understory trees and therefore staff’s recommending that they increase that to meet the minimum requirement but overall they’ve met or exceeded the landscape requirements. Staff is recommending approval of the application as specified on pages 18 and 21 of the staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact and recommendation and at this time I’d be happy to take any questions. Aller: Let’s start to the left. Commissioner Doll. Doll: How does the encroachment agreement work for the mechanics? I mean is that easy to get? Isn’t that a structure that’s going to be. Kairies: Correct. It’s a structure that would be located, I’ll pull it up for you. Actually I can zoom in on this one. It’s a structure that’s located within that area and provided that it does not interfere with any utilities. It’s up to the engineering department to approve that and if Alyson would like to talk further. Fauske: Just to bring the Planning Commission up to date. On the north side of the property there’s an existing sanitary sewer line and that’s what the easement, the encroachment would be into. At this, what the encroachment agreement does, it’s recorded against the property so that the current owner and any subsequent owner would be aware of the encroachment and it basically absolves the City of any responsibility for replacement or damage to equipment that’s within the easement but allows them to put items within the easement. Doll: So there’s no setback issue with that. It’s just an encroaching into the utility easement? Fauske: Correct. Correct. Doll: Okay. And I missed the 28 foot road, or drive. I was kind of curious as to, I was looking for the cursor and I was confused. Kairies: Between the car wash and the canopy there must be a 26 foot drive aisle and can not include anything underneath the canopy so. 17 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 Doll: And it’s currently a 14? Kairies: The one on the south is currently 14 feet and that will be maintained. Doll: Okay. Kairies: But it’s the drive aisle on the north side of the canopy that must be 26. Doll: Okay. And have you heard anything, is Valvoline unhappy? Is it going to block their signage or does that hurt them in any manner? Kairies: We did hear that they did have some concerns about their visibility, and I’m not sure if they’re here today to touch on that. Staff did take a look at that and you will be able to see portions of it. However we also looked at current conditions and the visibility. Aanenson: Yeah I would also add, they came in and put a new sign up. They had a non- conforming sign for height. Right now our sign ordinance says only if you have frontage can you have a pylon sign because it was in place and they were actually reducing the non- conformity so they do have a new sign which you’ll still be able to see. We did spend some time, Angie went back and forth, going up and down Highway 5 and different perspectives which we have here. They do not have highway 5 frontage. You will be able to still see some of the top, which Angie can show you here. They do have a pylon sign which in today’s ordinance they wouldn’t be able too have so I think that helps increase the visibility. But while we’re on that subject, talking about this, there was also concern about the car wash behind. The existing car wash that Mr. Brown has and he did meet with Angie also. Same sort of an issue. Visibility. Doesn’t have the frontage but this, the configuration of this shouldn’t change as much because the convenience store is moving to the back side. Additional landscaping would provide some buffer. Maybe some visibility issues but Angie took some pictures I think might be helpful just to kind of. Kairies: I went up and down Highway 5 just to try and get a good feel for what impact this would have so the following pictures are going to be as we’re looking east, or I’m sorry, westbound on Highway 5. So as you’re coming from 101 the visibility towards Valvoline or the car wash is very minimal. Whoops, sorry. Wrong direction. Again as you come closer, the trees right in front of you. Those will be the trees that are removed and then in the very corner you can see the Valvoline. And then it’s not until you are right next to it looking out your window that you can see the Valvoline and the convenience store will be, this will be the drive aisle and then the convenience store will be right about in this location here. And again there’s a 10 foot elevation change between the two sites. As you’re traveling eastbound on Highway 5, the visibility for the property behind the BP gas station, you can see them now but once the trees, once the leaves appear you won’t be able to see much of them. As you continue to go further, right about in this location will be the convenience store. And then as we were talking, as Kate mentioned, the car wash had some concerns. There will be overstory trees that are proposed to be planted in this area which do comply with the City’s landscape requirements. But again the car washes are different in the fact that the car washes for the BP site are automatic car washes. You pull in. You go around. You drive out whereas the car wash on the north side is a self 18 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 service car wash so it’s more of a destination. You intend to go there so people will know that it’s there. The perspective as you’re traveling north on Great Plains is again very similar. Just to give you an idea the store should be right about in this area here. And the car wash. This is a th view from the Holiday gas station from West 79 Street. More of a broad view. So again you currently. Aanenson: Which I think would probably be about the same perspective you get with the new building. You’re just going to see that snapshot. There’s a small window when you’re driving down there in one direction that you’re going to see it. Kairies: And the new convenience store will be over on this direction. Hokkanen: Can I ask a question? About the trees. So these, in this view those 3 larger evergreens, that’s where the convenience store is going to be? Kairies: That’s where the road will be. Hokkanen: The road will be. Kairies: That service road that goes around the back. Hokkanen: So there won’t, the buffering of the trees behind the convenience store, you’ll have better visibility coming westbound. Can you go to the westbound picture for a second? Kairies: Sure. And I can also show you the landscape plan as well. So there’s that one and those are the trees that will be removed. Doll: I had one more question regarding the visibility of glass work…fancy term is. Kairies: Fenestration? Doll: Yes. New word for me. On the east side, is that code or is that just something the City would like to see? Kairies: The code requires, City Code requires 50% fenestration on elevations that are viewed by the public. There’s also a stipulation in there that allows the fenestration to be reduced based on the function of that. In this area will be some of the storage and the restroom facilities. Doll: That’s kind of what I was thinking that. Kairies: But it can be achieved through span row glass so it has the appearance of windows but you can’t see into them and it will really bring out that elevation of the building because it will be visible. Thomas: Angie can you go back to the west photo for just a second? Keep going. Yeah. Keep going. 19 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 Kairies: That’s about it. Thomas: Oh go the other way then. Other direction, yes. Kairies: You want to go east? Thomas: Yes please. Sorry. Kairies: That’s alright. Tell me when. Thomas: Okay. That’s good. I just kind of wanted to see it. I just out of curiousity, maybe because I can’t remember. Holiday’s canopy is, it doesn’t have a logo on it either, right? It’s just red and white. Kairies: It’s white with a blue and a red stripe. Thomas: Right, so it’s just their logo so we’re going to kind of do the same thing for BP’s, right? Kairies: Right. Thomas: Their logo is white and green, right? Okay. Do we know what kind of lights they’re going to use? Do they move to the sodium or are they doing LED’s? Do you know? Kairies: I can find out. Thomas: I saw them both that was in there is like it’s an option but I was just kind of personally curious as to what they were going to use on the site. Kairies: Okay we can ask the applicant when he comes up to give you specific information on that. Thomas: Okay. Then one more thing. I know, could you go to the site plan where it’s the overlay of the new plan over the, I’ll just say currently looks like. Okay. So currently, because you know we’ve got the drive to go into the car wash but not a ton of people use it, I mean unless it’s very busy. People don’t want to drive in a circle to get into the car wash and they just go cutting in. Is that possible? I mean it looks fairly tight and that looks like those are the you know, the things you use to punch in your code and get in, it’s probably a concrete post and what not. Is there any possibility, I mean I don’t want to point on my screen but that little space inbetween, where the, yeah. Right in there. Is there anyway that people can make that turn, do you know? Because I just feel like people will do that. You know what I mean? If possible. Like you currently watch it, if you buy gas there, people love not going you know they just, you know so. What you think Alyson? 20 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 Fauske: It would be a tight turn to go in there. The intent is to have the car wash traffic go around the building and we certainly looked at the turning template to make sure, and they adjusted their site plan to accommodate those turning movements so I agree. I think that would be an awkward turning movement. I don’t anticipate, particularly with the size of vehicles that a lot of people drive these days, that they would be able to make that turn and it would be a one time attempt and then you’d learn your lesson. Thomas: …vehicle all on the pylon there, yeah. I would assume too but I just you know, knowing what you see people. Fauske: People want to take the short cut in front. Thomas: Yeah. People don’t want to have to go all the way around the building you know and it’s like as silly as that is, I just kind of not to make it, well anybody can you know, I just feel like I saw it and it was like oh that will be tight. You know someone’s going to scrap the vehicle. Okay, that’s all my questions at the moment. Aller: Commissioner Tennyson. Tennyson: Just one question on the signage again. Because it sounds like there’s a provision. He could have talked about it. You’re recommending that it be one dimensional and it’s showing a logo, something kind of three dimensional now. Kairies: Right. This is what they proposed and so it’d had the three dimensional. It was a neon band and then the logo. Tennyson: And the logo in the middle is. Kairies: Right, and the logo, neither of these are permitted and that’s a condition of approval that the canopy cannot have signage. Tennyson: Alright, thank you. Aller: Okay. With that we’ll open the public hearing. Or the applicant. Is the applicant here? Russ Rosa: Good evening commission members. My name’s Russ Rosa. I’m the architect working for the applicant. He could not be here this evening. We’ve, I’ve discussed the staff report with the applicant and I believe that he’s prepared to make the adjustments as recommended in the report. Just a comment on the canopy. The intention was that that was, the stripe and the logo were going to remain on there as they are today so that portion of the canopy wasn’t going to be rebuilt but I’m not, I don’t think that the applicant really like the look much either. It’s a BP symbol and he did state that he wasn’t sure if his franchise with BP would require that to be on there or not though. I think she’s prepared to remove it if you know, if he can so. Aller: Great. Any questions? The lights? Type of lights? 