CC Minutes 05-09-2011Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Bill Jensen: (Yes). Councilman Laufenburger: Is there any area in Chanhassen, city of Chanhassen right now where people are asking for cable that you are working to deliver it to them? Bill Jensen: Yes. There’s, and I forget the name of the development but it’s in an area, we have a density requirement and generally when you have a franchise in a city, you’re usually able to cover the entire city. But in this one particular area, and Todd is it Homestead? Todd Gerhardt: Yeah. It’s Homestead. Bill Jensen: Homestead. They’re a little bit further. There aren’t enough homes for us to internally justify the construction so we’re still trying to work that out because we want to, even though we might not be required to extend out there, we want to do the right thing in the city of Chanhassen and I’d like to come back and maybe one day get a plaque because we extended out to the Homestead area, you know. So I believe that’s the only area, that Homestead area and it’s just too sparse right now but we’re looking at it very seriously to do it without a customer contribution. Councilman Laufenburger: And just as a follow up to that, there are some new developments in Chanhassen. I’m assuming you’re working with those new developments? Bill Jensen: Absolutely. Absolutely. We try to get into all of these developments when the first trench is opened so, and we go to all of the pre-construction meetings and so it’s important for us to be in those developments. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Alright, thank you Mr. Jensen. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Anything else? Mr. Jensen, thank you for coming this evening. Bill Jensen: Thank you for having me. That you very much. Mayor Furlong: Very well, thank you. Let’s move on now to items under new business. CHANHASSEN BP, 7905 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD: REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN PERMIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REDEVELOP THE EXISTING CHANHASSEN BP CONVENIENCE STORE, CAR WASH AND GAS PUMP/CANOPY, APPLICANT: KHALED ALOUL. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. As you stated this is located on Great Plains Boulevard. Kind of showed you the context there. Just in the core of downtown and then the triangle on Great Plains and also two fronted along Highway 5. Want to show you some of the neighboring uses around there. You can see there is a gas station across the street, the Holiday which rebuilt a number of years ago and then the Valvoline and the car wash, which did have some concerns about this project which I’ll talk about in a minute. The Brown’s 13 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Automotive which also is kind of closer to the Highway 5 which screens it coming from the east. Our water treatment plant and some retail buildings around the site, and then of course the new th medical office building. This item did appear before the Planning Commission on April 19. Was voted 6-0 to recommend approval. Again the use is for site plan approval for 3,912 square feet and then a double car wash for 1,500 square feet and then the gas canopy and a conditional use permit, and I’ll go through those details in a minute but I just wanted to talk a little bit about the Planning Commission because there was some concerns again about the sight line, which I’ll discuss in a little bit further detail but they did kind of go through some of those slides and spend more time looking at the perspective and reviewing the impact of that development. And additionally since it did go before the Planning Commission, we did receive some comments from MnDOT regarding access so those conditions have been incorporated into the conditions of approval, and then also just some engineering issues regarding elimination of two existing copper services that they did…so with that the Planning Commission’s conditions and those were incorporated into your conditions for recommendation for tonight. So with that the conditional use permit is for gas pumps. When this project was originally approved, a conditional use permit was not required so in cleaning this up we’re looking at a conditional use permit. Also to allow two uses on one, two buildings on one site plan and then again a site plan approval for the gas station, car wash and the canopy itself. So the existing conditions as the site plan is shown here. The majority of the site then to the east of the property is green. This would be if you looked at, remember looking at the first slide and then behind it, or to the north of this would be the Valvoline and then the car wash and those are the two property owners that have the most concern about the change in use and the visibility. Staff did evaluate where the Valvoline sits up higher but because this building in this location, about 4 feet of the top of that building will be shown, and I’ll talk about that in a little bit more detail. One of the other issues is the setback between the existing buried tanks. Holiday did apply for a variance when this came in. We weren’t allowed to give variances. They’re not changing the separation between the two existing so the variance given to the Holiday gas station regarding separation of the gas tanks was applied to BP so they were actually benefitting because they’re not moving their tanks so it’s an existing non-conforming situation. Mayor Furlong: But excuse me, non-conforming because the neighboring property received a variance? Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Right. But they’re not changing the location of the tanks so the separation remains consistent. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: So there’s no change. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Kate Aanenson: For the conditional use then, as I mentioned, so it would be for the principle building and the car wash…as our code say in the Business Highway that it would be ancillary and then the pumps. There are 6 pumps there currently so they’re being slightly reconfigured. In your staff report on page 4 then we did go through kind of the standards that we have in our 14 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 City Code regarding the conditional use permit and most of those relate to, we don’t want to have cars stored out there that are in disrepair, and then that there’s not a lot of stacking inbetween the gas pumps or to reprise circulation. This site is a little tight regarding that but we want to make sure that they do follow those conditions that are required for the conditional use permit, and those are in the findings. So again you’re looking at the two different site plans there. The existing one with the canopy over it. The smaller building with the single bay so it’d be adding a second bay on the picture, on the second picture and then putting the convenience store to the back of the site. So some of the issues there regarded circulation to make sure you could get around the gas pumps and then to get to the car wash, so the challenge there was that internally the engineering department worked on was to get the circulation to go actually behind the store itself to get to the car wash because it’s a little bit tighter there. And so then the main entrance, the canopy needs to move just a little bit to make it work, but it will be able to be moved and meet the City Code requirements so it does meet all the setbacks and again this would be a one way drive. We’ve talked with the owner about some sort of queuing so you don’t get into the drive lane, if there’s 6 or 8 cars, there might be a wait, to let you know that there’s a lot of people already waiting to go through and around for the car wash. Otherwise there is a convenient way then between the car wash and the canopy, in this area here then to come in to go to the convenience store so you’d come in through here to park to go to the convenience store, or you’d go around then here to go to the car wash and it’s a one way drive. And then the trash is east of the site. So to kind of clarify that, when we overlaid the new site plan on the existing site plan, so the canopy shifts a little bit to provide that drive aisle, to get into the convenience store, and then you’d go around then so you can see where the existing vegetation’s going to be removed and then this will be replaced with the new landscaping plan so some of the concerns would be for the car wash and for Valvoline who we have spoke to where the sight lines. So some of the sight lines as I mentioned coming east, there’s a stand of trees here on the Hanus building and their sign that’s actually kind of screening the Valvoline site itself and they were concerned about some of the additional landscaping being placed on this site. We do have the trash on the eastern side so we did want to screen that so we’re working through those issues regarding the specific landscape plan. The building itself meets all the design standards. It’s a highly articulated building for the gas station. Roof top equipment so there is a parapet wall which does add a little bit more to the height of that but it is along Highway 5 so we did want to screen it and that’s kind of the prep area where the coolers would be on the top so, and the height requirement, there’s 4 feet would be the least amount of you could see of Valvoline but there’s areas you would actually see closer to 7 feet. So this is the building itself. Again very articulated, well designed building. …as showing you those trees that would be removed and those are where the dumpster would be in that location and so we’re looking at on that A and B some additional articulation and some screening on that side. Another issue is then the canopy for the gas station and the car wash, so the canopy itself, we don’t allow the logo. The raised logo so it will be in conformance with the City ordinance as a condition of approval. Lighting. Recessed lighting underneath the canopy and then they do have a non-conforming sign which is shown there on the right and the way our sign ordinance reads is that you can have a 20 foot high sign if you’re in the Highway 5 district but it has to be over 50,000 square feet. Because this building is smaller, it’s less than 50,000 square feet, they are in compliance with this 64, 16 foot tall sign. Typically if that was to come in today we’d actually have them put a monument, a similar block on the base of that to match the building and hopefully they will consider that and kind of make that look a little bit nicer there to bring it into 15 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 conformance. It’s a little bit too close also to the right-of-way as of today’s standards. I think when additional right-of-way was taken for that Great Plains so they don’t want to lose that non- conforming right so they’re going to keep that sign where it’s located today. Mayor Furlong: And I’m sorry, could you explain again Ms. Aanenson why it’s non- conforming. Kate Aanenson: It’s a little too close to the street. And the other issue is… Mayor Furlong: Okay, so the location of the sign? Kate Aanenson: Yeah, and then today we actually asked them to be consistent with the architecture of the building so today we would have them probably put something here, some block that would match the building itself. Mayor Furlong: But the physical, the size and the area. Kate Aanenson: It is consistent. Mayor Furlong: Is consistent with our ordinance. Kate Aanenson: That’s correct so it’s just the location and then a little bit in the design. And I just want to mention too for the Valvoline, you recently, I think within the last year gave Valvoline redid their store front so they came in and they had a non-conforming sign because it’s actually about 18 feet high and it does not have Highway 5 frontage. It was a non-conforming sign. That was back when we could do variances so we allowed them, because they reduced the non-conformity of that sign and actually made it look nicer so they do have a tall sign for their visibility so we also pointed that out to the Planning Commission as a part of their concern about the visibility factor. So I did, I just want to show you a little bit about the landscaping and this was some of the issue about the size and how that would look and what that would do for screening but again the staff’s concern is, or point is that I think there’s more on the Hanus building regarding screening than this would be based on it’s height because those, that landscaping’s taller and sitting up closer to the building so they have provided for the trash circulation. So again parking meets all the standards. They just have to move the handicapped site itself so that that meets the parking stalls. There is a sidewalk that goes along Highway 5. There’s also access to get in the convenience. They are at the maximum for the hard surface coverage. Otherwise they would probably put a sidewalk along this segment here but because their right-of-way goes right to that point, they didn’t have any additional hard surface to give up. So with that there is a landscaping plan. Again very nice. Nice building. Nice landscaping plan. A nice asset to kind of warming up that corner of the downtown. A gateway to the city. So with that the staff is recommending approval of the conditions outlined in the staff report for the conditional use and for the site plan and adoption of the Findings of Fact and I’d be happy to answer any questions that you have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Questions of staff. Councilwoman Tjornhom. 16 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah you just touched on it but I still want to understand. When I was looking at this about the handicap parking spot, just seemed not making sense where it was. Kate Aanenson: It needs to be closer to the door. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah, like I say I didn’t understand why it was so far back from the front door. And how come there’s only one? Kate Aanenson: I believe based on the square footage that’s what, all they’re required. Of the building. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Other questions for staff? Councilwoman Tjornhom, did you have any more at this time? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Not at this time. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Where will they be filling the tanks below when the trucks come in to put the gas in the tanks? Do you know where that is? Kate Aanenson: I believe, I’m not positive if it’s in the green area. The applicant’s here, I believe the architect’s here so maybe they can address that. Todd Gerhardt: Those little circles. Kate Aanenson: That’s what I think they were these little circles. Todd Gerhardt: Yep. Kate Aanenson: That’s what I thought. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Those circles by where the parking spots are? Kate Aanenson: I don’t know if you can see that or not. Can I have the architect answer that question. Mayor Furlong: Okay, good evening sir. Why don’t you just come forward and you’re next anyway. Russ Rosa: Russ Rosa. I’m the architect working for the owner on the BP design here. Currently where you see the circles, where she’s pointing at, that is the general location of the existing underground tanks. We’re going to do a remote fill from those tanks. I’m not sure 17 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 exactly where we’re going to spot those yet but they’re going to be pulled away from those parking stalls. Councilwoman Tjornhom: So there won’t be a truck parked right there and people not being able to back up because. Russ Rosa: You know I can’t tell you where the truck is going to park. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. Russ Rosa: But I’m sure the owner is going to you know have the truck come at a convenient time of the day when there isn’t a lot of parking there. Mayor Furlong: But I’m sorry, the circles that are there now, that’s where the current. Russ Rosa: That’s where the current fill locations. Mayor Furlong: Fill locations are but as part of your plans you will be working on. Russ Rosa: We’re going to relocate the actual fill location. The tanks are going to stay where they are. Mayor Furlong: Right. Okay. But at this point you don’t know where you’re relocating. Russ Rosa: They’re working through that with the gasoline supplier. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilwoman Tjornhom: And as you come in from, not 5. Is it? Kate Aanenson: Great Plains. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Great Plains, thank you. I see there’s like Lots 1 and parking spots 1 and 2. Is that correct? Are those parking spots? Kate Aanenson: Yes. There’s some parallel spots there. Yes, and then along here, yes. Those can be overflow or even here it might be for employees. Mayor Furlong: I guess to follow up on the fill locations. Is there anything in our ordinance that speaks to location of the fill location relative to the building? Kate Aanenson: No. Yeah, it’s more as a operator issue. They want to make sure that they’re not blocking their store and convenience and so, I’m sure the State regulates that more than we would. Mayor Furlong: Okay. 18 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah because right now where those circles are, that would certainly block everybody if it was busy or you know park there so. And explain once again how you’re going to let people know that there are like 10 cars stacked waiting to wash their cars. Russ Rosa: Well we had some discussion with the Planning Commission about that. Actually I think city staff and right where it shows the striped area right now, where we were going to have the handicap stall, actually probably up. Someplace on either side. We’re thinking of having some kind of a small electronic notification sign that says currently there’s 5 cars queued or. Councilwoman Tjornhom: How many minutes you have to wait or. Russ Rosa: Or there’s a 5 minute wait or whatever. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Because once you get in there it looks like you won’t be able to get out. Kate Aanenson: You’re committed. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah, so once you’re in… Russ Rosa: That’s right. You’re committed to going around. Mayor Furlong: Other questions? Why don’t we go ahead and allow you to present anything you want and then that may follow up on questions as long as you’re here so, is there anything you’d like to present to the council this evening sir? Russ Rosa: Only that the owner is excited about improving his property there and re-building and expanding and creating a nice business for town. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any concerns about the comments or issues brought up at the Planning Commission? Russ Rosa: No. I think he’s on board with all of the recommendations. Mayor Furlong: Alright, thank you. With regard to the issue of landscaping on the northeastern portion of the property and Ms. Aanenson what you were describing was concerns from the neighboring property owners. What’s the fall off there, the topography at that site? Does it fall off fairly quickly? Kate Aanenson: Yeah you can see there’s a slope going up. This would be the Hanus building that you’re looking at. This is where the most of the trees are. Actually at that, let me just see. I showed the Planning Commission. Actually Angie Auseth who worked on this actually went out, took some slides. Here we go. Kind of some different perspectives so we labeled those. So this is probably the best view you have right now and that’s when you’re right in front of it for Valvoline. When you’re looking down the long stretch there’s plenty of walking… 19 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Mayor Furlong: And that’s where the building will be. Kate Aanenson: Right, so this is another perspective right now where you can see, what you’ll still see kind of that top portion of it and you’ll see the Valvoline back here. Mayor Furlong: Oh the canopy. Kate Aanenson: Right, and that’s still probably what you’re going to see so that hadn’t changed too much. So I think that’s what we kind of. Mayor Furlong: What’s the height of the building relative to the height of the canopy? Kate Aanenson: Well again it’s got that parapet so the smallest portion you’ll see is at least 4 feet and up to 7 feet of the Valvoline building. Actually Alyson Fauske in engineering looked at that so the elevations you know, again the 4 feet with the parapet and without the parapet about 7 ½ feet is what. Mayor Furlong: Above the canopy? I’m confused. Kate Aanenson: I’m sorry. I’m looking at the bottom of the footprint of the elevation so from the elevation up, you know the difference would be, that would be the. Mayor Furlong: Given the elevation, given the design of the building, what’s the highest point of the building going to be relative to the canopy? Or the highest point of the canopy. Is it about the same? Kate Aanenson: Yeah, BP is 21 feet and the Valvoline’s 15 but you have to remember that they’re sitting, Valvoline’s sitting up quite a bit higher so that’s why I was using the lowest floor elevation. So there’s a 10 foot elevation change so. Mayor Furlong: So is the new BP building above, the height of that about the same as the height of their canopy? Kate Aanenson: Correct. Yeah you can see, well except for the parapet. Mayor Furlong: And the parapet is just that segment… Kate Aanenson: That one segment with the refrigeration on the one side. You’ll see 4 feet there. Then coming from a different perspective you’ll see closer to 7 ½ feet. So you can see where the Valvoline sign is right now and that’s your window. You can see that’s higher, or taller than. Because it doesn’t have Highway 5 frontage, that’s the legal non-conforming part and they changed their marketing of their brand. How they displayed it so. Mayor Furlong: Okay. 20 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Kate Aanenson: So that you’ll still see. Again this is looking from the other concern was the car wash that’s immediately to the north of this site so again that shouldn’t change too much. There will be some additional landscaping in that back area but that will be lower and again that’s got a much taller roof so you’ll still see that portion. This is a better perspective of the sign actually closer to the frontage. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: Let’s see what else I’ve got here. We looked at that one. Councilman Laufenburger: Could you go back one? Kate Aanenson: Yep. Councilman Laufenburger: Right there. Is that, now that’s the entrance and the exit. Is that going to remain exactly as it is? Kate Aanenson: Correct. Councilman Laufenburger: It is? Kate Aanenson: Correct. Councilman Laufenburger: So then here’s another perspective of that and that’s the existing car wash that will still remain approximately the same height so that you would still see and that’s, but that’s coming out of kind of the Holiday. Councilman Laufenburger: Yep. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Lighting, there was a portion of the staff report dealing with lighting and shielding of lighting. Is lighting here comparable to the Holiday lighting or is it brighter? Less? Kate Aanenson: Yeah, we always check. Mayor Furlong: Same. Kate Aanenson: We always check to make sure it’s recessed into the canopy and then the rest of it’s all downcast so it shouldn’t be any brighter. Mayor Furlong: And I guess my question is, is not only is it not any brighter but is it the same illumination or is Holiday operating under an old set of rules? Kate Aanenson: Nope. It could be the similar, yeah. Mayor Furlong: Alright. And overall with regard to the conditional use permit site plan based upon the conditions, everything is in conformity with our ordinances? 21 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. It’s variance free. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: There’s some non-conforming uses that they were able to work into their site plan. Mayor Furlong: To reduce or eliminate? Kate Aanenson: Well. Mayor Furlong: The non-conforming, well for example the sign. Kate Aanenson: The sign and the separation of the gas tanks. Those are all able to work into their site plan. Mayor Furlong: Yep. Kate Aanenson: So I think it was a challenging site. They wanted to maximize that triangle piece, which actually is a good thing. Let me just go back to that site plan real quick. So I think in that respect they laid it out very nicely. Go back to the site plan here real quick. Sorry. So if you look at you know taking advantage of the triangle shape, so because you had that and trying to get the circulation. You have the existing location of the gas tanks that they were trying to fill. The existing opening so there was some challenges so I think the architect working with the input from the planning staff and engineering staff did a really good job responding to all those concerns and making it work. And making it a very attractive building on top of that. Mayor Furlong: Very good, thank you. Any other questions? Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Do you see foresee any problems with traffic on Great Plains Boulevard during the demo or during the building process? Kate Aanenson: I don’t think so. The turning moving there on, coming out is I think more problematic in the winter when there’s snow up on the. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah, there’s that bank… Kate Aanenson: Bank of snow that there’s problems to turning that way but I think during the construction season that it should be fine but we can certainly check on that during construction and make sure that we’re not, it’s not causing problems. Mayor Furlong: Alright. If there are no other questions, there was a public hearing held at the Planning Commission, correct? Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. 22 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Mayor Furlong: I don’t know, is there anybody here that would like to provide public comment this evening? If not, bring it to council then for thoughts and comments and a motion. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I just want to say it’s a great looking building. I mean I think it’s going to look really nice on Highway 5 when people are driving by and I’m just thrilled they’re doing it so I wish them luck and thank you. Mayor Furlong: Good. Other thoughts, comments? Councilman Laufenburger: I really appreciated the work the Planning Commission did in examining all the questions. All of the sight lines and it sounds like based on the architect that the owner is ready to you know make adjustments as necessary so good cooperation with, between staff and applicant and Planning Commission. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst. Councilwoman Ernst: I just want to say I think it’s a great improvement and I look forward to driving by it. I think it’s a great addition. Mayor Furlong: Maybe stopping in and filling up a tank once in a while. That’s why they’re doing it. Councilwoman Ernst Just for me…right. No, you did a great job. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. I would concur. I think it’s nice to see a good project coming forward. It’s nice as comments were made, the cooperation with staff and working with staff up front and through the process to come up with a really good, good new project. A good new site plan and fully utilizing the site and all the other reasons and to see businesses investing in Chanhassen is also a positive statement that’s being made here and for that we’re grateful and humbled and we appreciate the effort that’s going forward on the part of the property owner and all involved so thank you to everyone that was involved from the staff, the applicant and the Planning Commission and others as well. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Maybe that big construction crane is making people think. Mayor Furlong: There you go. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Starting a trend. Mayor Furlong: We’re open for business. Would somebody like to make a motion? Councilman McDonald: Sure I’ll go ahead and do it. Mayor Furlong: Mr. McDonald. 23 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 Councilman McDonald: Chanhassen City Council approves a conditional use permit for a convenience store with gas pumps and to permit multiple buildings on a single lot, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated received March 21, 2011 for property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH), located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to conditions 1 through 6. And then the second part of that would be the Chanhassen City Council approves a site plan for a 3,915 square foot one story convenience store, 1,503 square foot double car wash and a 32 foot by 74 foot 8 inch gas canopy, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated received March 21, 2011 for property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH), located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to conditions 1 through 4. And number 3, adopt the Findings of Fact and recommendations. Mayor Furlong: Thank you Mr. McDonald. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none we’ll proceed with the vote. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for a convenience store with gas pumps and to permit multiple buildings on a single lot, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated received 3/21/2011, for property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH), located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to the following conditions: 1.No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on premises. 2.No repair, assembly, disassembly of vehicles. 3.No outside speaker system shall be allowed without approval from the City Council. 4.No sales, storage or display of used automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain vehicles shall be permitted. 5.Facilities for the collection of waste oil must be provided. 