Email to Referral Agencies 03-24-2011Meuwissen, Kim From: Meuwissen, Kim Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 1:47 PM To: tod.sherman @dot.state.mn.us; 'ggrazcyk @co.carver.mn.us; 'john.gleason @dnr.state.mn.us; 'pmoline @co.carver.mn.us; ' schristopher @minnehahacreek.org; 'mvp -reg- inquiry@usace.army.mil' Cc: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen; Spreiter, Krista; Jeffery, Terry Subject: City of Chanhassen Referral Request for TH 41 Trail & Underpass Project Wetland Alteration Permit - Planning Case 2011 -03 TO: Tod Sherman, MnDOT Greg Grazcyk, Carver Soil & Water Conservation District Jack Gleason, MN DNR, Metro Region Waters Paul Moline, Carver County Planning and Water Management Steve Christopher, Minnehaha Creek Watershed Army Corps of Engineers Referral Agencies: Chanhassen City code requires a Wetland Alteration Permit for any alteration of a wetland of any size or type not subject to an exemption under section 20 -417 of Chanhassen City Code. The approval process for this permit requires review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council following the review and hearing procedures set forth for conditional use permits, in addition to, and regardless of, WCA regulatory procedures. These procedures require the following notification and referral process in which you have been included. The referral documents can be viewed on the City of Chanhassen's FTP site. To access the FTP site, please click on the following link and log in with the username and password listed below. Username: FTP CHN_PLAN Password: Plan!8076 All of the documents are in PDF format and can be viewed with Adobe Reader. After review of the documents, please respond with any comments to Krista Spreiter at 952- 227 -1173 or kspreiterLa by April 1, 2011. If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulty accessing the documents on the City's FTP site, please feel free to contact me for assistance.