21 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 Thomas: Thank you. Russ Rosa: The site lighting is intended to be a metal halide type light. Not a high pressure sodium so it’s more of the white light. Thomas: Okay. That’s just what I wanted to know. Aller: Great. Any other questions? Undestad: That drive aisle width, is that going to be an issue with your canopy and that in there? Are you going to slide things around? Russ Rosa: Well currently on the south side, that’s the existing condition so that’s been not problematic you know since it’s been there. On the north side, you know I think we’re a foot short of what the City ordinance says so you know we’ll shorten that. We’ll lengthen that so we’ve got the 26 feet. That won’t be a problem. Aanenson: I was just going to comment too. Again the difference is that now you’re having people going into the convenience store and backing so you have two way traffic which you probably didn’t have as much of before so. Aller: And then there was some question as to the handicap parking and the location of that. Russ Rosa: Yes. Yes, in the report and they’re right. The State Building Code requires a handicap parking stall be located as reasonably close to the front entrance as possible. We thought you know it worked well there but we can certainly move it up to the other end. Aller: Okay. Thank you. Anything further? Alright. Well thank you. Russ Rosa: Thank you. Aller: And with that we’ll open the public hearing. Anyone like to come forward and testify and/or comment? Seeing no one coming forward we’ll close the public hearing. Comments. Hokkanen: Nothing. Undestad: Looks good. Yeah, I like it. Doll: Nice looking building. Thomas: Yeah I’m definitely excited to have this building. You know the BP store be upgraded and it’s so much a, you know it’s going to make such a big difference on that corner block that it’s going to just really, really kind of fit you know the path of Chanhassen. You know just really attractive. Very pretty looking and I think you’re going to get a lot of people visiting the 22 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 c-store. I mean convenience store you know and just, and really enjoying you know. Enjoying what it has to offer so I’m excited for it. Tennyson: I think it’s very nice. Well put together. Aller: Just a comment that I noticed that you actually use the drive to use the car wash you’re going to get that much more exposure to businesses up on the back so I believe that will resolve some of the concern there so that would be a nice thing for them to do is look up and say oh maybe I should do my oil. Great. Okay, I’d entertain any motions. Thomas: Alright, I’ll make a motion. Aller: Okay. Thomas: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for convenience store with gas pumps, to permit multiple buildings on a single lot, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated and received 3/21/2011 for property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH) located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to conditions 1 through 6. Also the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Site Plan for a 3,915 square foot, one-story convenience store, a 1,503 square foot double car wash and a 32 foot by 74 foot 8 inch glass canopy. Plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated and received 3/21/2011. For property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH) located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to conditions 1 through 4. And an adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Aller: We have a big motion. Anybody have a second? Doll: Second. Aller: Seconded by Commissioner Doll. Thomas moved, Doll seconded that theChanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for a convenience store with gas pumps and to permit multiple buildings on a single lot, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated received 3/21/2011, for property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH), located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1.No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on premises. 2.No repair, assembly, disassembly of vehicles. 3.No outside speaker system shall be allowed without approval from the City Council. 4.No sales, storage or display of used automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain vehicles shall be permitted. 23 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 5.Facilities for the collection of waste oil must be provided. 6.A minimum separation of 213 feet is required between the nearest gas pumps on the subject site and Holiday Station located across Great Plains Boulevard. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. Thomas moved, Doll seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Site Plan for a 3,915 square-foot, one-story convenience store, 1,503 square-foot double car wash, and a 32-foot by 74-foot 8-inch gas canopy, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated received 3/21/2011, for property located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1.Building Official a.The proposed structures (if area exceeds 2000 square feet) are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems (MN Rule 1306). b.All plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Geotechnical (soil evaluation) report required. c.The canopy over the pumps must be constructed of non-combustible materials or materials equivalent to one-hour fire-resistive construction. d.Detailed building code related requirements have not been reviewed; this will take place when complete structural/architectural plans are submitted. e.The proposed accessible parking space must be relocated to be “on the shortest accessible route of travel” (MSBC 1341.1106.6) to an accessible building entrance (suggested alternative would be parking space 10 or 11 with adjacent 8-foot access aisle). f.A separate demolition permit will be required if demolition is intended prior to building permit issuance. g.The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 2.Forester a.Applicant shall increase bufferyard plantings to meet minimum requirements for the west property line. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the City prior to building permit issuance. 3.Engineering and Water Resources 24 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 a.The main drive aisle to the convenience store must be revised so that it is minimum 26 feet wide. The area under the canopy cannot be included in the drive aisle width. b.The developer must obtain a MnDOT permit for the sidewalk connection to the Highway 5 trail on the south side of the site. c.The developer must ensure that the sidewalk connection does not create a localized low point on the west side of the sidewalk connection. d.The grading near the northeast corner of the proposed building must be revised so that it is minimum 3:1. e.If a retaining wall is installed near the northeast corner of the building, the owner must obtain an encroachment agreement since the wall would be located within the sanitary sewer easement. f.Any encroachment into a drainage and utility easement must be approved by the Engineering Department and an encroachment agreement must be obtained. g.The sanitary sewer line must be televised before and after construction to ensure that the grading equipment does not damage the sanitary sewer. h.The new water service must be wet tapped. i.Contact Kevin Crooks at 952-227-1311 a minimum of three working days before the water service and sewer service connection. j.A $7,600 cash escrow must be submitted to ensure that the street is properly patched after the water service connection is made. This escrow will be released if the street patch is in good condition after one freeze-thaw cycle has passed. k.A $500 cash escrow must be submitted to ensure that proper erosion and sediment control is employed. This escrow will be released once final stabilization is achieved per MPCA rules. l.The 6-inch private watermain north of the building must be minimum of 10 feet from the existing 10-inch trunk sanitary sewer. m.City standard detail plate 5300 shall be used on C3. n.Indicate on plan set how filtration area is to be protected from sedimentation and compaction due to heavy equipment traffic. o.Sheet C1 shows the minimum anticipated sediment and erosion control measures. These will need to change if they prove inadequate or if site and/or climatic 25 Chanhassen Planning Commission - April 19, 2011 conditions change. This needs to be indicated on sheet C1 or otherwise communicated with the selected contractor. p.All disturbed soils must be stabilized with 14 days after cessation of grading activities. q.An operations and maintenance manual shall be completed and provided to the city for the infiltration feature. 4.General a.One additional fire hydrant is required to be located northwest of the building between the car wash service road and the proposed building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal Mark Littfin at 952-227-1151 for the exact location. b.All sidewalk connections shall comply with ADA requirements. c.The fenestration on the east elevation shall be increased to meet city code requirements. d.The canopy may contain a one-dimensional stripe only; no other signage or exterior lighting may be on the canopy. e.The lighting within the canopy shall be recessed; no external lighting on the canopy is permitted. f.All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hokkanen noted the summary minutes of the Planning Commission work session dated April 5, 2011 as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE. Aanenson: Just for the City Council update would be I did give you a copy of the, kind of the talking points for our joint meeting. 6:30. I hope it says that on there. Next Monday night and we haven’t had many items going forward yet so we have some items going forward now to the rd City Council. And we will have a meeting on May 3, which is our normal meeting. We’ll be doing some code amendments. And at this time I do not have anything scheduled for the second meeting in May so we’ll see how that, the deadline for that application, for those applications would have been last week so as of now we do not have anything on for that agenda. We are reviewing or working on a couple different projects but none of them have actually submitted yet so. Just seeing a few here yet first part of the summer. Aller: Great, thank you. Anything further from anyone? Do I have a motion to adjourn? 26