6.A minimum separation of 213 feet is required between the nearest gas pumps on the subject site and Holiday Station located across Great Plains Boulevard. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approvethe Site Plan for a 3,915 square-foot, one-story convenience store, 1,503 square-foot double car wash, and a 32-foot by 74-foot 8-inch gas canopy, plans prepared by Rosa Architects dated received 3/21/2011, for property located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard subject to the following conditions: 1.Building Official 24 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 a.The proposed structures (if area exceeds 2000 square feet) are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems (MN Rule 1306). b.All plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Geotechnical (soil evaluation) report required. c.The canopy over the pumps must be constructed of non-combustible materials or materials equivalent to one-hour fire-resistive construction. d.Detailed building code related requirements have not been reviewed; this will take place when complete structural/architectural plans are submitted. e.The proposed accessible parking space must be relocated to be “on the shortest accessible route of travel” (MSBC 1341.1106.6) to an accessible building entrance (suggested alternative would be parking space 10 or 11 with adjacent 8-foot access aisle). f. A separate demolition permit will be required if demolition is intended prior to building permit issuance. g. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 2.Forester a.Applicant shall increase bufferyard plantings to meet minimum requirements for the west property line. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the City prior to building permit issuance. 3.Engineering and Water Resources a.The main drive aisle to the convenience store must be revised so that it is minimum 26 feet wide. The area under the canopy cannot be included in the drive aisle width. b.The developer must obtain a MnDOT permit for the sidewalk connection to the Highway 5 trail on the south side of the site. c.The developer must ensure that the sidewalk connection does not create a localized low point on the west side of the sidewalk connection. d.The grading near the northeast corner of the proposed building must be revised so that it is minimum 3:1. e.If a retaining wall is installed near the northeast corner of the building, the owner must obtain an encroachment agreement since the wall would be located within the sanitary sewer easement. 25 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 f.Any encroachment into a drainage and utility easement must be approved by the Engineering Department and an encroachment agreement must be obtained. g.The sanitary sewer line must be televised before and after construction to ensure that the grading equipment does not damage the sanitary sewer. h.The new water service must be wet tapped. i.Contact Kevin Crooks at 952-227-1311 a minimum of three working days before the water service and sewer service connection. j.A $7,600 cash escrow must be submitted to ensure that the street is properly patched after the water service connection is made. This escrow will be released if the street patch is in good condition after one freeze-thaw cycle has passed. k.A $500 cash escrow must be submitted to ensure that proper erosion and sediment control is employed. This escrow will be released once final stabilization is achieved per MPCA rules. l.The 6-inch private watermain north of the building must be minimum of 10 feet from the existing 10-inch trunk sanitary sewer. m.City standard detail plate 5300 shall be used on C3. n.Indicate on plan set how filtration area is to be protected from sedimentation and compaction due to heavy equipment traffic. o.Sheet C1 shows the minimum anticipated sediment and erosion control measures. These will need to change if they prove inadequate or if site and/or climatic conditions change. This needs to be indicated on sheet C1 or otherwise communicated with the selected contractor. p.All disturbed soils must be stabilized with 14 days after cessation of grading activities. q.An operations and maintenance manual shall be completed and provided to the city for the infiltration feature. r.The two existing one-inch copper water services must be abandoned at the watermain. s.Access control should be shown on the site plan. MnDOT right-of-way must be clearly labeled. The site plan should identify the B-corners, as shown in Minnesota th Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plat No. 10-4, dated January 28, 1991. 26 Chanhassen City Council - May 9, 2011 t.The right should be shown as the north line of the triangle piece denoted Parcel 209B, as shown in Minnesota Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plat No. 10-4, th dated January 28, 1991. u.The MnDOT right-of-way line along the west property line must be clearly noted on the plan. v.The developer shall submit a plan showing construction limits and a proposed typical sidewalk pavement section. w.The plan should relocate the section of sidewalk that ties into the TH 5 sidewalk to a position that has the least impacts to the existing trees. The plan should also show the grading impacts and measures taken for tree protection. x.A Storm Water Permit is required by MnDOT. 5. General a.One additional fire hydrant is required to be located northwest of the building between the car wash service road and the proposed building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal Mark Littfin at 952-227-1151 for the exact location. b.All sidewalk connections shall comply with ADA requirements. c.The fenestration on the east elevation shall be increased to meet city code requirements. d.The canopy may contain a one-dimensional stripe only; no other signage or exterior lighting may be on the canopy. e.The lighting within the canopy shall be recessed; no external lighting on the canopy is permitted. f.All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: 27