EC SUM 2011 03 09 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting March 9, 2011 Members Present: Dennis Hansen, Beverly Foster, Amy Wenner, David Christianson, Robert Kircher Members Absent : J.R. Relick Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: February minutes were approved. Commissioner Interviews: The commission interviewed the following applicants: Jenna Rodenz, Noel Stiller, Matthew Myers, Peter Aldritt, Kathleen Mahannah and Glenn Kaufman. The commission discussed the interviews afterwards and compiled their recommendations. Arbor Day Poster Contest selection: The commission reviewed the submitted posters for the Arbor Day contest. A total of 95 entries were received from Bluff Creek Elementary, St. Hubert School and Excelsior Elementary. The commissioners picked their top winners from each school. There were a total of 13 runners-up and 1 grand prize winner. General Discussion:  Jill reminded commissioners that next month’s meeting with be a joint one with the Park and Rec commissioners to discuss Arbor Day activities. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 13 at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:10 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair