CC Minutes 04-25-2011Chanhassen City Council - April 25, 2011 commission, he was a volunteer driver for Smart Link Transportation. A volunteer Defensive Driver Instructor. Member of our Lions Club that sponsors our annual Senior Picnic out at Lake Ann, which is a very well attended event. Volunteer for Meals on Wheels driver as well. Fred was first appointed to the Senior Commission in 2008 and has been a valued member of the commission as well. His accomplishments include a volunteer Meals on Wheels driver. He has contacted a number of Chanhassen businesses and advocated for senior citizen parking stalls, of which we get a few each and every year so the numbers are growing. Fred has volunteered for numerous city functions including Arbor Day, Halloween Party, and serving as an election judge for many years. So Charlie and Fred, on behalf of the City Council and all members of the City of Chanhassen, thank you for your service on the Senior Commission. Charlie Robbins: Thank you. Fred Prinz: Mayor, thank you. Mayor Furlong: Let me invite up Beverly Foster and Bob, were you going to come for Rose? Rose Kircher couldn’t be here tonight but…Rose Kircher and Beverly Foster have both been members of, are outgoing members right now of our Environmental Commission. In 2007 Rose was appointed to the commission and Beverly followed a year later. All have brought creativity, passion and commitment to the commission while they served. Contributed in a number of different ways. Recognizing the environmental stewardship in our city with the Environmental Excellence Award program that we award each and every year. Promoting the Arbor Day poster th contest, which we saw earlier this evening with 5 graders in our city. Revitalizing our Arbor Day celebration in honor of the spirit of the day with tree planting which began last year and will th be continuing on May 7. And then donating their time and talents with public education at the rdth July 3 and July 4 events. And Beverly you also served as an officer of the commission. Vice Chair, yeah for a few years so Beverly and for Rose, if you can extend our appreciation to her. Thank you for your commitment and service on the commission. Sincerely appreciate it. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Laufenburger seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated April 11, 2011 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated April 11, 2011 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Work Session Minutes dated April 5, 2011 Resolution#2011-23: b. Approve Resolution Proclaiming May 7, 2011 as Arbor Day. c. TH 41 Trail and Underpass Project: Approval of a Wetland Alteration Permit in conjunction with the construction of a paved 10-foot, off-road, multi-use trail within TH 41 right-of-way from Longacres Drive to TH 7 and within the portions of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Applicant: Carver County Parks. 3 Chanhassen City Council - April 25, 2011 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Furlong: Tonight we have Lieutenant Jeff Enevold with us from the Carver County Sheriff’s Department. Lieutenant, welcome. This is your first report in your new position so, and you get to move the podium. Lt. Jeff Enevold: Mr. Mayor, council, good evening. Mayor Furlong: Good evening. Lt. Jeff Enevold: Three quick items for you, if I could. First thing I’d like to do is introduce or re-introduce myself to some of you folks that know me so I’ve been working as a deputy sheriff since January 1, 1990. I got my first job. I came to Carver County in 1993. I worked several years in the city of Chanhassen as a deputy. Most of that was on the night watch but I’m familiar with the city. I’ve worked my way up through the ranks. Was Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant. Most recently I was a Commander of Operations down at the sheriff’s office which was in charge of the contract policing. As you know last year Bud Olson, or at the beginning of the year Bud Olson retired. Jim Olson was elected Sheriff. There was an opening here at Chanhassen. I rose my hand and said I’d like to take that opportunity to work up at the City of Chanhassen and Jim Olson assigned me up here and I’m really happy to be here. Like I said I’ve worked with many of you as the contract manager and building the model that we have up here and I think we have an excellent model and I’m very proud of the work that we’ve done to build that model up here. This was my second week here as a liaison Lieutenant. I’ve met a number of employees here in the city of Chanhassen and I know I don’t have to tell you folks what a great group of people you have working here and I’m just really honored to be part of the team up here so I really appreciate that. I’m looking forward to working with all of you in the years to come to maintain and improve the contracting model we have here today so I’m looking forward to that. Second item is the monthly stats. I saw nothing out of the ordinary there but if you have some specific questions I’ll do my best to try and answer those questions for you. The third item is the kind of a flood update on Highway 101. I know that’s still closed. I got the most recent update today. They’re starting repairs as of this morning and they anticipate that will be opened in 1 to 2 weeks so that should open up all the traffic across the river there for us which will help traffic flow so. So that’s all I have if there’s any questions of me I’d be happy to answer those for you. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for Lieutenant Enevold? Councilman Laufenburger: I just had one Lieutenant. Welcome. Nice to have you back in Chanhassen I think. There was one of the reports that you had reflected a gun permit acquisition which seemed to be slightly higher than last year. Or actually not slightly. Significantly higher than last year. Any thoughts on why that might be? 4